YouTube about to eclipse TV, Mozilla's first acquisition (Tech Today)
YouTube about to eclipse TV, Mozilla's first acquisition (Tech Today)
this is seen it and here are the stories
that matter right now Mozilla the makers
of the Firefox web browser have made
their first-ever acquisition joining the
Mozilla family is read it later makers
of the popular pocket app a program that
lets users save a web page for viewing
later on a mobile device the service has
10 million active monthly users gives
Mozilla access to a consumer base
they've not been able to tap since smart
devices became the norm game streaming
giant twitch soon offer direct sales of
games this spring viewers will have the
option to purchase the game they're
watching plans to make dozens of games
available at the start developers will
receive seventy percent of the profits
while streamers will take five percent
of the action twitch is owned by amazon
and amazon prime subscribers also get
twitch prime benefits i can add free
experience at no extra cost and finally
google is reporting that people are
viewing 1 billion hours of YouTube video
worldwide each day it's a trend that's
on track to eclipse that of standard
television viewership in the next few
years this number has increased by 10
times since 2012 you can stay up to date
with the latest i'm downloading the cnet
tech today app in the Apple or Google
Play Store
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