the iPhone won't plug-and-play we step
inside one of the places you can
actually touch Facebook and we find out
if venom really is the dumbest movie of
the year it's all coming up on the scene
at UK podcast hello hi welcome to scene
at UK podcast I'm rich Tran when I'm
joined by Katie Colin how are you doing
this week I'm doing very well we've had
a little bit of a break but we filled it
with lots of exciting things but first
of all let's start it with some some
interesting news in the world of fonts
font you use everybody kind of news
scientists have created a new font
that's designed to forget your memory
sorry to boost your memory so you don't
forget things and it's a it's it's
called sans forget occur see what they
did there that's that's great I mean I
imagine this would be great for like
university students they were like
cramming and yeah I can definitely see
why this is a good thing but how does it
actually work
how does actually what well I'm glad you
asked Katie because I'm about to tell
you it is it so the design of it is that
it's a sans serif typeface and it it's
actually designed to be harder to read
than most fonts most fonts are designed
to be easy to read so you can glide over
them and you can read quickly and easily
this is designed to be harder to read
because it slants left okay so it leans
the other way to most fonts it's very
fairly rare to be for that to be used in
typography and it's full of holes so
yeah there's like bits cut out with the
different letters and so with its
standing laughing with all these holes
it's harder to read so you have to
concentrate more right yeah I can
definitely see how that would work so
it's asking your brain to kind of go
into overdrive a little bit - exactly to
read through and therefore you're less
likely it's less likely you just a slip
out of your mind a second that you've
read it exactly which is yeah which is
something I think we're all familiar
with it's called deeper cognitive
processing apparently when you when you
kind of ask your brain to work a little
bit harder and that promotes retention
of the stuff that you're reading
interestingly this psychological
learning principle is known as desirable
difficulty okay which is also my
attending so is this something that
we're gonna be kind of like is it gonna
be an option that we're gonna be seeing
inward for example I would hope so yeah
yeah I mean it's been well if I
scientist I think we should use it
everywhere yeah I think so I think
everything should be harder to read Oh
apparently you can download it too or is
it as a Chrome browser extension or to
use on PC or Mac there you go if you're
perhaps studying you've got exams coming
up or something like that then that
might be something worth looking into
why don't you test it out and let us
know how you get on with it
absolutely those Wikipedia articles
won't let themselves get stuck in also
coming up a problem that's been
affecting a few people is the iPhone XS
has a charging problem now it seems like
there's always I don't understand how
how there's a there's a problem with new
phones in this day and age I mean come
on surely they've drawn you've mastered
it surely they've kind of figured out
but apparently charging is a bit too
difficult for the the iPhone XS so some
users have noticed their phones won't
charge if the screen is off when they
plug in their lighting lightning cable
right okay yeah I mean yeah it's nitch
apparently this is going to be sold with
a software update though so I got there
the next software update iOS 12.1 and
will it's currently in beta but it was
going to arrive on iPhones and iPads
later this autumn so if you are if you
do have a new iPhone access and you're
struggling with this and all you've
experienced it then don't worry a fix is
coming until then I think the the sort
of temporary hack to fix this is just to
make sure your screen is on when you
plug your I your lightning cable in and
not ideal but just something to be aware
of for now I expect yeah at least it's
not as bad as last year when the new iOS
system came along and it wouldn't let
you use the letter I which was which was
a bit of a I mean it's not I use the
letter I all that often now I mean
that's all I ever
I mean this I I do find generally that
iOS updates are a lot more stable than
they used to be and there used to be a
sort of them I mean I used to wait a
while at least to download the latest
version of the Apple software to my
phone and nowadays it tends to be a lot
more stable so it's not gonna kind of
like wipe your phone and lose everything
that you have and you know oh good
delete all your photos or anything like
that so it's they they are generally a
lot more stable but there are obviously
these like little bugs that they find
that they'll try and patch up in later
versions as well fair enough
absolutely fair enough also what's
happening this week is the Paris Motor
Show has been on so we've sent our road
show and our intrepid Roadshow team out
