iPhone X case drop test: See the full-length battle from CES 2018
iPhone X case drop test: See the full-length battle from CES 2018
Cena's live coverage from CES 2018
welcome to our live drop test everyone
if you've been following the action here
at to show you today has beat crazy the
LBCC had a two hour power outage and we
were bringing you updates throughout the
blackout we had to move the time of this
segment so thank you so much for bearing
with us especially thank you to our
wonderful case companies who are also
where I've managed to reschedule but now
we are ready to go I'm Lexus Avedis and
I'm Vanessa and Arianna and if you've
watched our drop test before or you've
conducted some of your own you know that
phones now are very easy to break
especially the ones with glass backs
which is pretty much all the major
flagships from Apple Samsung LG HTC Wow
and let's talk about that iPhone 10 for
a second Lexie as you can see it dropped
from hit height and it cracked at the
very first drop ouch that is higher
price drop is right here needless to say
you probably want to put a case on your
phone yeah definitely for sure and and
that one specifically because the repair
is so expensive Lexie it's 549 dollars
just for the back ouch but how do you
choose a case when there are as we can
see here so many out there that's why we
are here we're here to help you narrow
it down to see all these tough cases in
so we have 12 tough cases ready to go
right here on the table and
representatives from case ology right
through here signer tech tech 21 pure
air subcase reinard field rock foam
bodyguards z3o WC
egon they're ready to show us what they
got so guys we try to invite everybody
but as you know there's a lot of case
makers out there but if you don't see
your favorite case maker here chances
are we probably reached out so take it
up with him these guys are a brave Bunch
so here is how it's going to work we are
going to be testing the claims so we're
going to drop their brand new iPhone 10
in the Isis from the heights that they
determine if they survive what happens
well if this survived then we will be
taking them above the claim so that
means they're gonna be dropped more than
once and we're gonna ask them though if
they're willing and able to do this so
we're just gonna have a drop off to the
death until we have finalists and we can
declare a winner we have our scissor
lesson standing by because as you can
suspect they're ready to go hi so are
you ready to see some phones get dropped
come on all right sorry Vanessa get into
position for our first drop first up we
have Kate solid key welcome to the stage
please introduce your case thank you
we're from case ology today we're here
to represent the legion series for our
iPhone 10 it's specifically designed to
be tough but slim just like our new
year's resolution designed to be rugged
yet flexible we want to wanted to ensure
that in everyday situation whether it's
dropped whether it's in our pockets it's
protected and we mastered that through a
perfect blend of TPU and polycarbonate
plastic and you know what makes it super
unique is that it's a unisex design so
it appeals to males and females it's
offered in a couple a few different
colors in charcoal grey and white and
aqua green for those who like to stray
from the norm all right what's the price
point on this it's $13.99 currently on
Amazon and if you have primary chef it's
the way to go great dropping what if I
drop hype we're starting with four and a
half feet
four and a half feet okay Vanessa all
right so guys just to be clear I am NOT
a robot
I cannot replicate the drops this
same way every single time I'm gonna
have them drop try to drop them screen
side down as which is what you really
care about but again I can't replicate
the same drop so if anything goes wrong
that this is not a scientific drop it's
more like a real-world scenario the way
you would drop it so four and a half
feet you guys ready
help me count down what are you gonna do
Vanessa let's get okay make sure that we
get this shot right we're gonna do three
two one drop and I'm gonna drop it on
the drop so guys help me count down four
and a half feet three two one drop
whoa my aim was not bad all right inside
us let's let's pick this up I mean you
gotta pick this up and assess this it's
gonna be all right we take please take
the phone out of the case let's inspect
NSYNC ID go our naked iPhone ten would
have already broken by now so yep there
we go that is a look at no scratches no
dents fantastic thank you case ology
we'll put the phone back on the table
please sit back survive the claim guy it
is survived okay next up on the list we
have rock form please come up please
introduce your case and what makes it so
okay so today we're this weekend we're
actually debuting our new waterproof
battery case so it's a charging case
that will give you a hundred percent
charge on your phone and waterproof
which is unique for the space it has an
LED indicator in the back and it's a
rugged case and how much does this one
cost it's gonna retail for $99 all right
there we go all right thank you so much
all right Vanessa we are having in at 6
feet correct yes 6 feet this is about
your height Lexi if you don't ever drop
the phone from your head all the time
all the time right
all right here it goes guys let's call
me countdown three two one drop oh that
was a good bounce on that balance I mean
I can probably reach down oh alright
let's take a look at this do the honor
your honors of taking it out of the case
for me pulling it out there we go
how was expect just more snow is there
but in are no scratches
sounded like it was fooling and just on
rubber very nice thank you so much
all right please take a seat all right
next up we need assistance right exactly
well next up something something's gonna
happen that's what we have this amazing
contraption here for we're going to go
