let's take a closer look at the xbox one
as the xbox one s was unveiled at e3 in
Los Angeles California yesterday the new
console is currently available for
pre-order for 399 for the two terabyte
version coming in august 2016 the xbox
one asses sporting 4k Ultra HD and is
forty percent smaller than its
predecessor the Xbox one here's a quick
look at the unveiling at the Xbox press
conference along with some of the games
that will be released with the consoles
to welcome the new xbox one s console
the smallest Xbox one yet to the Xbox
one family of devices starting this
August today we will show you how we are
creating more choice in your gaming
experience than ever before
with more than 1,000 games in
development for Xbox one in Windows
today we're really gonna golden a future
full of choice
a future where we can all play without
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