Your quote tweets are ruining the internet (The 3:59, Ep. 365)
Your quote tweets are ruining the internet (The 3:59, Ep. 365)
Tuesday March 6 good morning everybody
I'm BVG it's the 359 podcast episode 365
your host today are Alfred a and Roger
Chang and what the hell are we talking
about what are we talking about the
Internet is terrible that's why we're
talking pretty much it yeah something
we're in the right place it's not all
terrible we're gonna be talking about
well we're gonna talk about Twitter and
the right way to use Twitter Alfred has
some nice tips I will also be talking
about flying cars Porsche making a
flying car that's that's exciting the
goofiest thing I've ever seen but their
Porsche so you know they can do it and
then lastly we'll be talking about the
new surface pro with LTE Cena has a new
review on it but we really want to talk
about whether or not we really want a
separate cellular connection to our
laptops and tablets like it oh I you
know let's save it for the show yeah
anyway you have any questions with these
topics leave them in the comments
section Brian will pick up the best and
we'll get to them in 3 minutes and 59
seconds from 3 to welcome to the 359 I'm
Roger Cheng I'm Alfred hang so
apparently there is a right way and a
wrong way to share and quote tweet on
Alfred you broke it down it's basically
why some quote cheats tweets are really
terrible for the internet yeah so this
happened in mid-february when all these
like conspiracy theories about the
Parkland students were going around and
then people were basically quote
tweeting them where they were basically
this is wrong don't like the site you
know what is that it's basically their
quote wiing these tweets about
allegations that these students weren't
actually students there yeah yeah that
there were crisis actors but the idea
was they quote tweeted it so they could
you know basically say this is wrong and
we're against this but by doing that
they ended up actually getting it way
more views than it ever would have
gotten it's kind of like drawing
attention to something that you like
really don't like want like our against
right so you know I I saw a listen I'm
just saying why are you even quote
tweeting or engaging with them in the
first place just take a screenshot like
if you look at my Twitter feed any time
I criticize something it's almost always
a screenshot and I never put a link out
to it so just you're feeding into the
machine whenever you quote yeah because
a lot of the way social media works is
that you know they don't
have like analysis of like intent they
don't say like oh this person retweeted
this or quote like responded to it
because they hate it right they just
responded to it and we're gonna boost it
up Facebook and Twitter both work that
way where as long as it gets engagement
it's more likely to appear in your read
it you know obviously with Russia and
the headlines
I mean Russian trolls the internet
research agency how much do they kind of
bank on this is actually that's like
that's like the majority of like their
operations it's like how many people can
we get hot and bothered on social media
so then they'll quote tweet no outrage
quote tweet and it's propel this thing
yeah they had done this in Ukraine too
when they when they kind of test it out
they're like trolling program yeah where
was essentially they would go and
comment on a bunch of stuff with like
really controversial stuff and then all
these other people would come and argue
on it and then it's like bump up to the
top of everyone's newsfeed so like if
you have to engage and if you have to
like criticize something don't like
respond like just don't even bother
responding just take a screenshot of it
and then like just talk about it on your
own feed there you go another case where
social media ruins everything all right
so on a brighter note Porsche apparently
is making a flying car you have an
executive confirmed to CNET that the
sports car maker is indeed working on
this forget autonomous driving Porsche
wants to take to the skies so do you
think this is gonna spur I need trend
with automakers this is some sort of
random one this is so random it's just
out of nowhere they held by the way we
got flying cars and it's just like why
would you even think about like if
you're gonna make like a flying thing
that somebody can sit in and travel in
just do it I was like a drone or like
what everyone else is doing because that
makes a lot more sense for flying than
this like two-ton like a heap of metal
if it's like it kind of reminds me of
the old battle cartoon mask with a
sports car the doors flip open and turn
into wings like I kind of want I do that
with all my toy cars yeah I did yeah I
just think of like something from like
Blade Runner though if like the flying
cars in like 20 49 right yeah that
that's like immediately what I thought
off but like I saw like I mean that's
like our own art on it so it's not what