up in my laser lift by Vanessa have fun
oh yeah oh yes sir watch watch your head
we are gonna bring it I don't want that
all right crash helmets here is awesome
yeah this is see you're already quite
high off the ground but we're gonna go
even higher oh are you ready are we yeah
I'm ready okay go actually founder tech
please step on up while they get its
I never readies to drop your case please
tell me all about it
yeah so I'm here with Dan otech our
flagship product is the K 11 bumper
we're a case and I phone accessory
company and we actually really don't
like cases we love the iPhone as it is
our niche with our product is to design
a streamline minimal beautiful case that
looks like it's part of the phone it
blends in and bleeds into the design and
it's practical it still provides the
protection that you need and want and
what's the price on this one it's thirty
four ninety five okay great and let's
see if we are in position okay how are
we doing what's the height so what is
the height they'll be dropping from 959
feet right Josie Shanon
so guys run me through it our scissor
lift is that how high our scissor lift
is as six feet so that means I'm gonna
be dropping it from the three foot mark
over here on our marker so right here
that'll be nine feet and this was one of
the late comers to our show so this
means this is somebody's personal phone
right yes and it could have already
fallen and they are brave enough to be
trying this with their personal phone so
all right here goes guys that's 9 feet
are you ready to count down with me
three two one drop
oh that's definitely what sounded like
I'm really trying not to curse to me oh
okay we could be honest of taking it out
sound off sounded sounded worse than it
was really show they here we go here we
go oh there was a little bit of scratch
on the back there but I don't know was
that already there it's a back protector
oh I see so it comes with the back
protector yeah okay well if you please
put it back in the bumper so they were
nicked well the thing is the scratch was
on the back it's not the back protector
it's a tiny square didn't break it
didn't break I think we survived we
survived and their eyes the bumper
that's that's just a bumper ladies and
gentlemen wow thank you so much take a
seat next up we have buddy guides come
on up buddy gods welcome to the stage
please tell me about your case so my
name is Ryan I'm with bodyguards we are
talking about the ACE Pro today it's
transparent and flexible but we we
partnered with a company called unequal
if they make protective equipment for
athletes professional athletes are using
their products every day and we've taken
their product and put it in our cases so
that that particular product and that
material takes the impact instead of
your phone taking the impact okay and
how much is this one
this one retails for 3495 okay this one
will go ten feet ten ten feet okay all
right so if this was nine feet I'm gonna
go up to four feet on the marker are you
guys ready to see another phone drop
from a scissor lift yeah we're right
help me count down guys
in three two one drop Oh see I'm nailing
this drop Lexie very
thank year's beautiful drop okay let's
take the phone out of this see how it go
all right look it looks good I can't see
any visible scratches marks or anything
like that okay I think we have a design
well done thank you very much we'll put
the phone back on the table and we'll
head to our next contestant please step
up we have next up check 21 come to this
stage thank you for joining us and
please tell us about your case okay so
we're tech to anyone with a British
brand and we specialize in thin
lightweight protective cases so we've
got the Evo check here today what's
special about this case is the Flex shot
material that you can see running around
the edges and what that does it absorbs
impact force and dissipates it and stops
the force going through into the device
and stops it from breaking and the price
on this one $39.99 drop height please
ten feet footer footer okay I can
replicate my cab you said that was a
grand a full drop I will try it again
let's recreate that alright three two
one drop
whoa we have a panic there I think my
thing I'd like bounce
we had some bounce all right if you
could please do the honors taking it out
of the case for me so we can inspect and
see I like the color choices that you
guys if you guys have done the space
great out of the white I know okay yeah
I'm taking a look you don't agree shame
we don't see we don't see any damage we
have a survivor we have a survivor thank
you very much put it back in the case
and we'll pop it back on the table
alright this is exciting guys but we're
only at ten feet only oh hi you're not
up here this is pretty high okay it's a
different climate up here it's pretty
pretty cold got some air in your hair
yeah beautiful all right let's keep
going next up I would like to invite
Zizo up thank you very much we have Z so
tell us about your case so this is the Z
so bolt cover
it's a very uniquely designed case has a
very distinct design and it provides a
lot of value in a protection they
built-in kickstand it comes with the
holster 360 degrees
and it comes with the 0.33 so what
doesn't it comes basically I don't know
because the lanyard is all doesn't come
with a kitchen sink
basically okay price on this one it's
thirty four ninety five and your drop
height ball feed 12 feet okay
now Vanessa is getting in position we
had to go up a little bit you have to go
we that we have to adjust a little
system here so just have to be exact
about this I was distracted by the by
the rising scissor lift but it does come
with a screen protector okay it does and
this was another one of our entries we
with an older phone or a used phone
right so your phone this is your phone
that is man
Wow pressurize I might find 10 we've
double checking with verifying it's an