there to look at the latest cars and
trucks and motorbikes and other
road-going vehicles some of the cool
things they've seen we're not gonna go
too much into it but I'm quite like the
look of the Peugeot II legend concept
which is an electric car but it looks
like a kind of like old muscle car it's
so cool it's a kind of a nolle vintage
look it's kind of it's kind of cool
there's also a drivable lego Bugatti
Sheeran yeah Bugatti Chiron made out of
Lego but you can drive it which may be
the coolest thing at the at the Paris
Motor Show maybe they've been the Paris
Motor Show as well it's obviously the
European show it's for European cars if
you're American then you might not get
to see some of these cars so we actually
have a special gallery which shows you
all the cars that aren't coming to
America and so I hope you enjoy that one
and if you're European you can see all
the cars that we get to keep for
ourselves so it's something for everyone
yeah sense but yeah look out for slash Roadshow anyway and
you've been you've been on the road I
happy you've been out and about yep
well I actually I flew to Ireland and
back within in the space of a day and so
not on the road so much is in the air
but yeah this was a this was a trip that
I did last week I think or maybe the
week before now but I flew over to
Dublin and I went to visit Facebook's
new data center that they've just opened
just outside Dublin in a town that I
think he pronounced
knee or Clooney okay sorry if I'm
getting that wrong I'm sure I wish fans
will tell us yep but basically I went to
see this data center and that is I mean
usually I won't lie data centers can be
quite dull you know that it's just that
there there's these kind of big
warehouses almost that are full of
servers and you know they don't even
have many people in them because it
doesn't take just a lot of flashing
lights yeah but this one I found
particularly interesting I mean partly
because it's owned by Facebook so this
is I was kind of wandering down these
these rows of sort of flashing service
tax and you know you they're all kind of
labeled so you see you know you see what
which bit of Facebook each service stack
is relating to say what likes yeah a
newsfeed and that kind of thing so so
you have all of these you kind of have
all of these these different bits of
Facebook and it's the kind of its
Facebook in its most sort of tangible
form and the way that it works is you
know if you click like on something on
Facebook then the it will kind of
Facebook will send all these signals to
all these different data centers and the
data centers will kind of scramble all
the data together in the right order and
deliver it back to you within the space
of you know milliseconds down them down
the fibre cable so so yeah it was it was
amazing just to kind of be inside this
data center and they've got all of this
so Facebook's pledged as well to be to
run on totally renewable energy by 2020
and I think originally when they signed
up to this they said 2022 but they watch
they're actually we're ahead of schedule
so they've got all of these this this
data center kind of runs totally on
renewable energy mmm
it's it's taking advantage of the fact
that Ireland has is one of the best
countries for wind power in the world to
make sure that it's it
kind of you know using all of that to to
to power it and it's also got all of
these it's got the special cooling
system that sucks all the hot air up
from the data centers and kind of sends
cooler back down into them and it's
about twice as efficient as normal okay
and it's also really interesting just to
kind of because you don't really get an
opportunity to see you know these kind
of facilities very often and to see how
the kind of Silicon Valley Facebook
culture sort of presents itself in this
tiny town outside of Dublin in Ireland
because you know I've been to some of
the Facebook offices in London and
they're kind of like you know that as
you would imagine that it's like free
lunches and like lots of like murals all
over the wall lots of cool stuff going
on very colourful like has a kind of
like a fun atmosphere meeting rooms with
silly name yeah so it's interesting to
see there are about 300 people that work
on this site and a lot of them actually
I think are employed in security but
they they have all of these kind of the
whole of the the data centers surrounded
by a lot of land and they've landscaped
it so that it reflects the surrounding
area and like the they've got kind of
local like flora and fauna and as you go
in the first thing that you see are all
these these beehives so they're a it's
it's not very obvious actually when you
arrive that it it is a Facebook site and
the first kind of branding that you see
is as you go in as all these be housed
with all of the Facebook letters along
them and they're all painted Facebook
blue okay and I was talking to some of
the people that work there and
apparently they have two beekeepers on
