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Best of Star Citizen PTU 1.1.0 Release Party at PAX East 2015

welcome to our pax east 2015 hopefully I'll go better than last year's pax east we're going to be showing you one of the new game modes it's going to be the MPS module that will be out later this month and also talk a little bit about what will be coming out in the next few days so let me get to it okay so here's another change that we're making is actually something to be playing for a long time I know there's a large debate between yo who uses a mouse to aim and new flyers around with a joystick and one of the intentions actually was always that if you had gimballed weapons there was a sort of downside to them as in you couldn't necessarily have as big of a powerful a weapon so as of the 1.1 build the way it works is most good mounts as long as the size 2 or above will be able to have a gimbal mount attached to it but if it's a sight to gun mount then you would put a size 2 gibble now and it only accepts the size one gun in it so you're you're sort of trade off is either you can have a fixed gun that size 2 or you can have a gimbal gun that size 1 so you sort of have a trade-off between fixed guns more power or better precision better aiming but less power so it's sort of it I think a fairly we'll see but I think it will be a good trade-off between people that are flying with joysticks and people that are flying with Matt mass but that's something that we're doing with 1.1 it's the place you can spend your egg-soaked right a while ago electronic access was bought out by original systems and that initiation is a digital storefront so that's the digital storefront that you can spend the red credits that you play um playing arena commander and also later on airplane the FPS and so that's where if you play more you at the rack and you'll be able to get different weapons or a lot of different chips without having to sort of pledge your pay from so it's sort of the system that we talked about this going to allow people to you know just have that baseship and still try out a whole bunch of stuff in arena commander a triumph of your peers without having to plant for anything extra which is something that we wanted for the final game and we sort of felt like we need to bring it up ahead of schedule one of the other big improvements it's in the 1.1 field and we were hoping to release the 1.1 build today but we still had some fairly like legally bugs so we're probably going to be releasing it on Tuesday so when I one more day of fall testing on Monday and then released on Tuesday this what's that oh yeah well yeah there's a couple of nice things which will show you to me the 1.1 field one of the biggest ones which I noticed that people already on the PT you had shots and videos of is the new damage system that we're rolling out with 1.1 so our old damage tech was pretty cool we model the whole bunch of different damage of different states but you know we had discrete models for each different one of the levels so we basically had pristine 25% fifty percent 75% one hundred percent damage and each one of those damage levels could have multiple pieces that were breaking off and so there's a lot of work that the artists did so in fact to give you an idea you know a base Hornet is about 15 megabytes of pristine and if you added on all the damage state modeling and all the LEDs that come with it it was a hundred megabytes on disk and so one of our concerns outside of the fact there's a lot of manual operation was that you know with a big sort of online multiplayer game us to live the data over there you know I with broadband is that you know how you know how much data are we going to deliver and can we actually fit it all the memories one of the other properties when you have that much geometry even if you have a lot of memory is on the cpu side your GPU see if you only got two gigabytes on the GPU you've got to shift all the mesh memory over like the vertex data and everything over to the GPU and so even if you have a lot of CPU memory you can get sort of holdups in the gameplay because it's shifting from like normal system memory over to GPU memory and so one of the things we thought okay we're going to have to be a little smarter about this and not have as much you know mesh data because we already have a lot because the ship's themselves are incredibly detailed and complicated so you know the olin analogies you'll had vast amount of parts so we in 250 measures bishop is quite a lot so and that's kind of what we were doing on the old damaged technique and sort of see the horn and broken up broken up into different pieces sounded you yeah go we've got some nice videos to show when you'd understand so we basically procedurally model like when we hit on a surface we model whether it's a ballistic whether it's a laser whether it's an energy blasts whether it's explosive blast we have defamation thickness temperature of bird and it's all very cool so the actual effects are where you hit exactly on the ship you'll see we don't need the predefined states anymore or the LEDs we basically take the pristine mesh we have it pre cut it to all the obvious sort of breakable parts and then everything gets procedurally modeled and then if there's enough damage at a same point that will break off the partnership which is quite cool and we use the x11 and direct compute to enable you know the more complex damage model improve visuals and we'll longer term the using sort of Direct X 12 them opengl next so here's a little video of it you whenever that's the damage Tecton in action so as you can see if you're really good you can write your name with someone else's shit so I think that would be the ultimate form of T Bagga T humiliation I love you go to see the best give me video with some money just to write their name on someone else all right and so they fake the last thing the Italian ER is going to be hanging ready and we're working pretty hard and getting it flag which is going to be pretty awesome things are beasts and so we have a little video for you they you new high standard of shit bubbling that we've done the techniques that were built to use of the techniques that are going to be using all the ships with doing a refactor of the constellation of the freelancer the Dalton road you will be bringing it to the level that you've seen retire I think when you get the hang of the few you guys don't have the retaliator will like it because it's a it's really pretty awesome job is done x factor UK guys making this and that will be in the 1.1 release so i guess i'll choose a problem alright so the next thing it's kind of what we're here to show parts of and we'll be coming out very soon is the ground war so first of all we're just going to sort of give you a bit of an animation update because one of the things that has put as slightly behind is that we decided at the end of last year to redo the skeleton and rig on our base character and add a lot more to it as a whole muscle system now and we've actually went and scanned the selected a bunch of different male models of female models and scandals we've actually got like real proper Scott later and Belgium is sort of it took some time it took a little more time that we thought so it actually we were hoping to release the FPS module right here at PAX East but that's one of the reasons why we're going to be releasing it in two to three weeks time depending because the animation so I know the animation the animation scientist takes a lot of tweeting to get right so it's one of the things we're doing but so basically are yeah we weave out the entire renovation set for FPS so it's add a lot more sort of rifle and pistol realistic handling right I think there's a quite a few people that sack star citizen that have military or law enforcement experience and yeah and so