iPhone 10 run it is an iPhone 10 and ha
to be clear I wouldn't even trust myself
with my own phone dropping in from the
side so that you are a very brave man
okay alright so twelve feet how are we
what are we at this is eight feet so
twelve feet I'm gonna go from four again
this is also a to close also testing my
math that's for you got it alright
alright ready
count down from 12 feet three three two
one drop
that sounded exciting some excitement
there alright if you could please remove
it honestly that the worst sounding ones
have been the ones that land face down
alright let's inspect let's see did his
phone okay
don't see any scratches on the back the
front well it's got a screen protector
that comes with it so it looks good we
have a survivor thank you very much
please put it back in the case and we'll
put it back on the table
all right behind a full Vanessa how you
going up here huh yeah we yeah this is
feeling good hi I'm feeling close to the
sky okay close to the sky all right yeah
here is next stop please
I'm down oh it's Pelican my mistake I'm
sorry Pelican no it's futile not what
it's Pelican
I get i have pure gear up here okay
let's start with your ass sorry okay
yeah Pelican got up instead of P okay P
okay thank you so much how are you I'm
good please tell us about the case yes
so today we are showing the pure gear
dual tech case there's a number of
reasons that makes it such an awesome
protective case it's composed of a
variety of materials we've got hard
plastic on the outside that gives it
structural support whereas the softer
TPU material on the inside allows the
case to hug the phone on all four sides
and on top of that we have organic grip
on each side which not only gives the
dual type character but also prevents
gives it a sturdier hold great last but
not least I want to we have a rubber pad
on the inside a cage adds protection
price drop hi
$34.99 let's go with ten feet okay today
we are going to ten feet I was already
at twelve so I'm just gonna drop it from
here guys okay we've all righty it's
like a jungle gym I thought you guys are
12 feet but go to 10 feet then alright
alrighty three three two one drop
Oh sound always gets me like it hurts me
it hurts me to hear that okay please
take it out of the case you know maybe
it's just like the BOK is worse than the
bite maybe that's what it may be that's
what it's all about
okay looks good on the back looks so
good on the front visible clap no
visible damage there's right on the top
okay great it's another survivor whew
guys brave brave souls thank you please
put it back on the table
alright next up please step up Pelican
we would like to have you on the stage
guys had the order switched around a
little bit of musical chairs that's all
right please tell us about your case so
our case is the Pelican shield case is
made with Kevlar fibers and this case
right now is coming from 40 years of
history of the Pelican DNA we make cases
every camera case that's in here is a
so we're used to making things that
protect and this one is built to protect
anything that goes in it okay it looks
pretty tough what is the price on this
one so this one is a little bit more
expensive this 59.99 okay and the drop
height you're setting I want to go up so
can we get the crowd motivated where do
y'all want to see we could talk about
guys they're gonna go 20 feet to 20 but
we could have stopped with the cream can
we go 16 feet 60 feet well we want to
see we want to see 16 but that means we
good that means we gonna move to see
contained but we've got another 12 for
the first thing don't forget we got to
stick to 12 you guys you guys said 2 we
will keep going don't worry but we're
gonna test your claim you guys well okay
12 okay so we're at again mark again
we're gonna go to the four-foot mark
over here okay so 12 feet Pelican all
right three three two one all right take
it out of the case for me please that
looks like I know I any better it's not
doesn't that just like make your heart
skip a beat really yes honestly
okay well look at this there's some
clipping action going on here this is
some intense case work here okay
all right lucky you were here to take it
out for me because I would have
struggled with that mechanism all right
how's it looking here we go
it looks pretty good to me I can't see
anything visible looks good okay pop it
back in the case thank you so much all
right next up I think we're getting
getting really high up into that ceiling
do you have to readjust we have to
readjust and I believe we are going to
defeat take it up take it up to 16 all
right in the meantime while you're
heading up I would like to ask subcase
to step up and tell us about the case Oh
Oh double C I'm sorry I'm sorry
oh WCS well we're all at 16 that's okay
that's okay right on right on
oh sorry Oh WC is first my mistake we
already have the phone up there oh dear
we see it first
the phone is already up there okay
alright WC don't Larry go ODBC I'm
showing our new guard KX it's got
Kennedy energy absorbing materials
kinetic energy absorbing material has
made in the USA
the actual material of the the plastic
comes from German Amy it's a very unique
case style we've done this for the last
actually since the iPhone 4 very simple
it's very thin you know it's a case to
come down and off really easy but most
important you know it survives major
impacts and we've got my own phone I've
thrown hundreds of times our customers
demo this for us so looking forward to
setting the bar at 16 foot and see what
happens all right 15 foot is now what's
the price on this one and the drop
height is 16 of course $49 and 16 foot
1/2 full okay let me tell you this is
getting really really high crane my neck
to see all the way up it's really wobbly
in size I mean this is probably as high
as like a second-story balcony and it
I'm sure it does is how often do you
think I need to wear something to prop
