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Chris Roberts & Richard Garriott Talk Zero G Physics

you know like most games right they don't really simulate like full body and that's right they put it's a ragdoll then it falls down at most the time it's animation group right that's right so then the question is how you're gonna do you got to basically blend between animation stuff and then rag doll as well when you're in Sergi you got to do more of it like you impact something to the side grain you got to keep the angular momentum exactly right so that that's the heart of thing to get rid of actually thank Allah momentum yes you can stop for dinner tonight I've invited Chuck who's the head of real phonic I invited him out to dinner excellent let's break it down break it down let's figure out how to know cuz like like literally right if you're like in zero-g you do enough ish I'll start you'll stop moving this way slowly right right fun packed country that but you can you can speed it up or slow it down head question but you can't stop the rotate you can't stop the actual momentum and so one of one of the fun things do to something in zero-g is you you hold them out into the center of a room alright and you let go of them yeah then they can't get out because you can't swim right you're stuck because your momentum is sitting still spinning this way can I not do a captain move with my buddy and kind of my like my angler and angler inertia so in it in a way right no you can you can do a little bit the cat move you know how a cat can go from upside down and middle switch so you actually can do a direction facing change but you cannot change your momentum without next without an external force and so it's actually interesting problem because inevitably so if I think in the movie Ender's Game if I'm moving if I'm spinning this way slowly and I twist to go the other way what happens you'll still be your the your center of gravity will still keep going the same direction and that's why the Ender's Game thing the part where you you really can't do it very well is when you when we launch if you go like to go across the way it is effectively impossible not to have a little bit of unintended angular momentum yeah alright and so by the time you get to the other end you're gonna be hurt unless yet unless you basically have a jetpack unless you ever eat it unless you have some countermeasures like you could take by the way yeah we've got like and about them as a there's a laser grapple thing so on your gun you can fire out and it'll fire a beam out and you could pull it so you basically and when you fire it though it should kick you back including if it's not at your center of gravity what I don't know is it's a its sense of it's like think of it like a track to be so it fires a beam out to grapple onto the beam not it's not enough no it's not a rope yeah yeah no it's the answer beam and then it pulls you towards it are you basically yeah we've ran like that alright so we're just gonna pull Ritchie up on stage tomorrow okay we don't we haven't got the code yet but if we got Richard for you you
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