DIY Steam Machine for $665 - Gaming HTPC Build Guide
DIY Steam Machine for $665 - Gaming HTPC Build Guide
hey Ron this is Steve from gamers Nexus
dotnet and today we're talking about
this this is a computer I just built
it's actually pretty awesome this is a
mini ITX computer and it's sort of an H
CPC a home theater PC meant for gaming
in the living room doing your video
watching tasks maybe you could even
jerry-rigged it as a DVR replacement
because we all know that Time Warner
Cable provides only the best DVRs and
you would of course never want to
replace that with something like this so
this is built in an anti Gaius K 600
case we've gotten Intel G 3 2 5 8 and
here which is their new dual core
processor affordable at the price of
around 60 to 70 dollars and the whole
build is 665 bucks so it is sort of a
budget ish it's definitely teetering on
mid-range but I have sort of classified
it as budget we've got a 750 Ti in there
which plays every game pretty much
perfectly on high settings you will need
to drop down to medium for a few games
like Metro last light in battlefield but
I have benchmarks for you at the end
that will showcase performance in games
and the board is just an asrock MITx z97
board it's got AC Wireless built into it
so you won't have to get a separate
adapter you won't need wired Ethernet of
course we always recommend that if you
have it available in the living room
environment you're setting this up in
but it'll work on wireless it'll work
with your gigabit connections up to the
spec that AC allows so certainly much
better than the previous wireless G&B
all those now the board is z97 so it is
capable of overclock and it's got a
decent vrm it's got a couple phases on
there so it's enough to get a basic
overclock on the g3 2 v 8 which we've
been able to push it at least 20% I've
gotten it up to almost 50 percent
overclock I wouldn't run it at that I
think for extended periods of time but
certainly 20% should be almost no
problem with this processor especially
with the board's basic vrm setup and the
be quiet CPU cooler we have on there so
that will keep things relatively cool
and quiet which is always a good thing
at an H CBC since you're going to be set
up in an extended up time environment
that's probably running almost 24/7 in
your living room and because of that
reasoning we've got an edge PA
you in here in Antec edge 550 watt PSU
that is enough power for everything in
here enough power for an upgrade if you
wanted a 760 or a 970 instead or
probably want to upgrade the CPU before
that really so you do have enough power
for both the CPU and a GPU upgrade
depending on what route you go and the
edge PSU remains relatively silent it's
not passive but the fan only spends up
when it's necessary and it's got a
toggle switch for the LEDs so if you
prefer this to be more discreet with all
the LEDs off just unplug this strip the
strip in the front here there's a an LED
strip you can unplug that and you can
toggle the switch on the power supply
then you got no lights so you can talk
to them 2/4 hide it and let it run as a
discrete home theater PC as far as RAM
we've got HyperX fury ram runs perfectly
fine for gaming we've benchmarked it
really no complaints there at all looks
pretty good I chose white but there's
blue and black red also and for the SSD
I would recommend the crucial MX 100 SSD
do note that you will have to remove the
3.5 inch drive scaffolding the cage in
the is K 600 as a result of the mid-size
CPU cooler we selected you probably need
to use a really low profile silverstone
or or one of those other small coolers
if you wanted to use the 3.5 inch bays
maybe a liquid cooler would be in order
but it was removed from this so your own
you've only got two 2.5 inch SSD slots
if you want more than that get a
different cooler and throw a hard drive
in there but for my reasons two SSDs is
fine and then I just go to a media
server for the rest so that is the build
pretty small pretty portable as far as
the benchmarks this performs pretty well
actually and just about everything
Borderlands the pre-sequel which I'm not
a huge fan of but it's a modern title so
I benchmarked it we run out about a
little over 70 FPS at almost max
settings in Borderlands the pre-sequel
in grid Autosport which is one of the
best optimized games i've ever tested
it's approaching 40 to 50 FPS so and
that's at almost max settings so if you
lower the settings too high then you're
definitely gonna be running pretty close
to 60 maybe medium-high outward
and 60 is what I define as pretty
perfectly playable so there's your
alliteration for the day
beyond that Metro last light always a
very good bench to use for gaming
performance you would probably need to
run at about medium settings because on
high and very high we were just above 30
just under 40 for the average FPS so you
would want to run at a medium maybe
hybrid medium low settings for a game
like Metro laughs like that's more
demanding and that does start
bottlenecking all the CPU more than the
GPU in this instance so that would be
your upgrade if you're trying to play
games like last night like Crysis 3
every other game for the most part plays
pretty darn well at high settings pretty
darn well at medium if it is a
higher-end game that's more demanding
and then you've got a lot of games
that'll play perfectly fine at high-end
ultra settings like League dota Wow
pretty much any MMO at this point and of
course Borderlands and things like that
so that is the build 665 Bucs click the
links in the description below for all
the product links for my write-up on
this and you can see the benchmark
graphs in more detail and I will see you
all next time peace
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