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Ask GN 52: What's Intel Doing? Low GPU Stock, Clean a GPU

everyone welcome to another ask GN as always you can leave your questions in the comment section below and we'll try to get to them before next week for this week we have a few interesting questions including where are all of the GPUs many of you know that answer already what was Intel thinking with the current KB Lake X launch and then we'll be talking about some other user questions as well including things about bloatware and liquid cooling xbox one versus pc type of discussion all that so before getting to that this one is brought to you by our own store so store dock gamers next to scott net we just restocked these shirts these are the tri-blend graph shirts they are they're pretty cool I like this logo a lot actually but just restock them they've been out for a few weeks so they're on stored out gamers access not not now if you're interested but let's get into the questions so the first one to discuss is probably the what was Intel thinking question that we just posted the KB like X review for the 7740 X and if you haven't seen it check it out but more or less the conclusion was why does this exist not only is it it's a refresh which it's okay for refresh is to exist as long as they provide something this refresh is on a different motherboard than than the original then its predecessor so that makes it kind of weird because you can't upgrade from an existing z2 sony board and move from something like a G 4560 into a 7740 X it's not possible physically impossible to do it so that's that's why I guess the question is what are they doing and why well there's a few things here first of all it's important I think to point out that the technology for the CPUs is still fine there are problems like with the thermals because we saw again with overclocking we were able to pretty routinely hit 100 Celsius with the 7740 X a crack in X 62 maxed out for the pump and the fans getting pretty hot but as far as able to perform work and do various work those AVX support is pretty good on skylake x and the CPU is function fine the technology is there the architecture isn't brand new it's all fairly well optimized for by developers already so they have a good foundation it just seems kind of like Intel is throwing a lot of that away with its launch and part of that I think is largely the price argument where you can have great technology but if the price doesn't make sense for your audience then it's sort of irrelevant and then also just a none exciting launch for enthusiasts who aren't building a TDT systems or high end desktop systems so that's that's the thing to point out first is that this is not a messy launch and it's definitely fair to say it's a messy launch for Intel if people get like all the media coverage basically so it it's not a messy launch because the technology is extremely flawed or anything like that there some problems with BIOS but the CDs themselves are more or less fine other than the thermals so what's the problem that well the problem is with AMD and Rison now there's suddenly a point of comparison where you can look at the r7 cpus and if you're building an HTTP system and you're an enthusiast who does some blender rendering or some premier rendering or things like that on the side and it's CPU accelerated maybe for physics or whatever then Raisa makes good sense and it's cheap the i9 CPUs are very power hungry so they're flawed in that way they can run hots but not all of them do it kind of depends the i7s run hot and are not particularly exciting and they are not cheap either so the $9,000 and a10 core part that's still seven hundred dollars cheaper than until the last ten core part so normally without perspective that would look pretty good he'd be like wow you can get a ten core part for seven hundred dollars less than last year great but then you look around and the eight core isin parts are at we're ignoring the 1,800 acts because it's it's superfluous by the 1700 is like 300 bucks right now you can overclock it and be pretty competitive with 9 CPU for rendering tasks it does fall short in some ways like the I mean it's just slower it's a little bit slower overall but that makes sense it's got fewer threads but if you're willing to sacrifice some of the speed and save a lot of the money then it's not a bad trade so that's that's one part of it is just the perspective provided by AMD now competition is a good thing now another thing here I guess I'll point out the i-5 76 for TX what was Intel thinking with that my answer to you is I have no idea I do not know why and i-5 would exist on the X 299 platform it makes zero sense all of the motherboards will be more expensive than the CPU and it's Intel's reasoning if you didn't see our 77 40 X review here's what they told us at their press event when we said why does KB like X exists with almost exact words their answer was that it was a CPU built with the intention of someone getting it to get into the high-end desktop enthusiast platform at a lower price okay so you're buying a 300 plus dollar motherboard and a 200 something $40.00 CPU with an i-5 or 3:30 with i7 and replacing it with an i-9 later who does that that has got to be the smallest possible market they could target other than just desktops in general I guess and that leads into the next point which is Intel for a while now has been less focused on the desktop market as a whole enthusiasts are really helping out the computer market right now our audience and our demographic the enthusiast audience is really the only one that's profitable growing and driving sales in desktop computers the best buy off-the-shelf desktop computer is dead no one buys those anymore if they go to a store and you're kind of a to use kingpins term from our interview there a daily a daily user you go to a store you probably buy a laptop most people so that just leaves really enthusiasts and production studios who are buying desktops and intel has been in it a long time and