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iPhone patents point to edge-to-edge glass design and new camera (Apple Byte)

what's good Brian song here and welcome to the Apple bite for everything good and bad inside the world of Apple let's get to the show and the new MacBooks can't come soon enough not only for us but for Apple as well the latest Gartner report estimates PC shipments fell 5.7 percent overall this quarter making it the eighth consecutive quarter of decline and the longest duration of the client in the PC industry now Apple's Mac shipments have dropped thirteen point four percent compared to the same quarter last year ouch so if you weren't sure about talk of this post PC era yeah it's been here for a while now Apple even rescheduled its upcoming earnings call from October the 27th to two days earlier on the 25th leading many to believe that an announcement for the new refreshed MacBook Pro MacBook and iMac lineup will happen on October the 27th instead it's not official but you can mark that date on your calendar for now and really what's the best way to shift attention away from it another quarterly decline in iPhone sales guess what brand new Macs two days later now I'm still curious about how good the oled touch bar will actually be with this rumored new MacBook Pro but reality is that it probably still won't be enough to turn around Apple's PC shipment fortunes significantly but maybe brighter days are ahead for the iPhone according to USB analysts they expect the iPhone 7 to help spur an 8% growth for Apple in 2017 and if you want to be even more optimistic they say the new 10th anniversary iPhone or what we like to call the iPhone X will bring even a bigger boost in fiscal 2018 with a 16 percent year-over-year throat now these numbers have not been confirmed with no shirt on us yet next question and in Apple pants I could be coming to an iPhone X near you Apple has been granted a patent for embedding light sensors directly into device displays and this is important because it will help create a full-screen iPhone without its current big black forehead and chin bezels this design change could save millimeters on the final design specification and could open up the doors for a true fullscreen iPhone X display and another recent panel one issue Apple described a super-resolution multi-sensor camera with cube prisms it details a three sensor camera array that's capable of achieving a maximum image quality in a minimal amount of space there are space-saving benefits to the patent but it's folded camera design can also offer more room for extended zoom capabilities again it's a patent so we'll wait and see how it may or may not be integrated there's also been a constant back-and-forth battle in the courts between Apple and Samsung that started back in 2011 and it's a fight over three iPhone design elements patented by Apple that Samsung had earlier been found to copy in 11 of its phones now the case has finally reached the Supreme Court this week lower courts ruled Samsung should pay 100% of the profits earned from those phones while samsung thinks they should pay less now Sammy may get its wish as two of the justices agree that design is part of the reason someone would buy a phone but not the entire reason the Supreme Court's ruling is expected to take two to three months and they will not decide the final amount owed but we'll pass it back to the federal courts to rule on a revised sum how fun also Apple recently won an appeal for 120 million dollars in its case against Samsung again but this time for the slide to unlock feature which they no longer even use in iOS 10 and you know Sammy is trying to hold on to anything they can after the train wreck that was the galaxy note 7 I called it the best phone of 2016 and I stood by that until you know it started exploding not once but twice even with its replacement units now the note 7 is officially dead samsung has completely stopped production it's dead dunzo they're even asking people to send back their note 7 in a fireproof return box that will only be shipped by car now this can only be a good thing for Apple but you can't really talk about Samsung without Apple they were arch rivals it's that competition that really led to Samsung rushing out the note 7 but this could be really the end of that rivalry and before we go I always have to show love to you the Apple biters how many of you have an Apple watch or just got one well you know I returned the series to watch because I'm not a swimmer and I personally don't use the GPS feature on trails so it just wasn't as useful for me compared to my original Apple watch you know what I'm gonna wait for the next one now there are plenty of you who have a first-gen 1 or your first Apple watch and I've got something for you check out the Go Power watch from our friends at connects it's the first portable battery for the Apple watch that you can take with you on the go and it has the capacity to charge your Apple watch six times you can even use it to charge your phone and an Apple watch at the same time it has an inductive charging spot specifically for the Apple watch it's pretty sweet and it's the first of its kind so all you have to do is watch last week's show tell me what I called two iPads joined together from Apple's rumored magnets patent I even touched the box for you so you know what's real plus you can go to their website for 10% off everything using the code Apple byte 10 and it's good until Saturday October 22nd all right that's gonna do it for this week's show you can email us at the Apple buy to see Netcom or tweet me at brian song and i will announce the winner of next week thanks so much for watching we'll catch y'all next time for the bite of the Apple
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