
All Cool Mind-blowing Gadgets You Love in One Place

EXTENDED Edition: Star Citizen Interview w/ Chris Roberts

well I mean a lot so we launched say the end of June June 28th which I think went over quite well we basically re-engineered the website the original one was built on WordPress and it was kind of this Franken say it was sort of a combination of a crowdfunding plug-in platform that wasn't very robust WordPress and they just had all sorts of issues and it couldn't scale very well so we built a new site there's a completely custom site that's built to be the site for the game like when it launches and can support millions of people and have a proper sort of basket system and be able to buy and sell and trade and do all the rest of stuff with your items that was big nightmare before and have a lot better way of content and with and we're going to be rolling out a lot more community features for it so the current website maybe has 30% of the final functionality there's going some really cool features we're actually going to redo we're going to do a whole new custom forum system and comment system that we're building from scratch because sort of plug in the vBulletin or the vanilla one which we're using now just don't do it for the level of interaction community we want integrated with the game and there'll be a really cool collector pedia but at least we've got the foundation out there now and the whole server system scales and it's much easier for us to manage things on a on a customer service basis so that's really good we unveiled some more ships so we showed off what the idris corvette looks like which i think people liked and a few of the other things like what the caterpillar looks like and we did a sort of 300i brochure which was sort of more in depth of the 300 a ship and also had sort of in fiction commercial for it that was really well received so it was basically done as a commercial like you would imagine origin Jim works and you know in the far future would like a BMW style commercial and so all that sort of happened which is great and then you know in the meantime the team's been really busy on the hangar module which is sort of what I was just sort of running around this is a sort of rough there's a bunch of things broken in in the bill but the idea is you will like we're going to launch it at Gamescon August 24th we have a party on that Saturday and then after that let people download it and it's our very first testbed of getting the client the engine the simple part of it out getting our stored on people's machines and working through you know whatever issues would be like compatibility issues all the rest of stuff and that will allow players to in their hangar they'll see the ships they've pledged the very first wave of the hangar module will only have the initial pledge ship so that would be the Aurora 300 I Hornet freelancer constellation but after that our plan is to continually sort of all these modules release you know the hangar module going to a dogfighting module at the end of December then the following year we'll have a planetside module and then we'll have a single-player alpha and then the sort of alpha beta of the persistent universe all these modules that we do once we release one version they don't they're not static we will like rev them every couple of months with a new drop and be adding features adding content so the whole idea is iterative development with the community so they're sharing in it they're getting to participate in it so I hope they all understand that at the early stages I mean you know this like when we do the hangar and we do the dogfighting it won't be as polished as a you know a beta is on an MMO that they've worked on for three or four years because this is a much earlier process but I think ultimately it will make a better game and a better experience for people at the end because by knocking out the problems early I think it will be much smoother in the end but at the beginning I'm sure there's going to be lots of teething problems I'll be just install issues you know we got performance issues right now because we haven't really concentrated on doing all the different level of details of the different ships which so if you don't have a fast machine you know it may run slower you'll definitely run slower than it will in the final bill but we've been how to work on the hangar module for launch later this later on in August and then we're also in parallel working on various things for the dogfighting which happens at the end of this year and so those are our two big main focuses the art crew is cranking on all the ships which are pretty involved I mean a simple ship like a fighter something like an Aurora is after the concept concept parts done it's two to three months so the concept part we design it out and we model it in 3d and that itself can take you six weeks to eight weeks and then after that when we bring it into we want to bring into the engine we got to clean up the model we've got to texture it we've got to break it apart into sub objects rig it animate it and bring it into the engine so that can that can take anywhere like from very beginning to the very end I think probably the shortest we could do is present like three months and and much more like six months or so on the bigger project I want ship yeah so there's a lot so there's a lot of well you know on the ships that we do like when we're sort of in the engine mode there's like six or seven people working on it on different parts and components of it so right now probably the most resources we have on the project are our resources so internally we have and we have about nine artists internally and then there's about 20 actually if I include the ones behavior is probably bout twenty four artists outside of our nine so there's almost like there's probably the biggest amount of staff on the project right now is an art team so there's probably about 30 people or so that are just working on art a lot of them are focusing on the ships some are focusing on the environments like the actual hangar the walls sections and some are on characters so we'll be showing some more character stuff but if you looked at the 300 a commercial you saw the spacesuit that the guy was wearing that was like one of the first outfits that we worked on but yeah it's all I mean basically there's a lot of asset production work because it's it's you know all the models much more dense and complicated than say they would have been if you're making it for a you know