everyone welcome back to another episode
of ask GN we are looking at the general
tastes rags from our previous video with
red red for thermal paste application
but other than that if you have a
question for next week's episode leave
it in the comment section below or on
discord in the SDN section we're going
to be going over a couple of those for
the last few weeks so before getting to
that this coverage is brought to you by
Thermaltake and their core p3 chassis
which is wall mountable or you can build
it in the configuration we have it here
you can also lay flat if you prefer an
open-air test bench
it's a highly modular chassis you can
learn more at the link in the
description below so the first question
or statement for this week is one of my
favorite arguments anyone has ever tried
to pick with us and it was almost an
exact quote I call BS that's permanent
marker if you're wondering what the
context of that is because does seem
awfully silly it's this thread Ripper
CPU so this is the media gift I guess
that we got with thread Ripper ours does
not have the logo logo or anything on it
like some of the others do it's just a
number it's a dummy CPU and we put it to
work so we use dry erase marker drew on
it and drew the dies I'm sure all of you
pretty much know this at this point
you've probably seen the content but for
whatever reason that really offended
some people to the point where it's just
like mind-blowing how offensive some
people took that act we saw this as hey
we can show where the dies are another
people were going from I can't believe
you're dissing AMD by drawing on their
gift that they spent so much time on
making for you - you are virtue
signaling but if you're wondering why we
drew on it it's so you can see the die
location but anyway I want to prove
something here so because this seems to
be a repeat question is it dry erase
marker or was i lying to you was it all
cover-up has it actually been sharpie
all along that's the question well as
you all know Sharpie is not possible to
remove with isopropyl alcohol or
anything else like that and so clearly
Sharpie would be bad for this
we are going to open and I fix it
magnetic mat they are not a sponsor but
I do need to call upon them for this
content which let's just do it that way
so in this magnetic mat is included a
marker and the marker is used for
drawing on the mat so you can draw on it
and then you can also let's put one of
these views so it's it's really it's
almost like magic and they're selling
this for just $20 would you believe that
you can erase it so that's where the
marker comes from now what about our
drawings on the CPU what what do we do
about this when we're done with the
drawings can we ever restore it to its
pristine condition that's the question
okay so here's the CPU with the alleged
dry erase marker although we're now
going to prove if it was or not
permanent marker so let's just a just
though would you
Wow would you look at that the line is
gone Wow okay what about this one maybe
this one's permanent but no okay that
lines gone too okay well let me just
redraw those lines on second oh no that
was that was sharpie oh shoot well
that's uh that's no good oh well we
we're never going to be able to get
Sharpie off so I guess we just won't
won't be able to deal with this because
I mean this won't rub off by hand surely
no that's that's permanent that's truly
permanent marker and it's just it's on
there for good
that's just oh wow wow that is amazing
and it doesn't even affect the numbers
that are etched into the IHS would you
look at that okay let me just recap this
I'm going to need some of that alcohol
so yeah just just just having a bit of
fun guys it's it doesn't matter from a
Sharpie or not n either way it's it's a
gift i guess that we put the real use
actually like do cool stuff with which
is kind of what this channel is it's
meant to do so that's all we're trying
to show let's get to the actual
questions the first one is from discord
this one is from carl and carl said STM
some custom graphics cards such as the
zotac 1080 TI amp edition don't have
wide support for full sized water blocks
from third party vendors is there a
large variance in cooling with a die
block such as the EK vga supremacy i
guess as opposed to a full-coverage
block this was kind of answered in
discord briefly but to do so in a more
public fashion the answer the hard
answer to the question which is there a
large variance in cooling with a die
block as opposed to full coverage as far
as the GP die is concerned not not
really not in a functional sense
depending on what you're using
technically if you are cooling stuff
like the VRMs then that coolant will be
heated up by more components than just
the GPU die so you might actually see
slightly higher GPU temperatures which
we we've seen with the liquid coolers
like was that TW one of those where they
had a copper cold plate that extended
out from the CL see that cover the GPU
die and contact the vram the memory
modules as well and then gigabytes one
of their cards that we tested ages ago
at this point also contacted I believe
some of the vrm components and sunk that
all into the cold plates a liquid cooler
so what happens well you cool all the
other stuff much more efficiently of
course and you might increase the it
looks like an increase to the
temperature of the GPU and monitoring
software and it is it's running a bit
warmer because the coolants warmer as
you reach steady state your cooling more
components your liquid temperature will
be higher than if you're just cooling