staff all right but since since starting
to work there it's kind of become a bit
of an extracurricular activity for a lot
of the employees and there are now over
20 people on the staff that help help
maintain the beehives are all doing
beekeeping at home and it really is and
they make all this honey and they serve
it in the canteen and that kind of thing
so so yeah it was just really
interesting to kind of see inside you
know what
makes Facebook kind of tick over on a
day-to-day basis like a physical
manifestation yeah what does it sound
like so inside the server room it's kind
of like there's a sort of constant hum
of all of all the servers and yeah it's
kind of it's quite dark in places and
also I went up on the roof which was
quite cool and I was like going up on
there on the roof of building but yeah
it was just it's just easy it's just
interesting just to see the kind of the
way in which it sort of sort of stands
up and how Facebook has these sensors
all around the world and how they all
kind of all of our data is sort of its
kind of passed up and stored in
different places and every time we kind
of use Facebook we're actually
interacting with all these massive
masses of machines and then all over the
place so yeah it was just an interesting
insight into it and there's an ask about
that on the site there is your photo so
you can actually see what it looks like
itself so it looks like inside
Facebook's brain yep and hearts and
liver and spleen yeah and so yeah so
that's how were so moving on and we have
some more news about what from Facebook
one of the world's biggest corporations
to Disney another huge corporation yeah
and we have some more news about what
they're going to be doing with their new
streaming service which is coming soon
in the future I think yeah it is so
they're there there's been some new news
about one of the shows they're gonna be
showing on their new video streaming
service and it's called it's Star Wars
show and it's gonna be called the
Mandalorian and this is the show that's
going to be like produced and created by
Jon Favreau the guy behind Iron Man and
swingers and loads of other stuff and
and the the Jungle Book remake so this
for for Disney so this is going to be a
new show too much about it we haven't
seen any pictures yet but all you know
is gonna be about someone who's in some
way related to Boba Fett the famous
bounty hunter from the original movies
the Mandalorian II so Boba Fett was a
Mandalorian he was from the
Mandalore yes hello he was a Mandalorian
bounty hunter and this show is going to
be about a Mandalorian presumably a
bounty hunter
they've been described as a lone
gunfighter on the frontier of space and
it's set between the original movies and
the start of the new movie so it's set
between that return of the Jedi and the
force awakens okay so it's kind of a
chapter of Star Wars that hasn't quite
been explored a particular yeah
thoroughly so yeah so there's quite a
few shows coming about Star Wars there's
you know we've got the spin-offs like
solo and that kind of rogue one or that
kind of thing but we're also going to
get Star Wars resistance which is about
poe dameron and his mates now we've got
this show the Mandalorian the Clone Wars
is coming back there's there's quite
this other Star Wars do you think it's
getting to the point where we're getting
a bit oversaturated do you think they're
kind of milking the universe maybe a bit
too much losing the you know that kind
of like real thread of sort of
excitement and they're kind of cannon
almost of Star Wars and sort of
splitting it up a bit too much in two
different directions yeah I mean this is
the thing way so our colleague Clare
Riley has written a piece that stirs
basically talking about that very thing
she talks about how when she was a kid
she probably would have loved to have
seen all this stuff but Star Wars was
like a special thing and every years it
can you know a new Star Wars movie came
along it was a big deal so I maybe maybe
that's - I think maybe we were a bit
jaded I was thinking about this the
other day when I went to see I went to
the premiere of the new Doctor Who
series and it occurred to me that you
know 10 15 year 2015 21 let's be honest
20 25 years ago I would have been like
absolutely over the moon to have the
amount of Doctor Who stuff that's out
there the books and the you know the
spin-off shows that they're on on the
moment but stuff like Torchwood and the
Sarah Jane Adventures in class all that
kind of thing when I was a kid I would
have just like lapped that all up and
now as an adult even though I love
Doctor Who I love watching it still I
never bothered to really get into those
shows particularly and I just you know I
guess I've just grown up so I think
maybe it's easy for us to say oh there's
too much Star Wars but for kids it's
probably you know kids who love Star
Wars it's probably a great time to be
alive what a time to be alive and young
