iPhone X preordering tips (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 107)
iPhone X preordering tips (Apple Byte Extra Crunchy, Ep. 107)
good morning or good afternoon everyone
my name is Steven Beach a producer of
the Apple byte extra crunchy podcast
with your host mr. Brian Tom what's up
everybody welcome to the show you know
how we do it it's Beach and tong Apple
byte extra crunchy extra Munchie our
complimentary piece to our video podcast
that comes out weekly this is where we
dive into it new stories always surfaced
so we kind of keep you up-to-date and we
can really expand about you know about
these topics this is episode 107 the
show again is always about you guys and
gals so all you have to do to be a part
of this it just call us leave a
voicemail 1-866 two six three eight that
is how you leave us your name where
you're from and your comments your
opinions your questions we will dive
into them we got a whole bunch and
honestly I think that because we're
really at least the time that we're
recording this we're about 12 hours away
from actual pre-order night it's gonna
get a little crazy so it's gonna get
cray-cray so that you know the way that
we wanted to draw people in is talk
about some of the best ways to pre-order
the iPhone 10 and then we have tons of
stories like legitimate stories so I
think just so I so I you know deliver on
the promise that we tiled the show look
I know a lot of you are like how what is
the best way to pre-order and there's a
few strategies but I shouldn't be saying
because you're just gonna make it harder
for me but I don't care because these
phones are gonna be already hard enough
to get I've got nothing but love for
Apple byte nation the first thing you
need to do when you want a pre-order
sure you can have a web browser on the
website open but the place that
typically switches over first to get
access to the pre-orders and people like
don't tell them be don't tell them be is
the actual app the actual Apple Store
app on your iPhone on your iPad you want
to have those open because that's
typically the switch that flips over
first to get access to the pre-order
someone the periscopes like only losers
preorder through their web browser but
here's the other thing not only should
you do that Apple site and apples apples
are going to get hammered you can and
people call to ask about this you will
still be able to do
we order the iPhone through the actual
carrier websites now in the past I have
found out of all the iPhones that I have
pre-ordered on pre-order night only one
time did the carrier website actually
outperform Apple's app or Apple's
website itself but I did get through one
so you whether it's t-mobile AT&T
Verizon though you can go to their sites
directly that's another great way to do
it but also if you own multiple devices
you gotta load up every device get all
your account log into your accounts
don't frickin pull up the site and wait
to log into your account before you do
it you're just gonna lose you're gonna
lose and this this actual phone is gonna
be hard to get now Beach I'm gonna jump
one story just because we'll get back to
actually the news but we talked about
launch day in our rundown an Apple did
have an official statement saying that
the iPhone 10 will be available for
walk-in customers at stores both Apple
stores and carrier stores on launch day
we don't know we don't know how many
though but yeah then you will be able to
PR man they want those lines out in
front of their stores I'm a curious look
San Francisco's Union Square store is
one of the big flagship beautiful stores
I don't know how many they'll actually
have I can't imagine that they're gonna
have a thousand units to sell I just I
don't I'm really curious what's gonna
happen maybe maybe they allocate most of
their inventory to the physical stores
we'll find out how this all shakes out
my hunch is that even if I get in the
I'm gonna guess maybe maybe I'm gonna
i'ma pray to the Apple gods not that I
believe in the Apple gods but uh I think
that I uh
something tells me in my gut that I'm
gonna get through on the online system
but I won't get the phone on launch day
it'll be like launch week you know what
I'm saying like all indications a report
by the Nikkei Asian review says the
actual amount of iPhones at Apple is
expected to produce by the end of 2017
has been cut in half because of
inventory per
Chinn delays we'll talk about those
issues specifically from a recent
Bloomberg report 20 million units where
normally they were expecting 40 million
units by the end of this year that's a
big deal when you talk about spreading
that inventory globally that's that's
gonna be hard to get like I keep on
saying it you guys are gonna feel that
my pain Jordans Yeezys classic SNES is
Super NES classic all the people that
were crying you're gonna cry I think
you're gonna cry a little harder come
tonight I'm just that's how I that's how
I feel I cried I mean yes classic man I
feel like I'm not even trying to be a
height beast so so key key element use
the app use Apple's website and use the
carrier hit him with that triple threat
and load it on multiple devices with
multiple browsers if you've ever tried
to get Comic Con tickets yeah you'll
know what you'll know how thirsty we all
get this is this is better than
comic-con because that's a lottery this
isn't a lottery at least you have a
chance to get one so get your kids
involved get them get devices in their
hand Calissa Darren Tyler Jake all my
nieces and nephews I expect you to be on
your devices with this is not option you
have a medical doctor paired for all
your nieces and nephews have like my
information in one place it's it's gonna
be I don't know I mean maybe maybe it's
not but I feel like it's gonna be rough
I think there's we know how much the
internet bitch is about stuff I think
it's gonna be really bad tomorrow like
everyone's complaining about their
iPhone 8th right now so you know there's
gonna be a huge wave when the 10 comes
out my buddy Gil Cabrera I've heard
those comic-con tickets are hard to get
bTW funny um so yes do that that's
that's my tip of the day best of luck
you may the odds be ever in your favor
throw up three throw up 2 3 4 ooh that's
a you know you see Hunger Games Beach I
actually haven't know I haven't seen