one component and so you kind of lose
some potential there but we're talking
an order of a couple of degrees normally
and you exchange that for significantly
cooler other component temperatures so
it's really not a bad trade but as far
as the actual GPU I wouldn't worry about
it at all like
you're mounting OCLC to the thane versus
a full-coverage blocked
either way the GP temperature is going
to be way down versus air and
temperature and noise will be fine
so really just looking at how are you
cooling the other component if it's a
blower fan or one of the cracking g12 s
or something like that with the separate
fan for the BRM which isn't the best
solution mind you we weren't huge fans
of that solution but something like that
would work as long as you're cooling the
other components alongside what the CLC
is doing you're fine I wouldn't worry
about it next question is from the Nexus
avenger who asked this was from youtube
asked question for Sdn something that
has been grinding my gears a lot
recently is a lot of large tech based
channels I've moved to using clickbait
exclusively for video names and
thumbnails one that quickly pops to mind
the no longer named this way video names
risin are three and are five tested by
Linus tectus with a more fitting name of
Andy Rison emulated on our 7 do you guys
plan to switch in the future to get more
views and less more ad revenue or stay
with the current format and selection of
videos so that the the naming clickbait
is I guess is one word for it
sensationalist is kind of the other word
I would use for a lot of what what we
see now sensationalist and clickbait
headlines like that if you want to use a
word quickly they drive me crazy so like
an example is the it's very formulaic
right you could almost you could write a
mathematical formula for a lot of titles
where it's like is is X the best Y yet
or adjectives Li noun is it supremely
the best as always exclamation marks and
question marks and lots of adjectives to
really build you up and make you feel
good about something and some of it now
some of this stem is from SEO and I can
tell you like in the past especially
when we were basically an article only
outlet like website only no videos
in the past and even presently you
definitely title some things to try and
hit the search engine queries for
example I think at least somewhere in
the thread ripper thermal paste article
I use the phrase best thermal paste
application method for the thread Ripper
and the conclusion is it doesn't matter
use a lot of thermal paste so there's
not really a best it's just use a lot of
but we still provide the data and then
you're just targeting that search query
because you know people are going to
look for it and you want to come up
towards the top one because that's your
business to do anyway and two because
you've provided all this data you want
it to be seen but that's a far cry
different from the sensationalist is X
the best Y or talking about really any
component using random capital words in
the title or all capital words adding
the multiple exclamation points and
question marks and and then building the
content around an ultra hyped up title I
don't agree with that approach at all so
now we're not between that any time that
I'm in control of the site which is
forever at this point so yeah I would
agree it frustrates me as well I
understand why you title things that way
if you're trying to stay in business
it's probably a better move but we're
doing quite fine without resorting to
that so I think you can get away with
more normal titles that are yes a bit
more boring or less catchy but are also
more true to the content or in the very
least don't build up hype unnecessarily
for things that don't deserve hype you
really hype is like the most I struggle
to find a better word than cancerous
thing in the industry when it comes to
any new products because all hyping does
whether it's on the media side or
marketing side or whatever is build
people up to a point where they are
feverishly defending brands for no
reason really or attacking them or
attacking or defending other people on
the internet for liking a certain
product or using a certain product hype
is the root
of a lot of that does everyone wants to
defend their purchases but that goes
into a completely separate discussion
the answer to your question is no we
will not be doing titles like that I
really strongly try to avoid question
marks and titles we will do them
occasionally largely for either search
engine reasons or for SGN that the
questions we're answering questions and
they come from readers so those have
question marks I try to avoid them
though I try to avoid exclamation points
and avoiding those things also kind of
make sure that your tone remains neutral
or at least accurate to what our outlet
does which is not get excited about
everything that comes across the test
bench and if you like that that's
perfectly fine if other creators like
that that's perfectly fine but that's
not us and it's okay to be different
from other people that's kind of the
point so yeah that's that's my look on
it next question is an interesting one
because it's related to what we do
Harrison Glen from YouTube asked I've
recently gotten into very into video
editing but I feel like my PC 6700 K
1070 32 gigabytes of RAM it's being
severely bottlenecks when editing 4k
footage due to my lack of an SSD
I am currently reluctant to purchase an
SSD for editing for the fact that it
would be constantly reading writing I'd
hate to have SSD died after a few months
