ECGC: Unreal Engine 4 Tools Demonstration - How to Use Blue Prints
ECGC: Unreal Engine 4 Tools Demonstration - How to Use Blue Prints
we're going to do just a quick intro for
the new folks and then probably take a
deeper dive on the topic of blueprints
famous writer in seven so here goes act
hey folks so uh yeah the sack parish i
work for epic games i'm a tech artist
basically to play with the tools all the
time so here's the deal right we got 40
maybe 45 minutes before i'm proud that
boy give it a hook out at that point so
what I'm thinking is that there's
actually since you got probably know
what using this there are some YouTube
videos out there they give kind of a
base level intro the same thing under to
GDC in the matter of fact syndicate in
about an hour ago so I'd like to just
jump in and do some cool things in
blueprint which is a village enforce
visual scripting system how many
programmers do i have in the room right
now i'm not sure if you guys are going
to tell you what's about to happen
really so blueprint is visual scripting
how many of you as programmers audibly
grown whenever you hear visual scripting
it's okay a lot of media exactly there's
a really i could have done that in line
of code right i always get that like
i'll make accomplished thing every blue
printer for kismet i'm using Yui 3 and
like that a program always come by and
have the same thing they're living I
could have done that in two months ago
and that's okay we embrace that the
point of the fact of the matter is it an
unreal engine 4 we realized that there
are a lot of people out there who want
to make games and not all of them have
CS degrees and not all of them know how
c++ work so you might be like me in the
oh it scares the living hell out of you
and you have nightmares about it so
that's why we have blueprint what I'd
like to do is do some cruel things in
blue crit but I have an option for you
guys you guys may feel a little bit
interactive I have something that is
fairly useful and involves interactivity
on characters and have something that is
kind of bizarre and fun so who wants
somewhat useful who wants bizarre and
fun okay we'll go with his arm fun and
if we have time we'll come back and read
movie so let's see here let's start off
we're going to make our own game project
currently I'm in a project that already
exists if you mean for let's just do our
own thing I'm going to readjust my very
crazy workspace is that going to work I
look that extra cabling is possible so
500 let's do a whole new project of our
very own and if you haven't yet how many
people have played with you before a
little bit so far oh my god that's huge
i love that how many people are going to
i want everyone else's hand i right okay
screw in the project when you create a
new project you get the project browser
and you're going to see a variety of
different templates that you can choose
from if you want kind of a head start in
a certain genre me so you can see things
like first person you'll see side
scrollers their personal they've got
more of these on the way we're back slip
ups release it at least one more and
more that we're planning so eat with
each one of these genres that you'll
notice there are two versions like if
you take a look at first person here we
have a blueprint first person and we
have a code first person so if you're a
C++ programmer and have visual studio
installed it can be the freak spreads
addition if you don't have Pro you can
use the code version and everything that
you do all the things that
access to our right there in c++ code
for you make it adds to them if you're
not coder me and you can make the
blueprint version where the exact same
thing has been done with the exact same
functionality operate the same way but
it's been done visually employed which
is what we're going to look at so let's
call this my awesome projects because
I'm super clever with my names on it
create now there's a little check box
there that says include starter content
that's just going to give me some basic
materials and some meshes to play around
with if I want to do that a little bit
later so here we are in my first person
template game I could reach up i can hit
play and who i turn the sound off
earlier let me let me fix it we also try
not to death in people because I might
well that's a little bit
so first person template ready
straightforward you get a character of
course you get a little gun here you get
some project idols and even that is
strangely satisfying somehow so what I
want to do is I want to create kind of a
random bizarre effect we're going to
rain in physics objects down from the
sky so it's actually gets to cover some
random spawning stuff we're going to do
some stuff with variable materials that
you need a randomization effect and I
thought a lot about what we should
actually use to rain out the sky and in
one of the other projects that I have
access to welcome you maybe I should
just show let's do it that way first off
make sure I know exactly where we're
going to be here in our chain or the
documents project I'm totally cool with
that so I'm going to jump back a project
in fact what we're looking at just a
second ago and bury in here is a very
special assets you actually see how to
migrate assets for one project to the
next let's take the content browser and
I'll to bring it front and center for
just a moment and let's see let's do a
kind of a telling search term here let's
search for cows
there he is I've got this little static
match cap isn't he awesome foaming let's
rain these down from the sky that'll
make me really happy I need that kind of
satisfaction so what I'm going to do is
I hear the content browser just go right
click on that and choose my grade and
it's going to say here's all the things