Porsche is trying to do I don't know I I
highly doubt it I said though they're
planning for something around like 2025
good luck yeah alright lastly scene I
just reviewed these surface pro with LTE
Alfred would you pay for a separate
connection to your tablet or computer I
mean it depends how much but most likely
no I mean they already offer that for a
lot of tablets and it just it doesn't
make any sense to me when I can just you
know use my phone that I already pay a
wireless connection for as a hotspot for
it it's funny though cuz those connected
iPads with LTE are pretty popular but
it's for whatever reason when it comes
to like pcs it's it's been a harder sell
I don't know why I think because most of
the times people associate pcs with
something like oh I can just connect to
Wi-Fi yeah and if you think about I mean
I guess it's different cuz we're in New
York but like there's Wi-Fi everywhere
that's true yep
alright if you're at an airport
newsstand check out the latest issue of
CNET magazine featuring modern families
Jesse Tyler Ferguson for more of these
stories check us out on CNN on Roger
Chang I'm Alfred ring thanks for
roads where we're going we don't need
sorry I couldn't help myself no I want I
want a car like that on a hover car
flank our hover no flying cars doing any
sense to me only because like I feel
like nobody's ever addressed like
traffic in any of these sci-fi movies
with flying it just sort of falls the
flow there's like everyone has their own
lane all of a sudden and I don't know if
you dost usually that there are like
lanes like there's usually kind of like
this like batch of cars going all kind
of the same vicinity but you see lanes
of yeah but like if it's flying though
then you can literally just like get out
of it and then go you know
yep presumably though I mean the same
logic applies with the streets right
like well technically I can just drive
off yeah but there's notes and stuff on
the street but like in the sky there are
maybe they're buildings and other and
you know there needs to be there needs
to be clear roadways in the sky or else
to crash into everyone yeah alright yeah
flying cars are weird I like seeing them
in sci-fi movie and they're really be
traffic in the sky at me mang but I can
go twice as high that's meeting rainbow
yes there can be if there enough cars I
suppose but I mean like we handle it I
don't know this is I'm gonna get
crucified for saying this but we handle
right here on the ground add the third
dimension I don't know but we have we
have roads and streets we have
designated areas where cars go I'm just
saying they're probably gonna be
designated areas in the sky where where
cars have to go it's certainly and then
what happens in like in like a if you're
in a flying car you get a car accident
like what happens there do you house
landed or do you hover there and then
you just yell out your insurance
information at like the other person
who's also in the air you'd have to land
it just seems a lot easier to get out be
able to talk to someone in person
another thing about like hit and runs oh
yeah cars but although all the flying
cars will look awesome cuz Porsche is
making them that's just and like all
three people will be able be yeah pretty
a car we're gonna be wrong they got it
where it counts
illustration from our resident photo
genius oil that's pretty sweet
we talked about cars on this show I
think it it none of us really car folks
yeah we're not qualified to get excited
about flying in yeah exactly that's why
the only reason we're talking about this
cuz it's it's a flying car if this was a
regular car we wouldn't even touch it
yeah we're not allowed let's jump into
the chat Steve Marino says I just
couldn't I couldn't resist this one
Alfred uh maybe your retweets are ruing
the interwebs mine are fresh AF yeah
like summary tweets are pretty good like
there's a lot of good retweets out there
you're just trying to show that there
are consequences and how the algorithm
is fly my point is like don't get
yourself in like a wily coyote situation
where like just backfires in your face
where it's like I hate this thing so
much everybody look at this thing that I
hate yeah it turns out that I actually
ended up helping it like because that
happens a lot yeah it does and it's just
that's that's rage posting is like you
have to ignore the impulse to rage post
yeah a lot of people do that and if you
do have to do it then just take a
screenshot like the screenshots are so
much more efficient they don't they
don't like help out the person that
you're trying to you know criticize or
anything like that and has given you
your own numbers yeah and you you should
yeah you should like can do so much more
screenshots that's I like just
screenshot everything I mean that's what
a lot of like in
so grandma if you like do you ever just
see Twitter post on Instagram yeah yeah
yeah taking screenshots and posting it
