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Super Clean Gaming Setup!!

hey how's it going Dave Judy here and in front of me are some gaming accessories from Razer now these ones are in their new colorway it's called mercury and of Calca silver and white theme that's going on and traditionally in gaming accessories are like black or red or black and red or black and some other color that just I don't know for whatever reason I've never liked the majority of gaming accessories when this came out I was pretty excited so in front of me are the black widow X coma the Razer Invicta the lancehead as well as the Kraken so I won't be doing like full of our views on these I will be just kind of giving you my first impressions on them in case it inspires you to pick up a white gaming setup of your own okay let's do this let's start with the keyboard why is this so hard to open I think I'm doing it wrong I did it right okay so these accessories are going into this setup it's a mini ITX case called the N case m1 it's one of the smallest PC cases out there and the display is the LG 38 you see 99 this is my favorite display right now it's just awesome for content creation because of the ultra wide alright I've used them for a little bit and by a little bit I mean like 20 minutes and I'm ready to give you my extensive long-term review no this is just like some very cursory thoughts on these devices I've always liked the Black Widow keyboard it's got a great feel I prefer the white color over the black for sure I don't know about the longevity of the keycaps I tried scratching the white off it didn't come off even though I'm scratching pretty hard it seems really durable for what it is but there is a difference in texture between the white key caps and the black key caps from the original Black Widow X chroma now it could just be a difference in like manufacturing or something it may not be but it's just something I noticed the lancehead Mouse feels really nice I'm not super picky about gaming mice but I really like this one the design is cool the texture is cool the material finish is really unique on this Mouse and it has a good weight the lighting control is pretty extensive for a mouse but I would say that the grip on this thing is more suited for people that have a claw or a finger grip because it's kind of narrow from left to right I mean if you have really big hands and your palm gripper I don't think this will be a good fit but everyone else good Mouse the Kraken headphones are good the new thing for me are these oval ear cuffs I never had issues with the original more circular ear cuffs but these ones I think are supposed to fit more ears the sound quality is good the mic quality is good and of course it's got Razer RGB so you can make it light up if you want now in terms of the fit I have a relatively large head I think and I'm ready at the limit of how much this thing can adjust so if you have like a really large head these may not be a good fit but in general good headphones okay the last thing is the mousepad the Razer Invicta and I'm a little more opinionated about this thing I love the way it looks I think this is literally the nicest looking outside I've ever used it's going to lumina build with an interchangeable mousing surface so it's got two sides to this thing but the issue I have with this thing is that both surfaces are hard surfaces now some people that love hard surfaces this is great you can use both sides but if you looked at an opportunity here to give both hard surfaces and like maybe another insert that was a cloth surface which would have been awesome because people that prefer something like a cloth Mouse surface will have to adapt to this and that's someone like me so I'm sure over time I'll get used to this but in the few minutes I'd tried playing with this it was a little bit different from what I was used to but that's basically it for accessories that allow you to make a super clean super minimal looking gaming setup for your PC or Mac whatever you want but these are really high performing devices that look super clean okay hope you guys enjoyed this video sums we liked it some of you loved it see you guys next time like a hundred this side okay can we stand up like oh my god some of those really cute people like this oh my god I did so far shut about something oh right now proudly in the country hey baby yeah shiny nothing after you can't really tell you know where's Nova kidney totally dead but they not really give it DMS from guy
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