iTunes Match vs. Amazon Music vs. Google Play Music
iTunes Match vs. Amazon Music vs. Google Play Music
choosing a music storage service can be
a real gamble Apple Amazon and Google
all have services that let you access
your music in the cloud now the big
question which one of these services is
right for you to help you solve this
we're going to use a gambling analogy
let's do this at the Apple table you
will need to pay $25 to play these chips
represent the amount of songs you can
upload to Apple's iTunes Match service
at the Amazon table you get a free
buy-in that's about 250 songs or if you
choose you can pay $25 for a huge stack
of chips this is Amazon's Cloud Player
service at the Google table the dealer
just gives you a stack of chips it's not
as big as the one you paid for it Amazon
but it's also double the size of chips
you got from Apple the best part it's
completely free so as you can see for a
lot of people Google's the best option
the mobile app isn't perfect but you
can't beat the free price tag and the
modest amount of storage you get if your
music library is huge Amazon's Cloud
Player could be worth checking out and
if you like that Apple ecosystem well
you know where to go for more
information be sure to check out my
article where I go to even greater
detail over at how to Tina calm you can
also reach out to me on Twitter with any
questions or comments I'm Dan graziano
CNET thanks for watching
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