
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

iPhone XS reviews are in: It's better, but not by much (The 3:59, Ep. 459)

hey good morning and welcome aboard everybody thanks for joining us on sea nuts daily live news podcast show we call it the 359 unless you're watching it on a slightly larger screen with no other discernible improvements in which we call it the 359 10s max ooh zing that's a good thing you can take a guess as to what we're gonna be talking about on episode 459 today but to do so we've got been and we got Scott at least mm-hmm yeah ouch geez that was another thing that you just three at least just kind of floated in there didn't ya there's just something okay Brian's getting punchy from too many iPhone podcasts which I understand hey I understand if our Brian I feel the same way a little punchy okay yeah so we got product we got forget about me we got the iPhones tennis so let's um so either way as you can tell from the headline we're going to be talking about the 10s and the 10s max will also throw in a quick story from CNBC that reported yesterday about more Alexa enable products that are expected to come out later this year including a microwave I thought they made all the Alexa products I mean all the world already exists all of them have been made but either way send in your questions and comments Scott is here to take all of your iPhone questions if you have any yeah and yeah without further ado let's get to the podcast and we'll see you in three minutes and 59 seconds from 3 to welcome to the 359 I'm Ben Fox Ruben I'm Scott Stein so Scott has come with us today to show off the iPhone excess and excess max my mistake tennis tennis max I make sxs max it'll be called X I'm gonna keep screwing up the names but either way so everyone did why don't why don't you start us off with something easy give it give us your first impressions what do you what do you think of these phones are they interesting are they fun what are you thinking the design give us give us like kind of the elevator pitch sure well so I think last year the iPhone 10 came out in November it was expensive it was not a phone everybody got and it was an elevated part of the line clearly Apple is expanding that line out and I think these feel a lot more polished they feel faster there's a lot of tweaks throughout they don't introduce any one new thing and I think that's the thing if you're looking for something new technologically it definitely is a faster processor the camera is better in a couple of key ways you know faster LTE but you do all those things really add up to something that you need right now yeah thousand dollars and it's $2,000 a thousand for the smaller one or the normal one and the max is $1,100 so that is a lot of money that's laptop money and you know if you have a ten just upgrade to iOS 12 because it speeds it up and in fact iOS 12 speeds up a lot of old phones iPhones so think about that think about whether you want to wait to because this isn't even the last iPhone this mean the 10r is $250 less than the 10 and 749 it's coming out end of October I do not have it to review yet and it has the same processor probably better battery life it just doesn't have dual camera but it does have a lot of the same feature it has the smart HDR which ended up turning out have a real impact on on preventing things are being overblown in photos and it also has the same processor mmm so it doesn't have the OLED display but if you have an iPhone 8 or one of those models using LCD it's a bigger display it has face ID and it could be perfectly fine for you all right so I want to tick off a handful of important elements here so features to me is an important thing to talk about for an S year so we were discussing this a little bit before the podcast one year for an S year there was touch ID another year there was Siri I think 3d touch was another one 3d touch was another with with this year there wasn't like a feature for them to like really hang their hat on and say like hey here's the new thing that you can really get if you buy this product right and there wasn't a thing to really dive into in the review to say here I can show this off per se and it makes it challenging a lot of the potential here it's totally potential they talk about the a12 processor being used for AI and machine learning and it benchmarked faster on you know benchmark tests but that happens every year and the AI gains what's really impossible to tell what that means or how that's going to play out it's all conceptual really for the for the user looked a lot better but if you have to be a really into AR I don't know a lot of people who's in they are right but you know there's that the camera gains are I think modest but but did matter particularly its they're smart HDR claim which I don't think would matter and me as much actually ended up producing it's a it's a faster focus more light gets in the Kin to the lens and it also prevented everyday shots like a lamp in the living room it had more detail to bread it from me blown out because I felt I had some blurry or slightly blown out photos on the iPhone 10 I didn't find them as much but still