"Did NVIDIA Win?" Ray Tracing, Ft. Gordon of PC World
"Did NVIDIA Win?" Ray Tracing, Ft. Gordon of PC World
hey guys I'm joined by Gordon again hey
and Gordon we just Oh sue and yes he
just talked
we were just kicked out of the
Convention Center we were kicked out
Taiwan yes they rolled the recycling bin
over to pick us up it was right when you
said that our content quality was good a
trash bin came in the background as a
microcosm for our actual content quality
so we are back we talked to is Intel
screwed last time and now I guess let's
let's talk about this ray-tracing stuff
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so Andy's got the rx 5700 series that we
heard a lot about today and quick note
this is being recorded before the prices
are unveiled which will come up later I
think so we don't actually know the
prices right now and that means we're
gonna have to do some speculation but
rate racing stuff oh yeah so there the
question is because they have
essentially said in the next generation
hardware we're going to do lighting
effects that's right in hardware that's
where it's going to intersect sounds me
a lot a lot like hybrid ray-tracing and
then they said after that just so we
know we're recapping a news cloud
version full full full range full rate
racing in the cloud pod compute
leveraging cloud compute so they
obviously don't think you can do it
poorly yeah locally yet and they said
that too there was I don't have the
exact quote I'll top my head right now
but something along the lines of it's a
mix of launching the right hardware for
the right feature at the right time so
obviously a little bit of shade at
Nvidia there's definitely a lot of shade
there's videos there's o'hara's a lot
doing I
yeah everybody was throwing shade yeah
in Intel of course we're recording us in
the past but on this very morning at
this event Intel said hey if you're in
town once you come over because they
were throwing shade at AMD just right
that's right I it's it's crazy the
everybody is just like it's a food fight
right now
it's a firmer side right now who's
winning well the perception battle I
think AMD's winning right now and AMD is
interesting because there's a baseline
fanbase that no matter what Andy does it
they're fine
oh but that same crowd is now saying ray
tracing is the way to go is the exact
thing to go is that that no I I think
that crowd is is steady like holding
strong I and II can do no no wrong right
that's a small subset of the market
overall Andy's got the underdog card
okay so that's an advantage Andy has the
fact that Nvidia and Intel have been
throwing rocks at AMD so that that makes
them look a little better when they
throw some back so I would say a
perception battle and he is I mean
they're there they were the only news at
Computex yeah so definitely and though
everything sorry we're getting off the
rails here folks got Steve all throw
ball blame me the body language you
relied into body language if you go into
these briefings we've done a lot of
these and they're just kind of like
hunched over and they just know these
body blows are coming and we got this
part coming out later this year then you
know thank got it the body language here
is like firing and also we're good all
cylinders and you can just see they're
just gonna come out and just it's right
there they're launching the whole stack
all at once - very pretty confident
right of course now finally the APU or
even the 16 core part the AP use here 12
core 12 or whatever X 570 PCIe 4 yeah
and the GPU is coming out in July as
well so that's that's a lot of stuff you
know that in sorry again
I wouldn't ask your opinion 50
motherboards he said we've got 50 X 570
mother yeah when is the last time we've
seen in AMD
where he had 50 motherboards hitting I
think first rise and launch it was 12
was it yeah 12 I think it was 12 and
then it was like maybe it was like 20
for the second one for I rise in the
2000 series I should say I don't know
when I like do Intel launches I guess
some of them have been 50-plus but yeah
you need some big Intel launches over
the years they have been big let me tell
you about the original Athlon actually
is it wasn't of an Athlon no Athlon k7
launch okay yeah k7 launch it was the
fic SD 7 motherboard okay that was the
that was the laundry hey seven I think
is what PC / used to be named that yes
yes but you know don't rub it into her
but there were no motherboards and in
fact four fic to do that launch of the
original k7 board it was like one person
ran out to see if they were gonna get
smashed by the truck coming down the
road which was Intel at the time and and
this time you got 50 motherboards yeah
it just sort of says the confidence that
motherboard vendors have in this right
yeah that's a big investment by all of
them yeah I a sous alone is like 30
boards like they they're actually doing
30 at launch and there's more I TX now
than previously first generalising was
an ITX didn't come out till later in the
year like late in the year
send that launched in March so I would
say the board vendors are very confident
right now it's a big flip because back
when rise and one was happening I think
that the overall support from the
motherboard manufacturers was pretty low