that that cow depends on here's all its
textures all those materials all the
things that make it up are going to have
to migrate along with it that's good ok
now it's gonna say where do you want to
send that to so let's find documents
with my on real projects there is my
awesome project and there is this
content folder so we'll select that
click OK and we get a little message
content migration was successful awesome
so go back to our recent projects and
jump back to our project it's fine by
the way for all my unique a user's gone
are the days where you have to do
multiple installs of unique a right so
you just have one install you have
multiple projects that alone made me so
happy so now back here in our context we
can go jump into the content browser and
now let's search for cow and our cow is
here now let's do a couple of things
with this cat first off I want to take a
look at it to material so currently
here's its material network it's really
not super complicated we have three
colors we have the base color which is
kind of if this cow is white if you
actually want to see this on the mesh by
the way all what you can do is select
the static mesh and click the set match
button here in preview and now we can
see our little cattle right here in the
material editor so we have three colors
we have white pink and grey you can kind
of see how those replaced let's mess
with that just a little bit so I'm going
to take a spot color and I'm gonna make
a slight change oh now by the way you'll
notice each one of these notes has a
green bar at the top I think these are
parameters that means I can talk to them
later using blueprint or code it's
basically an aspect of material that is
ready to edit we're going to take the
base color and you're going to multiply
it by the spot color
and then we're going to make that result
feed in this popular it's not going to
be a really significant change in terms
of our cal but what it means is if we
take the base color and change it like
let's say for some random example we
want a stylish pink cow those spots are
going to pick up just a little bit of
that color so I like that idea I also
like the idea of our cow going back to
white at least for a little while longer
okay so we're done here let's go ahead
and save our changes and try i'm going
to try to remember that the parameters
based space color because knowing that
name will be super helpful so now we
have a couple of different effects
there's a lot of different ways you can
handle any any particular problem in
code and blue cranking life whatever so
i'm going to create a blueprint object
that we can just write down from the sky
and will populate that with a cow so
let's go into my blueprints folder and
I'm going to just pick an empty space
will right click and create a new clip
right this is going to bring up the
parent class window every blueprint
asset you create needs to have a parent
class what is this going to instantiate
from in this case we're going to choose
actor actor is pretty high level it just
means anything that could exist in some
way in our game we have options though
we could make a character blueprint or a
player controller or game mode we don't
need any of those two moment just choose
actor we need to give this a name so
we'll call this dynamic cow because he's
going to be a physics object by the time
we're done we'll open this up and now we
need to start assembling our blueprint
object now blueprint can be it's
comprised of several different things or
it can be as components that will make
it up in this case it'll be like a
static match but it could have other
things to look at things like a light
component to it or a sound component if
we wanted
to move every so often so he has some
default settings he has the components
that will make him up and then we have
the graph which will define his behavior
let's start with components obviously we
need our mesh in here so I'll just make
the most of my user interface let's
bring up our cow over here here's the
static mesh I'm just going to drag and
drop that right into my components list
so suddenly my blueprint has a static
mesh cow perfect already changed some of
the settings of that static mesh cow
we're going to scroll down and one of
the properties available in here is
simulate physics we'll just check that
make sure that's on there really i think
that's about as far as we need to go
right off the bat if there's if there's
more than I need to do I can always jump
in and do that a little bit later so now
next thing we need to set up some
behavior so that when this guy is born
he gets a random color but here we are
in the graph for this blueprint object
we're going to right click and create a
new event very much the way kismet was a
ton religion three you can create events
and actions the only catch is you have
to think linearly which I'll explain
here in just a moment so let's see here
let's do events for begin play which is
literally the moment this actor comes
into being in our game then we want
something to happen well we want to talk
to its material we don't even know what
that material is going to be
and we have no direct or an easy way to
access it so what we're going to do is
jump over to our others are other graph
X have two graphs for this object we
have the construction script and we have
the event breath now the construction
script actually fires in the editor it's
kind of like before this they never
comes to intervene so let's see here
we're going to take our cow so currently
we have the static meshes check it out
over here in components you can see
here's a list of all our components and
we have our one static match let me
rename this just for clarity we will
call this our cow mash now back here in
the graph I can take that cowl mesh drag