my pants hi I think I got a hot header
my hand okay know what no one else look
everybody else I need your brain all
right here goes already 80 foot this is
exciting the first one at 16 feet so
this lift is at 12 feet so I'm gonna go
to the four marker again ah here goes
man oh man you got your aim ready a lot
of pressure because I don't want to hit
anybody okay you got it
count down let's get excited sixteen
feet guys whoo three two one okay that
sounds incrementally good to hear that
oh my goodness it sounds so bad but
looks no way alright let's let's take
all right here we go this is the AWC
what was the name of this case again
yeah you got KX or something on the
screen there I don't know what is this
it's some dead pixels let me see this
let me see this I don't know this
doesn't this doesn't look good guys this
was a brand new phone right
brand new foreign Rana nari what do you
think Vanessa some decades we'll see it
very well I know I can't see it but
there's definitely something right here
definitely something definitely I mean
what let's take it to the crowd because
it's not you guys I mean enough bro
can you say dead pixels do we counting
this is a yeah oh I don't know I don't
know it doesn't look good
oh that's Vanessa I need your call on
this oh man yeah you're gonna leave it
up to me god I hate I think it's at
South and some dead pixels if it's a
there's a brand new phone what do you
think what do we think that's a you
think it's a glitch not a drop
yeah let's damage damage okay
unfortunately it's damaged it's damaged
I think we're calling it it's out
unfortunately that I'm sorry I'm sorry
you're out
thank you so much oh but look the case
survived there was just a glitch there
was just a glitch on the screen thank
you so much for taking part Oh Oh Dobie
see thank you very much all right next
up we are gonna head to 16 feet again 16
feet is really high Gus subcase is up
subcase please come to this stage thanks
for joining us and please tell us about
your phone and in case our case is
designed with building screen protector
and all the covers is or the ports are
covered and also come with a holster
which allow people to take it to the
toughest environment the unique computer
Syria has been on the market for over
five years has been through the toughest
test you know 100 feet 150 feet we have
people dropped from you know 10 story 15
story 1600 you ready to go to see some
feet ok amazing how much is this one
1995 ok all right looks like a tank
let's see how we go from 16 16 feet
again and just I wanted to point out
this one also Scott comes with a
protective screen cover or a part as
part of the case so 16 feet guys 16 feet
has not been kind to phones so far so
let's start the count a minute three two
one drop
well I'm really good at this okay okay
uh we dropped we dropped the unicorn
beetle this was not the case that you
showed us though Oh
but okay so the thing is yeah okay so
this is what it looks like without all
of that on it okay
they're all right can you take it out of
the case for me see how we go how's it
looking all right
I think visible yet it's got a couple of
layers in there though it's a lot of
case there all right let's take it out
all right take a look guys can't see any
scratches nothing there on the screen
okay looks good you guys survived you
guys survives take a look at the back
there we go okay fantastic thank you
please put it back in the case
and we'll head on to our next 16-footer
okay like to invite Rhino shield to the
stage thank you very much
okay please tell us all about your case
so this is a crush girl from Rhonda
Shear we specialize in material science
we believe it is very easy to wrap a
phone in a break to protect it so the
the real challenge is to shrink the
protection to something very thin and
relight this case is actually less than
a half an ounce this is also bpa-free
which is which lot of customers really
really like okay and the last thing the
nice thing is that you can actually
remove the button and change colors to
to make it yours customize the case okay
the price on this one 25 and 16 feet
we're going to 16 feet okay and another
bumper Lexie another bicep almost feels
like it doesn't have a case and I'm
really terrified of dropping this phone
but okay here goes this is exciting
alright ready Brian oh shoot like
there's nothing protecting the back of
it which is the most expensive part so
here goes every two feet three two one
Oh even the tape kids right the label
came off the labels came off
have nothing to do with the actual case
we just put it there because it's a
bumper and there's no other way for us
to know which bumper it is so we have
the little label on it okay oh my good
oh guys look at this we have a casualty
oh my goodness right I feel so sorry
shield I'm so sorry you guys didn't make
it the phone broke at 16 feet 16 feet
I'm sorry guys thank you so much for
taking part that's okay we're sure to
use a screen protector but it doesn't
come with a case so thank you so much
appreciate you guys taking pod oh we
have the couch don't cut yourself there
on that case all right finally on that
16 foot is we have speaking please come
up good to have you guys here please
tell us the name of your case
yeah my name is James from spigen the
name of the case is ProGuard is a newly
released case it's went up on our
website a few hours ago and it's a
multi-layer case with two screen
protectors that comes with it gives 360
degrees of protection and I'll get
straight to the points because everybody
wants to see the drop it speaking $9.99
on the website and let's go to the
porter job
alright 16 feet 16 feet so it hey screen
also a screen protector included so here
goes 16 feet has not been a very good
height for phone so right here goes
come on ah 16 feet in three two one drop
whoa alrighty let's reach in grab this
guy okay look it out of the case
well no won't be as damage on the front