to be a Star Wars fan to be a Star Wars
fan exactly I do sometimes feel like
there's so much stuff like the kind of
the binge-watching boxset revolution and
the Golden Age of TV has turned slightly
into it for me it feels like homework
you know kind of you meet up with your
friends and you're like checking off the
list like have you watched Ozark yet
have you watched reticle so yeah now I'm
really behind that Ozark I haven't even
haven't even thought about Westworld
season two you know there's so much
stuff that feels like feels like
homework yeah and actually I think as a
kind of the thing that actually that
makes me do is to go back and re-watch a
lot of stuff that I find really kind of
comforting and you know it's it's kind
of it puts me off a little bit like it
feels like it once you start investing
in a new series like this is gonna take
up a bunch of my time and you know I
don't know if it's going to be worth it
and you know I I'm really picky about
new things that I'm prepared to kind of
get into and it is making me go back and
just rewatch a load of old stuff that I
have seen before and perhaps that's you
know perhaps I should step outside my
comfort zone a little bit but I do feel
like I watch you know at least one new
thing every month that's good I think
the important thing is probably to try
something new without feeling beholdin
to finish them yeah yeah I sometimes get
put off actually starting something just
because I feel like I don't want to
complete it or never and also if
something gets to like season two or
season three and you haven't started it
already you just feel like oh I'm so
behind I'm never gonna catch up now I
feel a bit like that with Game of
Thrones I know it's a so I'm not really
that off on Game of Thrones but I think
maybe but I might like marathon it
before the last season starts yeah but
there's been some good stuff that's been
on for example on Netflix recently
maniac I thought was great and final
space it's fantastic on Netflix now
isn't really really good it looks kind
of like future armor and it looks like a
kind of wacky silly sci-fi spoof cartoon
and it sort of is but it also turns into
this kind of proper space opera it's
kind of like guardians the galaxy
eventually it's funny but it's actually
also really kind of surprisingly
affecting and and exciting so final
space and also I've noticed that maniacs
being kind of advertised to me quite a
lot so I think I might give that a go as
well because yeah the algorithm is
suggestive algorithm decrees yeah maniac
that it might be for me
although it also said insatiable might
be for me and it definitely wasn't safe
so just just one fer that one last
question on this and what else do we
know about Disney's streaming service
and who it's gonna kind of be targeted
at because you know I'm already signed
up to a bunch of different streaming
services and taking on a new one now at
this stage with yeah that's the things
new streaming services are kind of a
kind of the big big thing at the moment
that everyone's trying to do Apple's
trying to do it the main thing that we
kind of know is that Disney is taking
all its stuff it's kind of taking its
ball and going home it's taking all its
toys off of Netflix and other places and
it's just gonna be available on the
Disney streaming service the exact
details of how it's going to work for us
over here aren't clear yeah I'm not sure
if it's just gonna be a u.s. thing okay
and you know there's also DC of just a
lot or is about to launch their new
streaming service which is gonna have
brand-new live-action shows like Titans
which is where it's about like the the
sidekicks of the superheroes like Robin
swearing and beating people up is quite
gritty and violent it almost feels like
these are a bit more niche though
because you know the where is it anyone
could probably sign up to Netflix or
Amazon Prime and prime video and find
something on there for them and you know
there be stuff for a whole family you
know if you're not into Disney off
you're not into DC then it sounds like
these services are not gonna be for you
yeah well that's the thing Disney DC is
definitely something that's going to be
fairly niche I mean you know there's a
huge number of people who love DC yes
it's still gonna be it's still gonna be
pretty much all superheroes Disney at
least I mean the thing about Disney is
it has it has Marvel it has Star Wars it
has you know the Disney Princess type
movies so that's a fairly broad range of
stuff but it does it is reaching the
point where you're gonna have to decide
like when Apple launches their streaming
service you're gonna have to think can I
spend ten dollars on Amazon ten dollars
on Netflix ten dollars on exactly yeah
so that Hulu and so on and so on I mean
there's also already there's a bunch of
other even more niche ones there's the
shadow which does just as horror movies
there's a movie and BFI player which are
like cinephile streaming services that
do kind of