for AMD yeah is you know they were their
combative between them two but yeah and
it was hard because the part wasn't we
all know wasn't fully baked at lunch it
got a lot better as things yes got
especially by heard a little bit
BIOS has been sure but it was it's a
pretty hard launch this one feels like
it's gonna be a lot smoother yes but
rate racing though oh yes right actually
you wanted you wanted to ask me you
asked me about them other words I guess
you had another question you want I want
to ask you all right we're gonna get
Steve get remember work this is in the
past we're recording this on Sunday I
won't know Steve from what you've seen
worth radeon RX
5710 2060 competitor and the Radeon rx
5700 XT which is the twenty seventy
what are they get a price on that so the
5700 exit the twenty seventy we just
looked up the pricing on and if it's
correct I think every all the retailer's
were between like 480 and 500 which is
higher than I remember it
I thought it was 400 yeah well we're out
of touch yeah I I here's what I'm
thinking it's gonna be hopefully the
same price as 2070 that's my hope
because I think it's doable because the
dies smaller so it's significant I mean
it's like 200 and something millimeters
squared down from 400 something so
diagonally smaller that reduces cost of
time yields are better and then there's
a leading edge process that's true so
that up there that'll charge more
counter bit and then the no HBM - yes
saves a lot of money yes so I don't know
I would like to see the same price I
think in reality Andy could probably get
away with launching $50 over if they
wanted to really I think they could get
away with it
I think that's if I were to guess so
you're saying assuming the performance
is like head-to-head like a hundred
percent of equal well definitely they're
winning on power it looks like maybe
thermals probably I mean from the things
we were we've seen today we're not
thermal blower card but with a
like-for-like card maybe yeah but I I
mean I feel like they're gonna go they
gotta go lower
I feel like 20 cent or 5700 XT is gonna
be four to four or fifty or fifty would
mean I feel like 5700 will be 350 I
think here's here's the problem here's
here's the problem I think NVIDIA has
has abused us to a point has beaten us
with the pricing on veils that now I
just expect everything's $100 higher
than it should be well that's that I
think that's my my perception has been
permanently damaged by the abuse of
pricing from
videos long now yeah that's that was the
makeup but but you know that's fine I
guess that's true X 570 pricier to that
over X 470
yeah well the chipset is we actually we
haven't revealed this publicly yet but I
understand is the chipset is about two
times higher costs about $40 cost BOM so
so that's a lot of it and then $40
that's my understanding yeah and then
PCIe gen 4 is expensive as well III can
see that that would explain the cost of
these things so I don't know that the
video cards will follow that model
because there's completely different
product but yeah they can be differently
though yeah I mean they fully alive a
they fully expect these boards are gonna
go into Intel machines right there's a
lot of people are gonna be upgrading for
Intel machines I just feel like they
have to do it because clearly invidious
got something super coming out right
yeah so if they tried SGI refresh of the
2017 26 days those are the rumors right
and then also faster memory pre
overclocked memory so then if it comes
out they're probably gonna want to push
prices down hopefully yeah then if this
is a 20 70 competitor you can't come out
head-to-head with the 2070 that's fair
yeah yeah that's that's a good sign
because they I mean the whole crazy
thing about this is it's a three-way
fistfight between Intel AMD and NVIDIA
they know that they're gonna get punched
alright so yeah from which side what's
up but then they have to go like okay we
know they're gonna they're gonna Zig so
we got a sag and then we have all I
think I think keeping that in mind I
forgotten about super because it is
super forgetful they show it a render of
a shroud
that's so super on it for 16 the video
is 16 seconds lon two of which were
black frames at the front in the end ha
oh this is somebody do some images and
video analysis of it like frame-by-frame
analysis I did okay yeah I don't know I
think it's I'd forgot about super you
raise a very good point so just my
target woody I'm gonna say 450 XT okay
and then I don't know what the 2060 cost
right now but let's just say 30 bucks
lower matters
really no I'm just no it probably isn't
that uh it's probably you know he knows
it was like probably 350 at one point
now they're back up again yeah reason
yeah but you know the reason why is
because ray tracing is good Steve AMD
said they're gonna do ray tracing that's
so if that means me that means NVIDIA
wanted right isn't that what that means
I don't know yeah I I just hope this
doesn't turn into a catfight over ray
tracing eventually I mean it will yeah
videos Nvidia is natural they always
want to control things they just want it
what proprietary we've done that's been
their mo on just about every technology
they rightfully paid for so they want to
make it proprietary but it feels like
