iPhone X takes on Pixel 2 in camera shootout (The 3:59, Ep. 323)
iPhone X takes on Pixel 2 in camera shootout (The 3:59, Ep. 323)
good afternoon on Tuesday November 28th
it's episode 323 of the 359 podcast
CNET's Daily News soundbite roundup
something or other what keep adding buzz
words yeah and your host today or Alfred
Inge and Roger Chang you guys what's on
the docket don't know if it's really
busy right now no we're gonna be talking
about the iPhone expert pixel to camera
it's the burning question right this is
the best the Apple's got the best of
Google's got which camera did better see
that pitted them against each other
we'll have the results on the podcast
we'll also talk about the latest NSA
breach Alfred's gonna give us a lowdown
on that more more embarrassing
disclosures I guess it keeps happening
to the NSA and it's just it's kind of
sad right for a secure for an
organization that's supposed to have
these top-secret documents it's just how
does this keep happening right
and then lastly Google's working on a
security feature that could keep
strangers from glancing over your
shoulder peeking at your phone I'm
actually pretty eager to see this I'm a
not I know yeah that's what afterwards
you waiting to do it will explain yeah
he's a little bit of a lurker so be
warned if you seem in person all right
as always give any questions with the
topics leave it in the comment section
but I will get to them I will try to
answer them in three minutes to 59
seconds from 3e - welcome to the 359 I'm
Roger Chang I'm Alfred Aang it's the
Royal Rumble smartphone cameras see
unites pitted the iPhone X against pixel
two in a camera shootout and now the
pixel has an edge and sharpness the
iPhone photos tend to come out with the
warmer so it really kind of is based on
your preference if you like warmer
photos they're probably better for
portrait mode or for portrait photos in
general the speaking portrait mode the
pixel 2 offered a pretty strong option
and despite the fact that it only uses
one lens but when it comes to you know
the telephoto lens and actually zooming
to 2x obviously the iPhone X with its
second lens wins but they're
surprisingly close yeah I think it comes
down to what you take your photos of the
most yeah if you're a person that likes
to travel a lot and takes photos of the
landscape around you you know look at
this beautiful site
yep I think the pixel to like wins it in
that scenario because there's a lot more
for you to like play with and then you
know there's just more that you can
capture in one mm-hmm
but I think if you're the type of person
that likes taking photos of people yeah
the iPhone 10 wins out in that scenario
where your Instagram feed is full of
look at this person and look at this
person that I'm right or my wife's case
just flows my kid yeah exactly
so yeah I think it depends on the type
of photographer that you are I am pretty
impressed that the pixel two is able to
do what a can with one lens on the
portrait mode this is really effective
in the people the people that are on the
focus really pop for me yeah I'm a big
fan of it I think I think it makes a lot
more sense to focus on to make the
software better than it does you know to
stack it with hardware makes it cheaper
for everyone involved if you think about
right speaking of which like you can get
the pics the baseline pixel - you don't
have to get like the super-sized version
has this feature whereas if you really
want the best camera you have to get the
iPhone 8 plus or the iPhone yeah or 10
that's that's already right there a
premium that you hadn't paid for for the
best camera features uh so next up the
NSA is dealing with yet another breach
Alfred what slow down all right so
essentially a researcher from up guard
or security company had discovered a
Amazon Web service server that had no
password on it holding up more than a
hundred gigabytes of NSA data it had
come from a branch of the NSA called
INSCOM which is this essentially
intelligent security command yep which
is their joint effort with the US
military and it basically had red disk
on it which was a old program from 2013
that the military spent ninety three
million dollars on mm-hmm and it was
basically a program that you know tagged
like had drone strike footages and you
know satellite images of people and just
basically commands going back and forth
on it right and this was all publicly
available on this website
um the researcher Chris Vickery he
basically just did like a scan for he
finds a lot of these open like AWS
servers and he found this one from from
the NSA I want to focus on then by the
way I want to give a shot of SAC
Whittaker and ZDNet who got the scoop
yes the AWS plane like I feel like I've
seen a lot report
about AWS storage servers that are
unencrypted and allow this information
gets leaked out that way yes why are
people just encrypting this stuff um so
when I asked the researcher about this
he brought up a good point we're on a
lot of these buckets so on these servers
sometimes you need it to not have a
password if you're trying to like share
it within like your organization without
if you're trying to point to it for
another web service that is protected
like if I'm trying to use my program to
run based off of this but my program
can't like get the password without it
to be fair though in this scenario when
I spoke with Chris about this specific
server yeah
he basically there was no reason that it
didn't okay yeah so this should have
been you air this is humans being stupid
yes all right
lastly Google's working on a security
feature that can keep strangers from
