Bose SL Micro vs XB12, Does Sony Have A Chance🤔. SOUND BATTLE
Bose SL Micro vs XB12, Does Sony Have A Chance🤔. SOUND BATTLE
what's up speaker fires will in here and
welcome to another sound battle where we
let speakers speak for themselves
I'm in the battle field so that we have
the Bose Soundlink microbe going up
against the all-new sony srs XB 12 with
the improved limbs that were made to the
sound of the XB 12 I was curious
on finding out how it compares to the
Soundlink micro because it did pretty
good has some pretty good sound good
base for its size of speaker of the
price difference is quite big between
the two but hey how do they compare
sound wise so let's find out as usual I
will be using a high quality binaural
microphone so for the best experience
please use headphones with that said
let's hear the speaker's speak
let's just break it down
okay so if you are looking for the
loudest of the two the Soundlink micro
is your guy here it actually okay let me
just say overall it sounds better than
the SRS xB twelve but at maximum volume
if you listen to them closely there is
more distortion coming out of their
sound wink micro then what what then how
it distorted the Sony s b12 sounds like
Sony was able to maintain the sound
quality of the speaker at maximum one
which is usually really hard to do with
smaller speakers both sound like micro
here has been pretty good it but if you
listen to the sound of the to this guy
here stays pretty pretty good at maximum
volume well as the boss here suffers a
little bit more it's not too much but it
suffers a little bit in comparison to
how much this guy can handle maximum
volume so overall as far as sound
quality I still do think that is the
summing micro still sounds better but I
mean comparing the price of the two I
still think this is a good sounding
speaker although overall I think they
both won this with kind of sixes I
really wanted Sony to win this but Sony
did it do it again come on but they are
going in the right direction I would say
so I'm hoping in two generations or
something like that I feel like they
will be maybe somewhere where the
Soundlink micro is that's if something
doesn't move forward which they probably
will so it's just a race you know we'll
see who gets where first but yes that's
been it for this video I will see you in
the next one thank you very much for
watching I'll put the links to these
the comments section below so you can go
use those links it really helps out the
channel I hope you like this battle if
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I just want to get some sort of feedback
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down there thank you very much for
I will see you in the next video peace
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