How To Know if your hover board battery is safe / WILL IT CATCH FIRE?
How To Know if your hover board battery is safe / WILL IT CATCH FIRE?
what's up YouTube Wellington here with
another video wait they have a bought
batteries becoming an issue and a safety
concern I thought I'd put together a
video to give you a peace of mind to
write your hoverboard comfortably or
dish it and get something safer now all
these hoverboards come with a lithium
battery and for a lithium battery to be
considered safe it has to go through
these tests altitude simulation test FMO
test vibration test shock
external short-circuit impact of a
charge and post discharge with that said
there is only one way of consumer can
know if the battery has been tested and
said to use and that's by looking at the
labeling on the battery itself
high-power batteries like the ones used
in hoverboards will always have an
international standard label
um 38.3 so to know if we are safe we
have to open up the board all you'll
need is a phillips head screwdriver and
that's it after a bunch of screws i was
lucky that the first sight that i opened
is where the battery was located so
let's take a close look at it the
battery looks like it's in good shape
nothing's worn up or spilling out which
is a good sign and it works like i have
a samsung 18 650 which I know for sure
some Sun makes 18 650 batteries so
that's another good sign and looking on
down we see our UN 38.3 label which
means it went through the testing and
should be safe to use but in addition to
that we see the C II mark in the ISO
9000 one which are all qualities
certificates if your battery has all
these labels most especially the UN 38.3
your board should be fine but I'll still
be cautious and take all the safety
measures of using lithium batteries
which I met a video about right here if
you want to go watch it most especially
not charging overnight or when not at
thanks for watching please share this
video subscribe to my channel leave your
comments down below and I will see you
in the next video it shot disclaimer
though I'm not liable for any incorrect
information given in this video if any
please do your research and educate
yourself and stay safe
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