they've been in a lead for a long time and they have so much money that they've died or at least they have assets I should say that they've diversified across other areas and some of them they've not done so well mobile certainly has been failed a number of times at this point by Intel but they're trying to diversify self-driving cars for instance and that's because Intel can see the write on the walls I know that desktop is not going to be around forever at least for the consumer audience it's not worth really targeting for them enthusiasts you would hope would be worth targeting but ultimately as much as we can say that we and you and our audience we're all driving growth in this sector the fact of the matter is that enthusiasts desktop users are probably like 1% of the market the rest is things like Enterprise which is a far more profitable sector of the market Intel targets that still pretty well though they've got epic to look out for soon but that's part of it so to kind of recap those I five no idea what they're doing the IEEE 777 40 X they say is for upgrading later we don't agree with that it's kind of misguided especially because they took out the IGP and that's one of the things where if you're going to upgrade later you'd probably upgrade the GPU later and that's not on there so you'd have to buy one anyway the technology is more or less fine it's definitely got some flaws but they're the same flaws we've seen in the past with cable ecit non ex and and then you're looking at basically just the desktop market drying up in a way that Intel a long time ago probably started shifting gears and saying we need to we need to make sure we have a safety net if this thing really collapses so I think that's a lot of it the PCIe wane count was certainly kind of a weird decision for some of the processors or the lane counts lower then maybe needs to be I don't know that it's the worst decision they've made I think it's kind of blown a little out of proportion and but that's not to say it's not a problem it's just of all the things to to pick on Intel for there are plenty of other options right now I would like to see I would like to see enough pressure on Intel with regard to thermals that they start moving to either better thermal compound or to solder or something like that for these larger dyes I don't know if the whole launch is kind of weird it's it's weird for a lot of reasons that we kind of discussed - in the ex 299 coverage is remarkably poor performing video where X 299 is confusing people who aren't dedicated followers of technology because they're like what the heck X 399 is out why aren't you covering that that's hard enough for people and then it's also got a new socket that is is used for what should be in 1151 part if you look at the KB like X part they have basically an 1150 one substrate on top of a 2066 substrate all the way down to the golden arrow in the corner so I don't know that's kind of just some loose unstructured thoughts on all of it you want more of the structure you can go to the reviews of course 7740 x reviews up pretty critical 3900 X review was very critical of Intel's marketing which is just something that we do in general but the marketing was was kind of was kind of bad for this launch so I don't they need to get their stuff together they really need to give their marketing together especially because it's just there are things that the CPUs do well that weren't mentioned and there are things that the CPUs don't do better than existing products on the market that were mentioned as champions of the new line like VR when we clearly show that that's not the case they can pretty much everything at up a higher price class 300 and up to do VR just PI so I that's loose thoughts they're very quickly the question I've seen in a few places why are there no GPS on sales because the cryptocurrency boom as I understand it there was some kind of shuffling in other markets internationally I think I read that India and China had some big influence on the value of crypto currencies right now and so you've got a boom and because GPUs are used to mine it's called if you're not familiar used to mine the cryptocurrency they're selling out everywhere because people who do mining as a dedicated way of either making money or just a hobby or whatever they bought all the cards because the gaming cards just happened to be pretty good at mining as well so they're not in stock and this has happened before it happened in 2014 when there was a boom last time there was a big crash after that and the market was flooded with video cards so if you are building a new system I am so sorry for the market you're entering right now because you're you're building a system at a time when Ram prices are high and there are no video cards so that kind of sucks my advice to you would be wait a little bit on the GPUs if you catch one when it restocks somewhere and it's not overpriced then just pick it up I guess you can also check for use GPS or B stock this is something a lot of people forget about so other than just actually used from Craigslist or whatever GPUs a lot of the video card vendors will sell these stock and are my RMA or open-box cards so you could go to for example EVGA has a V stock listing on their site where they have basically cards that were one take away from a stock or being sold retail maybe they've been refurbished sent in by a user needed to replace thermal pads or whatever and they put up for sale that's an example of B stock card so check places like that it's not a bad deal right now have to buy something like a 980 TI for hopefully a little less than 200 bucks and or right around there anyway and use that in the interim and then maybe spend it later for another 150 or whatever you get out of it but otherwise I'd say wait or buy buy used if you can find something that's cheap 10th Oct eyes are still an ok price so that's that's good they're not that great at mining I guess so a 1050 TI might be a good fallback card if you can use it and then throw it in another system later