a 360 or ps3 star game well ya know so well that's B well you'll see a little bit of it in the hangar because you'll be able to walk around in the hangar in first person or third person when the planetside module will be sort of just expanding that out way you'll be outside going to the space bar or going to the ship dealer and it'll basically be the first sort of public prototype of what it will play like or feel like down on the planet between your space missions but you know that side of things is actually of all the things we're doing the less that's not that difficult because we're working CryEngine it's got a very strong first-person engine so actually on we don't do comment combat on the planet but we do combat like ship dish you know ship boarding action that doesn't require that's not a huge engineering task because most of the functionality is already there so we have to do some extra stuff to deal with zero-g and some other effects we want to have and we have to do stuff to interface with the server and deal with the persistent universe so that's actually probably the biggest engineering challenge is the persistent universe the server how you load balance that how you deal with the instances but the actual connects of walking around a first-person the objects that's really more a asset creation task because we know we have I think we promised 100 systems I think right now a map has about 115 systems each system can have multiple locations planets and each planet some of the planets can have multiple landing locations so something like Earth has three landing locations presently I just turned my student so so that's an asset creation so we're doing a combination some locations will have unique designs assets and some will be sort of a more modular system so like you know colony a you know will be made up of bits that you have on sort of that level of planet so that so so they're planetside stuff is more about like the overall design figuring out what the content is figuring out an efficient way that we can build assets to populate it all and still make it interesting so I would say that's more a sort of design and content challenge than a technical challenge technically the biggest challenge I would say is the sort of back-end server stuff some level of performance optimization and and then just making sure all the complicated ship systems that we're thinking about for dogfighting work well star citizen as it comes out the first Rev or whatever it's not going to have a seamless like you fly from atmosphere down onto a planet and we like generate a whole procedural planet because with the amount of star systems and planets we have it's just us so now unless you're doing some generic random looking planet which I'm not a big fan of it's that's like a Content issue just created that many assets so what's going to happen is we're not going to have any loading screens but you'll be in orbit around a planet and then you'll negotiate your landing at which location you want to land at and they'll give you clearance to land when you've negotiated it you're sort of basically here you know autopilot the same as you would do say in a Wing Commander or a privateer and it would initiate the landing sequence which will be an engine so you'll sort of see you'll be like your point of view and it'll just it will sort of take control you won't be able to fly it down and you'll be point of view going through the clouds externally will see you you know ship going through clouds and then the clouds will break and you'll see the area landing and you'll land and land on the pad and then controls back to you and you can step out and go visit this the bar or the shop or whatever this yeah yeah no so now we have a very complicated so we have a maybe I shouldn't say complicated I should say ambitious sort of faction set up so there are player there their game defined ones like standard things like you know the merchants guild or the missionaries guild or the UAE or their Jean which is sort of the various factions or races that you can be members of a work for be aligned with a be an opposition against we're also allowing the players themselves to generate their own factions at all levels so you can have you a small group or a bigger group the guild three members of oceans so we'll have both player Janet and player created factions and game creative factions and then your reputation between will get you know monitored and you know if yeah if you're if you're a wanted outlaw in UE space you probably not going to get landing permission to land on earth and so what will you know will generate that and that will also they'll also affect you know who you who you fight who you you run into when you're in space you're flying around because the position universe is always looking and seeing where the different players are and matching them up based on okay well you're a pirate and you're a merchant and you're going to cross paths well then you know put you into an instance and you can resolve that conflict tell me more about the types of encounters come across in space well well I mean this did I mean this there's two levels right so there's going to be the PV stuff which is the MPC stuff and and I think about a week ago we released a sort of how our economy dynamic economy is going to work we did on our website and the key with it is that it's not just the economy it's basically a system that generates missions as well as you know people buying and selling so sort of like the idea is a closed-loop system where planets generate resources you've got to refine them you've got to get them to other places where they manufacture them into ships or missiles or food or whatever it would be and the doing that generates missions for people to trade it also creates opportunity for pirates to pray on it pirates pray on a trading run then that will also generate missions from the factory that didn't get the goods it was expecting so the mercenaries guild saying here can you go in you know play escort on the trading run because I'm not getting my goods so the actual economy itself does a lot of the mission generating so the idea is if you're flying around in the universe relevant of whether you've said I want to be more pvp or more PvE you will see an active universe you will see people going about their days goods going from one planet to another planet pirates preying on a mercenaries defending a law enforcement going after the bad guys and if you are like so on it just wants to be sort of PvE