it right into the graph like so and now
we can start doing things to it so let's
get its material
so now we have direct access to the
material that was applied to the next
thing I'm going to do is create a
dynamic version of that material that
material that we created is going to be
compiled and it's going to remain static
drought gameplay I want to dynamic when
they can actually change during gameplay
I need to make a dynamic instance that
exists within this object that's what
we're doing now now I hate to tell my
construction script to make that happen
so I'll connect my execution wire now
earlier I grabbed my cow flesh we got
its material and we're going to take
that material and make it dynamic so
really just plugging some things
together some very hard and visual
scripting now that we have a dynamic
version there's two things I want to do
I want to store it in a variable so we
can talk to it again later on and I want
to apply it back to our mesh so let's
start with the story min here we have
the note that create that dynamic
version i'm just going to right-click on
its return value and promote that to
variable will call that dynamic material
done comes easy now we just need to
apply this back to the mesh itself so
let's take a wire remember a little cow
flesh over here we can drag a blank wire
out here and say set material
it's going to ask for a few things it
will say what material element zero is
fine is something only has one material
what do we want to actually apply this
dynamic version that we created a moment
ago done everybody kind of see how that
worked not you look still awake that
makes me happy who isn't awake right now
gotcha totally hear you got to put up in
every you look comfy all right so we've
got our events begin place and now we've
got a dynamic version of this material
we can grab this now we can use this to
start talking to the parameters in that
material so let's say we set vector
parameter because that color is just a
we need to know the name of that
parameter it was base color
now what value we want to give we can
set this anything you want but we like
something's a little bit random and to
make that happen we have to know a
couple of things first off you have to
know that a linear color value is just a
vector but it's affected with four
elements we have red green blue and
alpha oh my god I have audience
participation this is awesome as long as
you guys aren't throwing rice I'm okay
front rise to your toaster a newspaper
if you're getting these references thank
you so much all right so what I'm going
to do is I'm going to work backwards in
would print the sexual in my favorite
ways to work I know that I need
something that will end up being a
linear color so let's make one oh there
we go where the note that's going to
make a linear color out of four float
values how are we going to handle that
well let's take our first float value
again we'll work backwards and let's
just type the word random and we get
some options so we're gonna do a random
float within a range and the way our
color is working on meal for rent green
and blue Scalia value between 0 and 1 so
we'll set in 20 max to one will take
this note will duplicate it will plug
each one of these into RGB and by the
way of any of the programmers in the
room we're kind of like well why didn't
you just get a random unit vector or
something like that you totally do that
it just gives more vibrant colors we go
this way all right so I think I think
that's going to work but there's a catch
right now we don't have anything
actually spawning this guy just yet so
let's put this guy away we're done with
a dynamic how for a moment and let's
build our spawning system so I'm gonna
make an entirely new blueprint now let's
just right-click and we'll make a new
blueprint again from the
class factor and we're going to call
this cow spawner because that's a that's
like a useful name will open this up and
again we just get sort of a blank slate
where we can start adding components and
adding behavior and so on and so forth
so the way I want to set this up is I
would like there to be a three
dimensional volume like a box and we
will spawn our towels from random points
within that box right so they can't like
a volume emitter so let's start with a
box probably easiest way to do this so
there we go a box done now I in the
editor it's going to be a little tricky
because this is just a wireframe box
right clicking on selecting anything
that is just a wireframe can be a little
bit of a pain so let's add a billboard
which by the way still is the old school
dragon icon from years and years ago in
unreal it's one of those little things
that makes me kind of heavy so let's
compile that right now it doesn't do
anything and let's just add it into our
level I can move it up here into the air
we can scale it change its size it's
pretty much set to go now we just need
to set up on it some behavior for it
let's go into its graph and we want
whatever this is going to do we want it
to do this as soon as we begin playing
so we will right click and again we'll
say begin play so I'm going in-play we
want to do something in this case we
want to spawn that's blueprint that we
just made for the dynamic cow so just
drag a wire off of this node and let's
just let that spawn
and we get spawn after from class
perfect we need to choose that actor so
we're going to click on the little drop
down here and use our search bar let's
type out dynamic cow there it is cool so
we're going to be spawning these and
that's good now there's a few catches
here we need to know where we're going
to spawn it from so we need to make a
random selection point within the volume
of our box so what I'm going to do for
starters just grab that box component
