
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

5 Inventions That Will Blow Your Mind #30

in the United States people spend an average of seven point four hours every day looking at screens not only at work but also in their free time no wonder that 50% of workers suffer from back pain and/or leg cramp caused by sitting too long or in correct posture by the way are you watching this video sitting like that exactly that's why we created dream drop try it out before it's too late every day you take care of your teeth you choose healthy and light food to nourish your body you'll protect your skin feed your brain but what do you do for your spine taking care of it should be your daily routine just like brushing your teeth with trim drum it's easier and more effective than ever just put it behind your back and it will let you forget about back pain it takes only one minute with trim drum to feel the difference it strengthens muscles weakened by the sitting position and relaxes those that are in constant tension throughout the day bringing immediate relief drim drum is also a perfect complement to other workouts and invaluable help with recompensed after an injury it secures the spine from damages and overloading exercising on our device effectively strengthens all groups of the abdominal muscles during exercise the spine is slightly stretched that's wide rim drum very effectively nourishes the joints of the spine and intervertebral discs the extensor muscle remains a constant tension causing first symptoms of back pain Trivandrum is the ultimate antidote allowing to relax those muscles trim drum is the ultimate remedy for back pain in correct posture and it prevents further health problems it doesn't require high workloads and it's very easy introducing Luna the first and only hardware solution that turns your iPad into a true wireless second display to create a workspace that frees you wherever you go Luna delivers stunning image quality with virtually zero lag turning your iPad into a touch Mac that works over Wi-Fi Luna sets up in seconds and instantly works with your existing Wi-Fi simply plug it into any Mac USB C or DisplayPort install the Luna app and you're off and running no antennas no waiting and no hassles we developed the Luna because we knew there was a better solution than relying on software to turn an iPad into a second display software apps literally hack your graphics card delivering a glitchy and unreliable picture they trick your Mac into thinking and displays attached when effect they get no benefit of graphics acceleration or metal GPU support so unlike software apps Luna harnesses the raw power of your graphics card giving you the full benefit of its graphics acceleration delivering stunt second monitor that's 100 percent wire free in addition to acting as a second display Luna also acts as a complete extension to your Mac allowing you to use it directly from your iPad with full support using external keyboards Apple pencil and Apple touch interactions it literally allows you to turn your MacBook or iMac into a touchable device designed and developed by the creators of Astro pad the award-winning drawing app used by major animation studios and product design firms across the globe Luna carries the same quality and performance that's been delivered to their tens of thousands of customers and for those of you who are artists you compare Luna and Astro pad to take your studio anywhere and create the ultimate drawing experience meet the only smart scale that measures all your vital stats immediately other scales only tell you half of the story like you're only using half of your body right but you want to see the whole picture why because you're a results-oriented person you care about the way you look and feel you want it all and adore has it for you you have a gym membership and you go once a month but do you really know what you're doing when you go there do you really need 12 glasses of water each day or is 8/5 they think you're fat maybe they're fat maybe it's just the water you carry in your body well Adorno's it knows how much you weigh how much of your body is water and how much of your body's fat but how about your muscle mass you want to know your bone density you know why to be sure all this muscle mass has great foundation bone density is one of the main reasons we feel weak when we get older our bones just can't support us any longer thin weak bones don't hurt until they break the ador smart scale knows your bone density and shares tips on how to improve it yeah but doors like my personal trainer although it doesn't sweat its knowledgeable it's caring and available 24/7 adore smart scale was developed by marathon runners and doctors meet these healthy brainiacs as a runner I like to track my progress nothing in the market was really giving me a complete information about how well I'm doing as such we decided to come up with a tour smart body composition scale the whole concept behind the design was truly help people we really want people to be able to learn and achieve their goals in a very simple and efficient way the artificial intelligence software along with our social networking is a big part of our solution ador along with our powerful app now is my personal coach we have a network of medical advisers most of our team members are physically active individuals the team has an extensive experience in high-tech some of the brightest people in Silicon Valley they understand what people need to improve their conditions step on the scale put in your basic info and then connect it with your phone via bluetooth and that's it enjoy your personalized health tips anytime you want I love the design I'm probably gonna marry this you're smarter than my smartphone help us bring a door to the market and let us have everyone look great oh yeah does this situation look familiar you're flipping your pillow at night desperately trying to fall asleep Munna is a unique device that understands your sleeping pattern and regulates your head temperature to help you get the best possible sleep Munna will help you to start your day feeling fully recovered and energetic sleep well live well hi I'm David and this is Colleen and we're the founders of Munna for years it took me hours every night to fall asleep so we decided to do something about it together we developed a product that not only gets you to sleep faster but also helps you get the best sleep until it's time for you to wake up so how do we do that with temperature temperature is the key to good sleep to fall asleep our body needs to cool down and lower temperatures help us get a better sleep quality when we wake up it is the opposite our body needs to warm up and our head plays a critical role in this temperature regulation that's why munna improves your sleep by regulating your pillow temperature simply place the device on your bedside table insert the pad into your pillowcase and use the app to set the wakeup time the temperature of the pad is regulated through a water circulation system which cools down as you lay in bed to help you fall asleep faster sleep and environment sensors combined with machine learning help understand your perfect sleeping pattern and regulate the temperature accordingly when it's time we now will gently warm up and we can actually with the app you will get key insights on your sleep and how to improve it further we believe that is not about how long you sleep but how well you sleep so by improving your night will not also improve your day body temperature is very important for sleep quality so munna is one of the best sleep technology to improve sleep we've done more than 200 user tests and have an ongoing clinical study we have spent the last four months in Shenzhen China working closely with manufacturers to make sure we have a great design and can ship a quality product on time to our backers we've been working on this project for nearly two years now and we're finally ready for production we want to bring you better sleep now all we need is your support thank you
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