Castle Story - New User Interface & Beta Preview at PAX East 2013
Castle Story - New User Interface & Beta Preview at PAX East 2013
hey everyone this is steve from gamers
nexus dotnet and today we will be
talking about castle story again and
castle story of course is the game being
developed by sauropod studio over in
France we had a chance to meet up with
the developers at pax east 2013 this
past weekend and conduct an interview
which is already uploaded check out the
new user interface and generally have an
awesome time so a quick shout to
Francois Elena and all the other guys
that sauropod for really just being
awesome and friendly and showing that
they're super enthusiastic about their
game it was really pretty refreshing so
this quick video is just going to talk
about the new interface for people
backing the game if you are new to
castle story go check out our previous
video that introduces the concept it is
linked in the description below and its
castle story very quick sentence is a
great city building / RTS hybrid game
that raised nearly a million dollars on
Kickstarter so there's your intro we
also just uploaded the on-camera
interview and an article check all those
out so on to the the content of this
video the biggest items with the new UI
are its contextual elements so we were
showed this at PAX the island you see
here is a clean Kickstarter Island the
main changes are in the way of the
player the way the player interacts the
world so the first thing you'll notice
is that task selection via the menu has
now been completely overhauled it is so
much better with information conveyance
much quicker to learn and very intuitive
the menu will respond to the environment
and allows contextual task input so if
you design a mine for example you can
right-click the mine and use buttons
that are specific to that menu to assign
more workers fewer delete the mine
resize it and other similar tasks excuse
me the brick Tron AI will also respond
contextually so just like the menu that
so right clicking on a brick tron will
offer a few option a new options
specific to that brick drawn like
breaking a unique voxel for example so
if if they get stuck you can use that
option to break a voxel and get him
and they can also now drop what they're
carrying so if that's glitched or
somehow is confusing a new user why the
brick Tron won't do any work they can
tell him to drop the item and then make
them do work and we'll talk more about
that in a second the bricks or the
blocks rather are also now split into
two categories regular blocks and
structures like wooden beams and
Francois told us that they've gotten rid
of the side menu because it interfered
with their immersive demands but they've
instead they they feel they have
embedded everything in the right click
interface and no longer need it so
that's kind of cool to hovering over
trees will give woodcutting commands
mines will give mining commands and so
on it's all right there in the new UI no
more side menu you can also split
construction groups pretty easily so if
you're working on a complex building and
realize that there needs to be a
separate group for laying down
scaffolding because for example your
brick tron's just can't build any higher
that need stairs or something you can
assign you can split that group very
quickly and assign the builders to work
on scaffolding then you can prioritize
by level of importance so the
scaffolding in this scenario needs to be
built first in order to do anything else
with construction group 2 so it's group
1 we tell them we give them priority
they do everything first they they
basically just work only on building
scaffolding and nothing else and then
group 2 will be able to complete their
task accordingly other than that I
suppose Francois also told us that
future changes will allow brick Tron's
to pick up individual contents of a
stockpile and move them making for
better organization as the island grows
via a relocation of resources they can
also vacuumed up rubble and destroyed
blocks to decrease system resource
consumption and recycle in-game
resources and I know some of the people
on reddit were asking this and it was
fairly uploaded I believe reforestation
is a consideration in their minds the
procedurally generated islands the
infinite island concept is currently
giving them a lot of trouble because of
the way the zoom in zoom
out works there they're worried that if
you're zoomed out and you see 5
kilometers in the distance the game
can't possibly sit there generating all
that terrain so far away because it's
just not resource friendly so they are
trying to work on it though don't be too
worried just that's the reality of
developing a game like this now as far
as interface the only other major thing
radial indicators have been added to
tasks which help you visibly determine
where a brick tron's so called vacuuming
or work area is positioned so that's
sort of useful and really that's it for
this overview go check out the full
interview and article in the description
below and I will see you all next time
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