so apples announced a new technology at
first let's talk about the iPhone se so
Andy it's it's kind of an upgraded
version of their small iPhone is it a
bit boring it's not nothing really new
and is that does well as play it's got
all the new tech from the from its top
ends 6s but it's in the I phone 5s is
body basically which is great because so
many people still want the smaller
iPhone 5s but now it's powerful enough
to run the games and the latest versions
of iOS because let's face it the old
ones are slowing down there so this
isn't it's not really a sort of compact
version of those successes that's not
the right way to think about know what
is the right way don't see you don't see
is a smaller iPhone 6s think of it as an
upgraded iPhone 5s because that's really
what it is okay alright and next let's
talk about the iPad pro so the most
startling thing about this is that Apple
in its all the fuss are making this big
professional iPad and now with the
second version they've made it smaller
again this one's nine point seven inches
yeah so thank you quite like the iPad
pro so defend it so hold of the icon I'm
struggling to because I love the iPad
pro I love that it's really big so I can
actually work in it as my desktop PC but
this is now the same size as the iPad
air that we've already got so it is a
bit weird but at least it's very
powerful it's got the pencil if you want
to do some sketching so there's some
definitely some bonuses over the iPad
air but I don't really see you know I
you'd buy one over the other I think
what was kind of cool is that Apple's
put in some new display technology I
like the idea of because if you're doing
things like professional photo editing
or something the kind of things that
most people are never going to bother
with but the professionals will that's
how I say apples kind of thrown in a few
extras like that so the big question I
suppose really is you know with this
sort of smaller slightly cheaper iPhone
is it going to you know rescue the
company which has been struggling with
slowing interest in the iPhone I think
I'll definitely do well because it Apple
talks about how popular it's a smaller
iPhone 5s still is so this is going to
sort of excite people to get this
smaller one particularly in in regions
like China where the smaller phones are
still extremely popular so I think it's
certainly going to help it sales wise
but no it's not the exciting dramatic
launch we're kind of hoping for the
market I think maybe we're just gonna
have to get a little bit used to until
Apple reveals a completely new product
category basically all smartphones and
all tablets basically
little bit you know like moderate sort
of upgrades iterations from now on the
dragon that's pretty much it we're going
to have to just get used to that so
we're gonna have to get used to it but
let us know what you think of the iPhone
se and the iPad pro cheers guys
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