5 New Amazing Gadgets That Will BLOW Your Mind #32
5 New Amazing Gadgets That Will BLOW Your Mind #32
yeah it's very good volume I can get
everything amazing it's amazing how I
hear the sounds through through yeah so
funny well Otto hey did somebody music
yeah oh wow crazy
Hypno's supports the superb stereo sound
quality while you listen to the music
there is a noise cancelling function for
the fast experience in case of a phone
simply touch on the right side earbuds
to receive it double touch to connect
with siri alexa or google
if you say Oh turn on hope with noise
cancellation and acoustic noisy
generation to create silence if you say
kill Hina
come on the creepy mole you will turn to
the sleeping mode which activates the
parasympathetic nervous system which
brings us sounds for calm workplace
where they can relax and fall asleep
hello Hypno's
with me
good exceptional control visibility and
protection there are a lot of cameras on
the market but they're limited
visibility can compromise your security
we think security should be fast
responsive and focused with this in mind
we developed the eye camera keep pro
events happen fast so the eye camera Q
Pro reacts fast with motion tracking
technology this camera identifies tracks
and records any event that takes place
in your home preventing burglaries and
allowing you to convenience to being
able to identify emergencies in real
enjoy the peace of mind and knowing that
your home estate and your family is
protected you can target specific areas
of your home and prevent false alarms
with custom activity zones in the app
sound recognition software identifies
the sound of smoke and carbon monoxide
sirens in your home and you'll receive
immediate notifications in an emergency
with an industry-leading four megapixel
image sensor the eye camera key Pro has
1080p HD resolution time-lapse free
cloud video recording and much more the
eye camera key pro is fast responsive
and focused everything your smart home
security should be what if you can find
anything in seconds you'd have like a
superpower you may not be able to leap
tall buildings but you could change your
world from a place where things are lost
to a place where things are found and in
this world you create everything is
right where it belongs phones Keys
Wallis bags everything that matters to
you is found welcome to a world with
tiles lots of important things go
missing all the time
tile locates half a million of them
every day and helps you find what
matters in second tile is a tiny
Bluetooth tracker that helps you find
anything and using tile is so easy its
pilot map it ray
and find it and if it's your phone
you're looking for just press your tile
and it rings your phone even if it's on
silent go to get tile now calm today and
tile all the things that matter to you
if you act now you'll save up to 40% per
tile on a multipack you also get free
shipping and a 30 day money back
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