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Will you play a part in Oculus' next VR movie? The 3:59 Podcast with Roger Cheng & Ben Fox Rubin

they're on YouTube get ready for the free 59 podcast with Roger Cheng and Ben Fox Rubin woo welcome happy thursday thursday already that means it's a la i look for us i know it just zip by earnings that's how it happened awesome yeah i love u ur you've got a cup you've got one today so I've got to Amazon tonight and they're expected to post a big profit so we see if Jeff Bezos actually follows through with that by the way did you know Jeff Bezos with some Star Trek the last short cut yeah yeah yeah I saw those stories that guy is living out every single one of his childhood dreams so that's what you can do when you're a billionaire I should I should have become a billionaire what was I hey I know your career path was away messed up we chose journalist terrible um so welcome to the 259 sorry for a little ramble where we're just about to start taping we're gonna be talking about a couple stories time on oculus and sort of the the next evolution of VR entertainment and our storytelling if you are storytelling and how you know us the audience will potentially play a part in it and then we'll be talking about Facebook Facebook's earnings Grand Slam thanks to mobile and their surprise yeah not really well and then lastly Apple song it's billion phone who's got your son stats for the podcast I know that's what you all come for stats three days running of apple stuff on the podcast yeah I know we'll try to do better next week we have to redirect to Pokemon go or sometimes I feel like our audience is craving Pokemon go stuff which by the way i evolved a what's the one with two heads yesterday inter de mando do today oh it's crazy i'm super proud of myself i I only know that because I did the same thing like a few days ago yeah they're a lot of them out here right them and zubat Saudis lots of piggies I got I got a Pokemon go reference into the podcasts there you go happy about that all right as always if you have any questions about the topics of the day leave them in the comments section our producer Brian will pick out the best questions we will try to answer them to the best of our ability after the f the pot after the the formal taping of the podcast so I uh Brian while we get started ready to take away menu are all right to plug in 3 2 welcome to the 359 when we talk about the top tech news of the day and all the other crap we want to throw in I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox Rubin so our own Jones salzman chatted with the co-founder of oculus story studio who hinted that the next chapter v our entertainment content be putting us in the story are you at the story rather the piece right did I yes of course I read it yes it shows piece I hope you read it I read it in VR alright what do you think those that is that what's going to get us to finally embrace virtual reality in a real way maybe I look I think it's a really exciting idea to create this new form of storytelling but at the same time like the movies probably took years I would imagine to really try to develop like what it is that's unique about the movies right I think the same thing as can be said about VR it's gonna take a long time for them to tool or sugar out what exactly it is yeah vr has its own challenges right like because it's completely immersive 360 the director really has to tell the viewer way to look you know what's-what's or the relevant point of reference right so yeah the action would be happening in one direction you could be staring at a completely different direction well that's so that's a very good point I actually tried like like a small vr story yeah in Google cardboard and I kind of felt like they're just constantly creating my head to try to figure out where that point of reference was yes that was like they were trying to embrace what it is to have VR where it's like 360 but I just kind of felt a little annoying look maybe the idea of putting you in the content have you direct the traffic so to speak a little bit will definitely kind of help with that yeah we'll see definitely all right next up Facebook had another strong quarter no surprise there and again it's all about mobile so what was what was kind of interesting about this is that Facebook live has now emerged as like a really important way yep to share breaking news which gives facebook even more importance in our lives I know it's so I think for a lot of people that's where they're getting their news right now that's where they're getting their news and video yeah so yeah with Facebook a lot they definitely have a hit on there I mean periscope and meerkat kind of you know the fate of it right like it started with me or cat you believe this go right maybe periscope to a certain extent but yeah meerkat is already pivoted periscope isn't really a significant and Facebook live has really taken off so right I mean we'll we'll see what they do to try to continue to monetize it I guess because I don't think that they're doing that much with it but as people continue to use it it's just another way to get you to just spend your life on facebook yep which is sadly what I do so one quick statistic to is that mobile ad revenue the bread and butter is ad revenue yeah from mobile eighty-four percent of the total without really impressive I mean that's a real contrast from a few years ago when their strategy was completely scattershot they didn't know what they were doing mobile and all the Sun they're back in it yeah all right lastly it's official apple last week sold its one billionth iphone now i have some interesting stats it actually took 27 years to sell 1 million pcs 131 years to get 1 billion cars on the road globally and 49 years for Disney's theme park so welcome it's one billionth guest and the iphone is only nine years old so pretty impressive right yes you also self-serving yes fine absolutely fine a job good job Apple kudos Apple yeah for taking all of our money but the real question is what happens with the next billion right like does Apple sustain its momentum for the last nine years oh god probably not i mean like we've already been seeing you know some sort of stutter with that big smartphone so we've been at