Wink Hub: A $49 way to connect nearly everything in your smart home
Wink Hub: A $49 way to connect nearly everything in your smart home
hi I'm Scott Stein and I'm here in New
York with the wink connected home what
does this mean while smart homes are
getting ever more complicated with the
number of products that are out there
and the wink hub is a new $49 product
that's gonna be available at Home Depot
and Amazon that's going to access
several different smart connected
product networks together and work
wirelessly to knit them into one
experience on a wink app they're going
to be hundreds of products that work and
there are six radios built into this hub
Lutron kitty z-wave ZigBee also Wi-Fi
and bluetooth if you're into smart home
you know what that means if you don't
well don't worry it's meant to be simple
to set up and you can also use it to set
up little chain connection things like
if you open your door something else
turns on in your kitchen maybe your oven
or your lights something like if this
then that if you're a techie but if you
don't they call it robot so that all
works of the wink app if you buy a
connected product at Home Depot they
lower the price to $24.99 and if you buy
two they're promoting it that it goes
down to 99 cents so it's meant to be
super affordable and you don't have to
plug it into your router you just keep
that in the corner of your home and it
works with the wireless products that
are already out there in your home and
it tells you how to set them up there
gonna be a lot of connected products in
the smart home coming soon and a lot of
competing eco systems potentially and
other hubs like those from staples but
Winx is ready to go starting july 7th
and guess what they're gonna work with
android where there's gonna be an app so
stay tuned to see how that works it's
gonna be interesting
I'm Scott Stein here at the wink model
home in New York
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