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Castle Story Basics: Getting Started, building your first castle tutorial

hey everyone this is Steve from gamers Nexus tonight and today we were playing the castle story prototype which I covered in Saturday heat signatures several months ago it is a voxel-based RTS this video is made for those who have the prototype and want to get started playing because it is quite confusing so this is a consider to say crash course a very fast crash course and how to play the game so first obviously hold space I'm gonna let you figure out some of the movement because in the top right you can hover over these and they have tooltips but hold on space and use WASD to pan then scroll to zoom in and out now that we have controls basically figured out you know you can do more like rotating by holding right-click you are gonna need to actually start playing so grab some brick Tron's we are going to click down here on the the lumber icon because you need wood to start with grab the lumber though an icon on the right side click on somewhere you want to harvest lumber from let's grab this because it's in the middle of quite a lot of trees and now select the brick Tron's you want to to be harvesting I'll grab three and right click on the blue icon that you've just created if you don't click on the icon precisely they will cut down trees and not actually collect the wood so click that icon they're gonna cut down trees and start picking up logs but will have nothing to do with them that is because we don't have a stock file yet in the bottom left click on the build icon that's the hammer the right side click on the stockpile icon and play some stockpiles I'm not gonna do anything too fancy here because it is a tutorial so let's one thing I want to note is you should make some room between these because brick Tron's do have a habit of getting stuck and and that's just how the prototype is right now but it will be fixed eventually I'd imagine so you can replace your stockpiles then you click on a brick tron and right click on these stockpiles to to actually have them use lumber to build them now one thing you might notice because this actually eluded me first I don't know a good 20 minutes see maybe is when you click on an icon like stockpile and place it you know I have this stupid blue thing that you can't really like obviously get rid of even a quick right-click doesn't get rid of it clicking cancel doesn't get rid of it what you need to do is click on the build icon again and then hold down right click go to back and it's gone simple as that so I've got somewhat being collecting some falls off just don't worry about it what we need next is to start start harvesting resources from the ground so mining as it were click on the mine icon I will note that it is far easier to tunnel then to dig down this is due to the glitches in the current prototype build because brick Tron's do have a habit of getting stuck in vertical mineshaft so place your tunnel wherever you want to place it that seems as good a place as any and now you come across well how do I expand this thing so you click on the tunnel or click on the icon for it that will select the tunnel and then you see this yellow thing just click on that turns green click it again and you're double clicking it to expand deeper into the into the mountain here you can also click it on the left or right to expand it long ways and once you've got a shaft that you're happy with for mining select a an idle worker or two right click on that twice the icon and he will start mining as simple as that so let's grab Gil and ores this guy's ain't Biba Gillan Biba the the miners and they're gonna start mining so we've got three idle guys now we could start more mines more forest forestry places or we can expand an existing one now this is just mostly for your information you can click on a forest icon or wood cutting area and click on the military icon in the middle of the the top left panel then click on increase to increase the radius of this you will see number of trees go up as you increase the radius and that will just use the same icon and kind of expand it so why is that important well if you want to decrease the trees that have been harvested or increase it you can do that pretty simply so they're gonna keep grabbing wood I actually don't need that much more wood so once this guy's back I'm going to send him to a vertical mine we will create so let's do that click on the mine icon again you can click on this + if you would like to create a separate sheet or group for it and we're gonna create a vertical mineshaft by clicking on that icon click and drag where you want it I'm gonna keep it pretty simple we'll just put it right there so as to not be too much in the way and then we'll dig down a way you just move it vertically to dig down so I'm just gonna end it right there and you can actually click - oops excuse me excuse my blunder there let me just place that down really quickly again come on there we go okay so we're gonna dig vertically and click to choose the vertical height and then you can right click to choose the stair placement this is kind of important because if the stairs exit in a in an empty area then your guys might get stuck so that's fine for now and let's send a send of bricks on over here to work on that you can see we we have brick drops you can't place their blocks because there aren't enough stockpiles so I'm going to create some more again nothing too ultra fancy just need places to put all this extra wood and stone for now and once they have that done our guys can get back to work so I should have another nope that's all five okay so pinkies gonna start working out that I'm going to grab Deva over here and we're gonna start building a very simple castle nothing again that's it's too crazy because it is just a tutorial so let's let's go click on your build icon you have all these options over here you can also right-click for a quick menu and we're just gonna grab the normal bricks and build a a sort of house or Hut rather than a full-blown castle so I will have an advanced tutorial for multi-layered castles and and for some other things like bridges and stuff like that but for now we're just gonna place down these bricks now one thing you will notice see how I'm colliding here with the tree we can actually go mine out that area if we want to flatten it or if you are unhappy with the placement you can actually just delete these by holding shift and left clicking on the place bricks and then you can of course reposition them to somewhere that you're more happy with so we're doing that right now and I have a pretty simple castle I'm gonna use a half block to fill in that last square so pretty straightforward if you want to delete an existing block same thing you can hold down shift and click on the existing block and let's grab the appropriate size there and then a brick tron will be by shortly to destroy that block so those are there's pretty much the basics there's really not a whole lot more to it than that there are of course many small things lots of glitches I want to be to get a try and save you the trouble and warned you of a problem that cost me a couple of hours of work earlier because I was dumb and did not say frequently but first of all not everyone can save so as soon as you get in the game hit escape try to say if make sure you actually can before you dedicate a lot of time to it secondly don't click this button whatever you do return the game will make it so that you can never get your menu back you hit escape and then you can actually get your menu back so just use the escape button to get in and out of menu don't hit return to game because the menu will not return and you will not be able to save your progress so that is pretty important to know with that I think we have covered most of these starting your castle basics there I will note that you can get more brick Tron's as that is another frequently asked question you do so by harvesting these these blue crystals here as your miners run into them they will dig them out and harvest them automatically but they cannot place them on stockpiles you will need to create barrels which are over here you can create barrels I would recommend placing them near the crystal because that's where they have to go anyway you create bills they drop the crystal in there and then you get a new brick tron as long as it's in the vicinity of this crystal you can pick up at an existing barrel by simply once it is built if I can get someone take head over here and build it once it is built they will you right-click your brick town on it you might have a double click it he will pick it up and then to put it back down you hold shift and you right-click in here you at the target and that's that's really all there is to it we're not even gonna let him finish building it actually because that simple so if you have any questions please let me know what is up and I will try to help you out there's an advanced tutorial coming next this is a pretty good getting started getting started a primary excuse me so please like comment and subscribe and I will see you guys next time peace
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