AMD Converting Parts of Epyc to X570 Chipset, Dropping ASMedia
AMD Converting Parts of Epyc to X570 Chipset, Dropping ASMedia
CES posed the unique opportunity to
speak with engineers at various board
manufacturers and system integrators
allowing us to get first-hand
information as to and these plans for
the x5 70 chipset launch we already
spoke of the basics of x5 70 and our
initial and the CES news coverage
primarily talking about the launch
timing challenges and PCIe 4.0
considerations but we can now expand on
our coverage with new information about
the upcoming Rison 3000 series chipset
for Xen to Architecture desktop CPUs
before that this video is brought to you
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available in silver black red and a mini
ITX version learn more at the link in
the description below we're finally back
in the studio clearly and I don't know
there might be one or two more CES
videos going up but we're really about
at the end of it at this point but there
was some really important opportunities
at CES where we can meet with some of
the the people we don't only get to talk
to when we're not at a tradeshow and
learn more about a in these plans for X
570 the chipset and a little bit about
Rison 3000 series we also met with AMD
on Rison 3000 series and II was not
really ready to share product details
just yet they did share a little bit for
example the TDP shouldn't really change
on rise in 3000 versus 2,000 that should
be roughly the same but they didn't get
much more detailed than that an hour CPU
meeting GPU meeting was much more
detailed but that's in a separate video
so this allowed us the opportunity then
to instead speak to people like system
integrators motherboard manufacturers
people we can't name in this video for
obvious reasons so we trust the sources
of this information we've worked with
these people before they are typically
accurate however we should of course
note that it's not official and the
information just yet so some of this
data could change although we don't
suspect much of it will perhaps launched
I mean that would be about the extent of
any changes you might you might
so then rise in 3000 series
Andy has not officially put a date on
this and he is officially saying
mid-year and in speaking with and these
partners who can't be named that
mid-year is more likely a June launch
we're not sure when in June
you could probably surmise that it would
coincide with copy tax which is late May
early June so June is Andy's target
based on what their partners are saying
we brought this up to Andy and AMD said
well you know we can't confirm that and
maybe let's be careful of saying June
because it could change so Andy might
move that launch window around but
currently behind the scenes the target
is June for the cpu's now the biggest
thing is AMD is trying to leave some
leniency for changes in scheduling
particularly with the chipset the CPU
should probably be ready a bit earlier
than the chipset the chipset is
encountering a few more challenges they
probably will be conquered but it's just
a matter of timing and when they'll be
resolved and so some of this the biggest
point of consideration for launch it has
been whether AMD wants to align its X
570 chipset launch for the new
motherboards with the new CPU launch
because the new Seabees will work in X
470 and previous chipset boards so they
don't have to launch with a new
motherboard but of course it's kind of
it's better for the ecosystem it's
better for the motherboard makers most
users probably want to buy the newest
board with the newest CPU it makes sense
so AMD is trying to figure out how to
align those two launches and depending
on how X 570 goes that might be out of
alignment but right now it does sound
like they will likely launch them
together it's just it's totally up in
the air at this point for that specific
aspect so despite the fact that the new
CPUs will work with the motherboards
previously released X 570 will carry
with it some updates and that's what we
have information on for you today so
this information a good amount of it was
contained in the first video the news
video talking about
Radeon seven but some of it's brand-new
here we obtained this from contacts very
close to product development and we've
vetted them between other contacts close
to product development so this should be
pretty accurate the previous AMD chip
sets were made by as media a s media as
media and these introduced
early challenges and development for the
1000 series CPUs they're all pretty much
resolved as time went on
but as media did do a lot of the design
work and handled sourcing and
fabrication of the chips that's it as a
silicon part ultimately the new series
of chipsets our understanding is that
AMD will be working to design the X 570
chipset on its own without as media's
