Divoom Voombox Outdoor 2 vs Boom 2 :SoundBattle (binaural recording)
Divoom Voombox Outdoor 2 vs Boom 2 :SoundBattle (binaural recording)
hey what's up YouTube Willington here
and welcome to another sound battle
well that speakers speak for themselves
in the battlefield today we have the UE
boom - going up against the deivam out
door - but before we get deep into this
video here is a short disclosure deivam
reached out to me about a month ago and
offered me a free sample of this speaker
to try out and they also sent me the
time bomb no sorry the time box which my
two-year-old actually thinks is the best
speaker ever made I think he'll listen
to it a lot more than I have or rather
played with it so thanks to them and for
those wondering no this will not affect
my judgment on the same note I don't
have any requests of these specific
speakers currently so if there is a
speaker that you'd like to see go
against either the outdoor - or the time
box let me know in the comment section
below on a side note if you're new here
please make sure you subscribe it really
helps out a lot in this battle the
speakers are five feet away from a high
quality binaural microphone and they'll
be playing at 70 percent volume for a
more realistic sound experience please
put your headphones on and let's hear
the speaker's speak
okay so the boom - is louder and it has
a lot more power to what you can hear it
in its sound and generally I think it
sounds cleaner than the outdoor - and
I'm pretty sure this is something that
most of us were expecting considering
this kind of not in the same category
but I also wanted to point out one thing
that as cheap as the deivam 2 is
compared to the boom - I like the best
that comes out of it then that's coming
out of the boom - now it's not the best
but it's better at least in my opinion
now if I was to choose just one of the
two I will take the boom - but if you're
tight on budget the outdoor is not a bad
choice either you have drivers on both
sides for 360 sound experience just like
the boom - the only thing is that is not
waterproof like the boom - so that might
be a deal-breaker for somebody but so
this was just mainly a video to let you
guys know that I have the outdoor - in
the house and the time box so if there's
any speaker that you'd like to see
battle against it let me know down in
the comment section below and I will get
to them as soon as possible what you've
heard is just my opinion and sound is so
subjective I would like to hear what you
guys think about this - speakers in the
comment section below anything you hear
please consider subscribing it really
helps out a lot
with that said thanks for watching and I
will see you in the next one peace
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