they're gonna try to push I'm gonna give
Nvidia some credit here for dominating
the rate racing marketing to the extent
that they've more or less created rate
racing retro actively like it's it's
really their marketing deserves a lot of
credit I think on rate racing because
now I am these in a position where it
has to acknowledge it I was actually
really surprised by that yeah I know
because they have had to acknowledge it
and if you you wonder if that was
actually a mistake because they just
sort of ignored it right they do the
Intel thing this is what well we don't
talk 16 cores we neither for that
somebody got something like that but III
if they just amaze it huh whatever it's
not we're not worth the waste of
resources right now what's ready but now
sort of everybody goes oh well even
named DS gonna do racing later on and
future hardware does that make
developers go okay we're gonna have it
maybe and that's the interesting tooth
thing to where I'll be curious to see
how reviewer versus viewer or reader
sentiment changes with these rx card
launches because at the launch of RT x
especially because no games were we're
available with RT x yet the whole story
was well this adds no value right this
this is not something we care about you
can't even use an anything I know we
said that it didn't add a lot about any
value at the time and I know a lot of
I felt the same way but over the last
couple of months I've noticed that now
when people talk about AMD they say but
it doesn't have r-tx so when did that
flip happen is that because games
support it now or is it because nvidia
controls that marketing language so well
I you know it is really funny because I
was surprised we did a Q&A with AMD and
somebody asked that like really why are
you asking about that I've already read
and earnest as they hate it right so I
was really shocked but that is an
analyst asket journalist asked
everybody's like well what are you gonna
do ray tracing yeah I know and they did
answer they have been they answered and
now they sort of showed a little brother
hand yeah and then when whatever the
intel part that comes out it was like
what you ain't got ray tracing they
sorted they have controlled the
narrative interests even though they've
gotten beaten bloody over it but now
everybody's like well you gotta have ray
tracing and I'm the one of course I did
say I do believe there is merit in going
that path didn't say you have to buy the
card I don't think it's best to let
somebody else pay for it and then you
get on when it's ready right that's the
best way to do it you want to save money
but for somebody else to pay for all the
research that's awesome yeah I thank you
for your service and money but I do
think I'm just surprised that somehow
yes the narrative has flipped and I
don't know why why that is anger has
subsided over each other it's like maybe
it's just the internet contrary and then
wary and video comes out with it people
want to be contrary to it because screw
around video I guess I don't know and
then now and these coming out with
something they they don't have RT X so
is that is just like being contrary for
sake of being contrary or is there a
legitimate like I don't know what is
that what is the legitimate market
demand for RTX right now as a gamer like
huh how about one you know more 1080 T
eyes out there they're all gone right
almost that same car drove all gone so
what are you gonna buy I guess you'd go
step down to a twenty seventy if you
were gonna by 2080 you by 2070 cuz well
I guess when I say what's the legitimate
market for RTX I mean for race racing
for the feature not for the hardware
there isn't I mean you know you don't
have to buy it I think it was it's
probably been clear you don't have to
necessarily buy it it's cool stuff
somebody has to get it started
chicken has have that egg doesn't mean
you have to put your money down right
but yeah no you don't you never have had
to buy it necessarily what a but so I
don't know understand why suddenly
everybody justify it why does moving on
so anyway I don't have my anti-static
bracelet no I borrow this one we're
gonna throw all the memes out there
that's not all the memes that's right
so all right so I guess basically the
the andis statement was will do
ray-tracing when it makes sense the
put on a future but they did basically
it sounded like we're at na'vi now and
then at some point right sooner rather
than later yeah I think so that was my
takeaway I do wonder if that was a
mistake you know to reveal that yeah I
mean but I guess it shows you how much
pressure they're under by everybody
asking but I would just I would have
thought they could have just ignored it
successfully I mean yes if we look at it
from Intel if this event were Intel's
event and it were an Intel GPU launch I
feel like if someone said where's ray
tracing Intel would say what's what is
that yeah next question or you know like
the normal response of like we're not
yeah yeah that's your standard
boilerplate but they were I think they
could have commences taking the MV line
this is you know what why why should we
waste what are you gonna play right well
quick are to to RTX but I mean you know
I third there isn't a lot of title
support for it do you think going back