here looking pretty good so far but the
final verdicts will be hard when we take
it out of the case here we go alright
take a look at the front yep looks good
the back yeah looks good too okay you
guys survived 16 feet I have to thank
you so much two cases have survived CCC
so far yep so we have sup case and
spigen who survived at the 16 feet Mach
oh my goodness okay so we have to give
the others a chance to meet you sorry
it's only fair speaking when you finish
we're gonna put your case back up here
so I would like to offer the chance for
other competitors to go to 16 feet
because we need to get some finalists
here we need to learn the toughest case
so who's in for 16 feet and it's show of
hands all right show of hands
round two guys for 16 16 feet or chance
that's the 16 feet 16 feet if you're
already in at 16 feet also please raise
your hand as if you draw 16 was your
drop height that's everybody
that's absolutely everybody guys Vanessa
all of them alright you know how they're
going to 60 feet we gotta go we gotta
get reading very comfortable at 16 feet
like alright are you going to get ready
up there okay so let's confirm we're all
going to 16 feet so we have all of our
phones so we we need a we need our rock
form we're missing we're missing we need
the phone we need the phone that you
dropped you took it back with you we
can't we can't drop nothing there we go
okay that's alright fantastic
alright so case ology and rockfall okay
so you're gonna drop these guys first we
have to marry we very have a very
sophisticated pulley system pretty
honest here in the back it's a lot of
fun it's a very sophisticated pulley
system here we go and we're gonna start
with case ology because they were the
first ones to drop so 16 feet again and
by the way just FYI this is the second
time these phones have been dropped so
take that with a grain of salt they have
already held up to the claim they have
done what they're supposed to do at this
point we are just picking finalists that
doesn't reflect the claim so on that
note three two one drop
whoa okay
the volume market came up from 4.5 feet
pathology she makes him up here and just
not pull me what was the name of this
case again this is the legion series the
legion theory is okay let's take a look
this was rated at four and a half they
dropped it from four and a half and it
survived 16 feet okay thank you public
face we'll put it back out okay next up
we have rock foam rock form is up next
at sixteen feet all right another red
paint foot uh three two one drop
oh I feel here economics here are making
it flip because it's the second time the
first time I dropped it also flip okay
please take it out of the case it's a
little acrobatics up there I know I'm a
Detroit and to do that nice strong okay
protection okay here we go let's take a
yep noise scratches no marks okay great
we have we have a survival if ladies and
gentlemen survivor thank you so much put
it back in the case alright next year
next we're gonna put it back on the
who's that thank you next up we have
Center tech and bloody guides we're all
going to 16 feet this is really exciting
I'm really glad that alright and it's
taking on the challenge you guys a sore
brain both an attack again this is not a
new phone so this is not just the second
time it's been drop it might have been
the the tenth time has been drop
organiser time yeah we're not sure so
here goes I am very again it doesn't
feel like it doesn't have a back much of
a back either so I'm scared to do this
three two one drop oh it went splat
let's reach in and grab it okay oh okay
oh I'm so sorry
sixteen feet did it make it we have
another casualty that's a casualty you
know phone I'm so sorry so I'm sorry I
hope you have Apple care on that one oh
my goodness well thank you for taking
part that was that was thunder tech that
was bold that was volt thank you so much
all right next up next up we have body
butter guys feet second team all right
three two one drop
whoa another another hot drop there
let's see didn't hear any glass breaking
though but Oh check it out of the case
so oh man oh my goodness don't get any
glass in your fingers though be careful
be careful guys this is even worse than
Vanessa's iPhone that she drops no I'm
so sorry guys you did an amazing amazing
job taking part you guys thank you so
much for taking part in the killer round
these guys this has been really really
tough god this is intense okay next up
we are gonna take tech 21 take 21 to 16
feet all right it goes a little sick
steady up there and a little shaky you
know after seeing the what these phones
have gone through this is nothing all
right three two one drop
oh it did a flip I did a little
okay we have tech 21 to come up and take
it out of the case how's it look hot see
any visible scratches Lexi are you miss
can you hear the glass crack from down
and this is nuts let's reiterate though
this is way over what the cases have
been yes for so there you go totally
intact guys Wow only intact
you guys keep you want to keep going
we're gonna keep going with your case
check 21 still in it guys fantastic
great so much alright and we have next
up next up who's next
they should be it should be ZZ ZZ
Said's either yes is the verify phone
again right are you are you sure are you
sure it's just second time your personal
fine I know okay just tell anybody to
not call you and contact you for a while
I may get some phone glass on your hands
all right all right three three two one
whoa that was that was a big one all
right let's see did you come up and for
me Oh how's it looking well guys know
the screen protectors cracked all right
let's let's see okay oh yeah take off
the screen protector for me because
there's a definite visible crack there I
want to show you oh man well you know
what guys that the back is what you
really care about the most the back the