because of region max PBW the drive so
let's break this down into a few pieces
one is the s of the endurance I wouldn't
worry about it that's s the endurance
that assuming you buy a pretty decent
one it's high that you're not going to
kill it in a couple months you're not
going to kill it in a couple years most
likely unless you're really really
hammering the thing and I mean like your
day job is now video editing and you're
dealing with hundreds of gigabytes of
data per day then you'll start killing
it pretty quickly but there's a great
article I've referenced in the past on
tech report it was done when Scott
Watson was still there so it's a little
older now probably two years or so and
if you search for SSD endurance tests or
something like that tech report you'll
find a really good article series where
had a decent sample size ran a bunch of
SSDs into the ground to see what it took
to kill them and told them we're into
the petabytes by the time they died or
the time they pest was given up so I
wouldn't worry about that aspect and
also you can just make sure you backup
your data remotely but the next part is
getting bottleneck you feel like it's
going slow with 4k we have similar
problems with 4k and we're using a
system that's now got a Xeon processor
it's an older one but it's still a 12
core 24 thread processor and 1080i to
Titan XM and I think also 32 gigabytes
of memory but it's just hard to edit I
software has trouble with it like
premiere is certainly not the most
optimized thing in the world if you want
to try and fix things I would definitely
suggest an SSD for improving your
workflow in general that might not be
what's bottlenecking you what you should
do is open up something like car grandpa
64 resource monitor and task manager
look at as many of the metrics as you
can at a time while you're doing stuff
in your editing software and see which
numbers are hitting a hundred percent if
you're seeing disk utilization hit a
hundred percent then it you should
probably get an SSD if you're not then
look at something like CPU core
utilization or look at your GPUs
probably not going to use that much but
you can look at GPZ for that look at
those numbers find the ones that are
hitting 100 or close to a hundred
percent and then figure out a solution
to solve it and another note here just
as an aside with the launch and the
focus on a lot of the h EDT stuff the
past few months i've seen a lot of
comments about how people want to have
extra percentage headroom open on their
processors for example the high end
intel and high end AMD stuff where you
end up with so many cores that they just
not be an author percent utilized by the
software that's certainly one approach
to it because if you have that extra
Headroom you can do other stuff with it
my philosophy on that for our production
setup is I want everything to be 100%
engaged especially on the cpu because if
it's not it's not doing anything for you
and we only do one thing at a time on
our production system which is probably
rendering so keep an eye out for that
but obviously once you start hitting now
every time that's why your limiter
anyway that would be the first thing to
look into upgrading and you can simulate
some of that by doing things like
overclocking I can't recommend enough
Puget systems they do a ton of editing
video editing tests you can find some of
the benchmarks online to look for Puget
systems Adobe Premiere 67 or Kay or
something like that see if there's
anything out there next one an on a
mouse from YouTube also says why oh why
did AMD decide to use a 20 degree offset
on the 1700 X and 800 X CPU they could
have just asked people to set an
aggressive fan curve instead I see the
confusion still lingers all these months
later yeah it definitely does so T
control we still email them whenever
there's a new processor coming out like
the r3 series or when we were at the
event for the thread Ripper we you got
to engage in conversation and that's
like okay does this have t control yes
or no why or why not
so I have some answers to that let me
see what I can do for you here looking
at my notes from thread Ripper event
first of all T control I'm going to
speak to thread Ripper right now it
applies to a lot of Rison but with
thread Ripper and we've already reported
this it's 36 sensors that report t
control to the software and then that's
aggregated so it's an aggregate of 36
ounces on thread Ripper and then you get
the number out and that's P control o a
thread reference 27 see that's already
known not just because of Oz but because
- and other folks have published their T
control versus their TDI numbers and T
die is hardware info 64's reading with t
control factor 2 out that's the number
that you want to look at to be the least
confused as he controls the one with
plus 27 cm thread refer plus 20 C on
rise and select rise in CPUs but you'll
notice it's not on all rise in CP so
when we were out the event I said why is
why is T control on there and their
answer was server architecture assumes
differently different items or
parameters for ambient temperature and
for fan profile which is where the part
of your question comes from about
setting fan profile correctly based on T
control and I also said offsetting for
the server our baseline make sure
everything works right so the fan
profile is
correct for consumer and for enterprises
parts the question after that the
follow-up that I had was okay so on
Rison the 1700 was not did not have t
control didn't have an offset so what's
your threshold when do you guys decide
