hey guys this is ryan bennett for
cnet.com and right now we are at
t-mobile's launch event for their new
network and part of the whole launch
process here is the announcement of the
new iphone 5 specifically branded for
t-mobile's network and it will also
operate on t mobile's 4g LTE network
which was just kicked off today so as
you can tell we have the iphone 5 here
and we have the speed test app running
it's running on 4G LTE so it's true 4G
mobile broadband and as you can tell
it's it's clocking some pretty fast
speeds we're looking at about 20 or even
above 20 megabits per second so put
downloads that's pretty fast and it will
go on sale very soon for only
ninety-nine dollars for your first
payment as expected you won't have to
sign a two-year contract basically just
have to pay for the phone in
installments so there you have it folks
the first look at the iphone 5 on t
mobile's 4g LTE network i'm brian
bennett for cnet com
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