there and then getting all the likes for
themselves instead of like actually
helping out it's true the person you
know what else I've noticed how all
these systems are so broken Instagram
has the stories feature now and the
stories feature is always just I made a
new post go see it yeah because the
timeline is so screwed right what when
are we gonna fix this like I mean I mean
it sucks now I like stories though I
like it because when they're actually
original there's plenty of applications
where they're legit but most of the time
anything I follow all their story is by
the way I made a real post saying it
basically solves the kind of broken
system that is the actual Instagram feed
so why couldn't we just run chronology
well yeah that makes too much sense and
it does make too much yes I mean when
Twitter did away with that people were
annoyed I'm still pissed about it but I
do kind of want to learn more about that
what Twitter is going to do to address
this algorithm and do we have any
information on that well yeah they Jack
Dorsey Twitter CEO last week he had put
out a series of tweets talking about
basically hey we know what we're doing
is wrong here we didn't really expect
for people to take advantage of our
algorithm like that we're working on
fixing this and then there at the end
there was like an open call if anyone
has any ideas please like do it like cuz
we've got none
yeah please post it here on that this
website it's in my story I don't
remember that URL off the top of my head
but yeah he's like crowdsourcing for
advice now on this thing so I'm like
it's the same message every time they
like this comes up it's a go we're sorry
we're very sorry yeah I feel like I'm
just gonna send my article and the
suggestion feed
just give us there you go you give them
a screenshotting tool but you think and
just use like with it yeah great idea I
mean even if Twitter doesn't want to
implement I bet one of the browser's
could I think chrome would do it oh yeah
I mean you can already do screenshots
and like draw on them on like edge but
right but let me use his edge though
right no I'm just saying like custom
filter it so it's like you know tweets
eyes kind of thing yeah they're
temporaries that would be great or any
of those social network
right yeah yeah all right next question
coming in from Scott my data plans for
laptop tablets don't sound good to me
as full network coverage from my phone
is still not there so why pay extra yeah
if the network coverage that's not there
yeah if your network coverage is not
great then this is not a help I would
argue even if no one coverage is great
it may not even do that because of what
Alfred said like you know Wi-Fi is
pretty ubiquitous and you're not really
always on the go I guess
you know if you spend time on the train
and a commute maybe there might be
helpful to you but I also have you can
also pay for a hotspot capability on
your phone yeah I don't really don't
know why people would get a laptop just
with LTE or anything like that
right I mean we've got plenty I mean you
guys go out in the field all the time
and do your reporting if coverage was
there this would be a valuable because I
usually don't bring my laptop with me
when I do like field reporting anyway I
mean I'd be like mostly in your mobile I
guess I mean I like to write a story but
like you're not like there writing as
you're writing I'm at a press conference
okay yeah there's usually Wi-Fi at those
things in mine
that's the thing like Wi-Fi is not
always special if you got a lot of
people using the same network so
sometimes it's I just I have a hotspot
capability on my phone so I just use
that yeah right yeah it would be nice to
have it built into my laptop so I don't
drain the battery on my phone yeah yeah
yeah and I mean there's plenty of
instances to where you're not in a
controlled conference type situation
yeah it could be out at some street
level kind of event kind of thing going
on although I would say what I wouldn't
have my lap I would probably be enough
banging out of a quick email month yeah
opposed to typing my laptop all right
like thinking about like I usually cover
like iPhone releases when I'm on the
line talking to people usually yeah like
Roger knows I like I'll send notes on my
phone and then like we'll have a story
up like based on that right I'm not
gonna be there with my laptop like
typing the story as I'm talking to
people or anything like that that's a
good point I was trying to think that
you guys might be into more situations
where it might be more valuable but we
do want to know if anyone else out there
and chat land has situations with
anything this could be valuable to them
I personally don't want this because
they never let me leave this
as anyways so I mean I guess depends on
how much it cost it was like five bucks
like I'll think about it but yeah
there's also limitations to the data
plans - yeah they're not yeah you're not
streaming movies non-stop oh what what
