
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

5 NEW Inventions 2018 | That Will Blow Your Mind 2018

we've been away we won't wait there's you today week just begun the best is yet to come beautiful you this is the Echo smartpen from Livescribe it's a computer in a pen and it works like this the smart pen starts recording everything you write in here write notes during a meeting or lecture draw diagrams mark important information to replay just top your notes and high-quality audio plays back from that exact moment you can jump forward or go back to notes from days months even years ago the Echo smartpen connects to your PC or Mac computer by USB cable to transfer your notes and audio to Livescribe desktop after the transfer your digital notes and audio come to life as an interactive document called a pen cast pen casts allow you to hear see and relive your notes exactly as they were recorded to search your handwritten notes type in any word Livescribe desktop searches for every place that word appears in your writing stay organized with custom notebooks by combining pages from different notebooks notes can be transcribed into typed text by downloading an app that sold separately you can even share your notes and audio as an interactive PDF accessible by anyone with the latest Adobe Reader the Echo smartpen it's time your notes worked for you this is Google home it has this feature called voice ID which is really just a fancy way of saying this thing knows the difference between your voice and other people's voices so if you say hey Google call mom okay calling mom it'll call your mom not just anyone's mom because that would be weird I mean imagine if this thing was just calling random people's moms I don't think people would really like that feature this is Jeff and this is his exercise routine he works hard to build up his cardio and muscle he also wants to lose weight but it takes energy and time to burn away the pounds Jeff would stay in the gym and continue to fight for weight loss results but he needs to get to work imagine if you could take your weight loss regime with you to the office and burn calories all day now there is a revolutionary technology that allows you to do just that introducing the thin ice fast a slick wearable embedded with cooling technology that forces your body to burn extra calories when I first got this idea I had this bolt of realization that this could be a game-changer in the weight loss industry the thin ice fest is comfortable and lightweight and will help you shed pounds even as you sleep the vest can even wait until you are in deep sleep before activating so the technology won't make you cold it will just make you thinner the thin ice fest is also discreet enough to be worn under regular clothing so you can use it anytime day or night go to bed how does the thin ice vest help produce calorie burning using cold temperatures the body responds by revving up and burning fat to keep your blood warm the process is called cold temperature thermogenesis that's what really ingenious solution anything that I could just wear day to day that would help me lose weight would be an absolute asset there are certain people out there that we all love to hate and these are the people who can eat whatever they'd like to and not gain any weight and what this product is actually able to do is give you those characteristics by speeding up your metabolism I'm a gamer so having a cheat code is something I'm all about another innovative part of the thin ice system is the Bluetooth connected mobile app it allows you to adjust the temperature of the technology to your comfort levels you can also track the calories you're burning second-by-second and if you want to take things to the next level the app will recommend special diet and exercise routines to help you lose weight like a champ thin ice is getting ready to ship out its 1.0 version this quarter but the 2.0 version of the technology will be sleeker have a longer battery life and can be taught to respond to your body temperature so it can keep you comfortably cool or in a weight loss zone as the environment or your body changes then ice need your generous support to put this revolutionary technology into your hands in exchange for that support you'll be among the first to receive the thin ice system this comes with the thin ice vest the mobile app the e-book a body sculpting cream and a transdermal caffeinate bracelet to keep your energy high and your appetite at bay the only thing I really got left is uh where do I buy one of these the thin ice system is the most advanced and effortless weight loss system on the planet all we need now is you then ice the coolest way to lose weight this is the free skate camp song the innovative design lets you fold this off flat while remaining completely assembled using no extra tools it's slim size when folded makes it simple to store in a pack or a gear bag without threat of loss parts apply the sturdy blade to cut through larger diameter wood its structure lets you work with the full length of the blade for the most efficient use of your energy replace the standard 12-inch blade easily when needed the saws grippy rubber handle stays firmly in your hand as you go this is the free skate camp saw
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