because of course you I think we're one
of the real big pushes of 1080 ti4 yes
at $500 or 650 was a held steal some 500
bucks 550 would you go back in time now
if you could go if you were the average
gamer would you have bought a 20 70
instead of a 10-8 if I could go back on
time I would buy all of the 1080 T eyes
I could afford and sell them right here
1080i is never gonna happen
that card was amazing like from a
performance for the dollar standpoint it
sucks during the mining stuff it was
really bad there but when it was like
700 bucks or when it came down later
that's a lot of performance and it
showed because the affiliate data we
looked at had like 50 percent of all
nvidia gpus sales from our viewers for a
year of 2018 were 1080p eyes it was a
steal right it was like you wanted to
buy one just because it was so CH and I
don't think they're gonna let that
happen again
Nvidia unless if AMD pressures them and
they probably well or are people being
unfair to aim at Nvidia though because
people hopefully gave you the 20 80 hour
1080i and he made it 650 at launch right
right but somehow I think there's a lot
of unfairness to go around for all three
companies and video gets a lot of it to
be fair like because they're in the big
position they they're very controlling
and so that does get like some attention
in the negative form yeah people the
consumers especially yeah and I think we
talked about earlier the same thing with
Intel Rison is if you again we're
recording this in the in the past on
Sunday that part is just kick ass I mean
it's okay I mean I've got to review it
and all that stuff they sure work but on
paper what they said it's awesome it's
just like pure ore it's very promising
yeah and then it's clear to me they're
sandbagging their performance numbers up
till now yeah and Intel doesn't know the
punch that's coming from this part right
and then we're gonna it'll be funny
because people will see this in the in
the past or in the future
I can't time travel and they're gonna
see that and this hook oh my god this is
just an awesome thing right where the
hell is like going with us so and I'm
like well why do people like to see
Intel fail why do they like to see in
video fail no I think they share one
thing in common which is that they're
number one in their space and I wrote
will relay this to you as a warriors fan
it is Sunday they play tomorrow possibly
the last game of the season God willing
it isn't but if
tomorrow on Monday they lose to the
I don't care what you say Kaitlyn a name
dear Peter at AMD they're from Toronto I
don't care if they lose the entire
country except for San Francisco Bay
Area we'll be celebrating that everybody
just loves to see people so we've been
so successful failed okay I was gonna
say so is that it that's a successful
team that they've dominated they've been
everybody has been they've been kicking
everybody's team's butts
last five years so everyone wants to see
them lose because then you get get a
nice underdog story right you get the
inner dog story but people just it's the
whole you know schadenfreude the people
just yeah they don't want to just see
you lose they want to see like as your
bus is leaving you get two flat tires
and then run over by them on your face
like everybody fart on is I mean he's
just want like you want to suffer but
not you know not gonna get more you want
to like in it like a cool way back and
then you're and then your plane breaks
down and you're stuck in Toronto Airport
for eight hours just like watching all
the news and watching all these Raptors
fans so but that's what people want to
do because Intel and NVIDIA have been
but picking now for ten years so and
these the rafters I guess you could say
that they are they have that Canadian
8ci part but the people just want to see
I don't even think again people don't
have been support the Raptors they just
don't want the Warriors you know door I
really appreciate your analogies in
these videos last time it was you he
related throughout Ripper to idling and
an f250 with or driving on a highway
with an f250 of the windows down that
was and they all kind of showing off
that's right but nothing wrong with that
if that's you paid for the car you
wouldn't pay for the gas that's that's
your decision that's that's and that
relates back to computer hardware in
some way so the answer then to the
question that nobody asked including us
I think was rate racing doesn't matter
that AMD doesn't have it for the RX with
the seventh it doesn't they don't have
to have it and I don't think it matters
and I you know I I read agree with and I
think Rache RC is great I think it's the
right step but people should not you
know give AMD grief for that and I
I think they could have just ignored it
honestly yeah it was like it and of
course check back for the actual
benchmarks Gordon at PC world will link
them below sorry we always go off the on
the tangent you want to see me drive
it's very similar to that
my wife says so I think that's why
people like these videos yeah hopefully
don't know where it's gonna go next yeah
for sure table yeah that's what Steve
Ballmer stuff all right thank you for
Gordon thank you for joining me okay see
you all next time
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