which is currently in my my blueprint
list there we're going to get that and
let's say I don't really know what I
want so let's just drag a wire off that
and start trying to make things up so
here I can get the expense of the box so
I see if i type extent or if i could
spell extent that would probably help so
we have a choice we can get the scale
extent of the box or the unscaled extent
i know this would be really accessible
to a user I want them to just be able to
grab this volume dropped into a level
scale it up to whatever they want and it
just works so we'll grab the scale it
extends to the box like so and that just
gives us a vector for the X dimension
the y dimension and the Z dimension so
we can use that kind of as a base but we
need to break it up so let's break that
vector into its x y&z now we need a
random range within each one of those
axes so let's start there next we'll
just right click
and say random floats within a range and
of course once again that gives us a min
and a max now our extensive the boxes
are just going to run positively that's
just how it works so what we're going to
do to make this work is we will take
safety x axis will take X and make that
max for the min will take x we will hit
the multiply sign so we'll multiply a
float by a float it'll say negative 1 so
we just made a negative version of that
x axis value and we'll plug that into
minimum so we're going between the
negative extent of the positive extent
we just need to do this three more times
so we can grab these two nodes ctrl-c
ctrl-v control V after plugging some
stuff in take Y plug it into max take Y
plug it into our partner same thing
so I now have three random values that
represents random locations along each
one of these axes now I just need to
make them back into a vector now there's
still three disparate numbers at the
moment so we can take any one of them
drag a wire out and say make a vector
and then just plug each number in now
that gives us most of the way there
there's a catch all we're getting right
now is the extents of this box but we
don't have an origin point we don't yet
know where to start the calculation from
that's pretty easy to get so we're just
going to take into right click here in
space actually and say get location and
there's one of the things that pops up
is get at your location that is where
this guy's place that's where we can
begin all of our our location
calculations now let's just add the two
together so why isn't this math stuff
excited by the way who's bored yet I
want to love math and I want to be good
at it I can't do it either those things
but I can watch my way through for this
kind of stuff so there we go we're not
adding these together we have a random
location we have only one last thing to
keep in mind that this is sort of an
unreal ism or you might be familiar with
the spinner how much game work you've
actually done what we need is a
transformed transforms not just location
that location rotation and scale all
together so we can take our new location
have been created and let's say make
and that's also asking for some inputs
for rotation and scale we can leave
those just as they are and everything
would work but let's have a little bit
of fun with this so for rotation we can
work backwards and we can say random
rotator so now each one of our cows will
have a random rotation pull that I'm
gold them as well and so just check that
on and after scale let's work backwards
again so we'll say make a vector and
just like we did earlier let's do a
random within range so when you decide
what the largest and smallest start out
and possibly be moving let's just guess
we'll say small will be about from 5
largely about 1.8 we can always adjust
it later and then we're going to take
that same value and plug it into x y&z
that will make this scale uniform I
think we're pretty much done the only
catch is and I realized this a little
bit too late we're doing this spawn only
when we begin play I think what that's
going to mean is we're only going to get
one cow but that's exactly what i mean
so let's give it a try any minutes just
play and we get our one cow but he does
have a random color because it wasn't
yellow before shooting
which is strangely satisfying but let's
change that up modify the behavior
slightly so let's get rid of begin play
and I wish to live right here on time
lets this to on tick which means every
single time the game cycles is going to
spawn another count that's a bit extreme
right that things we're going to get a
whole lot workhouse we probably need so
as a safety factor let's put with delay
in here and went to is fine for starters
but let's say maybe the point 05 so it's
not going to be quite on every tick but
will be a hell of a lot of tips let's
jump in here and I can play or I can
simulate let's just simulate to again oh
that makes me so happy I'm sorry I'm
supposed to give you a demo but I really
you guys can do that anyway moving on
okay too much coffee that's what that
was all right so I guess the next
problem that we have is that these cows
live forever which while that is kind of
joyful it makes me pretty happy the
catch to that is that of course over
time you're going to have so many cows
that your computer is going to start to
slug a little bit so let's make a self
destruct system you have a flow up some
cows okay so here's how we're going to
do this for yourself we're gonna make a
new blueprint and if you are taking
notes the only thing I'd like you to
take this is kind of the mentality i'm
using i'm gonna make a new blueprint
then I'm going to call explosion Michael
wondering why I outro to do that why
would you make an explosion blueprint
less because of explosion when you think
about it several different things it's
never just it's never just the visual