there's a lot of other cameras out there pixel to is great and it's often considered the best camera and in a new pixel is expected to come out so last question so you know that's question I wanted to get to to we're related to this is if you have an iPhone 10 from last year is it at all worth upgrading to one of these phones no I don't think it's worth it because I think you should update to iOS 12 which improves the performance of a lot of iPhones try that out and already it's made a difference on the iPhone 10 model that I've been playing with and see what that's like and if you have a plan that's gonna upgrade you year-over-year automatically and digit money doesn't matter to you somehow then you know sure update but I think for any normal person who's spending money that they really care about just stick with your phone be happy you got the iPhone 10 it's a really good solid model these are more incremental upgrades yeah and I think have you been waiting for a phone like an iPhone 7 there's a really good time to upgrade however because that's a little bit cheaper yeah but suppose you were away for that 10 are that's the one so we're really caught with one shoe dropping on these so iPhone reviews so we're already out of time but I do want to get to one quick other story we wanted to mention from CNBC they reported yesterday that Amazon is planning to release at least at least eight new Alexa enabled devices this year including a microwave exciting I've always wanted an electorate to call from across the room they cooked my corn I know I you know there's too many Alexa devices I guess if you're looking for one smart assistant to control your life like a Ray Bradbury novel yes do you want everything Alexa but I just think about 10 years from now like will that platform hold or where you be buying all new connected who knows who knows if you want to read more about these stories check us out on CNN I'm Ben Fox Reuben I'm Scott Stein thanks for listening riveting stuff as always guys I'm five minutes gahafer good job good job good job not a good job to Apple onboard how is always did you want me to talk about the potential of augmented reality and computer vision because I can really entice you no but we have a few great questions coming in from the chat as we always do by the way don't the max at all so sorry I don't care AOL MSI 55 I'm not sure how to say that one out loud let's talk more about the camera they want a full blown camera review and we're not gonna have the ability or time to really do that right now sitting here but Scott tell us more about the camera if there's anything that got improved it's probably the camera right yeah and use the word bouquet as much as possible book a book a book a book I didn't say that all during the podcast I should have said book it yeah let's start with that okay but I'll just say it a few more times camera look everybody's looking for camera upgrades all the time cameras could always get better on all phones the landscape has gotten to the point where there are a lot of great cameras on these iPhones there are two big things that Apple talked about one was the smart HDR and I'll get to that in a sec the other was adjustable focus bouquet effect so that whole that portrait mode effect which a lot of cameras have now which creates blur in the background apples now has the ability to adjust that eventually be pre adjusted big deal you might say if you have another Android phone that already does that totally fair because a lot of them do I think apples claiming that theirs is more advanced in the way that it does things and really simulates what a what a professional camera can do I just know using it it's nice to have the adjustable effect apps already have that effect though and sometimes the effect look artificial also I don't use portrait mode that much hmm I'm just not it's a separate mode to me launching that mode and finding the right distance to take the photo is usually a step too far you just take a photo of someone it's already if you get close to them it's a portrait or does it need to be doesn't need to have soft focus so you were gonna get too smart HDR as well as a starting a are I think is much more fundamental they're saying that you know it creates better hgr so you say okay well ever got HDR on my phone automatically especially with the last generation of phones which is true just just add the word smart to it is more instantly smarter I think it's a it's a confusing topic that they brought up and the more interesting things and they talked about the fact that the sensor was larger let's in more light that also means it's connected to how fast the ISP is and also that the focus is faster so I just found that the the that was doing less weird focus adjustment which I was I've been finding last couple of I phones so I was taking faster photos and then every day I use it as an everyday camera our deeper dive tests are still coming but if you're just taking it around the house outside I found that again with bright light and darker areas or if you're in your home and there's a lamp on as a classic one I took a picture in my home with a lamp on with