like console gaming as much as the next
guy but on my xbox one of my favorite
features spiel the tap that home button
and go to my home screen and quickly
jump to another app maybe Netflix maybe
YouTube when I turned on my xbox the
other day I was surprised to find a
software update waiting for me and when
it was done it said we're changing how
the home button works would you like to
watch this little video tutorial I said
to myself if you need to watch a video
tutorial for something it may be kind of
complicated it turns out when you press
the home button now instead of going
home you now go to this guide screen
which sort of pops in from the left-hand
side of the screen almost like a sidebar
and to get back to the traditional home
you then have to press the a button and
then press the a button again so we've
gone from one button press to three to
get to that traditional home screen now
a lot of the stuff you want is still on
that on that guide like sidebar but I
find a little harder to quickly jump
between the apps I want to jump between
I usually got between you know Amazon
and Netflix and a few other video apps
sometimes games what you also lose once
you finally do get back to that home
screen is that live preview of the of
the currently active app I thought we
thought that was kind of good and useful
that's missing now they say that frees
up some processing power that actually
makes a new menu system faster but I
realize I just like my one button home
press maybe I'm old maybe I'm resistant
to change
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