Ask GN 13: Star Citizen Threading, Dx12 Poor Performance
Ask GN 13: Star Citizen Threading, Dx12 Poor Performance
hey everyone i'm steve from gamers nexus
dotnet we're doing another episode of
ask GN where you submit the questions on
the tech side of the industry or gaming
and we'll try and answer them so if you
have questions for next week post them
below in the comments and I will address
those in the next episode if we can get
to them first off today we're starting
with a DX 12 question which is kind of
interesting and it comes from Charlie
Brown's 112 who says shouldn't we be
expecting higher performance gains from
xbox one ports given that they are also
built on a low-level API very similar to
dx12 it was mind-boggling that rise of
the Tomb Raider was released without the
x12 support at launch and with minimal
performance gains if any at all so the
main thing here is that the xbox one API
is not the same as DX 12 they're both
low-level they both go to the metal so
to speak but they're not the same and
that means that it's not as simple as
just sort of porting the entire language
set that communicates with the API from
one platform to the other so they do
actually have to build these games
developers from the ground up for dx12
support to work properly and you can
find that in our interview with chris
Roberts where we talk about Vulcan and
DX 12 and how to get it all working with
the best level off of optimization the
developers have to sort of start from
zero and work upward and that's because
if you just do a wrapper which is
basically sort of changing API calls
doing a rapper will introduce overhead
so dx12 wrapped suddenly becomes worse
than the x11 just because it wasn't
built from the ground up for it so
that's really kind of the top level of
why these things happen the way they do
and dan was like total war war hammer
will be pretty interesting to look at
because that's another dx12 supported
game but I know that they're still
working on the support and is still
being built in right now so it's kind of
a we'll see how well it really works out
at the end because we don't know if it
was built ground up with it or sort of
added later with some encouragement from
GPU manufacturers things like that so
that hopefully answer some of that
question speaking specifically to rise
of the Tomb Raider if you look at other
benchmarks like ashes of singularity
you'll see the same sort of thing where
initial benchmarks show dx11 actually
performed better or pretty similar to DX
12 and those benchmarks have improved
steadily as the game has updated to
improve its dx12 integration and that's
what you'll see with rise of the Tomb
Raider and other games as well until we
get to a point where dx12 is the only
API being used or Vulcan and not the x11
I think that's pretty much going to be
the case for everything but the next
question does tie into this a bit it's
from Drake Owen who says or Drake Owens
he says hi Steve I have two sgn
questions one when will we see
benchmarks of dx12 using one graphics
card and the igp and two what are your
thoughts on the Windows Store dx12
attempt to restrict third-party ad on
such as fraps so a few things here we'll
start with the second question first the
restriction of these third-party tools
it's not all just Microsoft trying to
restrict things there is actually at an
overlay level dx12 doesn't work the same
with dx11 so perhaps isn't necessarily
restricted as much as it is just not
supported and I don't know if wraps is
being actively developed anymore other
overlays have the same issue cam for
example and the Exies cam is being
updated so that it will work with dx12
and Vulcan so it's not really
restriction it's just that they have to
be updated to work now there are
restrictions specifically with the
Windows Store titles and gears of war is
one of those titles there are a couple
others quantum break we've talked about
previously so my thoughts are pretty
clear on those if you check out that
video we definitely railed against
Microsoft a bit but the Windows Store
I'm not a fan of right now reminds me a
bit too much of games for windows live
Microsoft's trying to do a bit too much
of their control just using the cwp and
different file extensions breaks pretty
much everything including control panels
from GPU manufacturers so that's a big
problem what they want to do and what
they're actually doing I think are two
different things it sounds like they
want to sort of unify the system between
consoles and PC who knows what that
really means but what's happening is
it's creating this sort of games windows
live ecosystem where stuff breaks on the
Windows Store platform but works fine on
steam so it just makes more sense to buy
it somewhere else but the idea i guess
is potentially noble if they do it right
so speaking to the dx12 benchmarks using
one GPU nigp that's something i want to
test about it wasn't supported out the
gate with those initial explicit DG
you dx12 functions that were built into
some of the games that we've tested
previously and ashes of singularity and
the the puzzle game from crow team Talos
the Talos principle both of those are
games that can be used DX call in Vulcan
for doing explicit multi-gpu testing in
the future but as far as I'm aware they
don't presently fully support IGP
integration so we can't really test that
right now but it would be interesting to
see definitely kind of like a dual
graphics set up with the AMD cpu and GPU
next question is from cows tube 3 who
says which is the weirdest issue you've
had with your PC so far weirdest issue
probably was a demon monitor that
happened after a lightning strike
there's a lightning strike power surges
always do lots of damage to equipment i
would not recommend them and one of
these CRT monitors i had back in the day
actually became so possessed and demonic
that it would kill systems so i don't
know how it happened this is kind of
before i was more on the technical side
but somehow just connecting the display
to the pc would actually destroy the
video card and that was results of the
lightning strike so that was very hard
to troubleshoot and figure out because
why would you suspect a CRT monitor to
be frying your GPUs that's probably the
weirdest one I've had next question here
this is kind of a pretty real question
it looks like perfect circle 10,000 to
asks I have a question for the next
episode is star citizen going to benefit
from more than four cores and also asks
is the sweet spot for gaming going to be
six to eight cores it does
hyper-threading matter basically asking
all about star citizen and threading
star citizens on crayons and that means
it's threading is basically spa it
spawns one thread for each aspect of the
game so if you play star citizen now
you'll see that thread three is very
heavily saturated I'm not sure what's on
thread three but it's definitely being
abused and they're probably gonna
optimize that going forward but
generally you see things like game logic
being on one thread AI on one thread
game rendering on one thread maybe audio
if it's complex enough is on one thread
so that's how CryEngine spawns these
threads and CryEngine was one of the
first engines to really properly support
eight total threads so hyper threading
is actually in fact something that can
be utilized by CryEngine and star
citizen as an extension right now
there's it's not really good time to
test because the game is not fully built
and optimized core 3 is being abused but
in our previous discussions with chris
Roberts it was made very clear by him
and his team that star citizen wants to
utilize as many threads as it's given so
8 threads is probably where I would be
looking just based on those discussions
but I don't have a lot of test data
right now that would suggest really
where star citizen lies in the future so
we'll still have to wait for squadron 42
to ship and see what that looks like as
the first final product of the game
before really knowing how the threading
works but that's the top level I know
that Chris does want to actually use as
many threads as present he wants to use
eight and use hyper threading and all
that stuff so it's a good sort of bet to
look into that direction with CPUs last
question from almond Roseman 3 who says
are you ever going to change your attire
black shirt and blue jeans no so thanks
for watching ask GN I will see you all
next week be sure to post questions in
the comments below if you have any
questions about tech or games that we
can address and of course hit the
patreon link the post roll video if you
wanna help us out directly I'll see you
all next time
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