the iPhone 10 and if you look at the area around the lamp it really just feels like a white blonde against the wall you'll see it now on this one it brought out a lot more detail around that area which is great and similarly it looked like some other areas like a pillow in a room that's like my terrible lighting in my living room the pillow looks crisper and has better detail whereas before it may been a little blurry so that's the type of stuff that's in smart HDR is that a reason to upgrade no nope but it is it a better camera yes so it's like are you better off with that then you were with the previous model sure but you know I think people looking for a reason to upgrade year over year that's not a reason and I do think Apple had a quieter debut on the camera fine but in a phone looking at all of its features it stood out as one of the more interesting things to me that I noticed in the phone yeah because this phone didn't you have if you have an older yeah I have an older iPhone and this is true with a lot of these models you're gonna notice a significant a substantial increase if you do upgrade yeah but from last year no not as much there are a lot of other tweaks I mean there are things like you know Apple promised across the board little tweak so the OLED if you see if you put it right next to last year's OLED it looked to me both brighter and a little more vibrant but still I mean it's like it was already great last year this is like maybe a tiny bit better it's not a reason to upgrade but I think it's been improved the speakers they claimed or better and again it's like oh I was listening to them side by side and going like there's a little Emperor's New Clothes feeling of like what is really changing but I even tried with like my wife and I listened to it they're both fine and loud the new one is a little bit crisper sounding but it's like all these things you kind of get to and you're like yeah you know it's not changing anything in any drastic way things like this the the screen apples not making any claims for drop resistance so beware you know the full drop tests are coming but the iPhone 10 shattered really easily they're saying that glass is more scratch resistant we'll have to see over time as we use them I believe that it's Corning Gorilla Glass 6 is what they were at least hinting at yeah on stage but either way according represent let's uh resistance is a lot better but you know oh yeah let's go yeah let's get some more question I was a lot of stuff we talked about camera and I started getting into everything oh good that's what you do Scott that's well yeah Joseph cows do you guys think that these phone prices are just getting too damn high in general or overall no totally yes they're so high I kept pointing that in the review one of the subheads iPhone 10's max was gonna be like I've owned ten dollar dollar sign I think that's a really good point as far as what you were saying like you're spending so much money and this is I'm stealing this point from you you said this in your video is that you're spending so much money it behooves you for most people unless you're absolutely like enamored with the excess Max and need to get it immediately sorry 10s wait wait for the 10r yeah so so you save money it's seven hundred and fifty dollars which seems much more reasonable when you compare it to like the way more expensive models that go up to like fourteen hundred something dollars yeah but there's no more money going back to the original question that's still more money than what was it six hundred and fifty dollars for the base model iPhones not that long ago so right it seems it gets left up a lot and it's completely left the realm of I mean those are subsidized - a long time ago like when you got to the two hundred dollar iPhone when they would claim it's $200 but really that was like hanging it for two years down the road but still mentally you there was a period of time when phones were like more of an impulse purchase you're like I'm just gonna go out and do it even up to $600 which is like a expensive game console plus but then when you're in the thousand dollar range you're well beyond impulse purchase like there's no one that is like a crazy night at the casino that is like that's again you know that's something that you don't just spend that amount of money even if it's subsidized into something you could justify the monthly fee but like as a way to go but it's a lot of money the tencel just fine anyway so it may be the situation customers are voting with their wallets when it comes to this type of thing and I personally think that the prices are too high but as long as people are willing to pay this amount the prices will continue to stay this high Samsung has you know kind of said uncle and they said oh we tried to price our s9 at around $1,000 and people pushed back so they decided they're gonna maybe try to lower prices a little bit more but we all know Apple they're they're gonna raise the price as much as they can because they have a loyal fan base that's willing to pay a significant premium yeah 10 was an introduction of a whole new price tear and it stayed the course now and