You'll want to get two of these Seagate Expansion portable drives
You'll want to get two of these Seagate Expansion portable drives
hi guys dumb goes here and this is the
new Seagate expansion portable drive I
would say this one is a typical purple
drive because it looks like just what
you imagine what a box that hoes a
laptop internal drive like this one
right here on the inside it's kind of
compact kind of squarish and it's kind
of boring yeah like a typical purple
drive on this side over here you can see
there's a standard micro USB 3.0 port
and the dry include this foot long
standard cable and that's it there's
nothing else no software and the dry
does not even support encryption and
that means you don't want to lose it
because then anybody can access all that
sensitive information you have store on
it or just don't store that Cuddy
formation others can't drive ok now
before we get disappointed though that
lack of security feature actually is a
good thing because that simple and
straightforward design allows the drive
here to work really well with both
computers Windows Mac and also non
computer host such as game console and
media player in fact in my trial it
worked really well with my xbox one on
top of that also very fast registering
some 125 megabyte per second for writing
and close to 130 megabyte per second for
reading via USB 3.0 now that is as fast
as a typical USB 3.0 DRI is solo
surprises there but what's incredible is
this drive here on the inside the
internal drive is a low-power one
spinning at just 5400 rpm and not the
high end
spinning at 7200 rpm those each drive
here is a fast drive for a low spec and
once best value is also the low price
this top capacity of two terabyte here
Koch's $90 it also available in smaller
capacity that cost less accordingly and
if you want to save another five dollars
you can offer the older version of the
drive which I also have right here
of course the
the legacy expansion drive this one here
two terabytes only $85 apart from the
fact that they look a little bit
different that essentially exactly the
same so form on this right video check
out my full review SC Netcom basically
is a very fast very simple drive that's
great for computers and also game
console so go get yourself one and when
you add it get another just so that you
can say you got a pair I did and I
really do and that's because well you
guessed it I'm dumb Lo and this has been
the first look at the Seagate expansion
purple dry
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