help and we'll be sourcing fabrication
on its own so that's news separately and
these migrating it's epic chipset as we
understand it today down to X 570 so the
existing epic chipset it'll get some
changes some tweaks along the way but it
is being migrated in more of a
one-to-one fashion than you might expect
down to X 570 so silicon will be updated
for isin 3000 the XY 70 chipset should
run out about 15 watts which is a
significant change in raw numbers but
not a significant change in cooling or
anything like that and the the raw
number difference you have 15 watts for
X 570 probably verses 6 to 8 for X 470
so in terms of cooling capacity this
really doesn't mean anything when you're
looking at a motherboard I mean we have
an Intel board here the chipset is
that's the chipset right there that's it
and most the companies put these big
blocks on them and although you could
argue that yes this is for thermals
realistically no you could run this
board like this and it would be just
fine unless you're doing extreme
overclocking and even then the chips
that's not really getting that hot
chipset can get hot when you start doing
things like raid SSDs you're really
hammering the i/o on the chip set button
generally don't need cooling or not much
of it it can be passively done as you
all know so 15 watts verses 68 not
really that significant with regard to
cooling but a significant change in that
the chipset will be capable of doing
more at least in its present design
assuming this all goes through so other
than this the PCH or the chipset will
likely only have gen 3 PCIe gen3 coming
out of it and go into the PCIe slots but
we're not 100% clear on that just yet so
bear with us on that one that this
it sounds like from what we understand
the biggest point of consideration again
for the chipsets is what generation PCIe
is going where because we know PCIe gen
for is supported on the CPU side and he
has publicly unofficially confirmed this
it will therefore be supported to the
video card slots the ones that are wired
directly to the CPU but what happens at
the chipset level is that Gen 4 going to
the chipset to Gen 3 going to the
chipset because there's lanes use there
and then as a Gen 4 coming out of the
chipset or not so what we understand
today and this could change is that it's
likely PCIe gen3 coming out of the chips
that go into the PCIe slots there are
some notes here in caveats though that
we'll talk about as we go so CPU for
sure gen for proper that's that's what
we know absolute sure and we spoke about
the PCIe lanes going to the chipset
previously and with some of our contacts
and we're told that again this is the
the sort of the TBD part where am these
holdups are it could go gen 4 for that
so AMD is looking to launch its be 550
chipset roughly one quarter after X 570
if things go as they are presently times
then be 550 should be roughly quarter
three of the year maybe towards the end
of it
and bx5 zone it should be in the middle
of your June ish so depending on how
much would delay there is if there is
one be 550 at one quarter after that XY
7 YZ timeline is currently up in the air
Rison 3000 should be june readiness but
not necessarily launched and the launch
again will depend on the strategy so as
for the significance of PCIe gen for you
might likely realize that video cards
today don't exceed PCIe gen3 bandwidth
on a by 16 slot so there's a few places
this is useful one of them is running
with fewer lanes so you could for
example go down it's it's about 2x the
banner it's about 2 times the amount of
bandwidth with Gen 4 versus Gen 3 so you
could then go down to say by 8 instead
of by 16 to achieve the same maximum
throughput potential although the device
is ultimately the bottleneck generally
not the interface and doing this allows
you to reserve more of those lanes for
other things so you have more video
cards and
some platforms you could have more raid
SSDs in in other platforms just depends
on how they're all wired but and in that
scenario with regard to SSDs depends on
what happens at a chipset level to is it
gen 3 Gen 4 but that's the main
advantage is you don't need as many
lanes to achieve the same throughput
another advantage SSDs can become
limited with the current gen 3 interface
with by 4 setups so this will allow a
solution to that where you can now
develop faster asses to use or at least
put fast SSDs on a faster interface so
that's useful but otherwise increased
bandwidth is is just useful for reducing
the lane requirement to achieve the same
thing at least until new higher-end
devices come out because dual 28 ET is
for example only really exceed PCIe
bandwidth and they're not connected with
a bridge as long as there's a bridge
there you're fine
AMD should be a bit more interesting
because they don't AMD doesn't use
