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Does Anyone Care About These? External GPU Docks

everyone we're at the power color suite now at CES 2019 power color so we visited last year and we saw the I thought I was the devil box to the game box they had a couple of these e GPU enclosures and they're back this time our biggest criticism then was that the the airflow is really pretty rough so good news power color has listened in a significant fashion these are improved in pretty much every way that we requested about a year ago so good development timeline there I wanted to show them off and get some idea from the audience as to what the interest is in this type of product because we don't cover them a whole lot but if there's a lot of interest we can look into it before that this video is brought to you by the deep cool captain 240 pro AO cooler the captain 240 Pro uses a bladder within the water tank to expand and contract based upon liquid temperature as a leak prevention mechanism this works by birthing air at higher temperatures making for a unique closed loop liquid cooler design the captain 240 Pro also expands upon the existing captain series by extending tube length for more flexible positioning and updating the LEDs learn more at the link in the description below so significant improvements let's go through those last time the biggest concern was was ventilation was fan placement was internal power supply placement stuff like that so this one the mini pro smaller chassis fits something like 1070 mini you can fit like an RX 5 65 70 menu stuff like that external power supply the chassis itself it's steel it is running warm and if you have anything that can be heat sinking material you want it to be warm to the touch because that means that it's sinking heat so that's a good thing perforation everywhere kind of the NZXT chassis approach to perforating the hell out of the case front of it's got two USB three hooks up via thunderbolt and then your throughput of something like PCIe gen3 by four and that's a thunderbolt limitation the power brick now is external so previously we're looking at these enclosures with an internal power supply an ATX power supply that runs just 12 volt or some of them run like 5 volt for smaller components things like that but this is no internal power supplies but smaller instead you get the size back from an external power brick it's 240 watts so you can put a video card in up to that spec and then keep it in mind that as we've discussed with laptop in the past it's really difficult to go beyond 300 330 watts on these external bricks so that's why you saw things like the msi laptops running to power supplies as input because for safety and certification reasons they couldnt really go beyond 330 so to forties about the limit for an external supply but yeah 199 for the enclosure no video card inclusion included at that price and then I think you have the rest of the specs for that one so the next one is the mini non pro it's more of a 560 model and this one the power supply is 180 watts and so you get a bit smaller and in terms of the power capabilities the video card but very portable and I guess the use case for these things from what I understand is primarily Mac users so I wouldn't suspect a lot of you use external GPU enclosures but if you do please let us know because or if you don't I'm curious to hear what the the saturation of our market is for our audience but I think Apple makes a bit of sense because money and also not particularly good a lot of the time for the GPU side so yeah smaller one that's really all there is to it there's this is a prototype so this one there's still room to change but I'll walk you through what's here today and what's here's bigger GPU support obviously you could there's a fan master to the side to a 120 millimeter currently set up as exhaust and then there should probably be perforation we don't have a top panel here today but I think it's specially perforated on both sides at least one so the GPU should be able to intake on its own via fans on the video card through the perforated holes and then exhaust I think the tops probably be enclosed but we'll see if the fins are vertical it will exhaust up and down but if you have a fan in the back it doesn't matter the pressure from the fans gonna overcome pretty much everything else anyway so it shouldn't really be any heat buildup power supply ATX intakes from the back again probably through perforated holes on the or perforation on the side panel of the case and then that'll exhaust out the back towards me where the i/o is for the video card so this is not finished the current ATX power supply on here is not finished that will change but I think the idea is targeting more of the high end user which is probably what more of you would be if you're buying something like this something comparable for example to the razor core or to double box previously game box stuff like that so that covers the the power color sweet couple questions for you as viewers do you care about any of this stuff if you do why if you don't why and I guess hearing the prices so like $200 stand alone and this one comes with a video card so kind of hard to give a price on that stand alone because don't have one yet but what would you pay for something like a steel small enclosure like these with maybe a couple USB ports or what do you think is reasonable to pay given that it costs money to make things so let us know below otherwise subscribe for more Zoe's and go to cameras next to stops out directly thank you for watching I'll see you all next time
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