and and more along those lines you'll still see this active universe it's just that a lot of the ships you'll see will be MPC ships or at least the ones that would be hostile to you maybe the ones that won't be hostile to you would be like a player and then if you're more pvp it's going to matchmake you up with people you know against real players versus NPC's so basically what happens is in our system we simulate the whole world like sort of a an AI ecosystem say and these are you know this is these aren't the actual proper numbers but just to give you an example say there was 20 million AI agents running around in this universe at any one time we're only ever going to get two million real players so basically all that happens is when a real player logs on he kicks an AI out of the spa so in the case where they'll be 2 million real players playing there will be 18 million AAA agents simulating and 2 million players playing around the universe so the universe is always no matter what you can go on by yourself no one else could be on and it would still feel like it's alive it's just been run by AI so what happens is real players just basically kicking a out of the slot but and either way it feels like an ongoing evolving you know active universe which i think is is the way we're trying to solve one of the big problems of a multiplayer game which is you know it's only fun when there's a big player base right if there isn't a big player base then who do you fight against whatever and the way we work is well there's always someone it just may be an AI and the same happens for missions in the economy like you know this Factory says I need three tons of steel alloy and puts a mission out there well if a player doesn't take the mission then an AI agent will take the mission and that will generate a you know a merger that goes from one planet to another planet and and so I think it will be it will be different than what a lot of these other games have been I don't know we'll see but I mean it's my instinct that it will kind of sort of combine the best of like what worked well in the privateer or a freelancer which was more a single-player experience and then what works well in sort of a full MMO where you've got the social experience where you're playing with your friends or even fighting against other people one of the questions from a community was about how you're handling specifically asking for PvE players will there be any direct involvement from the development side in terms of mixing things up like it's falling a war between one owner would definitely so that the whole design was kind of I was saying if that economy system I described is sort of an emergent system so it sort of reacts to what's happening and what the players are doing or who's blockading whatever so the goal of the game design is to have the players by their own actions generate a lot of what's happening in the universe and a lot of the conflict and interest and intrigue and then we as sort of the game masters are adding and feeding new content in on a weekly basis the same way on a website that we have like eight to ten posts a week we'll be adding new content in but the idea is you know we can never add enough content to keep up with how gamers are I mean they'll just blow through everything faster than you can great the idea is the gamers themselves create 8090 percent of the content that they're consuming essentially because it's all about you know their struggles for power or now which factions with what other faction and then we add in additional sort of stories like so like you know like a cool like five mission series where you could get this one item or we create a new sort of bad guy NPC or we have a new star system that we add this one can discover and so we sort of add these things in to sort of keep things changing and evolving and we're also looking at what the players are doing and based on what the players are doing we're sort of feeding that back into what we're doing sort of saying okay well you know this one faction is getting the upper hand in this area of the galaxy so let's make some new stories about it in our newscasts and then maybe let's send some you know let's let's switch something up so you know this other faction can come over here and get involved in what's happening over there so the idea is to make people feel like this universe is an ongoing living evolving universe and not something that's static like I don't like on a lot of the MMO played and it's hard for me to really get into a lot of them is they sort of feel like you're in a very earrin timeslice static world and then occasionally there's an update say once a year or something and then they change the world and I don't want the model of this should be more like very small iterative updates which is also what we're doing on the development that's why we're dropping things like the hangar module and dogfighting and doing it or development of them so it's just it's a different way of thinking about it but that's that's kind of the goal huh yeah yeah tell you what will we use that I mean so and actually one of the reasons why we're doing the public facing deliverables is the you know one problem to anyone that tells you about agile scrum is that people like you kind of kind of abuse it when it's an internal thing whereas yes it's always meant to be on like you're going towards a goal and it's a demo you're gonna have to do but you know when you're doing a demo for 200,000 people you can't like fake it right so it actually forces you to actually have it work properly and not be kind of jerry-rigged in the background so that's kind of one of the reasons why we're doing it because I sort of feel like it's it's going to force us to get our homework done sooner let me say that way because what happens normally development is that you tend to finish everything to like 80% of the way and you're like alright that's easy to do to fix up the last one but you're off to the next task because you're so busy and then what happens at the end that's why projects slip quite a bit is at the end of it you just you have a lot of things that you have to clean up and not any one of them is particularly like difficult or time-consuming but there's so much of it that it just you don't have enough time to get it all done and that's why everyone crunches at the end of projects and I'm not saying that our method is inherently going to make us be brilliant and everyone else dumb but I do think what it's forcing us to do is instead