even added a bump up so you know looks like that's a continuing ongoing experiment to see how far the price can be pushed they also feel a little more like luxury phones even down to the finish like the Apple watch has the stainless steel but also the aluminum model now so do the phones so there's an aluminum middle grade phone and then the top-end ones boasts stainless steel so it feels to me a little bit like part of it is you're paying for features and part of as definitely you're paying for luxury and I think that that's what's the hard to split up a little bit with those phones I don't like that move I want it to just be utilitarian yeah which they're claiming they're doing with the 10r you know but that's a $750 yeah but that's an acceptable amount if it does all things as promised I feel like that's okay I'd still like a better display on that one and I think that you know but we will see it looked really good in the demo room but that was for all of like a height 40 minutes you know we around like a crazy person yeah more question yeah we're questions I just wanted to take a comment from Nick here he says he's making 60 K a year pays mortgage but isn't about to shell out a thousand bucks for a new phone I'm with you there dude I got off a train myself I was fine with him for a while I enjoyed my first couple of iPhones I had fun with them I'm not married to any feature of any of these phones one way or another so I ended up jumping to the galaxy s 8 active just because of the battery life and the durability because I like to throw my phone when I get angry at people um James fever do you think the price will come down on X Han next year maybe but you know the fact that it's a it's a bad sign for that one this year the 10 once again debuted exactly the same price an apple does tend to keep its phone lines previously they kind of kept them at the same territory they didn't creep up too much they tried to do that on storage amounts I feel like the 10 or whatever places in the future is gonna stay at that thousand dollar price and they're gonna have these you know they'll have a second-tier kind of like the iPad pro and the iPad mmm so I really want them to drop in price but I feel like they're gonna try to get away with it with the if there's a permanent 10r type phone that stays a little below that and then they try to say are you interested in spending a couple hundred more yeah the other thing to consider too is carrier deals so a lot of carriers do you see the opportunity for like a new iPhone to try to snag new customers whether you're switching from buy one get one free yeah like Verizon to AT&T or vice versa or what have you so I would look out for those and that's that's at least an opportunity to try to save a little bit of money there's also a lot of trade in opportunities to whether you're gonna do a trade-in with the carrier where they're gonna sometimes they'll actually just give you the phone you know as an upgrade those are often you know really useful you could also try to sell it yourself on a place like eBay so there are a couple ideas there but it makes it a little bit more difficult every year when I obviously price something for $9.99 as like the starting price you would have been a difference like Apple definitely seems very very connected to the trade in philosophy and the idea of like you're gonna get value back and so then it's gonna need you to get the next phone but then you have to be in the cycle where you're always getting a new phone like you're either you're like the new phone person and you're like selling your old one you're training if you're not part of that cycle you're getting a whole new one from scratch and and this price is real and I just think it's like a lot of hassle and I think that's part of the attempt to steer people into this like buy a new phone every year so you can always keep trading them in and keep playing that game yeah when they still have value all right probably say it's like oh it's only X hundreds of dollars it would be interesting to see what the iPhone tens resale value is though because they basically discontinued the iPhone 10 and they turned it into the 10s motion I don't think that's gonna materially impact or not it's it's not I'm not really sure I think it'll still be good because it there are only so many of those phones but it'll never take some sort of a hit yeah that's such a duck I don't even know I don't know the answer I was like I have a good combi good I during the next question I'll go on eBay and see how much iPhone tens are selling especially if the model someone has right now you're a point where like there's wait lists for things so if someone might get frustrated and just get a 10 from before and go yeah I just got a deal on it I'll take it that might go like it's gonna honestly be a really good way to save money so definitely keep an eye out for that I'd yeah yeah I just want to bring up another comment from a user Incredible Hulk saying that where they live in India the iPhone 10s max 64 gigabyte model is upwards of $1,500 that's US dollars translated into in India I don't know about money sorry that's ridiculous like