you guys are always the first to say no that's not the way you handle a gun or so you know we actually went out and we actually did this at a mansion area at the end of last year we have a couple of fairly badass military advisors that were there for their motion capture doing the motions it's a lot more realistic animation set which I think ultimately everyone's going to delight so well hopefully kick ass and all the rest of stuff so here's a little video we did all those was we had some issues with our pitching stuff so here we go this sort of shows you this was pax Australia and then we'll sort of cut between sort of pax Australia kind of where we are now compositions a lot better the gun public's fairly better i think so i thought this looked good last year but I just figure doesn't have any sound by the way just later and that's the old walk which you could go there also the city road where you could say well he's a bit stiff so you can see him straight from left to right here you'll see him moving in his motions a lot better there's no way there's no secondary sort of animation we actually have a full muscle system which there's a sealable video the end that kind of demonstrates although it's a fairly short but generally we take the animations much better than before which was one of the bigger complaints and it's still got away so this is that this is a silly that this they all mesh on the left the guy in the Middle's in the is the new one which has a property forming skeletal system and if we go to we are the red is the muscle system that you see for the different stuff so anyway that's the quick animation so we still have so much to do which is one of the reasons why we're not giving you the FPS this week but we have a whole bunch of extra sort of you know the difference between going from here to stopping and all the rest there's a lot of transition animations that need to happen so that's all stuff that's going in right now we've done all the animations we just have to work it into CryEngine the cover system is going to be a fully really kind of cool cover system you'll also be able to slide it to cover and do stuff like that you know a hit death reaction like when you get here in different places and that's all the stuff that we're working on a finessing we've got some pretty cool crouch movement we got pro movement as well and we're also going to have sort of three stages of movement so that's sort of like a off position is an alerted position in sort of your your eye inside radius position when sort of running around with the weapon out will be sort of more fidelity of animation station so our goal is basically well to have pretty damn badass soldiers running around so that's it zero-g which we are going to be showing you people are going to get to play play on zero-g here a little bit it's pretty well that still got a bunch of animation of programming we've got to do to get that sort of full style of have you seen the film gravity in terms of like you know grabbing and pulling and pushing we've got the basics of that system in but it needs a lot of finesse but that's one of the big goals and what those two things are there that's really what's going to be making that's what's preventing us releasing the FPS right now what we plan to release in about three weeks time okay so we asked everything you like to do in fiction stuff so its attention into the conventional software is day one it says little startup with a couple of folks like change ROM enough and change my diet and well they've created a new household realistic scenario which is called skarmory and that easily available deplane is simple in haggar of course available for electronic access okay so you can choose two types of the base FPS module gets released has two game modes so the first one is what we demoed in pax australia so it's more traditional combat it's more like counter-strike or something that's on the gold horizon space station and in that will have eight verses eight play a combat and it's Marines versus outlaws you battle many weapons armor all the rest of stuff and the whole environment damageable and you know disabled Lighting's you can also turn the gravity off and on of the station so that sort of changes the playing field when you're in in a combat situation and here's a little walkthrough of the environments you can sort of see the different locations do we didn't get a chance to do this and impacts Australia so you can sort of see because I the kind of a really detailed and beautiful fun environment that I think will be a lot of fun to blast each other everything then the second game mode which is the one that we know do you live here that people play is zero gravity so everyone see the Ender's Game nobody's pretty much that it's in astro arena actually is going to be 16 verses 16 up to the necessary has to be 16 min 16 and basically it's going to be something that people could use sort of train 0g movement mechanics and also have a sort of fun I don't know like in fiction so ultimately in the world of fasteners that this would be something you could form teams to compete with just the same way that we can have racing competition so there will be you know leagues and championships and everything else I got so deep it kind of fun so one thing that you use is the laser pistol which has a crackling beam on it you'll see in action but basically to go around in zero-g you can fire up the beam when you can use it to pull yourself around so now we're going to it i don't know we are we want guys guys ready think it's when I'm liberated each other I believe the game is I think it's best of seven the rules are is the first team that memorizing all the other members of the team or gets a player through the enemy gate yes what ha so anyway it's got it is still got a bunch of Polish there's a lot of little glitchy things like for instance it's going to be a different color by so depending what team you're in I'm one's going to be altered because of a lobby and then there's gonna be a lot more fine-tuning of the sort of zero-g motion animations and the price awesome which is that but I think ultimately long-term actually could be kind of a fun thing to do in stassi's and besides fly spaceships so after what one point one point one comes out which the FPS module which will be in probably by the end of this month the next thing we're going to do which we're going to show a preview of at South by Southwest next week but it will be in early April is a social module and that's where you get to leave your hanger walk around the planet side in the case of the social module will be static are caught in the stanton system and i'll give you a preview of sort of interacting on a planet side basis when you're visiting planets so that should be cool we're going to tell about in a week so of you guys like that and then this is the sort of schedule for this year which we've talked about before to the first person shooter module by the end of this month social module next month will be delivering it Green Air Command the 2.0 which is a multi crew stuff sort of some attack and the end of the end of this year is going to be squadron 42 so I think right now 20 hours about 70 missions about releasing the end of this year so we sort of decided this big we have this big overarching storyline and so in you know sort of is a non sort of weak commanded trilogy we're going to have this overarching trilogy of squadron like this story yeah so we let me come at the gun to open in the grace of Allah and then we're going to have the sort of very early build of the full position universe we limited number of systems but you'll be able to take off fly land trade interact and do some of the professions are all the professions and I'll be the end of the year so that is it to be on the presentation
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