front is intact the back of the back let
me see that
is there a contact but look at the crack
I don't know if you can see this on the
screen protector but look at that Wow
crack crack crack crack crack so you're
gonna keep going through the same screen
protector no I don't know you put a new
one on it Vanessa I think it's fair he
is using his own personal phone so let's
let's allow that it comes with a case if
you want to stay in if you want to keep
going to 17-plus okay well then you can
you can put and put it back together now
you bring it up when you're done put a
new screen protector all right thank you
so much all right
oh well 16 feet okay we have we have
pure gear now at 16 feet okay second
drop guys three two one drop
whoa perfect landing all right that was
a beautiful landing beautiful land
little slip thank you Brian
okay come up and take it out of the case
there's a lot less phones on the table
Lexi there are their eyes
yeah diminishing okay let's take a look
I can't say any cracks it's just a
little bit of dust they're just from the
landing I think we good look at the back
alright let's see does it - it what's
the call was it charged up before we
brought it in it was a new friend
technical difficulties it literally was
Justin bucks well it's not turning on
well so we have a charge really I have
it we can just plug it right in there
and verify that it's actually turned on
that's why the seated booth has plugged
why we have plugs ladies GBD hey while
we're well we're telling people give it
a bit of a charge to see if it starts up
so we're waiting on that we're gonna
continue on with Pelican from 16 feet
all right three two one drop
oh wow that was so these these larger
cases are her out these logic cases
really really bounce around quite a lot
okay if you could do the honors taking
it out of the case and seeing how we go
oh my goodness that's gonna see it's
such an elaborate process there I'm so
good think we have that Plexiglas
because that would have bounced right on
it I know seriously let's take a look
guys thank you
no scratches nothing visible back
looking good all right survivor thank
you very much please put it back in the
case all right back on the table
so we're up next is subcase sup hi 16
feet again it's a larger case so I'm
seeing a trend that they are not landing
right screen side downs the larger cases
so we'll see if that holds true for this
one in three two one drop
well that was okay alright let's reach
in and grab this one all righty
okay tough case you could come out
definitely see the case is taking some
beating but looks let's take a look
let's see okay fucking Lexie well the
phone itself back front intact in tired
let's take a look at the case let's look
at the screen protector a little bit of
dust there a little bit of dirt okay
I've got see any actual scratches on the
screen protector either though it's just
dust from the pavers okay great you guys
give me mine okay this is a nice one at
16 feet all right here we go
vegan again vegan okay ready last drop
it ready eight feet in three two one
drop Wow alright this one speakin guys
guys no eyes take a look here take a
look yeah wait but could it be this is
it the screen watched you said there was
a screen protector on this one alright
take it off take it off we go to see if
it was the glass screen underneath or if
it was a screen protector whose we've
seen another one with a screen protector
that was cracked the phone itself was
looking good and I gotta have the
drumroll Lexie true drumroll will crack
on the screen
let's say let's say take a look here and
you see these glitches here on the
screen can we see those at all
unfortunately this was this was speaking
from from the sixties with 16-piece
second time guys I'm so sorry
see the little couple glitches there on
the screen some little dead pixels there
I'm sorry you guys so just thank you so
much so just just to rewrite the Viggen
winnette twice dropped from 16 feet and
a lot of scene and then all these were
dropped multiple times so take that with
a grain of salt but I mean we still have
multiple finalists Lexie so we have to
keep going yeah we wait finalists keep
going with this yes we need to have the
verdict on P okay though did it turn on
the screen is not showing anything guys
oh there's there's no physical damage
but the screen is not turning on you've
heard Siri she we've heard Siri she was
talking to us but unfortunately the
phone screen is not turning on so we are
going to count that as being a
disqualification because even though
there wasn't breakage the phone doesn't
work the screen doesn't turn on yeah we
just were disqualified the other cases
also unfortunately guys know breaking
there's break two cases two cases in
which the phone itself did not break but
there's been glitches with the phone so
because we don't have that much time
we're disqualifying unless it's fully
functional so we got a got a way okay so
we have currently we have six cases left
on the table we're gonna go straight to
20 what are you gonna say 20 doing on
time 20 are we going on time 20 I'll
tiny oh right yeah are you guys willing
to go to 20 case ology tech21 subcase
rokform Zizo and pelican verbal like
hands up you're all willing to go to 20
they're willing to put a 20 everybody
give him a bottle of coins welds on 20
feet 20 feet all of them everyone's
going to 20 feet Vanessa hold on to your
horses we go in at 20 feet
that is really high up there I hit the
yes actually this pole has to hit the
ceiling oh my goodness because the
ceiling itself is 20 feet and we really
cannot go higher these guys we don't use
my Hobbes here at CNET we really go all
out we that's done see we going - we're
gonna go up all the way to the roof the
top of the Las Vegas Convention Center
no this is why I got on here and not you
because you are six feet and you
couldn't go this high I've no heels are
gonna give me that high alright alright