them that joke meant nothing to you I do
not why you're like like whatever Brian
just just talk to the people all right
let's move along and talk about this
really interesting and in-depth story
that was broken by that
dropped yesterday after we shot our show
the actual video show from Bloomberg and
the title is that inside Apple struggle
to get the iPhone 10 to market on time
now we know that there's been a variety
of production issues we know that
specifically to the sensors but this is
the most detailed account that we have
ever heard detailing you know what had
happened to Bloomberg of what had
behind the scenes in Apple's factories
so what I kind of wanted to do is paint
this picture you got to follow along
with me and go through some of these key
elements that this amazing story really
dug deep in should I read Apple's
comment to the response to the story
first before we get into this Beach what
do you think course please okay Apple's
statement in response to this story
before we get into the Nitty Gritty
because this is always icky sheds he
said she said type situation in fact
this is kind of actually literally he
said she said Apple spokeswoman Trudy
Miller said that Bloomberg's claimed
that it reduced the accuracy spec for
face ID is completely false and we
expect face ID to be the new gold
standard for facial authentication the
quality and accuracy of face ID haven't
changed it continues to be one in a
million probability of a random person
unlocking your iPhone with face ID and
again I fight I kind of actually forgot
to say that the Bloomberg report claims
that Apple basically dialed down and
told suppliers that they didn't need to
make the sensors for the true depth
camera as accurate in order for them to
produce more components that would be
able to then be used in phones that is
the report and the claim by Bloomberg
Apple says no way Jose like this is not
because they're trying to be like no
this is just as good as we advertised
Bloomberg is saying otherwise so let me
walk through the steps of what Bloomberg
is talking about with the iPhone 10
specifically in kind of the saga behind
it now about a month ago this is kind of
phase one about a month ago
Foxconn Technology Group pulled as many
as 200 workers off the iPhone 10
production line Apple we know that they
were having problems getting sufficient
components for this phone so that
resulted in them actually needing fewer
people to put it together
the main culprit was the 3d sensor that
recognizes face and on
the handset Foxconn declined to comment
more specifically more information
remembered when you look at this iPhone
10 true depth camera this is basically
like a Microsoft Kinect inside a phone
now when you talk about supplies for
that this is kind of a little cool data
point remember the Kinect was like the
size of like I don't know what would you
say connects pretty small it's like you
know like you're like a Bluetooth mini
speaker right it's a Bluetooth mini
speaker the Kinect sold 24 million units
over two years okay
so production wise that's not nearly as
challenging Apple which is miniaturizing
this - like my fingernail sells more
than 200 million phones in a year there
you go have problems yeah this is not
easy here's the other element that was
part of this you know reduced amount of
iPhones not enough time
despite demanding the near impossible
normally Apple gives suppliers a typical
two-year lead time but because of this
tighter scheduled complexity of making
this 3d true depth sensor that left a
lot of their suppliers on a short time
to prepare their factories and also
explains partially why the iPhone 10 is
getting released like a full six weeks
later than the iPhone 8 now yeah it's an
aggressive design this is part of it but
here's even more right this true DEP 3d
sensor that is used for facial scanning
and again what the crazy thing about
this is we don't know if this is gonna
be really how how fast this is gonna
perform and so apples going through a
lot of this trouble to bring this next
generation tech that we foresee to be
faster and better in the future but here
we go right this 3d sensor has three key
elements a flood illuminator that kind
of shines this light on your face right
it beams an infrared light on your face
that we can't see the camera uses that
to establish there's a face the second
part of this is this dot projector that
they talked about that flashes 30,000
dots on your face to kind of build your
face and then a third camera
is an infrared camera that actually
reads those dots to confirm that it's
you so those are three elements that are
that are really at the heart of this now
the actual dot projector is the heart of
the production problems for Apple we
know that there were reports that they
were having trouble producing these
multiple modules that combine to make
this dot projector that were causing the
shortages the laser beam light through a
lens known as wafer level optics focuses
these thirty thousand points of infrared
light projected onto user's face so they
had problems producing that and
producing enough of them at the quality
inspect that Apple wanted for the phone
next up another roadblock Apple lost one
of its laser suppliers early on the
company called finis R Corp they failed
to meet apples specs because again Apple
gave these companies a shorter time line
because of the difficulty in the
complexity and this stuff is hard i I
would never claim to know how these
people like they're also under pressure
to it's this is not an easy job people
are like spending time over in Asia to
make sure this happens away from their
families just to get this phone right
like I understand all this we have fun
ripping on them but let's be real like
there is perspective here they lost one
of their laser suppliers that meant less
components because they weren't able to
meet the spec in addition to that the
fragility of these components traded
problems for the remaining two kind of
manufacturers LG Innotech and sharp
corporation who struggled to combine the
laser and the lens to make this actual
dot projector at one point the report
says twenty percent of the dot
projectors produced by the two companies
were actually usable this one T percent
this sounds like they're building like
the Hubble telescope in your phone I