talk about the first world problems now that aside let's let's take a step back and let's say you're mr. moneybags and you are just in the Apple ecosystem your life or you love it good for you where is the cutoff you to quote unquote upgrade from a 10 to a 10 s whatever seems silly and pointless what about the eight what the seven where's that point where it's like okay that's a valuable time to jump good question I haven't written my own story on this but I've mentally mapped it out I think I think if you have an eight I don't think this is a fantastic upgrade for you unless you can really justify it somehow in a way that feels like you'd really be pushing it you weren't gonna pay for the ten last year why would you pay for it this year exactly that's exactly it unless like someone again just like swap them for you and some magic deal or you had a lawyer you got an incredible promotion at work right way to go you won the lottery but the eight has the same processor as the ten and again kind of like the ten are this year to these phones the eight had a lot of the same internals as the ten so you're getting in internally basically the same phone just the ten had a better design or an improved design maybe like the eight design better depending but so so I think it's the same proposition the seven it does fit that like this would be a good upgrade for the right price I mean I think iOS 12 really changes the equation this year again Apple we're just testing that more and looking at it but I mean iOS 12 aims to improve a lot of the old phones so upgrade your phone iOS 12 I feel like I've never been more into upgrading a phone to a new OS just for that because if your phone suddenly feels faster and you can get another year out of it that's everything because it means you can delete my yeah yeah wait wait a year if you can really think about whether you need it if your phone's fine my wife uses an iPhone 4s whoa yeah that is not recommended my god okay it's gonna die any day it's how your embrace no battery like this she says it's fine but I think it's like pretty bad at this point she replaced the battery at some point though no that's amazing it's amazing so she's like yeah you should write a story I'm sorry Joanna I said you should write a story that just says my wife still has an iPhone for us I know I'm like drama to it and an iPad to Sochi and this is like buyer this a better choice I'm not like yeah I'm not you know this is she's into this so she was driving and suddenly said she lost directions like the GPS wasn't working or like that's probably gonna happen things like you're running some version of iOS that I don't even know anymore like it's actually is not upgradeable you shouldn't get the new Whole Foods yet you got me vide yeah my wife is working on an iPhone 6 with a cracked screen so sir our home bridging the gap between technology I'm bringing home the new fun toys and she's using the 2011 stuff yeah I just be funny she's trying to navigate and it's a map from like 1982 right so if you have an iPhone 4s you should upgrade to this year to definitely want to or at least consider yeah but if you have a said I think 7 is the a good upgrade but wait for the 10r again these are premium phones the 10s see if the 10r is right for you it probably is nice alright we are gonna try to get through a bunch of questions here at the end because we've been rambling waiting around let's talk about face ID has the face ID been significantly improved is it a measurable notable improvement or just like it seems like it's kind of better and multiple questions coming in about having more than one face to unlock the phone let's talk about that sure so more than one face to unlock the phone as part of iOS 12 that's like an alternate appearance so you could do that with with with last year's iPhone 10 I haven't played a ton with that but it's basically you're it's like a fingerprint you're writing a second face so that is nice to have it still stays in one it's not multiple accounts it's multiple faces to access your account for could be good if you're helping take care with someone or if you've got a kid or way okay it could be a million reasons for that face ID is faster it didn't change I've had a rough time face ID in some ways over the past year because it does not work sometimes meaning that maybe your hands too close or your hands on your face and it's if you held it up perfectly each time it works but when it recognizes and when it does and as quirky Apple didn't change the angles on the true depth camera this time so it's not like you're gonna be able to get it on a better angle unfortunately distance is still the same it is faster that's B because of the processor and the again that that neural engine that they talked about which is it's just faster recognition iOS 12 also improves face ID on the 10mm so I don't think the gap is all that great it is faster and it helped out but it's still similar as far as the proposition but I still think it's like anything that's better is good it's not a reason to upgrade but it's making the face ID proposition for logging and better I'm still not wild about that proposition