is it DC four one seven is my new
favorite person in the chat with the
combat data plan if you're ever
wondering Simpsons quotes always win me
over and uh while we're at it and
completely distracted Thank You Eli for
congratulations on our 365 podcasts we
love doing it hey it's always great to
reach this milestone now you can listen
to a 3:59 podcast every day for a fool
that's what he's saying is every day of
the year so just thank you for then
always thank you for everybody for being
here and joining us yeah Josh Boyd uh
flying cars are actually really
impractical if you think about it if you
need a full-on flight plan just to
figure out landing and takeoff yo they
really go into a lot of detail about how
this system could not it's like well
this thing can get off the ground it's
almost as if CEOs can just say crazy
things I don't get I need like an entire
new division of government though like
international government to handle oh
there are so there are recreational
planes now that you can actually just
fly you can basically when you're not in
major city or Airport the skies are
fairly clear like as long as you're in a
certain elevation but if this starts to
become a consumer level yeah product
that will change this is by the way that
I like the icon a5 it's a consumer plane
people just take it up as a as a hobby
like rather than a boat you've got a
you've got a plane that you fly so I
don't know the early on there they're
probably gonna be some experimentation
but you're right they're gonna be there
we'll definitely need to be regulations
down the line okay Danny Green brings up
a good point uh a lot of people don't
trust public Wi-Fi yeah perhaps having
being to that to your LTE daddy know
where you are yeah my boy that is a
fantastic point public Wi-Fi is
obviously my boy yeah there's a lot of
there are a lot of users with an LTE
connection would
I mean more you'd be a lot more
confident than LT Connect also I just
feel like it's kind of silly to get an
LTE connected laptop now considering
that like 5g will probably be available
soon whoa let's slow our horses down
five g's yeah they say it'll be
available like late this year early next
year but it's not really gonna be
broadly available it's gonna be
available in like five I just feel like
it's like buying like a VHS player and
oh right before yeah yeah but hey he's
gonna be around for like millennial it
they're called VCRs
what the player itself it's called a
video cassette recorder it's a VCR oh
whatever they did they didn't exist one
who's alive yeah that's them my point
I might makes my skin crawl when they
call them VHS I wouldn't I wouldn't say
anything we need ways like Bhaiji cuz
like built-in 5g laptops are probably a
ways away but I'm saying you already
have Wi-Fi now so like right you its LT
he's gonna go away yeah well I'm like
yeah I know it's not gonna go away but
like I'd rather have the one that's
capable of let's talk about cars again I
like this comment from Jared Glynn if
cars start flying they must be at least
some kind of autonomous and it has to be
now users should have a special license
to be able to put the car in manual in
flight mode I can't imagine like any
world where we can't exist with a
special license to fly a myriad is
whether you were controlling it or not
whatever I'm so interested in flying
cars when it's clear like there was
another the previous comment you had
noted about how like cars are you know
impractical yeah we should have flying
motorcycles first okay like just it's
way light really cold up there this is
much lighter and then you can like look
I watched Acura man that movie like with
the Laurel like copter car cycles or
whatever way to cure yeah that was not
an Akira yeah was they had when they
were in the tunnel or whatever they had
the the flying oh the security bike yeah
he's keeping him of the main but they
did kind of straight up fly didn't they
yeah they actually raised in altitude
you're right yeah they should have those
first man like forget them forget the
cars lose like hover bikes or they like
actually look around no no they they
definitely increased in altitude and got
off the ground ground
okay I'd call them flying bikes yeah we
should have like a harley-davidson about
that yeah and then you know before that
maybe flying horse and carriage I know
somebody in Greece has done it before
buying steamboat yeah yeah we gotta like
you know baby steps yeah yeah yeah I do
got a reset the entire system start
flying with like horse and buggy
alright we are just so about out of time
but let's talk about Wi-Fi a little bit
more one more from Scott Myatt if you
pay for data through the tablet would
that make the connection more secure
compared to Wi-Fi could you implement
other software measures perhaps it this
is this is me riffing on Skype question
are there even more securities to the
hardware using a laptop versus say your
phone I don't know if there's a