bridges at least not on the present GPUs
that are out today so that's there's
your notes on gen 4 and its usefulness
and it's where it's not useful which
would be just a single video card for
example unless you really want buy eight
for some reason but what are you using
the other lanes for them just to recap
what we already reported as well in the
initial news video if you didn't see it
there you forgotten we expect that some
motherboard manufacturers may enable
backwards compatibility for PCIe gen 4
on existing x4 70 or similar
motherboards there are two angles to
this year so one of them with a BIOS
update and with horizon 3000 series CPU
that would be required x4 70 could
theoretically support PCIe gen 4 and the
biggest challenge is existing pins
traces the end points could kind of need
some modifications electrically but the
bandwidth is there it can handle the
throughput you just need the CPU to do
it and the downside is that because of
those endpoints changing potentially
because of the electrical tweet tweaks
that might be needed to stabilize the
platform x4 70 with an update might not
be that common it depends on the board
manufacturers so it is unlikely that
motherboard manufacturer
are going to go back and update x4 70 on
a physical level but potentially BIOS
updates so that is useful and they would
just need to enable a PCIe jenefor
option and bios so that you can enable
it and use it whether or not it's stable
is really a completely different
question though and that'll depend on
the wiring of that particular board and
if it will work just from what we've
learned from official sources at AMD as
well so because the electrical wiring of
the x4 70 boys won't be updated for PCIe
gen for it's possible that some boards
will encounter issues with stability
issues display out transmission in
general on gen 4 if being updated
according to some of our contacts
whether this happens will depend on how
well the existing x4 70 boards can
handle PCIe gen 4 and as far as we
understand it for the most part it's not
that different at least at a very top
level but we spoke with some engineers
lower down and the company's lower down
meaning engineering wise not ranked and
our understanding is that there's there
are some some electrical design changes
that need to happen to really make sure
that the signal quality is good I don't
know what those changes are but that was
the top level explanation I got from one
of our contacts so I think that Tower is
most of what we know about x5 is only
for you like I said unfortunately and I
wish I had a better answer for you as to
what's happening with Gen 4 at a chipset
level but I just don't and and we'll
update you as we learn more about what's
happening there but depending on who we
spoke to it kind of changed the answer
of ok is it is it
it's Gen 4 we're going to come out of
the chipset and it sounds like the
expectation is that gen 3 will come out
of the chipset but that AMD is is still
finalizing these details and
specifically the item of finalization is
is the PCIe version from the standpoint
of the chipset or the CPU communicating
with the chipset and that's kind of what
we're waiting on right now but the rest
of it is is looking pretty good from a
standpoint of being final so yeah
biggest news here epic is being brought
down to X 570 we understand that with
fair certainty from ours
so that probably is happening for sure
15 watts for six to eight that could
change if they optimize things but not
particularly relevant just something to
know and and then be 550 coming in the
quarter following next 570 so those are
the the main concrete details we have
for you and the rest is just kind of
it's a bit more wishy-washy than I wish
it were but but it gives you an idea of
kind of what the considerations are
right now at the motherboard makers and
at AMD and as we develop the story and
learn more we can get you fir more
details on what's happening with regard
to chipset features at a width with more
certainty so hopefully that gives you
some information you didn't already have
as always you can subscribe for more we
had a previous video on Radeon 7 or Vega
7h prefer same idea and we did that one
at CES the interesting point there is
that we got some news from AMD
officially that the boost routine the
boost algorithm or the boost reference
table is being retuned for Radeon seven
so that's kind of interesting but again
hard to get specific details from any
company at these events and either
they're best to answer our questions but
every time you know it's okay what does
targeted architecture changes what does
that mean
couldn't get more detail than that but
we have what we know in that video if
you want to see it so subscribe for more
thank you for watching I'll see you all
next time
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