Your phone's screen is ruining your sleep (You're Doing It All Wrong!)
Your phone's screen is ruining your sleep (You're Doing It All Wrong!)
if you use your phone at night without
adjusting the color of your screen
you're doing it all wrong most of us
spend at least some time watching TV on
the computer or looking at our phones
right before bed but the blue tones in
those screens can interfere with a good
night's sleep that's because blue lights
shorter wavelengths interfere with a
hormone called melatonin which is a key
player in inducing sleep so whether you
have an Android or an iPhone here are
ways to reduce those blue tones if you
have an Android phone download twilight
that automatically adjust the color of
your screen based on the time of day as
the Sun sets reddish colors will be used
to filter out your screens blue tones if
you have an iPhone iOS 9.3 brings a new
feature called nightshift with it you
can adjust the warmth of the screen and
schedule the filter to be turned off in
the morning with these tips not only
will you get a better night's sleep but
your screen will be much easier on the
eyes and now you're doing it right
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