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Dungeon Dashers Gameplay: Laid-Back Playthrough / Preview

hey everyone this is steve from gamers nexus dotnet and we are back with some dungeon dashers this game was covered in one of our earlier episodes of green light spotlight so that means it is on steams greenlight service and needs a vote to to make it steam so what we have here are four characters that you can use to play in this classic dungeon crawling styled adventure it is 2d and is currently single player but has multiplayer being added so you can take turns with these four characters in in future games with your friends so let's see what we have here is some pretty sweet music I must say those look like traps I haven't gonna step on them ok they're not detonating yet oh oh sweet ok so uh if you have not been able to tell so far this is my first playthrough of dungeon dashers I stepped on the the teleporting thing and my guys teleported so there you have it see what we got here ok so first of all in the bottom right you'll see that we have our movement indicator and health of course I have 10 more moves left basically until the next person goes which looks like is a goblin if I'm reading this chart properly so what I want to do is see what I feel like these squares might send the spikes up so I'm not going to step on them quite yet let's use one of the one of the powers here oops totally stepped on it hopefully I didn't kill have my guys and let's just uh stabby stabby alright so we got some angry goblins with bows and my leet sauce rogue here just dodging like a monster of course and by dodging like a monster I mean taking an arrow to the knee and taking 12 damage hopefully he survives I'm not sure I don't have high hopes for this guy now we got our what is this this is our Archer oh I did Spanish traps on my guys uh uh totally intentional by the way because that shows the goblins that you are not afraid of a little bit of pain they now know that I am nothing to be fought or feared wait I I mean I am something to be feared and at just nevermind let's just kill them then there we go that seems like a good start as good as start as any I'll hit enter to go to my next guy which is the mage ow oh he's not even gonna make it through these spikes is he oh there we go three health that's what I'm talking about what does this do I probably shouldn't be messing with those anymore should have fireball over here yeah that's what I'm talking about now we got our monstrous warrior who who's not afraid of a tiny spikes I don't i'm pretty sure i can't go yeah i can't go through that well that's the Warriors turn very inconsequential back to our rogue I can't remember exactly what these abilities do I don't think they're labeled within the game they're actually labeled in a text file right now because this is an early build let's try let's try the second one I guess I pushed to for that yep I don't know if I worked or not but I'm gonna stab him to death or or get shot to death one or the other you know as a lot of something hi I'm just trying to keep the game flow in here I'm I'm all for a little bit of damage on both sides let's try this headshot icon to it that does oh ok I think it makes her more accurate or something if i recall correctly shoot that guy BAM oh that is what I'm talking about explodes into giblets and blood and all kinds of stuff you could make a milkshake out of that let's move to to the wizard again oops okay we're gonna try the ice one this time uh BAM sweet I love that very satisfying kills in this game and looks like there are some chess at the bottom so I'm gonna send the wizard to step on these and see if there's stupid spikes turn off nope looks like I'm gonna have 200 a lever that's that's convenient are they off now nope they sure are not well I'll pick up the gold and uh and be happy with what I get I suppose okay so my team is basically dead and I don't know how to heal them or if it's even possible I'm feeling I'm feeling pretty good about the left door because like there's nothing in there so let's uh oh oh um how do I close the door since there is there a way to close the door please please respond uh I feel like the warrior should go first here but they're just gonna shoot whoever's in front to ribbons so the Rogues gonna go cat I mean hide cower hide I mean no he's gonna encourage them he's encouraging the warrior that's what he's doing I I misspoke there so this one is luckily an archer that looks like a human I'm not sure if I'm supposed to kill that but let's do it anyway okay she gets another turn apparently what is number to do let's see what to does am flaming arrow with it looks like a of effect damage that is some sweetness right there and I will pass try n turn here nope I will pass the turn right there and hopefully send the Minotaur charging towards the warrior yep i'm not sure if they can walk through the warrior or not i really hope they can't because if they do the rest of my team dies and they have some big stuff right now so let's see if this fireball does area effects how do i go to the next end Oh tab reveals health that's good is there a way to skip to the next enemy let's just shoot this guy sweet looks good okay Minotaur is frozen hopefully they can't walk through him but I feel like they can let's do let's do too because it looks like something that will actually hurt them oh man I looks good I will that to cleave I think that's a cleave sweet I think I'm gonna try and slip in here and stab a guy and then slip out that's my that's my plan uh stab stab run away okay good enough for the road ouch that's a only nine damage against he does have any health or something like that so I'm going to move her back up hit number 4 to do that accuracy or whatever it is the I think was extra damage and we're gonna try number three this time just because I feel like it's gonna snare them yet it does indeed snare them and I'm gonna need all the help I can get with keeping these guys where they are so I am quite happy with a tener that sucks apparently they can move through their own and snared enemies or allies whatever they are so do keep that in mind if you play this game let's freeze him and kind of take him out of commission for a turn that way I don't have to worry about my warrior dine just yet now I don't have any any yet Oh before I say that let's try three let's see what three does that looks like a one I don't know I'm assuming it did damage to both of them and or something along those lines anyway I was saying something about oh yes I'm not particularly attached to any of these characters so I have quite fine with them dying although I will try my best to show the game in a real environment and not let them die quite as often as I might normally let's