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5 Newest & Coolest Kitchen Gadgets 2017

we didn't think throwing away food mattered until we learn families throw away on average over 400 pounds of food to the landfill every year the new zerah food recycler from w labs automatically recycles 95% of household food waste into ready to use homemade fertilizer start with a zero additive pack then continue to add food daily until full with the help of a plant-based additive the zero device reduces your food waste by over two-thirds of its original volume the zero device breaks down the food so the zero system can quickly recycle it over 24 hours into ready to use homemade fertilizer turning food scraps today and to fertilizer tomorrow making it easy and convenient in your home to feed less to the landfill and more to your land the new zerah food recycler turning waste into wonderful so the number one problem people have with cooking is knowing what temperature their cookware set when you turn your stove up to eight you have no idea whether that means 300 degrees or 500 degrees and I can tell you that means the difference between under cooking a pork chop and burning it on contact where others see challenged you see possibility where others see a meal you see a personal masterpiece cooking is your thing two years ago first build brought unprecedented precision to our customers kitchens with a temperature probe for sous-vide cooking first build is proud to introduce the next evolution of the Paragon induction cooktop the ultimate smart cooking system with this release Paragon takes an exponential leap forward by bringing high precision straight to your cookware I know at Paragon it's going to be the same every time and when I flip it over there's no surprise which is a good thing especially when you're entertaining the Paragon cooktop is able to monitor pan temperature and liquid temperature allowing you to keep your most delicate and flavorful dishes from burning or under cooking this allows for incredible flexibility and creativity in your kitchen the power behind Paragon precision is a network of Bluetooth enabled components that use a continuously synced connection to maintain exact temperatures based on real-time sensor readings not power output you can continuously caramelize your butter while developing a golden-brown bond or just make the world's most perfect flapjacks time after time after time use the Paragon app for further control with temperature monitoring recipes and usage tips the complete Paragon system is you're capable kitchen assistant it works so well because it's been designed by cooks for cooks first build is an open innovation incubator we get ideas from our community members of the world at large who have great ideas for new appliances and then we try and find ways to build a prototype to prove it it's something that the world really needs in other words we create brilliant new technology to help innovative chefs like you create incredible dishes get behind Paragon today and taste the future before anyone else even knows it's ready iron deficiency is a massive global problem and the lucky iron fish is a simple solution that adds natural iron to your diet well we're finding that the individuals who are buying the lucky iron fish want a simple easy and natural way of adding iron to their diet it's like a little iron fish and it's shaped like a fish because that's a sign of black in Cambodia having an iron rich diet and something simple is like an iron fish in your cooking every day just make sure that I'm always able to give back to the community by donating blood every 56 days well we've been able to work with like iron fish to help develop some menu items in our restaurants from food items to making a beer we've created a great vegetarian item sometimes it's hard to get the proper amount of iron I found especially for myself with not eating a lot of meat so it's nice to be able to just drink water like any other day and be able to have a good amount of iron in my system it sits near this near where I'm cooking so it's really easy to remember and throw in and clean up afterwards so that's probably a big key to meat using it I would say like I boil a bunch of it and put it in the fridge and then just fill my water bottle and take it around yes this water is a little bit lemony but I don't recognize the taste of the Aisne fish my wife Kristen being pregnant and having issues with with iron deficiency it's it's worked out really well it's simple to use we cook at home it creates great time with the family when somebody comes into the store and buys one they get one for themselves obviously but also means that one is donated to somebody in need to somebody who can't afford a fish which is great you take something so simple that you can use in everyday life and how it can affect millions of people across world in a positive way hey Kickstarter my name is a cheetah and I'm ranches and we are the creators of a nerve react a nerve react is the world's first intelligent stove safety device that attaches directly to your existing knobs and recognizes potential threats turn your stove off before it's too late how many of you have ever left food cooking on the stove for too long and ended up with smoke everywhere or even a fire or left your house then just wondered whether you left the stove on if you've never left your stove on before you may wonder whether this is even a problem that needs a solution the kitchen is the center of our homes it's where so much of life happens spending time with loved ones preparing food and sharing meals with so much happening it's easy to forget something as simple as turning off your stove if we're not careful something terrible can happen I know because it happened to me in the United States alone there are over 350 7,000 house fires each year that's one house fire every 85 seconds these house fires caused almost 13,000 injuries per year and seven deaths every day and cooking equipment is the most common cause how many of these can be prevented with a nerve react a nerve react uses a combination of sensors and electronics within these units to turn your stove off when a hazardous situation detected over for one even arises attach your existing knobs to the device or use them as your new knobs and place a sensor unit on a ceiling above this unit is the brains of the device and houses a gas sensor and smoke detector which when activated signal the knob unit to turn off the burner this unit also contains a motion sensor that's linked to a timer in the knob unit you select the time interval you want using the touch sensor or you can use a default setting if no motion is detected in the vicinity of your stove during that time interval the knob will activate and turn your stove off inner reacts novel design allows it to work on any gas or electric stove and attach two knobs of all shapes and sizes and if you're away from home the smartphone app allows you to check whether your stove is on and turn it off if needed you can even adjust the temperature of your stove to ensure your food doesn't overcook so please back us and help us reach millions of people like you who want to keep their home and loved one safe we hope in every act we'll provide you with the peace of mind you deserve together we can help to prevent the devastating effects caused by house fires thank you you you
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