effect an explosion is going to have
sound an explosion we can it can have
force we can make it have forces these
are all physics objects and they have a
particle effects as well anytime you
need one thing to be made up of multiple
bits and pieces multiple components you
should be thinking in your head could
this be a blueprint so let's give it
that one so let's start off with the
particle system we know we're going to
need one now actually I got to change my
mind let's start off with our sports
let's do a radial force out of this so
here my add components list there's
stuff that I can advent at fault take a
look there's a radial force now let's
open this up I know you guys can't
really see the screen very welcome here
so to take my word that everything you
see here is awesome the radius of this
force let's kick that up to about 500
we can always adjust that later if you
need to make it bigger or smaller
impulse and for strength or would really
give us our outward push right so let's
see here let's say that is something
really low and sensible like a million
will set that for both of them you know
just try to keep things nice and subdued
and sensible at all times then let's see
here what are we going at our our
particle effect I'll be fine so let's go
over the content browser and here in the
game's folder so if I just search for
explosion we get our little there zappy
explosion here or I could just you know
what I'm going to do this a different
way just kind of her academic partners
will spawn that actually is part of the
behavior so we have our force we have we
could add an audio component that'd be
great so let's do audio and we need to
just tell this what sound there actually
is an explosion Q so that comes in with
that starter content if you guys
remember when i created my project will
check box for starter content the
explosion stuff is already in there for
you play with we won't worry about
multiplying the volume though I've gotta
admit that is pretty tempting so let's
say I now come over to our graph and we
will say on the in play the moment this
explosion is born what do we want to do
first off we want to spawn and emitter
application what location we want to
give well let's say the location of this
actor so we'll say get after location so
wherever this explosion is we're going
to spawn a particle effects what
particle effects will we had you asked
well the explosion effect
they're also to go that was super easy
well this also allows us to be
automatically destroyed as soon as it's
done see the auto destroyed checkbox if
you can bring that from here the next
thing I'm going to do is right after
we're born we want to delay very briefly
and then let's turn off that gigantic
force that we have because if not just
going to keep pushing things out and
exploding just like one quick and then
it's done right so we'll do a very brief
delay let's say something like point 1
seconds and then we will destroy a
component and since it's good it's going
to ask us what do you want to destroy it
we just take our radial force component
that we've had it get a reference to it
drag a wire off and then just type
destroyed boom that's gone awesome now
let's see our sound effect and I'm
cheating for time right so I know my
sound effect is about four seconds long
so we will delay further by about four
seconds will say like 3.9 because I've
already delayed by like 11 and as soon
as that's done we are going to destroy
this actor meaning the explosion
blueprint is going to kill itself and
beyond so it's pretty easy network to
grasp when were born we spawn a particle
system we wait a second we turn off our
force we waited for a couple more
seconds and then we kill ourselves
perfect level
I just go ahead and save this compile
now meanwhile back over here in our cab
we're going to create a new custom event
which we will call kill this cow when
kill this cat was called all we really
wanted to do is to spawn an actor from
class now commit something what we're
going to spawn exploded exactly perfect
it's all in the explosion and then we
will simply destroy this actor so we'll
kill the cows on the explosion we have
to do it another order by the way
because if we kill the actor first we
never get an opportunity to spawn your
foot and we do need to fly a transform
here so I'm just going to work backwards
we're going to cheat this time going to
say get after transform so wherever this
cow happy to be that's where we're going
to spoil the explosion and everything
should be good to go now we have just a
little bit of work left and plenty of
time in which to do I want this to be
wrong I guess there's a couple of ways
we give you a list of the simple way
first just for sake of ease notice here
on the event begin play we choose our
random color and everything let's give
it delay let's say after how long before
we start blowing these up two seconds
three seconds with little pile up for
this let's say five seconds
say after a five second delay who
actually kind of what was too close to a
random delight Holly had letter random
is a lot more fun you can take that a
lot away so stake out the duration and
we're actually going to feed that a
random value between 0 I don't know say
three seconds and five seconds that'll
work and as soon as that's done we will
simply call kill this guy that should be
hit hopefully this works unless I've
done something horrible make sure I
saved everything just in case i actually
do blow something out it's happened and
let's see let's just simulate so they're
blowing up but it might be a little
forceful it's possible that that's a
little extreme yeah maybe we back on the
force just a little bit but hey
everything's working right we got our
force we got a particle effect we got