mean this is just like one tiny piece of
the phone to imagine all the other parts
and like you know just components that
go into this phone that they have to
perfect and it makes extremely precise
but this is this is an incredible story
like lasers we're talking about laser
the laser
freaking lasers on their head it's great
laser it is crazy so I have to write 20
percent yield rate of these dot
protectors that's holding up the entire
process slowing down how many units they
can actually build LG Innotech and sharp
themselves slowed down the production
process in efforts to kind of prevent
these dot projectors from breaking
during the assembly that was one of the
issues that was happening so finally in
order to what Bloomberg is reporting in
addition to all these amazing details in
order to boost the number of usable dot
projectors and to accelerate the
production Apple relaxed some of the
specifications for the face ID module
according to multiple people with
knowledge of the process and as a result
because it took less time to test these
modules and they weren't so stringent
which typically they are very very let's
be honest it's Apple in the past they've
been very anal retentive about this
stuff it was one of the sticking points
but it allegedly allowed them to at
least bump up the yield rates Apple
again when I say he he said she
said apples say no this is not true at
all they are just as accurate as
possible we'll we will never we will
actually never know this right yeah yeah
we will not people have 1 million people
use a phone and test it to really be
like yeah it is one in a million actor I
mean that's that's a number they're
throwing out anyways just for fun it
could be a little more than a million it
could be a little less it could be close
to that but the always the fun stuff
about this we have all these details
Apple will just always say it's not true
will actually never know the truth of it
yeah we will never really know Apple
will never come out and say we did
change the spec no one had the an
original component from unless someone
gets an original component and can show
us without a shadow of a doubt that this
yeah you know project some more dot
sores more detailed than the current one
we'll never know and will we really care
I mean insiders like us love eat this
stuff up I think we'll care if our face
idea is broken or doesn't work you know
then we're gonna care but uh it sounds
like relax is like a code word for
kind of like this we're not gonna make
it in time this is very hard to make so
let's just let's just cut some corners
and make it faster right
so that's the story of the week yeah
exactly right Apple reportedly has
reduced the face ID accuracy to speed up
the iPhone temp reduction I think a lot
of people that want an iPhone 10
probably actually the more I think about
it your general consumer that does not
even pay attention to hey this doesn't
even care they don't even care they
don't care but Apple care a lot right
now and they're probably tripping out
just a reminder the iPhone 10 pre-order
starts Friday at 12:01 a.m. right that's
Friday morning I'm sorry for my east
coast East Coast peeps 3:00 a.m. if you
thirsty if you're thirsty they do go to
work they do it on Pacific time yeah
yeah 12-amp it's the big time bro
Cupertino time yeah and don't worry
you'll get my tweets at like 12:00 and
1:00 like stores not open how about you
12:07 stores still not open how about
you like everyone starts freaking out
everyone starts freaking out that'll be
you should lifestream that ain't gonna
livestream I got this I don't people
don't need to see that all right so
there that's kind of the latest iPhone
10 stuff in a bundle the other story
that dropped this week that was again
from Bloomberg this time from Bloomberg
Businessweek is kind of detailing more
about Apple's billion dollar bet on
Hollywood and really saying that you
know not only this the Apple is trying
to figure out what they're doing it's
the opposite of edgy and what we mean by
that is Apple wants content that could
be played in an Apple store that could
be seen there and we know what are the
hottest shows that people care about
right now right now name name a few and
tell me if they're edgier or you know if
they're a little more mature a little
more rooted and like I still will put
Walking Dead in that group Game of
Thrones i'll an extremely violent aim
with like netflix has got narcos right
these are shows that you're just like oh
my god like what network TV show right
now today is garnering anywhere near the
buzz that a cable network show or an HBO
show is doing these days the only one
that I can think of honestly as this is
us which I do watch question I can't
think of a show that's like hugely
popular that's like very I mean may be
like those singing contest
competition shows which those are the
few shows that you need you know
competition shows drawn the same type of
audience like a live sports audience you
want to be there and see it as it
happens right this is Apple doing
programming to compete with Netflix with
Hulu with Amazon and cable networks and
you're telling me they want to come up
with like family-friendly stuff I mean
you can but I had it's not like it's
gonna blow that you know blow things out
we've already seen the first two efforts
with careful carpool karaoke and plan of
the apps now here's a really interesting
thing to kind of talk about where
Apple's mind is and how this could
trickle down in the future so days this
is according to Bloomberg Bloomberg
Businessweek story days before Apple
planned to celebrate the release of its
first TV show last spring Tim Cook told
his deputies the fun had to wait foul
language and references to vaginal
hygiene had to be cut from some of the
episodes of carpool karaoke celebrities
like palanquin Paltrow Jessica Alba
Blake Shelton and Chesley Hannah Chelsea
Handler were cracking jokes while
driving around la the delay was widely
reported last April but then reasons
never were the reasons now have surfaced
that edits were made and additional
episodes were shot to sanitize the show
because it wasn't family family-friendly
so when carpool karaoke released in
August we know it didn't it's in a blos
way some people told me they liked it I
still it was not enough for me to get an