arthouse and indian and classic movies
so there's all these different streaming
services and I think what we're probably
going to see is we've reached the point
now where everybody's trying to get in
the game and then in a few years time
it'll shake out and it'll kind of
consolidate back down and we'll probably
just end up with Netflix and Anderson
like we have now yeah good luck waffle
yeah so good luck you know enjoy it have
a good time won't last Apple and
everybody I guess Apple have got some
some really big names lined up for their
service we don't know what they're gonna
be yet we know for example they can have
that show by Damien Chazelle who is the
guy who directed lala land and he's just
directed first man which comes out next
week which is very very good we talked
about first man just for a second that's
coming out on the 11th of October and it
is excellent
it starts Ryan Gosling it has Neil
Armstrong who you may remember was the
first man to walk on the moon and it
also stars Claire Foy from the crown as
his wife
directed by Damien Chazelle and it's
absolutely brilliant it's really really
it's it's what they've done is something
really clever where they they they don't
kind of show you these kind of like wide
epic shots of the spaceships taking off
they it you might have got from like
Apollo 13 and that kind of thing what
they do is they put you right in the
cockpit and the capsule with Neil
Armstrong so a lot of the time all
you're really seeing is is like Ryan
Gosling's eyes which is more than enough
obviously in his helmet and you're
seeing that I bet the result exactly the
dials and the switches and the readouts
that he's looking at and you're seeing
these little tiny windows as like the
earth falls away it's incredibly cost
refer back and it's so immersive and it
sounds counterintuitive that it's a very
small kind of intimate sort of view of
this guy's experience but it was so
immersive that when I saw it on the IMAX
screen the massive I met screen it
really kind of brought me into it so you
know I think it's what kind it's what
the big screen is made for I think and
then it's it also sort of shows the
lives at home of the astronauts which is
a little bit of a kind of like standard
by a you know biopic thing where you've
got a brilliant man being all driven and
obsessed and his wife is like but what
about the kids and you know she's like
no Neil you listen to me all the time
that kind of thing there's lots of
slamming doors and that kind of stuff
which is a little bit of a thankless
task for Claire Foy but I actually also
I did get to meet Ryan Gosling and
clarified a little bit chat to them
about the movie so let's have a little
clip of that now like what I wanted to
try to do with this movie was try to
take you know a contemporary viewer and
put them try to really rewind in a true
time-travel kind of way to the early 60s
where we're walking on the moon was as
insane a proposition as you know today
maybe it's Mars or you know what have
you but kind of as insane a proposition
as you can get and felt as unwieldy and
enterprise and just to see step by step
in a real time immediate kind of way not
with an historical vantage point but
hopefully in a present tense kind of way
how one goes about turning improbable
fantasies into realities and again the
costs that we often forget human
spaceflight anyway had sort of become at
least where I grew up taken for granted
you know it wasn't something that really
was being discussed you know the moon
man was the MTV logo and that's why I
think when I when Damien and I met about
this and I read Neal's story I just was
like so he's just such an inspired idea
on his end to want to sort of dive
deeper into that and to revisit it and
to show that it wasn't this this
predestined success an incredible thing
that Damien did was he gave us room to
not have to feel pressured or that we
have to get it right and it's but for me
I just personally felt really grateful
because I got to test out an American
accent for two weeks without anyone
going I'm not sure about that vowel
sound which was amazing and we all got
to kind of you know live with each other
and and get to know one another and and
mess up and do it wrong and try things
out which is very very rare so yes
that's first man and the funny thing
about the first man is that after it had
finished I felt like I just wanted to
just sit quietly just I didn't want to
go out into the world of like people and
traffic and email and all that kinda
stuff I just wanted to sit in the
darkened theater and just like sit with
it and I'm just sort of it was yeah it
was it was a restraint I can't leave any
movie where I felt like that for such a
long time so I'm yeah so first man he's
absolutely stunning that's out on the
11th or 12th October so that's out
fairly soon
and but if you want to go to the
pictures now then what you can go and
see is what might be
from a very smart movie first man to a
