Xbox One vs. PS4: How to choose the right console for you
Xbox One vs. PS4: How to choose the right console for you
there's one question I get asked more
than anything else is which game console
should I buy the short answer is there's
no right answer a lot of this is going
to depend on your personal preferences
last generation I lean towards Xbox 360
but this time around I'm partial to ps4
by now both the ps4 and the Xbox one are
competitively priced so that likely
isn't going to be a deciding factor you
can get either console for around $350
give or take these days so just make
sure when you purchase that it comes
with at least one game great bundles for
either console are available everywhere
for exclusive games that's easy take a
look at each platforms franchises and
you see which one appeals to you the
video game world isn't necessarily
dominated by blockbuster exclusives
these days so choosing one console over
the other won't shut you out of a lot of
content if you're a Halo Gears of War
and forts a motorsport player well then
Xbox one is your console if you like
Uncharted in titles like The Last
Guardian and blood-borne ps4 is the way
to go it's also worth noting that the
PlayStation 4 gets a lot of indie games
that the Xbox one doesn't though Xbox
has gotten a few occasional console
exclusive indie games as well if you're
an online player well you might want to
see what console your friends use so you
can play online together if you're
looking at the interface I prefer ps4 s
experience over Xbox ones even though
Xbox has made massive improvements to
its dashboard but the ps4 is still the
easiest and Zipp iasts to use and make
sharing streaming and capturing gameplay
and screenshots super easy then there
are the media apps to consider Xbox one
has an advantage over the amount of
streaming content apps but the big names
are both there on either side Netflix
Amazon HBO GO
consider each platforms controller
they're both great but I really like the
improvement Sony made this time around
on the DualShock for well how about
replaceable storage Xbox one lets you
add an external drive over USB while the
ps4 s internal drive can be completely
replaced Xbox one can play a limited
number of Xbox 360 games as long as you
own that original disc and ps4 offers
PlayStation now a subscription-based
streaming service that has a growing
library of games and a much improved
experience since it first launched ps4
is also slowly introducing support for
ps2 emulation as well so overall I lean
towards ps4 for a few reasons
first multi-platform games do tend to
perform slightly better on ps4 plus
installation times are also noticeably
quicker I love the ease of use when it
comes to capturing gameplay and I think
the ps4 firmware is more logically laid
out than what Xbox one offers but a lot
of the deciding factors will come down
to personal preference you can't go
wrong with either console but if you're
still on the fence reach out to me on
Twitter and we'll get you sorted out
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