Peaks we've been at peace smartphone for a while right yeah i would i would say so but good for them for getting to a billion that quickly it's yep really impressive so and it's all because of the iphone SE no that's not true i'm probably not your last reason they got all right y know more about these stories check us out on cnet I'm Roger Cheng I'm Ben Fox Rubin thanks for listening and that's a cut on the recording oh my god we actually made right at four minutes amazing right we are getting good at this we only had to do almost a hundred of us all right where they six right cheese it took eighty six rides 86 yeah that I would have never never expected that yeah alright well look we've by the way the other stat they gave that I think it says much longer Cole Cole stat was actually kind of cool 58 years to manufacture 1 billion gallons of Coca Cola syrup yes 1 billion per row so these are these are definitely self-serving numbers but they're it's definitely impressive I mean we're talking about the billion pcs 27 years to sell 1 million pcs he's built by everybody don't buy everybody whereas these are a billion just iphone right it was just smartphones that's one thing but this is just it's one brand one company yeah pretty impressive I would say so yeah do we have any questions right don't require we taking questions we haven't gotten anything yet then it's thursday yes i know it's everyone's on vacation um no I guess we're not taking questions we'll just I mean if there any questions a pop-up definitely jump in but well I'm kind of interested would you guys participate in a VR movie personally uh yeah I mean I look I think the idea of the pitches up that's always been given to me is imagine yourself in an episode of Game of Thrones or you're like in the middle of the battle like yes sign me up for that completely you know the story it sort of takes it almost to the next level where you may not be like the main character but you're a side character we can actually affect or interact with the scene around you I mean it's not going to be a game of thrones per se it would probably be some sort of computer-generated thing but that idea is definitely has a lot of potential for me like I find that really fascinate yes definitely as an ideal however going back to what I said during the podcast I think it's gonna take a really long time for them to get there oh yeah so we try to tool around and figure out like what actually makes sense to have a character influencing a storyline what are you actually supposed to look at what's the pacing different things like that yeah but my guess is gonna be really like this is a lot of these experiences are the way relatively short to 15 20 minutes like I don't imagine you sitting there we're standing there with your the our goggles for an hour and a half two hours that just seems like a really excessive amount of time to be in a VR system like I don't know how long you spent using like the vibe with the oculus rift it's it's not that comfortable after a while like yeah if you start to feel the weight that I behind said yeah yeah definitely it would also be interesting to see what level of interaction you might have with like other people let's say you're all watching like a movie together or like whatever you would describe yeah yeah yeah what the social ramifications are for this you you're not veering into like there was there was a lot of this and dymond age which is uh which is a book I don't read I'm illiterate who was I Stevenson I'm gonna say neal stephenson okay so and someone was for it was this interactive like theatre show we were like part of the show and it was it was like this cacophony of activity again um that was that was kind of what was perceived where there was this big social element and there was no such thing as like a fourth wall you were like part of the action so was there that that was the plane the West in Chelsea right Oh God but was a new bras yeah I forget the for the name that right right i really look it up but it said say interactive play where it's like multi feels much more techie focus so yes exactly was it Hamlet or was it if it was the one that's at the hotel yes ah man I'm blanking right now yeah I'm just say Williams can't remember but it's it was one of the Shakespeare plays but it was like played like a different accent it four floors and you can walk up and down and could reverse the sequence and it was each act was and is totally interactive like you could like go on part of it you can walk around it you can talk i think you could talk to the actors they don't respond back to you but like they're still doing their whole play but that's kind of like we should get scotts time to talk about this stuff which I feel like that's that's all he ever does when he has time office yeah weird interactive place and they tweet about the style more speak no more sleep no more okay all right yeah the okay so consider that yeah you don't have to leave your house yeah that would be the VR benefit potential is promising it i I just I think it's very cool that oculus is trying to do this yep I just think that they're gonna have a lot of like hits and misses on their hands until they actually figure out what exactly right it's interesting that the the co-founder of luck Astoria studios is for more pics our guy yeah that's you know it says a lot for the credit there so this street cred yeah you basically like you can't do anything animation related without going to like Pixar DreamWorks dream mark story works you know all right so a nuke as a question yeah it's a bit off topic but he he wants to know if you would recommend waiting or going ahead to buy the current macbook pro that's way off topic but we can answer that question we did you guys are the experts I would probably wait wait when's the next macbook pro expected to come out not in September right I think there's gonna be a refresh but the thing is it's well actually you could technically by now you could but they look the the key issue is that the latest processor that's out there or there won't be like another new processor that comes out this year from Intel right so there's not gonna be like a faster step up next generation a macbook pro they might come out with one that's got some like more resonance yeah