our sound the particle effects actually
admits it's own light so we don't under
worry about that at all that makes me
really happy let's take that ain't no
horse component and maybe pull that down
slightly to a lot of I would say happy
that's right work
I believe the answer is it's amount of
force applied to the actual mass of the
object because we define all our sizes
and centimeters matts it becomes out of
grams and kilograms so it gets
difference but I was never very good at
actual physics you spikes punching
numbers until I get the kind of
explosion that I want that's the artist
approach right and that's where it all
looked like the the cs degrees are kind
of like don't worry they'll come behind
me and clean everything up right that's
a big room ok so let's see let's just
test this end I want a slightly saw your
explosion oh god
okay so it's still got what I'm down to
the wire in terms of time but I want to
do something a little bit fancy so what
we're going to do is I'm going to build
a self-destruct button so we love the
cows up when we feel like here's the way
we're going to do this as each cows is
created notice we have a return value we
see that cow right so let's take that
and let's promote it to a variable which
we will call cows will keep this super
simple I'm going to disconnect and I'm
just going to remove it from the graph
real quick I just want to exist so i can
turn that into an array go ahead and
compile make sure there's no errors so I
now have an array of all of the cows so
let's get that or each cattle that is
built I want to add an element to this
array so there's a note for that now
we're doing some program except for
working for the Rays what are we going
to add whatever came out of the actual
spawn each time we build something we're
storing it into this around very
straightforward okay now what are we
going to do well let's say that's quite
an input and there's a few different
ways to do this i'm going to show you
the right way though this is going to be
so fast that you're taking notes you'll
get it i'm going to go to my project
settings and under inputs i have some
action mappings let's go ahead and add
one we will call this action mapping cow
and we will expand it and we will slay
this to let's say to eat but easy done
will say that as a default great close
this out okay now here inside of our cow
slaughter we're going to do something a
little bit not something I would
recommend usually I have a lot more
elegant with how I handle inputs would
forsake of speed we have Auto receive
input we're gonna set that's a player
zero that mean this guy's always
listening out for inputs from players
rhythm now that we have that in place we
can just right-click you're in the graph
and let's see we have Selva Cal
self-destructs I have an event for it
now so whatever I hit me this event is
going to fighter and what we want to do
well we have actually I'm sorry I'm
putting this in the explosion with
something doesn't explode in this you
know that we don't need that anymore
let's go over to cow slaughter thank you
you know what I did to tonight but we
don't want him to listen to it but
that's good cows boner we do awesome
just make sure I'm in the right object
right time so self-destruct for the cows
boom what are we going to do we're going
to run a loop for each loop using this
or each Oh fantastic so soon as we press
this we're going to fire out the for
each loop using our array of house and
what do we want to actually have happen
well for each one of those for each
element that comes out which essentially
is each cow we want to call the kill
discal function and notice the system is
aware of that since this is actually
using the cow class as a data type it
knows the killed miss kau function
exists there so we can call that and
unless I'm terribly mistaken this should
already work we just need to make sure
we take our house and kill that part of
it that makes them blow up on their own
so I'm just going to disconnect that by
all clicking on the wire and they can't
go away so it is all worked and I can do
anything too horrible we should be able
to play game but the cow is build up for
a while shoot about one week of reward
and then it and they'll blow now last
thing because we're literally are down
to the wire but it's going to make this
so much more satisfying let's take out
the dynamic cow and when we kill that
let's do this let's do a delay soon as
we kill it you got any more do it really
i thought had to be done it 1215
okay you we'll make it work so go
delay and then let's do a random range
ratan um you know I can't spell and
let's say as soon as we kill this you're
going to our soon as we fire this event
you're going to wait for anywhere from
point two seconds to about 1.5 seconds
and then you're actually going to blow
up cap so let's close all of this out
actually I'm going to do a file save
also don't lose anything that's happened
for two and it's always depressing let's
take our volume will make it a little
bigger let's hit play oh my god get out
of the way all right okay sorry all
right let's hit e so it's only blowing
up the ones that existed at the time
there we go if you see how that delay
changes things so you guys got what you
asked for we went a week we had between
useful and fun of bizarre I hope this
was fun & bizarre enough for you do you
guys want QA or do you want me to try to
thanks or do you want me to try to show
you some useful stuff to use your useful
stuff okay we can do useful stuff so
what I want to talk about I guess for a
useful segment which I've all kind of
sort of done through fairly quickly is
making things interactable in your name
which can mean a lot of different things
right when you're playing a game you
want to be able to walk up to a lot