and upgrade but that's the answer to that one now the first question from our audience as opposed to just the Internet in general is from beat n rain who said Big Ben loved the videos my question is pretty simple I was wondering if there was some basic protocol for cleaning dust from a graphics card I've been 980ti do for cleaning I do not have the experience of taking off the air cooler unit is there a standard way to clean it without removing the cooler and is there anything to avoid or be wary of I don't want to damage it with pressured air when I should be using a safer method so a few things here it depends on the card some of the I don't I don't know that I've seen it on NVIDIA cards lately but on some of the XFX and Sapphire cards you can actually really easily just remove the fan so that's one thing to keep in mind for some of you and if you can do that then great you don't really need to do anything else pull the fan out now if it's a blower design reference card it's a little harder to get in there and get the dust out I would probably recommend starting with the compressed air anti-static compressed air is what you should start with places like staples salad anti-static compressed air try and blow that through there if you know it's bad inside then it's not too terribly difficult to remove the leftmost part of the shroud so we have videos of the process but there are maybe I want to say eight screws involved in that process and they are allen key screws for the reference card you pull those out and then the shroud is just metal you're not going to hurt it it's a piece of metal you're there's no there's no issue of shorting anything so you pull that out obviously the card is unplugged at this point and hopefully on a non insulating surface so like a hardwood table or something like that technically wood can insulate but you get the idea and not not carpet and once you've gotten that off then you have direct access to the vapor chamber or the heatsink and you can just blow the can on that and get everything out of there alternatively for people with axial air cooled cards like the dual air design actually this is kind of what I'm talking about a common design anymore 7850 so with a card like where you've got a fan more like this maybe two of them there are and there are on this one three screws that if you move the blades just right you'll see them there Phillips screws on every card I've worked with and you just remove those screws and you can pull the fan out you have to be a little bit careful because it's not necessarily easy to get the fan back in there so try to be careful about how you move the cable or if you move the cable but if you can just loosen it enough that it's no longer stuck against the heatsink you can spray that off or maybe get an anti-static cloth in there and clean all the all the dirt up like basically basically a static clean type of thing but without the static so those are my suggestions cleaning cards is not that difficult just be a little adventurous with the shroud normally the shroud is not really going to expose you to anything that you can damage so anything to watch out for is the cable because there are cables attached from the shroud to the board so when you're removing the shroud don't don't pull the cables by the wires try and pull by the base of it or you can snap the cables out which I've done but the differences I don't care so that's hope of that house of that one next one tie finder says ask games next is hi Steve the bloatware issue was very informative what still interested me now I have a lot of extra software from cam and ext Corsair link RAM MSI dragon Ohio mystic light for the GPU g.skill motherboard software and many other control software in my system do these slow down the PC the short answer is maybe it depends on the software some of its written worse than others cam used to be really bad and the HD cam they've gotten a lot better it still has a lot of problems with it but it's nowhere near as bad as it was before the resource intensive aspect of cam has more been removed at this point now it's just general bugginess but it's not like as resource-intensive as you used to be but yes it's a problem where you buy a keyboard and a mouse and a headset from different vendors and now you have three software solutions you have to install to use them I kind of sucks but that's that's the way they do it because they want you to buy all from the one vendor obviously so yes the short answer is it is definitely going to impact the boot time if they're launching that boot and it might impact general CPU utilization which can impact other things lightly for example if we run Cinebench and something like Windows updates running and taking a couple percent of the resources in the background we'll actually see that result the change in numbers in Cinebench so that's a really good way to validate performance with a clean boot versus a bloated boot but my suggestion would be you can go into ms config you see amis config dot exe I think yeah Microsoft has now moved all of that into task manager so you can open task manager click on start up and then comb through there find anything you do not need immediately at startup and disable it and reboot to apply and then once you boot back in things like let's say let's say you don't need em aside dragon I let's say you don't need the MD HD cam or Corsair link software at boot they won't boot up your system will start up at a normal pace and then you launch someone you need them alternatively you can create a really simple batch file and basically do a start command so you have like disable it from a startup list and task manager you make a batch file bat and then you would do a some basically put in a startup folder a timeout or something like that delayed start basically is what I'm after and launch the software after some time delay alternatively you could use windows task scheduler and start software up there and the reason you would do that is so you can stagger the boot so that it boots up