we're not going to implement this and
the answer was for rise and it was 65
Watts versus 95 watt TDP was the
threshold where key control is on or off
so that was the answer and J I believe
from J's two cents brought up that well
cancer you guys just put something in
motherboard BIOS that's like or have the
vendors put in a button that's turned
off D control to not confuse the users
type of thing and they they have they
expressed interest in it so to answer
your question I don't know why it needs
to be in risin well it doesn't need to
be there like you could just set a
better fan curve or or work with
motherboard vendors to include some
option or whatever but the answer to why
it exists at all is because of the
server architecture stuff I suppose from
what they told us so
I don't know that fully answers your
question hopefully at least gets you
some information straight from Andy
because that's what they've told us so
all right next question otherwise Steve
do you got this from discord have you
guys ever tried any of the low-end
exotic coolers like this one any links
to the phenolic cooler I'd love to see
how they stand up against a iOS some
customer reviews say it beats Arrivals
them and the fins that stay cool to the
touch yeah we have tried we actually
tried that specific cooler didn't
publish a review on it because we had
some some weird issues at the time with
it that cooler suffers from a few weird
problems so it's a really interesting
idea it's a thermoelectric cooler they
call it and basically uses like a
Peltier system so that you have an
accept and a reject cold plate they're
called so there's one plate that is
contacting the IHS directly as normally
and that plate which would sit right
here is cooled by actively cooled and
that's why you have the PCIe cable going
into that cooler specifically and then
the other plate is the one that heats up
so we tested this it does work I mean
you could actually it's pretty cool
actually you can turn on the fanatical
or any other thermoelectric cooler that
does that and physically touch the cold
plate and it will be cold to the touch
it's if you can get it below ambient if
you wanted to so it's really interesting
in that regard they had stuff in place
to make sure there was no condensation
concerned because if you get below
ambient you start having that concern
but when we tested it ultimately because
it is a small form-factor cooler it
doesn't work well on the x class like at
the time we're testing x9 didn't work
well on that did not it competed okay in
the mini ITX class where you have a
really limited space on a 92 millimeter
coolers the best you can fit certainly
computed better than in the bigger class
coolers so you're competing against
smallest at that point like the
Silverstone smaller form factor stuff
argon a or zero wine something like that
but ultimately it's way too expensive to
be worth it for the cooling that you get
except for in really specific use cases
like small form-factor build where it
performs well but yeah we've tried it
it's an interesting idea I think it
needs to be scaled up a bit it's really
be interesting for us for the testing we
do which is more enthusiast focused next
question is contractor 316 who said as
an ivy bridge I believe this is from
discord as an ivy bridge owner I've
always wondered why the 35 70 K in 3770k
are rarely featured in gamers Nexus
benchmarks is because previous testing
has shown no significant difference from
Sandy Bridge or is it a question of
resource constraints time waiver
available motherboards etc first of all
thank you for recognizing that something
isn't necessarily on the charts for
reasons other than we hate the product
and anyone who bought it because it's
what people think when something's not
on the charts we actually so we do have
a lot of data on the 35 70 K we
published it I stuff gets pulled from
the charts for each benchmark depending
on what we're showing because I just you
can't fit at all like maybe we can pop
one on the screen or something with just
like everything on it just to show you
how extreme it is and illegible it is so
we call that data I try to stick to
max with a CPA charge and a 3570 often
gets the cut because we've got the 2500
K that stays on it because so many
people have it and then we have
everything like the 4000 series and up
and the 35 70 K it's easy to say that
it's in between them and just
extrapolate the performance we do have
charts with it though
I think check to 2500 K revisit there's
probably some in there and maybe in the
Heylin revisit as well the 3770 we just
don't have them that's why that's hot in
there next for a last question
rahrr stem from discord Roberson said
Steve why are there so many damn
pretzels in Chex Mix
I signed up with the bag of nothing but
pretzels it's it's really you know
frankly the Chex Mix reviewer community
is slacking they're all paid off by big
Chex Mix
and they just they don't complain enough
so it's really a shame what's happened
to that industry I used to really trust
those reviewers when buying my Chex Mix
but I think you're just going to have to
write in to the FDA and complain that's
the only reasonable respond to this
point so thank you all for watching as
always patreon.com slash gamers next to
stop that directly you go to gamers
access about squarespace.com to pick up
a shirt like this one this is the graph
logo shirt we also have the anniversary
edition shirt so this one's still cool
though you should look into it
subscribe amar I'll see you all next
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