we're using the you kids are the EQ boil
up calots i'll probably change that in a
minute because usually when he hit the e
key to game let's gonna do a variety of
things right in some cases it might pick
up an object in other case is going to
open a door and some cases going to turn
off the light I want to show how to set
up that type of relationship quickly and
simply using this first-person template
but first we need some things that we
can actually work with some things we
can turn on and off so let's see we've
got this ceiling light that already
exists here we've also got this little
wall sconce let's grab the balls
bouncing this might be a kind of an
easier way to work with this this is a
blueprint that already exists as a part
of the starter content so I'm going to
grab it drag it on the wall will frame
up on it and let's hit geez that we kind
of see it a little better it needs to be
aligned to the wall surface I'm going to
rotate it a little bit go and you can
see it's shining a little bit of light
on well we could take the whole thing
and scale it a little bit that might
kind of help make it a little more
oh also when I hit play let make sure
that playing to the location of the
camera not from the players start that
way we don't accidentally jump around
our location they don't really want
again so what I'd like to have happen
here is to be able to walk up to this
light and just turn it on and off using
the e key right now when i hit a all the
cowboy up so let's fix that first i'm
going over to my project settings once
again you remember on my inputs we took
those action mappings and we had a cow
self-destruct currently slated to eat
let's change that over to our push that
one key over and then we're going to add
a new action mapping which i will call
use what's been that let's actually set
this one to the e key and so a little
more conventional something you might
have actually seen in one two or five
thousand different names you might have
played now here's the deal of our cows
bonner we set up earlier we did we told
it it should always be listening out
from inputs from the player but general
that's not how you want to handle things
you want to be a lot more i guess
elegant when how you handle inputs of
how you pass them off between different
players so let's start there let's set
up our little wall sconce here so that
it can dynamically handoff control to
the player and take it away and a common
way to handle that is by of proximity
only when the player is close to
something should they be able to
actually use it when they step away from
it they should be able to use it anymore
that's pretty easy to set up in
blueprint it's affecting a lot of ways
it's very similar to how you used to do
things in kismet and you've ever played
with that you had things like trigger
volumes of what now we're going to do
something really similar let's go over
to our components list and here we can
see the wall sconce we use of a light
component that makes it up to this list
of components we're going to add a box
component now we're going to resize this
a little bit
we can move it around freely we can
scale it we have all the same types of
controls that we have in the viewport
I'll make us a little bit wider it's
going to be super wide and pull that in
just a little and will kick up its
thickness and then I'm going to try to
make it kind of flush with the back of
the light fixture it does not have to be
perfect this is necessarily need to be
an exact science but if you get a lot of
these overlapping you could run into
problems you want to keep this fairly
trim down to just the object you want to
interact with let's call this
essentially give us a name so we'll
rename it trigger perfect now back over
here in our crap we're not going to
worry about the construction script in
this case just to show off what the
construction script is doing is allowing
us to send some public variables for our
lights you see over here i have the
brightness that i can adjust and get
real time feedback and take the light
color and make that really anything we
want and that's because each time I make
a property change the construction
script is firing now in terms of
gameplay the construction script will
only fire the moment this is spawned
when you play and it will never fire
again so it's a way for you to have some
in editor behavior as well as using the
event graph or your in-game name so in
terms of that let's take our trigger
which i just added a moment ago I'll
drag that in excess it's not dragon I'm
sorry we're just going to select it over
here in the mind blueprint list right
click it at the very top you see we can
add events for it and one of these
events is called on component begin
overlap which is a little bit of a
mouthful but what that means is when we
have entered the space of this volume
when it is overlapping with us we want
to do something on that note that
reminds me over an hour components what
make sure that trigger has some specific
collision properties an easy way to do
that is just change its preset will tell
it to behave like a trigger let's just
that happens to be one of the names of
presets if you want to know what that
does if you're the kind of person says I
hate presets because I never know what's
going on in the hood all it's doing is
changing a series of checkboxes about
how you're going to collide with objects
are you going to block stuff are you
going to register overlaps with stuff
what types of objects do you want to
collide with an optical eyelid and so on
we're going to use the trigger preset
for the sake of speed and then on our
component begin overlap we want
something that happen what we're going
to do is we're going to enable input
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