Apple music subscription but it shows
the challenges that Apple as a tech
company they've hired two execs from
Sony to drive their content
they are investing reportedly 1 billion
dollars but if Apple is gonna kind of
control and shape like uh you know if
Tim Cook is gonna say ah this shows a
little risque we don't want that well
what are you what are you gonna make
like look at oh my gosh
the what is why can't I kid why can't I
remember the name of the show that we
talked about with a with Dre and um oh
and I'm forgetting the name - Johnny
Ives is it icons was that I like Ike
knows I'm assuming a look it up real
quick some people that are watching can
tell it will tell us this right now it's
it's like like icons or something like I
can't remember anyways just pull it up
while we talk about this but yeah look
apple is gonna have an identity problem
if they they wanted the report says they
want comedies and emotional dramas with
broad appeal the Defiant ones thank you
the great great ridiculous yes you
haven't seen the Defiant ones please
watch it I still haven't seen episode
three at the source Awards which is
arguably everyone says it's the most
intense the most intense story there but
yeah Apple wants comedies and emotional
dramas with broad appeal and it's like
okay we'll see we've already seen what
they've done the two sony core
executives that they've brought in Jamie
Ehrlich and Zack Van Amburg former heads
of Sony Corp corporations TV studio
we'll see I mean look what are the most
iconic shows of all time the wire
Breaking Bad and now obviously we have a
game of Thrones tell me are those shows
risque hell yeah yes
like they push the boundaries of what we
have expected or known to see on TV I
mean I could see Apple getting into like
children's programming I feels like
that's kind of great I'm gonna watch
that I'm gonna watch that dude I know
right I mean they are trying to target
young I'm sure they're trying to target
young audience and kids who play with
iPhones and iPods or whatever so I could
see them getting into like children's
programming you know which it makes yeah
it could is it their main rival will be
Netflix who throw every
all my nieces and nephews the young ones
at least they're all about Netflix
all they do is watch all their shows on
Netflix they don't care if Apple's
coming up with a new TV show that your
parents have to pay $10 a month just to
watch yeah and look to guild Cabrera's
point would your parents pay for that
$10 just to watch a show for your kids
where you have Netflix already there and
you're already using it and Netflix
gives you so much like Netflix is just
crushing it oh my god are you ready for
oh wait you don't have a Netflix yet bro
don't I'm still I'm still a Amazon
pretty much anyone Prime has every cool
kid show that you need greater things
stranger things bro I do want to see
that I do want to see that show gosh I
can't honestly I mean I can't talk to
you right now I don't have time to watch
TV man I barely have time all right
um let's let's get to our mid roll break
we'll talk about some of the companies
that Apple is in legal battles with but
uh we're gonna take a little breather
right now to show some love for our
sponsor this week it's ero you know them
II double ero the single router Wi-Fi
model just doesn't work for our
increasingly high bandwidth world so
what you need is a distributed system
and that's zero whatever your Wi-Fi
needs our arrow has the power to
seamlessly blanket your home in a fast
reliable Wi-Fi it's like a mesh network
it comes with a single router and then
you have these two other nodes that you
can plug into the wall that extend your
wireless network across your house it
has the third five gigahertz radio a
second-generation arrow is now Tribe an
and twice as fast as its predecessors
and also it has a new thread radio
platform that supports future smart home
devices like locks and doorbells and
other sensors there are zero beacons
that are the things that you plug in the
walls are really small and portable even
more powerful than the original arrow so
arrow did send us in order for us to
actually test the experience they set us
they sent us a setup
I got it rigged up at my parents house
you normally just had like an old-school
airport base station in the top level I
put two nodes down the bottom and it
like it worked it was really easy to set
up like I didn't have a problem with it
in fact it's to me it's kind of one of
those companies where Apple is out of
the Wi-Fi business
because there's people like arrow that
are just gonna basically take their
lunch it has this Apple aesthetic it's
really nice so I'm just telling you
right now from personal experience like
the thing actually worked so all you got
to do guys and gals for free overnight
shipping to the US or Canada visit
eurocom ee r o dot-com select overnight
as the shipping option enter the code
Apple byte at checkout that's a ppl eb y
ee and you get free shipping there you
eurocom thanks for showing love and uh
keeping the lights on and it keeping
these dope statues behind me they
actually they don't pay me at all I
noticed going to the ero website that
every person that's on this website is
barefoot so this this guy's barefoot
this woman is barefoot
it's a feet bro this guy's barefoot and
then there's a whole family that's
barefoot so you're like like look foot
people just go to eurocom here's the
this is just dude this just hit me this
is a this is okay you have these cool
tech companies are doing great things
this is one of the problems why they
aren't catching on they have these like
weird names and they need I'm gonna give
ear o should I give ear o a marketing TV
ad right now sure should I do that okay
so you show they do in the pill you know
you show someone like fresh air with
Wi-Fi but this is the theme song this is
the theme song for arrow moving forward
I can be your hero baby I can wipe away
those tears oh yeah okay you know what
I'm saying you know I start doing some
slow fades in and out of you that's good
I mean come on
Enrique Enrique Iglesias he needs work
get him on the get him on that you
please connect my Wi-Fi does your Wi-Fi
does your Wi-Fi it stinks you came on
that please right now like wow it's is
it Thursday today man we still got
Friday man I got a stamp till 12 a.m.