difference between the phone laptop but
it's definitely cure than Wi-Fi yeah
yeah so with LTE like that's like people
have tried hacking it for a while now
and it's not like it's unhackable like
there there's been situations where like
they use stingrays for stuff like that
sure that's not something that like an
average person get their hands on right
whereas you know an average person could
definitely like breach like your Wi-Fi
if it's not that secure so yeah LT is
definitely much more secure for
something like that as far as like the
difference between like a laptop and
your phone goes I would have to say it
depends on like what like version of
like security like like if you have an
old Android phone and you're using LTE
on it that might not oh that's true
that's the point yeah yeah
they don't need like it doesn't matter
what like version you're on kind of it
like I mean it's less about the the
connection to the Internet and more the
phone software exactly if you download a
bad app like it doesn't matter if you're
using LTE or Wi-Fi right you're gonna
get breeze yeah exactly
so for a closing thought I like this
comment from Danny Green I want a car
like George Jetson that folds down into
a briefcase size for me to carry oh yeah
what features are going to be central
for flying cars that aren't standard in
regular cars I know we all want
cupholders and we all want bluetooth
what as a feature of a flying car that
we all need okay so if norm
driving cars have airbags this I mean
that flying cars have like cement bags
the hell it works yeah that's all they
just punch in the face basically
I think cars need to come standard with
parachutes probably GPS like everything
it outside the box
yeah wheels good wheels well what if it
is a flying car going to fly and drive
presumably yeah okay like the boat car
like the James Bond car yeah yeah wait
the submarine one yeah yeah that was
cool it could do all of the above it
wasn't just like a car underwater this
isn't just a car for the sky right it's
a car that can take off as well yes you
could drive it on regular roads and then
when you you know you don't need the
roads you don't have the roads also that
off that Jetson car that fits into a
briefcase like heaven good don't even
read it I don't even need that car to be
flying just if there was a normal car
that would be perfectly okay with it but
again how heavy would that briefcase be
if you really think it through like even
if it folds down and still has the same
kind of mass weight right but let's
think about it well something about
parking space like true yeah you
wouldn't even need to carry it so right
inherently those poor sport cars are
typically lighter they have more what is
that fiberglass in the frame or
sure let's say that I don't car people I
don't know anything about cars
but I think that's kind of part of what
makes a sport car sport car is lighter
lighter basketball okay so to get that
thing off the ground they're probably
gonna have to re-engineer that to be
even lighter right now I'm not saying
you can palm a Porsche but I think
they're gonna have to bring that into
consideration so okay flying cars are
probably going to be lighter than Rick
they will be but I don't think that's a
don't think you'll be able to lift I
mean the Wakanda government was able to
make a flying ship with like vibranium
so I think yeah but that wasn't a light
ship and um yeah white it was still
heavy yeah but was able to take off and
like get around right right that's
that's fact yeah this is real this is a
real country yeah alright so I already
think up your wish list for flying cars
yeah I got this again soon I'm sure but
until then we are out of time for the
day rice cooker
but being that we are in New York and
there is the mother of all storms
yamming there is a very good chance we
might not broadcast tomorrow yeah
because we might not be able to get here
to the studio although maybe we will
maybe we'll like Trek our way in and
just do another like 80s movies random
podcast it'll be weird if we do one yeah
but there's no big news besides like
it's snowing yeah it's a bit it'll be a
big if cuz it doesn't look like it's
gonna be pretty bad so a lot of folks
are not gonna be around yeah I just
given everyone a heads up cuz we really
appreciate you guys sticking around and
sticking with us and subscribing and be
in here every day but just in case we
didn't show up tomorrow we didn't want
you to think we forgot all right because
we're stuck in the snowdrift somewhere
yeah so anyways alright if you'd like to
anything you saw or heard here check us
out on SEANET a podcast is available on
iTunes tune in stitcher feedburner
google play music and the amazon echo
and you can subscribe and watch us
weekday mornings on the sea net
periscope live stream and youtube
channels at all maybe tomorrow if not
thursday so you take care everybody
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