and the issued a statement recently to
digitize about the increased motherboard
costs potentially of AMD and there's n
chipset is reportedly having issues with
speed for USB 3.1 and that's because of
a transmission find degradation as the
USB 3.1 ports distance themselves from
the chipset so that's the sort of rumors
report going on right now and thats
related to andy's decision to use ASM
media for their chipset design rather
than doing it internal but i think the
real story here is actually the chipsets
readiness to hit market so as of this
statement two digit times andy has said
that the new Zen chipset should be ready
and hitting production by quarter three
and we'll be in mass production by
quarter fourth and that would coincide
with earlier predictions and and these
own forecasts that zen am for
motherboards and these n chipset will be
available by quarter for this year and
that would include the new zend cpus
like the FX cpu which is getting a
revival with zen so the main thing here
for those FX eps if you haven't seen it
just a quick recap the one shown at
computex a couple weeks ago now was a
sixteen thread cpu with eight cores and
andy has advertised the chip has been
forty percent faster than an excavator
now forty percent we don't know exactly
what that means if it's just overall
performance or IPC or what have you but
it is the number that AMD has advertised
as the the performance improvement over
excavator so that's something noteworthy
for sure seventh generation AP you
should also be coming sometime in the
second half of the year so that's what
we've got for you the big news here is
just that the zen chipset will beat
begin shipment in quarter three and it
will begin production on mass in quarter
for you will probably be able to buy
stuff around that time as for the USB
3.1 issue it's it's something that can
be resolved by moving the ports to be
closer to
to the IC by using an aftermarket IC
like they do with the current FX boards
and through plus boards already do this
so it's really not new some other board
manufacturers but the reports we've seen
have indicated that motherboard cost
that's not what we pay as consumers
that's what the manufacturer is paid to
create the product the cost would
increase anywhere from two or three to
five dollars which is significant but
there's time to hopefully resolve that
and in the very least they can always
kind of work around it by using these
aftermarket separate ICS or just moving
the ports or whatever so that's
something we will certainly look into
invalidate once Zen is chipping but
that's all I got for you for this quick
news update as always subscribe for more
information we've got the RX for ad
review coming up very soon here so
that's pretty relevant news to this
video thanks for watching I'll see you
all next time
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