for this Apple iPhone 10 I'm doing it
all right
two things we covered in the show we
won't get into too in-depth but Apple
recently this week was sued by company
over the an emoji trademark the
company's name was a monster
we know how Apple basically came out if
you look at the exact keynote Bill
Schiller outright says we came up with a
new thing that we are calling an emoji
like they outright said it like they
came up with the idea the real story
behind this is that there's a company
called a monster they created an app on
the App Store trademarked it in 2014 the
app has like over 18,000 downloads it's
called an emoji the report from the e
monster creators was that companies
approached him this summer
conveniently before the iPhone 10
release asking if they could purchase
that front purchase the trademark from
him he said no I don't want you to do
that he believed they were shell
companies like Apple comes up with these
like fake company names to to pose as
another company what was the name of it
one of the shell companies that
approached them was called the emoji law
group LLC is the an emoji so funny
that's like a super packed kind of you
know so after yeah oh yeah after he
didn't sell it he was threatened with a
cancellation of the trademark alright
but if he didn't sell it to them now our
friend Gil Cabrera who is a who's in the
legal world would would enjoy this stuff
and probably give us way more insight he
opted not to sell but then on September
11th just prior to the debut of the
iPhone 10 Apple filed a petition with
the US Patent and Trademark Office to
cancel the an emoji trademark they tried
they filed a petition it is still that
the petition has not been it's still
basically they're still waiting on a
decision on that it has not been pushed
through it's still like in limbo but
this the owner of a monster is now suing
Apple saying yeah you try not only did
you clearly try to buy it off me you
knew it existed
you didn't give enough about it and you
went out there and made it like it was
your own and I I hope that this dude
gets paid I want this guy to get paid
because that's just so cocky of Apple
have billions of dollars you know they
probably low-balled him they're like uh
here's $500,000 for the an emoji
trademark can we buy it from you now
give this man what he deserves now
you're going on now you're in trouble oh
yes show some emails you know show some
phone calls and then he's he's he's
swimming him dough swimming in some
money so that's pretty insane
Cabrera says he's gonna get paid he's
definitely gonna get paid he's gonna get
paid more than he turned down that
crappy offer that appaled then the thing
is Apple pretended to be a different
company to buy it from him and then got
mad about it
that's so weird and then the name of the
company is like very misleading too you
know like we are they what was it again
emoji law group LLC is so funny they're
they're like the lot lawyers of emojis
that's so weird
look the iPad name was used by if I
recall right diggin back in my bank I
believe some company like Cisco or a
tech company like that owned the actual
iPad trademark Apple paid them for it
they tried to swindle this dude behind
the scenes without him knowing it was
Apple so he's gonna get paid wow that's
a crazy story man in another story about
the lawsuit that will never end the
Apple versus Samsung lawsuit will be
dragged into its eighth year with a
retrial scheduled for next May now if
you remember this whole back-and-forth
and write the whole claims of Apple said
hey Samsung you copied our design of the
phone they showed examples of how it
their new phone like the s4 and other
models started to look exactly like the
Apple iPhone 3GS after all this back and
forth and we know how crazy it was right
Apple successfully sued Samsung for
infringing upon their patented design an
Apple was initially rewarded or awarded
so not rewarded was initially awarded
nearly 1 billion dollars in damage but
then a significant part of that was
reversed in 2015 that said ok Samsung
only owes 548 million later on that
amount was even lowered again this is
over the course of years my friends
lowered to 399 million dollars
and now earlier this week Judge Lucy Koh
ordered that a new trial is required to
determine whether Apple's 399 million
award for samsung's infringement should
stand or whether a new damages trial is
still going on you know who the real
winner is is in this whole thing the
lawyers the lawyers are winning big time
right now they're like oh we got eight
years of Apple and some Samsung paying
us for our legal fees we're winning
winning oh that's so good it's a classic
anyways um good luck with that I it's a
story that I didn't want to bring up but
it's kind of getting ridiculous now it's
just getting ridiculous um we're gonna
jump over to just a couple cool things
new betas for Mac OS High Sierra v Mac
OS v beta is out also v beta for iOS
11.1 is out I actually because they're
kind of further along in the beta
process I actually downloaded it to my
phone v beta and the Apple watch
specifically for watch OS 4.1 and I'm
telling you if any of you who enjoy your
Apple watch series 3 LTE specifically I
think you're gonna like it a whole lot
more in this new we've talked a little
bit about it but the new watch OS 4.1
you're going to now be able to stream
Apple music but in addition to that it's
also going to be able to connect to
Apple radio stations so what I mean by
that like while I'm on the go if I'm
working out at the gym there's a few
stations that are set up on this Apple
watch that you can listen to directly
one of them I have to you know I'm not
trying to make this an advertisement or
anything but one of them is CBS Radio
but there's others like I think PBS has
a radio station on it
ESPN has a radio station on here
Bloomberg radio so you can just take you
et sorry not PBS so there's a few like
new stations on there as well as access
to the entire Apple music if you are an
apple music subscriber and in addition
access to your iCloud music library as
well I'm not a big fan of Ike
music because some ways it handles
things like honestly it's I don't I just
say enter at your own risk with iCloud
music but I do I do use it one of the
questions that we had over the phone and
I felt like we were just answered here
is Jeff in Houston had asked about dude
what's going on with watch OS for he has
a series to watch and if any of you have
noticed in the past and this is I mean
this is a bad apple types this is crap
but you used to be able to actually
access your entire library on your phone
when it was connected through the music
app like how cool is that right any
songs that were on your phone for now
you can access them to your Apple watch
they got rid of that specific
connectivity and watch OS 4 and wise why