glancing over your shoulder and looking
your phone called an electronic screen
protector and it uses AI of course
because everything uses AI now and
facial recognition to alert you if
someone is looking at your screen Alfred
you're disappointed this I am I am not a
fan of this to be fair I would hate it
if somebody was looking over my shoulder
is that my phone so I am a hypocrite
pretty sure you're a bit of a lord I
like I don't know that's like my
favorite thing to do to do when I'm
bored on the train is looking over like
stuff if somebody just has their phone
oh that's cool this guy like has a lunch
in an hour all right well as for for
what's worth I think it's cool and I
kind of want to see this unfortunately
it's still feature that's being worked
on so it's we're hoping that it will
come to Android soon for these stories
and more check us out at CNN I'm Roger
Cheng I'm Afra ding thanks for listening
so I just have this terrible image in my
head of the security feature in that
Google's gonna implement in the phones
where it to prevent people from looking
at your phone instead of it actually
doing anything technologically advanced
like I've just one of those springy
boxing gloves just comes out of your
phone and punches the unrecognized face
I would probably pay extra for that
security feature I think it'd be
effective oh yeah could you imagine
trains though these like these box these
boxing clothes would just come pop down
and action only is only if it actually
made like the sound effect from Who
Framed Roger Rabbit like it actually has
the new men in black like flash how far
are we from building in
neuralyzer function to our mobile
devices they can't be too far away no or
it maybe you know maybe which but was it
yeah alright everybody so go ahead and
feel free to throw in any questions or
comments about today's story is there
anything else kind of generally in the
techo sphere that's going on right now
yeah in the meantime holy crap NSA yeah
right yeah this was a probably like the
fifth major breach in the last like few
years or so I mean it's just
embarrassing but it said like I an
organization that's supposed to be all
about keeping secrets it just is really
an effective yeah I mean two of the
situations are the words you're using or
strong enough oh it's really
disappointing I mean kind of ineffective
to be fair to of the situation I said
really I say burn the witch
we're from like contractors actually
three of them if you count Edward
Snowden was also a contractor yeah so
you know three of them were form
contractors this one specifically was
like from their server that they set up
themselves it really made no sense for
this to be public and it's like
ridiculous that when I spoke with the
researcher he base I told them this
sounds like as simple as typing in a URL
to find this and he said this it doesn't
sound like it is as simple as typing in
well Wow and the way that he had found
it was so he found a CENTCOM breach
before which was another part of like
the military command like yep
and he basically after finding that one
with the same URL he's like hmm what are
the coms are out there so he just starts
experimenting oh my god Norrell doing
that he finds so you know they're really
randomly typed yep and found it yep Wow
I mean that's just wow that's your tax
dollars I know just so much
yeah but we're talking this morning like
it this is fairly common right the idea
that ultimately with all the cyber
security defenses you can throw up its
some oftentimes ends up being yeah some
idiot screws things I brought I brought
this up to been our Amazon reporter or
Amazon me and who Ben Fox Ruben guy
anyway so I basically brought it up with
him I'm like why does this keep
happening like AWS servers and things
like that he reports on Amazon a lot any
saying you know Amazon has a lot of
these security features in place and
which I you know I've seen a lot of
press releases from Amazon about the
fact is that they don't turn it on or
enable it or anything like that is it
Amazon's responsible to turn on those
feature or it's a client it's yes yeah
so the NSA had the tools to encrypt it
yes did not flip this yeah as did
Verizon and us voter records when those
were leaked on that and Viacom and the
Pentagon it basically comes down to this
like Amazon right now with like AWS on
secure stuff is like a it's like a vault
company yeah we're like they're selling
its all these people and then you know
they're completely oh look how come your
vault doesn't work it's like you didn't
close it that's that's the best way that
I can describe it like these breaches
are happening because they're failing to
like properly secure their stuff and
it's not like it's Amazon saying like oh
you can't have a password or anything
like that
oh let my mom in charge of the NSA
really like it's like it's too hard the
passwords just to cache where it's just
one two three four no no this one it
didn't have a password at all I know I'm
we're trying to be optimistic one two
three four the password for the air lock
damn it has the change the password for
my suitcase let's talk about the iPhone
pixel camera comparison yeah let's do it
I really liked your takeaway from that
where it's like oh these are actually
kind of purpose-driven
and there's a applications for both of
them so find where you want to enthuse
yet what do you suggest for someone who
doesn't like to take photos don't get
your headset yeah just leave it at that
but yeah I thought that was and you can
kind of see and I as you were describing
that and I'm looking at the the b-roll
of the footage that they took it totally
shines through in that case and you can