because I just thought touch ID was really fast for me and one-handed and you didn't have to look at the phone nice even more commentary on monetary conversion in Canada the 10r is starting at a thousand in Brazil it's listed at twenty five hundred after conversion since after conversion after conversion but still that's whoa wait you're gonna pay 2500 American dollars correct for the phone in Brazil correct that sounds horrible that's a nightmare you should fly well I guess that's where you would do consumer gadget tourism and you just fly to the US and that's the thing yeah like the flight would be less right come visit us you just get a trip to the truth buy a bunch of iPhones some healthcare and then turn around yeah yeah yeah as well.we sinks our international audience for keeping us well advised from sir enjoy while we're talking about the face ID let's talk about the front-facing camera did you talk about any possible improvements there what can you know on that for our good friends for enjoy Scott sure front-facing camera again it's got that same smart HDR going on and the portrait mode improvement for the for the bokeh and some you know that adjustable stuff um it's it's good it's it's it's um it's not like a gigantic leap so that's your answer to everything yeah I know is that is basically that is basically this phone yeah um even even the 12 will get to the chip in a moment but um or hopefully we will so that's my thought on the camera the proposition hasn't really changed much from it but the photos are all looking better and to the point where there are some shots I'm taking that I go these look really damn good but I thought that last year too so I mean phone cameras have been game to a great point they're not at a point where I would drop to the floor and I would say how is that even possible they need to make just a shot they need to make this phone fold the phone needs to fold that's the next step I know some songs working on this we'll see if it actually comes out soon I just add something about the chip I think I think we lost Brian no no I was just fixing a cable real quickly oh that's fine adjust your cables working on my even with jiminy change you need any beard trimming or anything yeah yeah I could do some beard trimmer give any laundry you need to make me feel free Incredible Hulk says we need to get a hold of Tim Cook we'll get him on the phone right away no I got Tim Cook I was just talking to him so you know I talked to him like every single day no I mean I do not talk to Tim Cook every single day is a funny great was a fun joke that I saw on Twitter which you know was joking around about the Amazon microwave if Apple created a microwave which granted I'd be terrified to know what the price was instead of be the time instead of the timecode button set of time cook button they would just say Tim Cook which I enjoyed my killed he's like a great superhero though like a time-traveling Tim Cook or something like the time-traveling chef there's a lot of thoughts there yeah the digital crown could be your microwave control ooh a haptic you could say I want to see that video right I want that Johnny I've a beautiful haptic digital microwave crown sure well you know somebody just asked me today about at CBS n Vlad had asked me would Apple ever make a pro camera and I started to think to myself that wouldn't be a bad idea you're like no I just feel like if they're investing all this into the cameras and the sensors and they are aspiring to high design like a Leica who knows no there's nothing to corroborate that's a total random speculation they're gonna start a TV network they can launch a camera line they could design they did more than anybody else to like harm pro cameras by making by getting your smartphone camera closer and closer that's them to a pro camera you cannibalize it and then you replicate that you you know that that's a Amazon do that right Amazon has built Alexa connected yeah Scott have you watched John Carpenter's The Thing a few too many times I you know now that you bring that up I need to watch that again don't I you cannibalize and then replicate yeah sounds like a familiar plotline I I do love that movie i like david bernburg i mean that's a yeah it's my wheelhouse everybody like I feel like the only natural way to end the podcast now is for one if I still like explode into a monster and eat the other one suddenly I just turn into an iPhone tight-ass I just frame it up and do like that fade out with knives and McCrea McCreery and just like try to figure out which one of you is the thing spoilers its telegraphed if anyone's ever seen the movie you can figure it out huh we already look very similar so I feel like in the end the replication has already occurred hi I'm glasses beard guy and I'm from New York welcome bumbum all right we're almost out of time let's say a couple more quick questions sure how much time have you spent with the 10r James is curious about portrait mode with only one lens on that guy totally so I can tell you a little bit about that I've been barely any time with it cuz it was basically as I ran through the demo room so I've not done any