isn't a problem because you can't access
your entire music library now they did
bring more storage 16 gigs of storage
the new seriously watch so you could
load specific playlists and songs onto
your Apple watch but that's completely
different than getting access to your
entire phone library on your phone I
think what Apple is trying to do here
and I don't like it is that they're
saying hey if you subscribe to Apple
music and our iTunes itunes cloud
library I Tunes cloud library you'll be
able to get your entire music collection
that way but you have to pay for that
that's two masses right that's two
services you have to pay for that to do
that it's they took away basically free
functionality to access your entire
library collection by doing that I love
the radio aspect but I don't like that
and I think it's I think it's a bunch of
crap honestly so unfortunately Jeff and
that's what I think that's what they're
trying to push you towards which is not
yeah the radio aspect is cool but it's
also gonna count towards your you know
your data plan so you're gonna be eating
up early Wi-Fi in the gym yeah true true
but I'm just saying it most likely your
LT yeah then the caller also said oh
crap I forgot I was gonna say what what
he mentioned but uh you know he was
saying that was like the only feature he
really used on his Apple watch and yeah
it's like it's almost like useless to
him now which is a bummer you know yeah
there's also other radio stations that
are featured here like not
my personal favorite but uh we've got
like modern country you've got um
classic electronic rock so there's
actual like genres of music that you can
listen to as well which is kind of cool
I thought that was actually pretty cool
yeah gospel hip hop are gonna be all
that stuff like all my classic hip hop
so you do have access to all the
stations like I'm telling you like as a
fan of the Apple watch series 3lt
because of how I use it to work out I
think it makes it a whole lot cooler um
it also will connect to Jim supported
like elliptical machines and things like
that through the gym kit support so
that's also it's coming it's still in
beta right now but it's I think it's in
like its fourth beta so it will be
coming soon most likely we're gonna see
these all launched during the time that
the new iPhone comes out November 3rd
I've got imagine they're gonna drop
around that time that's typically when
it happens so we'll wait and see on that
the other thing related to the Apple
watch and honestly I had no idea this
was going on but a recent report that
just that came out last week maybe about
five days ago is that the Apple watch
cellular version hits a snag
specifically in China what according to
reports is basically China's state-run
government turned off or demanded that
they turn off the LTE connection for
Apple watches in China like you can't
use an Apple watch with an independent
cellular connection even if it has that
feature because it was abruptly cut off
for new subscribers without any
explanation none whatsoever and that's
that's China's state-run government at
work they felt that there was a risk
because you aren't able to their risks
working related to tracking users of the
device which uses different technology
than the standard mobile phones it's
using an ECM technology that not all
carriers are compatible with that was
one of their worries but I want to give
for people that don't really understand
you know how lucky we are here in the US
quite honestly like look I'm gonna give
you a list of websites specifically
blocked in China that everyone here
takes for granted
and are you ready for this Beach hold on
to your butt's gay for ya Google Google
Maps Google Docs Facebook YouTube
Twitter Instagram Pinterest pornhub it's
on the list I decide dailymotion Vimeo
Dropbox the SoundCloud these are all
currently blocked sites in China that
you cannot get access to if you go visit
they're all things that are like you can
you know you can send messages encrypted
to people mostly and like send
information and China is afraid of like
an uprising you know they're afraid of
their people so every time something
like this comes out they just have to
lock it down they're afraid of you know
a revolution happening so it's it's very
sad for Chinese so you know a lot of our
listeners are young young listeners just
understand how lucky we are though all
of those sites are completely blocked in
China now they do have their own
versions but they're more controlled
they don't give you their they're made
theirs versions of those in China
specifically because the government
wants to oversight on the communications
that are happening over there and these
are apps that we take for granted every
day that are just an icon on our screen
that we can click instantly and get
access to so much information you can't
get any of that over in China so that's
when you when you someone says oh they
turn off LTE in on the Apple watch that
is crap you have to understand the
nature of how that how the country is
run and how it's a state government
controlled country when it comes to
communications and things like that so
yeah just want to let you know the Apple
watch no longer is able to use LTE in
China at the moment kind of a bummer
kind of makes me sad actually thinking
about that like like there's a lot of
people out there you know whose voices
are can't be heard because of that so uh
there you go all right you know what
listen you wanted to get to our calls
right now let's do it let's move on
thank you guys all for calling we had a
lot of good calls this week and we
narrowed it down to five five solid ones
so he'll have five baby this music okay
here we go number one hi Beach this is
Justin called from Minneapolis yeah I
asked a question a while back and I
don't need you to put my call on the air
but even if you just answer it you know
you know through the show somehow as you
guys are talking about things but I was
wondering about an iPhone 9 if next year
instead of you know just you know
dropping the eight and after a while and
going straight to the ten are they going
to do a nine version of you know what
the next eight would be essentially
still doing the ten but you know are
they going to do that or they just going
to you know cross everything over to the
ten in the long run or even short run
next year so anyway let me know thanks
so much thanks for the column in uh all
reports that we've seen specifically
from Ming ching-kuo kji security is kind
of like iPhone rumor info guru hit I
think last week or two weeks ago he said
that all iPhones moving forward that
will be produced in 2018 we'll take take
a cue from Apple's iPhone 10 design and
yes we'll probably see something that
will be an iPhone se type of coolant
that will stay with that line
but moving for no new hardware or all