very dumb movie which is venom and you
know I actually thought it was really
fun so in a terrible way yeah but I I
think that it's been that year hasn't it
I mean of I was kind of wanting a bit of
stupidity and just and saying it it
doesn't have to be good in the classical
sense be to really enjoy it yeah so so
venom for those who aren't aware venom
is a villain from the spider-man comic
books and so he's appearing in his own
movie he's this kind of a alien hybrid
guy who sort of he's like this kind of
super-powered alien black-clad kind of
weirdo who likes biting people's heads
off and he kind of bonds with Tom Hardy
who's this sort of hapless reporter dies
he does he has here does have eyes he
kind of like he sort of he sort of takes
over Tom Hardy's body in he has like big
Fang teeth and he has hair sort of eyes
and he's this big kind of like huge
black creature and so the sort of the
thrust of the story is about Tom Hardy
is is trying not to let this this
creature take over him and and it's that
sort of side of it is really really fun
because Tom Hardy is like really kind of
like he's very Tom Hardy's doing a bit
of a funny voice and he's really like
kind of twitchy and sweaty and committed
to it and he's playing this guy who just
doesn't know what's happening to him
while this monster is trying to take
over his body and so there's almost like
a kind of David Cronenberg body horror
element to it and to the action scenes
and stuff and that bit of it is really
really fun the trouble is it's all
that's a sort of pushed aside too often
for this sort of fairly generic
superhero story where there's like a
villain and there's a there's a love
interest and that sort of bit boring
what you really kind of want to see is
is Tom Hardy just trying to stop himself
from eating people that's something that
Tom Hardy struggles with in real life I
think it probably is he really kind of
brought a lot of himself to this role
well it's kind of funny about it is that
he's sort of doing he said he drew
influence from Woody Allen and Conor
McGregor so kind of Woody Allen's that
sort of like a neurotic kind of twitchy
kind of normal guy and then Conor
McGregor is this like pumped up sort of
almost bad guy figure and what's great
is that when Tom Hardy is like fighting
for control of his own body he's kind of
mumbling to himself all time is Woody
Allen this way he's like what happened
to my leg my leg was broken oh my god I
just hit that guy don't need someone and
it's just it's just really it's just
really funny those bits are really fun
there's there's when you and also the
venom being has a bit more of a
personality than I expected
and when that comes out it's quite funny
like there's a whole sort of subplot
about Tom Hardy trying to get his
girlfriend back and Venom this kind of
alien being that likes eating people
starts giving him advice which is on his
shoulder it really is I wanted a lot
more of that and unfortunately Michelle
Williams and R is armed who are both
great and I'm sure they probably got
paid a lot of money I hope so
they kind of their stories are quite
dull and they kind of love this story
down and resume it also plays the exact
same Silicon Valley tech but genius bad
guy that he played in the Jason Bourne
movies so I mean it wasn't much of a
stretch for him I guess you know maybe
they thought no one remembers Jason
Bourne because it wasn't very good then
with the most recent one with venom it's
kind of fun it's a it's it's kind of
silly it's there's a lot of stuff that
doesn't work it's all over the place but
it's it's kind of fun I quite liked it
so there you go it's a it's a big dumb
supervillain movie that reminds you of
big dumb supervillain movies from like
10 15 years ago
honestly if you remember if you look
back fondly on Ghost Rider and spawn and
the Hulk movies that Marvel tries to
forget about then then yeah you probably
love venom yeah sounds great it's great
so yeah let's know it is actually out
now and so I think it's out now yeah but
time you hear this it will have been out
for a couple of days so yeah maybe
you've seen it maybe you haven't oh no
tell us what you think of our venom let
us know you can get in touch by you can
email seen at UK podcast at CBS I calm
or we're on Twitter and Instagram
Facebook all over the place we're on
start we on snapchat they don't still
use snapchat okay but not to the same
extent not the same extent okay you can
Instagram story us or something I don't
know that's what the kids do these days
you can find us I'm on Twitter at rich
night well and Katie what's your I am at
Katie Collins
nice nice and simple great and if you
want to leave a review for us on iTunes
or leave some comments on YouTube then
we'd be very grateful as long as they
are nice because we are very
thin-skinned and we're feeling very
delicate Yemen so yeah be nice I think
that's it
we'll see you hopefully very soon I
don't buy anyway sorry
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