quickly and normally and then maybe five minutes later you have cam and link pop up that way you can still do things like get to Chrome on your email and whatever immediately when it turns on without any unnecessary delay but yeah it's probably impact for farms next question one one five seven strange kids said with the recent announcement of the Xbox one XX claiming 4k for $500 do you think you can try to put together a build for a similar price I could achieve the same thing it would be interesting and interesting spin to make two rigs one with one new and one used to try and get the most performance per dollar possible PS and 60fps was only promised for forza it was only fair that you aim for 4k 30 or better that's reasonable yes this is I like the idea of doing used and new that's the probably the most unique angle because I think there's a straight build ISM to to immediately understand but here's the thing we can do that certainly it might be worth doing I probably wouldn't title it like console killer or Xbox one is relevant or whatever because the thing is they have a place in the market the consoles and ultimately if you have the exact same hardware in every single thing your programming for all the Xbox and then it's much easier to develop for and that's why you see the Xboxes and Playstations and whatever that's out there able to achieve the level fidelity they can other than of course things like cheating with checkerboard rendering and things like that but they can achieve that level of fidelity largely because the developers can optimize for the shaders because they know what they are and how they work and where they are as opposed to a desktop where you have probably millions of possible configurations and who knows what's going on so a in a one to one configuration a console will probably most of time beat a PC in terms of fidelity for frame rate but the PCs are obviously customizable so you can go a lot further that's not to say either one's better it's to say that they're not necessarily something you need in a head-to-head all the time because the consoles feel a different market and they're very well optimized for because it's one set of hardware and Microsoft's controls at all so that makes it easy for developers which means that you're probably not going to see in a you do as well in a desktop as you would in a console but yeah it's an interesting idea we can do something like that I'm sure for what five hundred bucks we did a build like that recently with a G 45 60 and a 1050 TI but I think you could fit in the budget a cheap five 70 or cheap for 70 if the GP prices weren't crazy right now and you'd actually be still at around five hundred dollars that would be a pretty damn capable rig and the forty five sixty won't bottleneck those two cards that much as we test it so I think you can do it I don't know that I need to do it but that would be where I'd start and then in terms of benchmarking that's not gonna be possible till the thing comes out but you should be able to beat the 4k 30 with sacrificing all of your settings time to something like low and medium we can look into it though I don't know why you'd want to play 4k there any of you have a $500 computer but it would be I guess would be a fun test and that'd be about to start in the end of it not necessarily pack people 1080p60 it's definitely possible though with a four and $500 computers that we've built and as we showed with the 45 1,650 I build it's not too hard to hit 1080p 60 or even a bit higher than that I think we're doing 100 FPS an overwatch at 1080p with some settings tuning so really not bad 500 bucks next question very quickly David Martins says why nvme has four PCIe slots or lanes when the physical drive can only read at 600 megabytes per second wouldn't to buy PCIe B and up so the thing with this is the DRI there it's a little convenient but it's kind of an old topic now nvme is a protocol PCIe is an interface where you get the lanes out of just because a drive as a PCIe drive I can fit it into well let me rephrase that just because a drive is an MDOT to drive and fits into an MDOT to SSD slot does not mean that it will use anything other than SATA it might just pull from the SATA interface at which case you're getting your 500 550 600 megabyte per second limitation if it's pulling from PCIe and the drive itself and the controller can handle more for performance from 600 guys for a second then you get the boost and if it's nvme enabled and again the controller and the nand can keep up then you could use the four-way PCIe for tap PCIe configuration to fill something like 2 gigabytes per second on some of the SSD is not it's not too common yet but 2 gigabytes per second is getting more common at least getting close to it 1 gigabyte per second is fairly common at this point and achievable so you can definitely leverage the lane count but again it's got to be something that's not using the SATA interface or protocol over a different interface like MDOT - next question lessor this is the last one last question for now is from Chettle one week ago asked can you please do 4k uploads I'd like to see your hair in as much detail as possible well channel good news for you we upgraded cameras so talk about this in a separate video but new cameras their 4k is now a thing we can do 4k 60 because I can't stand 30fps so I guess your wish has been fulfilled thank you for content as always you can leave questions below for next time and let us know what you think about what Intel's up to tears to see what what you all think subscribe for more slash gamers and access table directly or store that gamers nexus net to pick up one of our especially restocked tri-blend shirts they come from the same people that do pong Kyle's shirts so if you know the quality and material there's you know the quality of material of ours unless you think Kyle's shirts are bad because he isn't murdering CPUs with that CPU cooler if you've seen that design see you all next time you
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