go ahead and try and snipe this guy out of existence you can do this come on there we go let's open the door with the with the warrior I can hit enter to switch through the turns let's get this I don't know if that even does anything I pushed one to do the armor thing but I think it just baked some standard place hey big surprise some bad guys appeared so I'm gonna hit one and see if that makes them stronger or something I feel like it does for not really sure what for does but let's uh let's just stab him in the face oh wow that was effective surprisingly and run away brave sir robin brave whatever he is Sir sir Rogan and now now for some more sniping siphons always good I think that number 2 i'm pretty sure it was area of effect but i don't see anything to area of effect allies so we're just gonna go with the normal sniping and move back a bit and that's the turn for her so now we're up to the wizard i'm gonna go for the free spell it has been one of the better ones because it does decommission an enemy entirely which is good when I have a combined total of maybe 50 health between all my guys so the goal here for the game now that I am I will take a break from commentating for a second the goal of the game is to kill everything in the dungeon get some loot oh this looks bad get some loot and not die so just like in grapple your goal is to not die that seems like a pretty common goal in games but one that I am nonetheless not very good at achieving time to run away with the Rokia he's I think my Archer is the one who should maybe be in the front and take some damage for a second because she's the one with the highest health right now oh yes that is awesome area of effect for the win please don't kill anyone please please don't kill anyone I need those things he has loved the wizard such a sweet the I mean that the game looks simple right but it's really like everything feels really satisfying when you do stuff so really at the end of the day it's about feel of the game and this game has very good feel for a it's definitely still a work in progress as the developer has mentioned several times however I am quite happy with the way the attacks feel and the way the the abilities work even though I've had to kind of figure them out on my own it is pretty fun so far so I have high hopes for this game and of course collecting treasure to get loot is our goal if I can survive this onslaught I don't think I can but I'm going to try if only for you YouTube you are my inspiration here let's go into armor mode still not entirely sure what this guy stuff does ok you can shadow step into the middle of them that seems bad so I'm gonna try I think three bakes him go like stealth mode but because of my low health I'm actually gonna do it anyway wait did he just take damage from that I don't know what just happened um backstab mode ? oh oh no oh rip update rogue is dead did not mean to end the turn there but alas I did and the rogue is probably not going to survive that although it looks like he's in a stealth mode right now so I have as much hope as I can possibly place in that I suppose without knowing exactly what that mode is or what it's doing that looks bad that looks like a lich or something I'm gonna fireball it and it has been fire bald apparently has 90 health because it only took a 30 damage and it's one third down oh they spawn things oh no no I know a stealth mode was not stealth mode or I misunderstood it but that's the fun of playing a game blindly so looks like our warrior is holding strong ish i'm gonna try number three again that seems to work yes i like that and our armor mode and let's use this archers explodey arrow to explode ethan's there we go got some stuff exploded new verb by the way and time to retreat a little bit past the turn and hopefully not die immediately if they are indeed going to keep spawning things and i met to health in the front here so he's dead yes he is so dead mark my words next hit dead dead game uh-oh next hit hit after this hit ah that's in cleve quite like I wanted to uh oh not a faction fights it took a chance and I'm gonna die for it well I guess I might as well hit as much as I can before he dies oh man and that was that was quite a good potentially last blow from him not sure which to click not sure I feel like playing a meanie miney moe or something eenie meenie miney moe catch a zombie by the toe if he hollers cut his head off frozen that seems good to me poor wizard man that poor wizard what did he ever do to deserve this other than be a wizard in a dungeon that that's always a bad first step in your career who wakes up and says I want to be squishy for a living so I've got a choice here of running and not getting too far or picking up that gold pile to the right and then dying immediately I'm gonna run I'm gonna run like the the heroine she is I wonder if I could use those spikes to my advantage maybe I can run down there and then hit that intentionally trigger the spikes while their pet oh that plan might not work out after all I did I really sincerely did not think they would make it all the way up to her because the skeletons have seemed slow thus far so what I'm gonna do set the spikes off and then just blast them as they come through the wizard if he makes it that far down if I don't make it to this then oh it sounds like they went off excellent that is good news for me yes they went off hopefully the skeletons died just walking through them I don't think they're smart enough to not walk through them so we will see if metagaming has Gansey oh oh I see it just straight up close the door that's not what I wanted to do huh that's interesting I can't even reach goodbye cruel dungeon quest failed seems like as good a start as any at least given our track record on UTV or mine I should say so that is the gist of dungeon dashers as it stands now it is quite simple because it is still in full development go support the developers search for actually just visit description below click on all the links that you want to click on if you like this game it is pretty sweet as far as the gameplay goes I'm very happy with mechanics multiplayer is also coming soon so hopefully we can really really get some enjoyment out of this game with up to four friends I believe is the promise although again full development and all of that so disclaimers as necessary it looks like there are different load outs here so do keep that in mind you can actually get some load outs I believe currently anyone who buys the game will get access to this game that I am playing right now so do check it out if you like it and if not we do have more games coming soon so keep an eye open on the channel and with that I will see you guys next time peace
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