significant testing but the interesting thing that came that I dunno about that portrait effect lens is apparently it will only work on human subjects this also sounds like a Cronenberg flatten these subjects nobodies is true it's right now it's trained as far as the AI to work to work for to recognize people because it's using AI to make that decision so that could be a real deal breaker if you're looking to do portrait effects on say plants or with anything else dog or a dog I don't know how that plays out but that's apparently the case we still have to vet that out more but this is from this is via Apple on that so you know Google the pixel to pulled off a lot of portrait effects with all sorts of things using one lens maybe that changes over time maybe there updates but I do think it's not going to be the same thing and also that foam will not have some of the extra portrait modes like portrait lighting mm-hmm that that the headshot mono effect which I still don't really like because I feel like it clips out in a weird way in it really does it doesn't create like a really clean amazing shot all the time sometimes you will get it other times you will not and even talk about the a12 if anyone wants me to do you want me to talk about the a12 Versailles make it quick because after that we want to come back to iOS 12 okay just a hot second just the the chip promised advancements I will say in the benchmark tests I've done so far geek bench for it didn't see a gigantic speedgame just FYI sometimes you'll see like doubling I didn't see that it did have 50% graphics improvement on 3d mark that is per what Apple claims so if you're in a games you know they had more AR stuff we really still very Mason well between that and then all that neural engine stuff which is the extra processing the AR apps I tried again you have to be really into this really looked a lot better the video is smoother the placement better the resolution was better even without being optimized it was at the point where like my kids saw a centipede like emerge from the floor in via AR and he was like ooo that's creepy and he's seen ER before but it it just a little more unnerving and realistic so what's a centipede it's a centipede that's true yes era tops but to like pull it off a lot of AR and you probably agree with me on this one is more cartoony yes because that's it's it's just there's a lot of processing behind it so that's interesting that they've improved the chip to the yeah to the point that they don't have to do that as much and it's gonna be much more prevalent speaking of iOS 12 in iOS 12 in Safari and other places like there was a demo I tried on this phone I've used a lot of a are a ton of they are they put a sneaker on the table like an all birds saying is that's cool and I was like trying to turn it and then I reached her home to try to grab it to move it for the next shot and I kind of fell for it but that was oppressive because I I don't usually do that and I'm not trying to over blow that moment but it does get to the point where I think last year that happened to that what you see through the screen starts to look photo-real and I think that is an impressive improvement but you have to really be an AR that metal that matters to Apple down the road as they may be but it matters to retailers too so that's more my wheelhouse is yet if you can make it really photorealistic for high-end shopping and you kind of create make your living room into a personalized mall yeah that's what that's what a lot of retailers are trying to test out right now so the concept of doing that with this phone it sounds like the technology is there or the hardware is there but foundationally a lot of the software a lot of the augmented reality still needs to catch up yeah and I think Apple is definitely building more towards they are and we can imagine if there are glasses which have been reported that Apple has to figure out some way to advance AR in a lot of ways so those chips matter to them face ID matters to them for future products it may not matter to you the person is buying a phone but I think it's those technologies are what Apple is trying to follow oh I just we have a commenter that said those AR glasses in Brazil are gonna cost twenty million dollars what so yeah start start now yeah you'll be paying for them forever all right we almost got to hit the road here but from APEC Scott can you get feedback on iOS 12 for the iPad pro is it worth an upgrade don't want the big iPhone 10 so does it remove some of the great iOS 11 features he's asking essentially should he just stick with the iPad and get the operating system upgrade there as opposed to jumping onto a new phone Oh interesting well it's kind of a different proposition there isn't a lot that's really made for iPad in iOS 12 I don't think it hurts to try it out I think the processor improvements are just to help all iOS devices but it was it was almost not discussed by Apple that being said Apple has not released a big iPad update this year other than the entry-level one and we're expecting a new iPad pro maybe somewhere in October or something there could be another over there's something