but they always think something in terms of pure speed and processing power you're not gonna get that huge step up not until next year at least so I'm kind of sort of maybe in the market for a new laptop okay and dan ackerman our PC guru says you can't go wrong getting a macbook pro because there's the macbook lowes macbook air right you are going to spend a little bit more money on the macbook pro obviously but out of the entire line it's kind of the best of all worlds yes oh yeah you're not gonna be disappointed I guess if you do end up yeah my point is that I don't think if you're waiting for a huge step up version with with more processing power I don't think that's gonna be showing up this year yeah definitely and that's that's across the board for all laptops not just max that's right Windows PCs are not going to get any kind of huge bump this year you could expect one maybe early next year right so if you do wait you might have to wait goes backwards law yeah your favorite topic let's keep mentoring oh we just lost another viewer I got a comment from a voice of ghosts which is back on topic they say VRR would be great if it could be used in interviews and shows like this could we have someone on in VR in the show ooh what would that even yeah how would that work would would would we have to be wearing VR yeah whatever won't be wearing the headset or with someone be wearing a headset and virtually be here I feel like a hologram might make delivery with owes them for schoo style like in Star yeah we could we could do like well we don't have the technology for it here cnet but I'm sure that could be achieved somewhere I mean that's not a bad idea i mean the idea of everyone wearing goggles and sitting in their own like home doing this show and then maybe three digital avatars in a central place I don't know Oh what like we could we can have any idea what I said we hit us back voice of goats we want your ideas yeah please blah will steal your idea if it's really great and we could actually do it yeah I mean if it really takes off I guess like the concept of IRL will cease to exist yes we're gonna make the novelty that'll be the novelty yeah yeah yeah like you go on vacation by going alike going out to I don't know McDonald's right let me look what if I'm working from home I could I could do it from my my office in my apartment or we could have Katie Collins on from London we could have Maggie weird and on from Philadelphia shore of course it between digital avatars not actual real people but no then they get to the point where like they can get three really accurate representations of us pretty soon we will never have to actually see each other in the flesh oh I can't wait for that day right oh that Michigan's a good like like a cool like blue dragon or something like that right yeah pokemon if you want yeah leave the big blue dragon I can't breathe I don't know like instead of fire dad I don't know Pikachu no hashtag been gyarados Reuben yes well you could be been dragging Berlin sure drop the Fox it could always realize you didn't want to be a flaw like a virtual like giant Fox yeah yeah yeah I could do that a nine tailed fox um sure it's a mythical agency this VR stuff is now starting terrified I'm not ready for the future I don't like this I'm well I'm totally embracing it i can't wait for it to come in a real big way like the stuff was seen is really cool i can he tried to star wars vr demo yeah yeah i mean that's a class you're gonna get to that was coming closer lightsaber and actually like using in a real way that I felt was a an enjoyable representation what VR storytelling could be um it was short sweet and to the point I probably would have wanted it to be a little bit more interactive but it was no lightsaber battle be and was convicted I mean it definitely helps you I noticed like I I must look like an idiot I was just sorta like I got a racket I just what room with with all right and then Han Solo comes in Saints makes it one more before we wrap it up yeah far up do you think we are from a more consumer-friendly VR scenario one that doesn't involve a really high-end PC or lots of expensive equipment that's gonna take a while well no I feel like I would argue it's already here in some ways if you've got like a gear VR okay there are these you know cheap pants headsets there about a hundred bucks if you go on ebay there's actually a ton of them that experience isn't that great because it uses that the cardboard technology from google so it's not super polished but i mean some of that VR experience is here it's it's it's pretty approachable but just need to get a flavor for what if you get a flavor for you it's nothing that's justifies the actual purchase of it like if you get a if you get a VR headset with free with the samsung phone I think it's fine it's great like I don't know they wouldn't want to buy it I think alcatel is doing the same thing they're bundling a phone with a VR headset and that's that's a great entry in the VR and difficult you flavor what things are going to look like part of the problem is the content isn't quite there yet right all others just sort of its cool and interesting for a few minutes but you know I get kind of tired of it so yeah I i personally think it is going to take a while for them to speed up the processors yeah shrink everything down yeah and make it much much happy that high-end experience that you get an oculus or HTC vive that stuff is gonna take a little while and it is it's a step up it's definitely more immersive does a better job fool you into thinking you're actually in a different world but it's yeah it's it's a ways away from regular people actually investing in the stuff yeah so all right let's uh let's wrap things up for the week I want any last questions no I think that's about it for this week all right great in a good week busy week thank you very much yep yeah not thanks to you I did an amazing job all right as always a few like anything you saw or heard here check us out on cnet com our podcast is also available on itunes google play and various other services such as planned saw soundcloud feedburner and something tuned in tuned in nicely done there you go All Right see y'all next week all right Oh
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