this is guys who is going up first so
tell all these so you get in our polices
we're getting our case going up there so
we have six in the field we have case
ology and rock form up first which one
are you going to go for first so we're
gonna try case ology first so I go in
psychology okay I'm gonna get my ecology
was originally at full point I'm gonna
buy a two feet one for a second well so
four point five feet is the original
height from case ology yeah this is like
underdog lexi velocity four point five
feet now we're going to twenty feet okay
third time that they drive they're
dropping this phone so okay ready
Vanessa Oh mass you're so high up I know
but I don't even know where I'm aiming
at this point okay
hot I'm hot alright I'm Lexie all right
also I apologize if I alright guys help
me count down this is nerve-racking
three two one drop
whoa that was incredible
look at that but can I get props for
that landing
and guys that is brutal oh my gosh my
hot awakes spice like that screen like
that's what your hearts rated it was
rated it was rated 4.5 case log1 one
last thing
thank you so much how much was this one
it's $13.99 13:19 name to the case
Legion series Legion series Thank You
random applause plays apologize thank
you rich drop multiple times on to dog
at four point five feet thank you once
patek odd okay we have rokform up next
at aqua nice 20 feet I'm gonna see if I
can match the landing but it's gonna be
alright guys help me count down in three
two one drop
I swear that one keeps flipping I was a
little flip action there that's part of
the protection it doesn't it flips on
its way down okay please take it out of
the case let's see how we go this one is
rock form here we go let's take a look
rock firm has been consistently flipping
in the air I mean we've got the line
it's the backs back looks totally fine
but it seems to be working for it wow
this was 20 feet and how much was this
case again it's a retail $99 for a
waterproof battery case okay so it's 99
dollars worth of tough case right there
okay so what do you got we're gonna keep
going at 20 feet 20 on his neck still in
it to win it
Tech 21 tech 21 anybody all right guys
oh man all right I have to stand on my
tippy toes at that time alright three
two one drop that landed right on the
edge of the trial you do so at a you
know I mean full disclosure that this is
not a completely flat surface and the
fact that it landed right on the tile
this might be affecting
Oh have some damaged but my goodness as
we said multiple drops this is Kaitlyn
definitely not rated for this and this
not a completely flat surface down there
yes it did such a good job tech21
what was the name of this case again
it's the evo check how much was it
$39.99 amazing you guys you guys did so
well and it was rated you did a ten-foot
case guys we really did it for twice
that thank you so much for taking part
it's such a great time thank you guys
all right the buzz tech21 thank you so
much that was amazing so next up is Z so
and again are you I'm gonna ask you one
more time do you want me to drop your
phone from 20 feet personal phone over
here Z's oh okay I have to leave someone
phoneless for CES but my goodness like I
think this is what's gonna happen
three two one drop oh okay okay though
let's reach in okay please do the honors
how does look like thank you very very
damaged from what I can tell
Wow let's take a look I took a
screenshot that's official I don't want
that that will live on that will live on
yeah look at that well it has the screen
it has a screen protector on it flip
around to the back no damage
Wow Wow 20 feet put it on like she's
still in the running guys were a
last-minute entrant you guys still in it
still in it to win it okay we have
another 20 footer up we have another 20
footer this is a sub case again this is
the third drop this is 20 beats three P
two one drop whoa
flipping a little pirouette at the end
though I isn't everybody wearing
hardhats right now I don't know okay
alright if we could have subkick to come
up and take it out of the case
oh look at that again like before I'm
noticing little debris on the screen
itself yeah but that's just the
protector that's on this one there's a
little bit of dust there too
dust is okay dust is fine cracks or not
how's it looking like so okay well it's
it's it's not visibly broken but there's
a touch screen touch working the touch
screen is not responding let's see swipe
up oh I think it's for business in
hearing-impaired mode right now yeah but
it's not responding that's okay TBD TBD
TBD we've got to shut that one down and
turn it back off again okay okay so now
we have Pelican at 20 feet guys in three
two one drop
Oh little bounce Ted that was good that
was good all right okay all righty
how's it looking okay take it out of the
case no visible mark on there let's see
here we go take a look okay look at the
no visible scratches yep still working
on the screen there we're good right
how many finalists we have it oh my
okay we need to weigh we need to work
out is the phone turn back on we need to
work out do the screen turn back on that
was subcase gonna turn back on TV Z TBD
in the meantime should we start rocking
them again thank you all right I mean
there's nowhere to go head until I see a
check-in let's do a check-in so we have
survivors from every 20 feet rating well
not rating 20 feet height because these
are not rated for 20 feet guys let's get
that clear out of these bots are 20 feet
we had taking them above and beyond the
specs we have rokform
these are Pelican
and we're still waiting to see if
subcase is gonna make it in because we
couldn't get that screen to keep
responding well the meantime should we
continue with the finalists dropping
them again at 20 feet do you guys rusty
another 20 foot drop one drop um really
Brooke foam we want one more drop boy we
are we gonna see let's say good let's