definitely see more detail to the
environment and there's definitely more
of a shine and a gloss that works better
for like yeah while that picture i
noticed that when i was comparing my
instagram and my girl
friends Instagram where all her photos
are of like scenic stuff and food and
all that junk and all my photos are like
pictures of me and my cat so I know
you'd be an iPhone person she would
probably if I took more photos yes we're
willing to spend money yeah so
essentially it's like that's I think
that's like the biggest difference where
there are people that like like taking
photos like scenic things like
aesthetically pleasing and there are
people that like taking photos of me
people for the record Lexi kind of in
terms of the bottom line she said that
the bests are all rounder for photos and
video the iPhone acts I keep saying
iPhone I should be iPhone tax what
should all right it's a iPhone acts for
the best still photo she actually
believes the pixels better and it was I
think it was DAC so mark that offered
that scored the pixel to a point above
the iPhone acts and like you said that
is kind of a testament to the technology
that they were able to implement with a
single lens right right because it's all
soft well the improvements are
essentially software yeah but what can
we do with three lenses that's what I'm
three or maybe four screw up there skip
three go to four just white seventeen if
we can't have the damn horrible your
videos will have some lenses we're gonna
bring back the fire phone that one have
like six lenses did it did it yeah
that's like five or six in the front cuz
it did like 3d mapping oh yeah man and
that company becomes move for picture
cause it was nothing to do with picture
quality's all about sort of like mapping
your your face in 3d you got it it
didn't work man right now yeah yeah so
this was a couple years ago alright so
let's go ahead and jump into the chat
since we're on the topic of the pixel to
Matthew scope has a question for us now
he wants to know where he can get a
pixel two XL phone
besides the horizon or a Google store
ideally unlocked and not online from an
Amazon or an eBay resource where can we
send them I don't know like you
basically eliminated yeah that's maybe
Craigslist if you want to meet up with
someone in person there you go no he
said no he said probably wants to walk
into a store that's not a Googler
um get one more Best Buy I mean
depending on where you live there are
you know like third party like hardware
stores there's a bunch of like you know
non name-brand like phone stores that in
my neighborhood but I will also make the
argument that a lot of them can have you
know counterfeit phones I had written a
story about one like like relatively
close to my house actually that they got
busted with like a ton of counterfeit
like iPhones and Galaxy phones last year
so it's hard to trust those as well yeah
there's a handful of people suggesting
Best Buy in the chat also device compel
says a pawn shop yeah that's probably
your best bet I think you're stuck in
the yeah yeah because Best Buy tends to
only sell out yeah part okay because
they get paid by the carriers yeah all
those phones so you'll have to unlock it
yourself sorry that's the best we can do
for you sorry going on syringe Oi our
new friends friend Roy I for someone who
doesn't click photos unless absolutely
present company included is the razor
phone the best hardware this year the
razor oh sorry no no this is the gaming
phone he's talking about the from the
laptop makers yeah yeah yeah I mean I
I'm not a fan of the design because it's
really big and bulky I'd be able to
stand on its side because it's oh yeah
you were showing me that is ridiculous
it's it's a big phone it's physically
big it's physically big yeah yeah and
it's you know it's got top-notch
hardware the cameras whatever like I I
haven't really spent a lot of time with
this so I can't write fully recommended
and I don't think I reviews even up yet
but you know it's for at least on paper
it's a fine phone as long as you don't
mind the giant size yeah I mean if you
want like a really nice phone and you
don't really care about the camera I
think there's a lot of like options out
there I'd you know the LGP 30 is a
pretty like right which actually has a
decent camera though yeah but like
decent right it's not like if you if the
camera is like not a concern for you you
just want like great Harbor
I would've the 1 + 5 t yeah came out
that's a pretty decent phone I mean it's
got top-notch hardware it doesn't have
two lenses it doesn't really do portrait
mode that great so if you
can't on camera that's yeah perfect yes
hey like it also has a great camera but
like if you don't care about it that
much like right they say it doesn't do
portrait mode so there are some drops to
the camera but it's a fine phone Michael
Brown our old buddy Michael Brown
what's going let's get angry again how
can the NSA one backdoors to company
service such as Google but can't even
keep their own damn servers yeah I added
the damn cuz okay that that's been a
major argument of a lot of tech
companies if you take a not just the NSA
too but just US government in general if
you take a look at any government yeah
Apple versus the FBI debated the
essential argument was we're not trying
to prevent what you guys from solving
this investigation we're trying to
prevent you know somebody from stealing
the like software that we write for you
because then they can use that to crack
into any phone and we don't because
that's happened has shown multiple times
can happen yep
so yeah let's go and talk about the