new hardware will be based off of the
iPhone 10 design and I think what you'll
see more than anything is they're gonna
learn a lot from this iPhone 10 we don't
know what issues that's going to have
we've seen last year's issues with the
note 7 we've seen this year's issues
with the screen alleged but not
officially confirm screen burnin issues
with the Google pixel to XL phone model
specifically which I was super juiced
about but I'm kind of like tempering my
expectations until we hear what Google
has to say about that but making phones
is hard when you introduce completely
new technology like this there are
probably going to be some level of
issues in the past we've seen Apple go
very unscathed the bend in other years
we've seen antenna gate we've seen what
was the other we've seen the ceramic 3GS
is crack in the corners that antenna
gate was with the iPhone 4 what was the
other gates I mean there's so
we had been gate with the iPhone 5 so
we've seen that we're when people sat on
it the phone was actually bending this
stuff's not easy do I expect a major
issue to come out I hope not for all
companies I don't want any issues to
come out because if you love technology
you want to see all boats rise with the
tide I know you like when I say that
beach yeah like that one it's like it's
important to lift everyone up so um I
hope there's not but if there is you
know we might throw a few bad apples at
him there's definitely gonna be some bad
apples I bet there always are ok next
call hey guys it's me Ricky Dallas I
just want to say that my first iPhone
with the iPhone 5c and that was actually
phoned to get me hooks without freaking
misleading phones plastic kept breaking
on me I couldn't keep the screen not
breaking even with an otterbox but it
was the operating system the iOS now I
like doing just smooth and they just
felt very clean and I just like the iOS
that's what got me hooked
it wasn't the plastic crappy phone it
was just the iOS in general thank you
yeah I agree totally guy you know what
look everyone there I'm not trying to
offend people when I rip on the iPhone
5c it's just that it was just so
unassuming about phones and deciding
between phones it's an ecosystem thing
now you're you're either locked in and
you're if you really want to take a huge
leap and switch ecosystems whatever
direction that is you can but it's gonna
feel weird and uncomfortable for at
first and then you'll probably get used
to like anything I just find it
fascinating how I was at the Google
pop-up shop in LA last weekend and I
literally heard a conversation between
three dudes that were looking at the
pixel to excel and one of them was like
yeah but you won't get the blue
blue text bubbles if you go pixel ah
like yeah they were outright talking
about why I was like oh my gosh like you
know the fact that they just changed the
color for iMessages is has literally
like created this bond or this
connection in people's brains that it's
not the same and um yeah like then one
of the guys said well you know this girl
I dated with she didn't have an iPhone
and I switched to Android for her for a
while but then when we broke up my next
one was an iPhone I was like what people
are talking about that's incredible
that's my Millennials now am i
millennial and we're like right on the
edge of like generation like I heard
this conversations I'm like you
literally chose your phone based on who
you were dating and then went back
because of the text bubbles like is this
really happening total factual evidence
I heard right across me like oh I can't
I can't deal with this stuff maybe
interview those kids we need to find out
more that's interesting
alright yeah let's get another call we
got more calls here here we go number
three I want to hear more people who
will not let go of their phones because
of the blue iMessages mic yeah there
there is something to say about that I
mean you know I mean I totally agree
okay here we go
hey guys this is Lulu I'm going to buy
the new iPhone 10 and luckily my parents
live on the mainland they have expanding
internet TV earlier this year experience
set up a mobile virtual network call it
Xfinity mobile their plan is $45 a month
and they operate on rising powers my
question is if they're an advantage of
going away directly would a carrier like
Verizon instead of going with a Marshall
mobile virtual network operators such as
King Xfinity La Voz Virgin Mobile also
last week in a podcast you forgot to
shout out information in Hawaii you gave
all your teachers from now Wow okay for
the record yes my man I can't remember
what his name was that's hilarious
a lot of the shirts that I rock that
have the high wording on it the scribble
a lot of people ask me where I got
that it is one of my favorite companies
information I and number four nation
based on Hawaii you know my mom is born
and raised there so I spend a lot of
time there I got a show love cuz I spent
all my summers there as a kid it's like
it's someone I go there it's like I'm
just living there eating food and
surfing and hanging so um yes correct
Oh as for your call about using you know
a virtual network or not I you know in
Hawaii for me personally it's just all
about if it's all about the signal it's
all about the signal and every place is
I found that AT&T if I recall right see
now my brain is I'm trying to switch
because I when I want to travel I bring
out a pixel and a work phone and my
personal phone and if I recall right
I felt like Verizon was a lot better
than AT&T on Hawaii if I remember and
it's been like that a few years I don't
maybe maybe I'm switching the two but I
always felt like Verizon was a lot
better in Hawaii than AT&T was and to me
it always just comes down to which
carriers better I know you can always
look that type of stuff up but it comes
down to where you live and where you are
most of the time and sometimes you got
to find out the hard ways which carry
works best so I'm not against any
carrier it just comes down to how you
use it in LA Verizon is way better than
AT&T because of the topography in Vegas
Verizon is way better than AT&T within
the San Francisco
I think AT&T works awesome oh it doesn't
work good for me in San Francisco
actually I have a lot of grabs for the
AT&T in San Francisco maybe it's my
phone maybe it's the way I'm holding my
phone I don't know but um he's also like
an iPhone like four or something right
now bro I got a success
he was also asking about these like
mobile networks like Xfinity mobile and
stuff do you know anything about I don't
know anything about those well it's like
it's like third part it's like
third-party networks like um what's one
is like cellular one that basically they
license and some of the cell some of the
cell towers from companies to use and
brand their own and they sell their own