sorry let's see we can touch it's not
really responding let's see if I can
screen I don't know it's not I I think
if it's and it's in an accessibility
mode we can't get it to we can't get it
to do what we want we unfortunately
gonna have to disqualify unfortunately
but thank you so much for taking part
you guys did an amazing job
thank you okay okay we're gonna do one
last drop if you guys are willing
rokform Zizo and pelican one last drop
at 20 feet we can't go any higher unless
we go outside Pelican you guys are in
Z's are you guys are in broke man we're
all eating that round of applause ladies
and gentlemen
whoo let's do this imma gonna do this
right we're gonna get higher we're gonna
do rapid round Vanessa we're gonna drop
him wrap it around yeah you guys know
how to time that are making it to the
finals yeah so I'm just gonna drop them
just to cut the countdown everything
else I may be alright when you're when
you've got the case say the name of what
it is you're gonna drop okay so now we
can get into fun some fun stuff do you
want me to draw keep dropping it screen
side up down yes
vertical vertical oh this is hot huh
territory high time medical Vanessa
before you drop it what's the name of
the case this oh god to know what
Halligan going okay go right going
alright three two one drop bounce good
nice bounce good bounce so while you're
while you're taking it out of the case
so the case did come apart a little bit
how's the fight let's take the phone out
of it
did dislodge a little bit from there all
nice call your vertical guys that's
where it starts getting interesting
okay that's a load on looking Lexi no
scratches we still can't use the phone
it's still working guys okay put it back
all right all right if I can let's let's
see that does the case still functioning
now back together let's try to sell them
is it still solid oh yeah all right
pelicans still back together guys try
well done vertical in it to win it okay
pelicans still in guys pelicans still in
Lexi clear out so you're out Vanessa is
my bounce suit which paid rokform and it
has been bouncing so much that I want
you to move aside you two thought a
little bit hard hat time I'm okay in
three two one drop
cases come a pot a little bit I can see
we're getting into case two real case
torture he was torture here yeah it is
check it out looks like can we get it
out of the case surviving okay
you got no guys it's a little bit of
scratching up here oh look it still
works but there's some visible damage
what do you think and you say no we have
a little bit of visible damage all right
do you think we're it's fortunately
quality you're out but you did you did
an amazing job you guys you guys dropped
so much how much is this case cost I
guess uh waterproof battery case for $99
is the name of it it is the few is a
reactor case amazing react it's from
Brooklyn thank you and bye guys all
right okay okay
so now for the drumroll okay now pay
drumroll we have C so with your own
phone again vertical you came in late
this is not a new phone this is I mean
this is the underdog of of the
competition here and so I saved it for
last drum roll please in three two one
whoa I see everyone just screaming as it
hits the ground
oh all right here we go yeah here we go
let's take this one out of the case
again and see but I want to also bring
it to everyone's attention that we do
have subcase Becky that the phone is
turned back on it works watch it again
daddy you guys in 20 feet again well
20 feet okay verifying this one works
the screen is fine it's still
functioning the back is fine there's no
vegetables guys fantastic back in the
case yes wow that is impressive lies
right sub K sub caves and I got in the
game should I get a hug yah
let's go vertical what are we doing now
not really the same way you did it
before all right in three two one drop
whoa nice I like how the actual the
pavers are lifting up holding the phones
definitely the flat sir okay alright
let's come and take it out so as you can
see the case is kind of dislodged a
little bit this is the point at which
cases drop it's in the point is which
the cases break but you'd much rather
the case break than the phone break so
this is exciting to see okay let's
verify show it show it off oh but it's
again let's try turning it off and on
again Oh guys we'll have three we have
here we have three people that made it
that made it to 20 feet and beyond
well done Vanessa take care of yourself
yeah up there so we have let's wrap it
up we have three case makers that went
to 20 feet multiple times and survived
well done come on another hill
attendance case well done come on these
guys you guys are brave so good you guys
thank you so much for taking pot okay
Pelican one last time name of your case
Enterprise mr. Pelican shield case for
59.99 and 40 years of protection is
built attack
right and Caesar name of the case this
is as easel built cover it's 3495 and
built-in kickstand and atlantean okay in
Sasuke back pace unique impede oh Syria
come with the holster screen protector
and front and back cover
1995 big round of applause for there
everyone in the participation and now
winners thank you very much guys Wow
okay fantastic well we do have a first
prize place but it's going to go three
way we're gonna drop it well thank you
for joining us oh you guys out there
watching this live please let us know
what you guys want us to test next we're
gonna continue we're not gonna end here
at CES so hit us up on Twitter at Lexus
of et's and run a hand to see what you
guys want to test whether there's get
more cases or phones let us know thank
you so much for watching our first best
case scenario at CES we had a blast and
so much fun drop testing these cases
stick around because we'll be back after
we reset the stage with the best of CES
with Brian Kelly and Scott Stein
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