up there's got to be something coming now if they do that maybe there will be additional updates in iOS that will take advantage for those new iPads it's really hard to tell so I think it's kind of the same proposition right now but this this screen is not is not nothing like an iPad replacement to me it's good for reading and video where's the screen o other acts bingo but to me this this is a big screen it's nice for video but it's not the same thing as using an iPad if you're talking about doing work on it so I'd say maybe stick with your iPad and play around with it mm-hmm and wait and see what comes I like that answer hey one just kind of came in late here I don't know how much you really talked about speed in your written review we didn't really kind of glaze over it much here on the podcast today and I haven't had a chance to watch your full finished edited review but as far as data speeds go yeah what kind of smart or what kind of speed test have we done and what can we really take away from it we've got a hardcore weather one in the chat pointing out that it's been proven upwards of possibly two times as fast on data providers yeah so Apple provided a verizon sim I've got 18 T which is awful where I live in New Jersey and like god-awful to the point where I realize now I have to switch but so everyone is I test it with my AT&T service and didn't see much of a game but also wasn't getting serviced Verizon runs really fast in my community on the iPhone 10 I was getting 170 megabits per second which is really fast to me the new one got 270 so that's a big leap and that is a lot of speed my home Wi-Fi is 85 megabits per second so that was great to see I do think there's no 5g on this but 5g is still developing an apple waited on 3G and it usually waits on on now where I remember 3G didn't come out for a while on the iPhone I'm sure a 5g iPhone will emerge in the meantime you're gonna see really nice speed gains on this your data right data that is that is a that is a that's the okhla you know speed test run of just trying to do data speeds Allah I do too so we'll do a lot more of those tests but so far very anecdotally it is really promising but if you're waiting if you're waiting for a big speed gain on a phone you might want to hold that for five G phones yeah you might you might wait a few years you might yeah that's unproblematic the mobile hotspot Puck's 5g are expected to come out later this year I wish whoever was here to confirm me some time but and there's arguments as to whether that's actually real 5g or whatever the future standard for 5g is gonna be so we need to talk about it what could be a while we also didn't talk about dual sim but that's activated on these you're gonna you're gonna Brian's gonna go into a coma if we talk about do you sleep on dual-sim one thing about dual-sim that I can tell you if you're talking like in one of these phones apparently if you get a locked phone the both Sims will be locked to that carrier just FYI so if you were thinking about traveling and adding another carrier get an unlocked iPhone 10's so that's information that's something that that's new so you can add ECM and nano SIM anyway that's sinha info cool sage advice from scott caesar's been really really patient can you just talk a little bit about the 120 Hertz display on the 10s so it's not a hundred twenty Hertz that's the thing that people are misinterpreting confused about yeah that's the touch sensitivity response so the 120 hertz displays are on the ipad pro which is like that buttery smooth like called true motion so these are not that if that helps you understand that improved touch responsiveness is what they are referring to so it there you go so it's not like it'll it'll basically the displace scrolls at the same same way that it always had before it's slightly more responsive yeah the touch responsiveness is what they're what's responding faster the way that it samples and looks for your finger and kind of like mmm is actively looking for for your touch that's like they're keep improving that but there you go cool alright boy oh boy oh boy such great comments and questions still flooding in about like about USBC Isom we see it all guys but we are like 10 minutes past what we're supposed to do we'll be back with more I'm sure because we can't not 10 hours gonna come out in October so we'll have many we're gonna follow up absolutely sorry and don't forget it and don't forget the Apple watch we have to go that have fun Brian have Brian alright right you signed up for this I know there are a lot of products coming in October it was just a few weeks away oh yeah anyways a lot we're a tech website as always Scott thanks for being on you really fantastic advice legitimately not just poking you there but yeah thanks everybody for joining us Ben you want to take us on out of here I haven't done this in a while but I'll try the 3:59 is available on iTunes tune in stitcher feedburner google play google podcasts the amazon echo did I miss anything and oh great CNET comms unit and using a line from you and that's information thanks everybody you
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