stuff so that it's it's basically like
you piggybacking off of a carriers
towers to build your own carrier in
essence and they pay out a fee for that
so that's why I'm saying it that's why I
was telling them it's a I don't know how
well the Xfinity mobile provider over
there is it just comes down
good the signal is and where you most
likely use it yeah Xfinity is a trip
because they are putting like all these
Wi-Fi signals like all over the country
you know so like I'll be cruising along
on the bus or something in my phone will
connect to a Wi-Fi signal that's like an
Xfinity Wi-Fi router somewhere just you
know around the safe totally safe
totally safe it's it's actually kind of
cool it helps me sometimes you know but
it is weird and if I'm like if I connect
to one and I'm like far away from it and
I have a slow connection then it kind of
screws me up you know I have to like
disconnect from it so I can get back on
LTE to use my phone properly so they're
kind of hit or miss right now you know
from I'm always I always avoid those
honest I just disconnect from them yeah
yeah we've we've got my buddy shoot
their name just faded away but our buddy
on periscope says three minutes away
from the Australia launch of the iPhone
10 Oh
just letting y'all know Aussie Aussie
Aussie okay we got one more call let me
just make sure that we didn't already
play this one hey guys this is Mike from
Texas was wondering with the iPhone ten
that's ten emojis they will just walk
from iPhone 10 2010 or they will also
work with iPhone tend to like any iPhone
or cell on it or anything like that
because of that tube depth sensing
sensing housing the fun will the anymore
this will only work with ice 110 or let
me work with any of them if iPhone
change it if we can change it from - 10
- any other do is thank you guys for
anything about the actual underlying
theme behind this is he really wants to
make sure his an emojis work with other
comes importantly if that's really the
reason now from all indications when you
make an an emoji with an iPhone 10 it
sends it as a separate file to other
users so the expectation is that they
will be able to see them obviously they
can't make their own an emojis unless
they have an iPhone 10 so from what I
gather you're probably gonna looking to
buy a 10 and you want to make sure
that people see you're a poopoo an emoji
face my assumption good luck with that
I'm sure people are gonna be thrilled
about it
iPhone 1010 off but no okay laughs this
is the last call actually I was mistaken
before here we go it was our same guy
that said best best best place I could
be yeah I don't know if that was you
call back and confirm were you the same
color from last news like bezel is
bezels bezel s I want and I want that I
want that okay everybody thanks call hey
y'all this is general McCullough here
from the great white north up in Canada
and this question is for Brian
specifically because somebody over here
is our black I phones
anyways Brian I know you're all about
that Apple life why are you getting nice
content is because you like it or is
because it's turns awesome anyway it's
my top i phones five iPhones is iPhone
3GS iPhone 4s iPhone 6 plus iPhone 6s
and my favorite is just awesome
yes that's right the first awesome
because that's what Apple really meant
back in the day
thanks piece I got another iPhone
classic man the number one when ice I
swear if people that bought that one
like they're there's so much sentimental
value around because it was a
game-changer man it it blew my mind
blew my frickin mind YouTube chat room
is accusing you of having cricket
cellular I don't know I got cricket seen
you got cricket man the kohai
I don't have cricket at all man I don't
have cricket and they're they're
starting they're starting with me
they're starting stuff with me Ryan you
better watch yourself chap watches
cricket come on man so what was it
cricket was offering one of those
carriers whereas was actually offering a
an iPhone 10 deal I wonder if it was
cricket I can't remember now could be
yeah but I what was the guy's question
again or he was just talking about oh
you're I've why did you want the iPhone
10 why that's main questioner the funny
thing is like yeah I have a majority of
Apple products but I'm not all about
that Apple
I mean I have Alexis stuff I have Google
stuff I have Roku stuff
ci but yeah is my main primary ecosystem
Apple absolutely a always gonna be the
ecosystem be I've had every iPhone other
than the 4s because I thought the forest
was doodoo so that would probably lend
itself to be like yeah he's gonna get
the iPhone tenant I'm curious to see as
a reviewer as someone who has who does
this stuff the Apple byte I probably
should get the iPhone 10 so I can talk
about it I mean I don't about you I
think that makes sense that would help
with your credibility I'm sure yes and
I'm for the record I buy all of my stuff
I do not get a single thing for free
that's why I feel free to speak my
opinion and not look over my shoulder I
buy every single one of my devices I'm
never hand then Apple has never given me
a device ever to review so and no
company has ever given me a device to
review that I can then use until the
next device and I think that's important
I'm just sorry when you put down your
own cash for something you're gonna feel
differently about it and that's why I'm
I'm a little more passionate about and
I'm willing to speak my mind more
because I put money down on this stuff I
didn't get it as a review product and
for the record
Brian gives away every like all the free
stuff you get usually given away in a
you know in a Content ID something which
is cool I I reach out to companies just
to give me stuff so I can give fans of
you know goodies like there's no fee
giveaway in this week's show just all
the stuff cuz it's fun like you know why
can't we all like benefit from enjoying
this stuff it's badass you know I would
like an iPhone 10 - but I don't have the
money so I think we all want an iPhone
10 you know you think I have money to
buy that outright it's going straight to
the credit cart that gives me miles to
go to Hawaii that's what it's doing man
wait which credit card you used to get
miles for Hawaii because I need that
Hawaiian Airlines science card but I go
there so often it's it's specific right
nice otherwise you know I mean I'm not
trying to advertise but my favorite card
is the Chase Sapphire Preferred because
all the miles you can transfer all your
points to miles to Southwest directly oh
that's pretty awesome I I can talk to
about that later man
the answers oh they should probably do
that oh yeah well that's it okay that's
all she wrote that's all thanks Beach
everyone again if you want to be a part
of the show the number to call is
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