Google security feature again Nowell in
the chat is saying I have a problem with
this feature if an alert pops up on your
screen while you're reading something
watching something it's gonna know you
annoy you more than the lurker leaning
over your shoulder or not I don't know
about you but I think I'm smart enough
to not do something so private when I
know that I'm just out in public
yeah but even if it's not your business
dude if I'm just even though you have
your the biggest I don't want people
spying on me but I like spying on people
I'm the NSA way to bring it back full
circle that's the case - no I mean it's
just I don't care I don't give a crap I
mean I just like the idea that it's a
feature we could use but that's the
thing that someone's working on it was
like you know what this is a real
problem I can solve I guess I don't know
how much of a problem it really is
though that's where I'm like what if I'm
like what if you're like a kid and
you're trying to you know like you got
any games yeah and their parents are
like behind you I like trying to like
see what you're up to and then like it
would it would spot them right behind
you or what if I'm like talking smack
about you and like you're like walking
behind oh I
no there's like a notification it was
your first amendment right as far as I'm
concerned actually yeah he would care at
all all right I would care if you saw it
those we're just about out of time we I
think we got a new fan a new friend here
Matthew scope he's filled with questions
what do we think is going to be in the
pixel 3 well we're already thinking
about three already thinking about three
I like that device compel says it's just
gonna be a chip in our heads I say
that's a brief google owes or that we
joke but it's closer than we think early
a pixel just like here it is
they just embed it in your eyes it's ten
thousand dollars but in all seriousness
what what are what are in a broader
stroke if we're gonna talk about
next-gen phones already cuz we're barely
you know yeah
sure we're nice to what's out there you
know what do we think is gonna be coming
I think they're I don't think it's gonna
be a big jump in hardware I don't they
focused a lot I mean I think if they
were I agree to that if they were
ambitious they'd they'd try to go after
like crazy crazy ideas like folding
phones and I definitely think by next
year low they'll have caught up with
everyone else was the fullscreen kind of
thing yeah pixel to excel is kind of
like that yes not exactly a full screen
but it's kind of up there I agree I
think they're gonna play a catch up a
little bit with a couple of features but
is it water pouring its yeah so probably
a couple of those key features they need
adding which already exist for Braniff
phones out there and that was easy
yeah you know but I'm not expecting
anything massive nothing monumental yeah
like stuff like the foldable phones
which I think it's gonna be one of the
big innovations coming next year no
courage no for yourself twelve times the
origami I see what you did there another
Rick and Morty reference all right we
are just about out of time let's take
one from Michael Brown to go out on yeah
what were you guys favorite stories
covered this month
what oh I got my bylines for that I mean
for me it was it was very grueling big
emotionally exhausting was by my
compilation of the top tech turkeys of
the year
yeah which usually is very like
like hey look at all those stupid things
Tech is done this year was like serious
joke is like sexual harassment like
losing your social security information
it was just you know Russia influence on
our on our presidential election it's
just some of it a lot of it was just
really dark it was just weird mix cuz
like early on it was like Oh home pod
delay or like oh look at the BlackBerry
it's screwing up again and then it goes
to that from that to like yeah oh you
know always a great story this month
this happened like at the beginning of
November - I was at I was at DC all
right word for Facebook Twitter and yeah
and you weren't wearing the monopoly
outfit no I was not but yeah that was
really fun I got to you know travel out
to Washington DC and meet Facebook
Google and Twitter's uh legal counsels
yeah and basically watch them get
grilled by Congress that's fake news
bots that's awesome
yeah and then the week after that Yahoo
and Equifax his former CEOs had to show
up to testify those their breaches that
was a fun week was busy yeah yeah it's
been a busy month been a busy year
hectic crazy here yeah where it's almost
over and I can't wait for it I wish I
could say really participate in this
conversation but in my role I don't do
anything with a lot of specific stories
I'm more behind the scenes pushing the
buttons I'll say that I had a real great
blast working on yesterday's buyer's
guide live show I like doing stuff like
that I was really that's why we do these
live shows here every day that's
interesting for me is pushing buttons
and setting cameras and all that so
that's that's my people I think we all
had a good time yeah more of those yeah
I want to see more of those yeah and on
that note all right on that note you
liked anything you saw or heard here
check us out on CNET our podcast is
available in iTunes tune in stitcher
SoundCloud Feedburner google play music
Amazon echo yeah and that's it I was
gonna say of course cnet.com cuz man
whore said getting it man get that in my
head but I started with it so once again
graceful dismount
alright thanks everybody we'll see you
back normal time tomorrow yay
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