it's just going around collecting a
bunch of mutants and then at the end he
blows it well but that said that I mean
it's over to really i'm taking left the
whole script
I've got to say I'm a little bit over
magneto I mean I love magneto and I
think Fassbender's really good at it he
brings a real kind of gravitas to it
he's a proper proper actor proper acting
but there's a single-tier isn't that one
point weighs like I weep for all of the
metal that I've yeah that's the thing
there's so many experts only great
characters in it who get like three
lines and then we spend half a movie
what she might need to get sad about
humans again like yeah already angry at
humans we kind of know that yeah I took
issue a little bit with the with the
sort of wife and child sets up firstly
like that doesn't seem like the sort of
lone wolf magneto that we've come come
to love like if he's going to develop in
that way and become attached to some
other humans you sort of want to watch
that happen it's a shame for instance of
happened between the movies and then of
course the two of them just get fridge
immediately sort of like killed purely
to sort of further his character
motivations which is rubbish especially
considering that his daughter appeared
to have the coolest x-men never talking
to the animals she's got like a sort of
snow white thing going on yeah the
soundtracks amazing you've got an early
heavy metal you've got Metallica you got
venom and then you've got the Eurythmics
and people like that I love the kind of
like the punk East Berlin yeah thing
that was really cool yeah and the
clothes are amazing like Jubilees Yellow
Jacket mean that's the time that jacket
is going to work that's amazing it's a
real shame that Jubilee doesn't have
anything to do at all that's a bit of a
wasted opportunity yeah she'll be in the
next one but sat night crawlers like the
thriller oh yeah it kind of carry that
spills over a little bit too much
there's the professor x is wearing the
kind of purple v-neck jumper throughout
the film and it's fun through most of
the film but in the end when he's like
in the kind of big psychic showdown he's
still with this divorce gonna be neck
yeah doesn't quite work but apart from
that I love the 80s setting
I didn't think too much of Apocalypse
yeah which is a shame cuz Oscar Isaac is
great and he's had a great year with the
last year with ex machina and the force
awakens a big amarin exactly an Odom
great see him as a proper villain but
he's under all that makeup and I've got
to admit I didn't ever really quite know
what he was doing it's like sometimes
he's talking like he wants to destroy
everything yeah and and then sometimes
he's talking like he wants to create a
world where only the most powerful
mutants there but also felt weird
because it's like does he really want to
sort of share power with Magneto and all
these other sort of powerful like why is
he making mutants more powerful the fees
like wants to sort of dominate
everything I mean I'm sure that it made
sense at some point yeah but I didn't
really feel like I knew what he wanted
exactly it's about that problem of there
being so many people crammed it do you
think this is a genre wide issue because
your pond below is a little bit dull and
you've got sort of Thanos coming into
you know the Marvel Cinematic Universe
and then you've got like dark side being
teased for the DC Universe and these are
all like planet-sized ambiguously
powered world destroyers when you
actually watch these movies like the
only villains that have really come out
of it well that people remember are the
ones who aren't really a physical threat
they're not a big planet sized threat
they're the kind of the ones who have
personalities and character like magneto
like loki and people like that by the
Joker like to joke like Green Goblin
yeah the ones who get inside your head
yeah yeah I'm not with you so much and
green gold pin but he's inside his head
inside his head
I didn't think the apocalypse was as
good as civil war in any regard really
but what I do like is that it feels like
credible and different Cinematic
Universe to Marvel's now you've got the
x-men universe which at the end of the
film it's sort of setup is like now
we've got this whole new team and there
and they sort of rooted in the 80s which
is quite cool and there's loads of them
and you sort of know who they all are I
think it establishes a viable
alternative Cinematic Universe to
Marvel's which I don't think DC is quite
managed yet because i don't think that
man vs. Superman was as successful as
x-men Thank You Civil War x-men bvs
dodged a controversial I know yeah best
thing in it but in Quicksilver is the
best thing in it yeah investing in the
last film best scene last feel betting
this we has the best sequence which is
the slow mo mansion exploding where he's
do I it's just I so good like are we
gonna be introduced to like a third
subtle sporadic like and shoot beams
from somewhere what like his elbows of
me it is but yeah I have to wear these
earmuffs all the time but then when when
it comes to the fight but either like
you never look at what he's a necessity
likes roughly over there there should be
like Quicksilver put me in the middle of
the pepper too bad guys yeah yeah
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