of having like one big crazy crunch at the end it's sort of smaller sprints where there's little crunches for it but you're in better shape as you get towards the end so you know it says you know it's like I don't know it's hard to give a good analogy of it but it would be like now you've got to run 26 miles but you decide that you're not going to you know run flat out for the last two miles you decide that every mile you're going to run 100 meters at the end of the mile fast and then you'll slow down again and do it again I mean we're basically you know implementing the system that I've talked about we've got most of it up and running so the way the ships work is all the functions in a ship like like they're tied to an actual object and item so like a targeting computer is an actual item that gets attached into your ship an engine is an actual item the thrusters each one of the thrust is an actual item the life supports an item each one of the guns would be an item you know so the power plan that powers your main thruster engine or the thrusters that's an item and they all connect to each other they have pipes and we can define the pipes but standard ones would be power power power pipe a data pipe a heat pipe so like a lot of things like like in the computer right you power it requires power but then it generates here and you have to dissipate the heat so in a game and for instance for us like you know our version of stealth is you just don't really have a very yet I'll have a big radar or electromagnetic signature and so you don't want to be generating a lot of heat because that's going to be create a bigger signature for the radar so you know a really fully stealthy ship was basically like a super cool computer and so you would need like a cooling you know your various like coolers attached to your engines and guns to dissipate the heat but of course they'll take some slots away from something else which could be a shield unit or whatever so they're basically all these different parts in a in a work with each other and so I mean you should almost think of the of the ship itself being almost like a case in the PC world and you decide you know what brains you're putting in it what GPU you're putting in what CPU you know I mean all those things are basically what you can customize that's one of the reasons why I think that you know the games can be pretty interesting because you know you could have the same players with the same chip and they could have they could have basically kitted out their with totally different builds and there's definitely gonna be a rock-paper-scissors to it right so one kind of build will probably trump another bill but then you could Trump that build with a different kind of build so part of I think combat when you're going up against people were kind of known how they set up you know they set up they set up a ship morphus for stealth and if so you need to change out your package for that because like if you have a really stealthy ship it's hard to get radar locks for your weapons and all the rest of stuff so maybe you need to have more scanners you know they and but more scanners will mean that you can't have as many other you know whatever weapon or as much power so so so we basically implemented that system you know the balancing of it's going to be a challenge but it's really cool and all those and the other thing that's really cool is each one of those systems has a physical component that gets put in the ship so like if you're shooting a ship for instance it's like it would be on a real ship it's not like we just roll a dice in which which which system gets hit it's literally our bolt go through like if we knock the shields down and we're going through the hull we've knocked the armor down now where our projector whether it's a physical projectile or an energy ball we trace that through the actual ship and does it hit that does it hit the life support does it hit the power plant does it hit this and if it does it'll do damage to it and with those damage to it because of the power system how they connect it will affect all they all the systems in it so it's all very emergent behavior it's like it's it's it's basically much more simulated than it should judicial because in a game most of this stuff is just like okay you've gone through the armor and now you've got a 20% chance you're going to hit the power plant and a 30% chance you'll hit this and you've done it critical here well that's not the way this works this is like literally if you're shooting in the right place where you know whether the power plant is or whether the life support would be then then and you get through the armor you'll hit it and you'll do damage to it and if you do damage to it it goes down then you know it goes I mean I you know the game is skill base right so it is not it's you're not you're not just clicking on it and shooting on it so it's really down it's down to you as a player knowing when you're shooting a ship kind of you know I I what I expect is the better players will start to sort of learn like in which ship where the components are and they all sort of know what areas to target once they've knocked down the shields and arm so I would say it's mostly skill based you know in terms of you just being able to target I mean there's various there's various ways you can target one is obviously just flying old-fashioned world war two style move your nose around target but you know on a lot of the ships they also have what we call class two or class four turrets but the class two turrets generally like one on the Apache where you know like if you had the rift on you're looking around and you're where you're looking is controlling where that gun is targeting so we'll definitely you know all those kind of parts will be in there so I just think there'll be a lot of fidelity and finesse in that part of the combat and make it much deeper than say any other space game has been for this kind of thing that's actually a good suggestion I don't think we were thinking about underclocking but I don't think there'll be any reason why you shouldn't underclock it to reduce your your your your heat signature I mean basically the process that we do is all the items get created and it's just like a chip where basically they'll have a potential that can go over what they're you know the default is and we just will when we create the item we roll a number you know maybe it's 20% maybe it's 30% and then you as someone that takes that item if you go beyond the recommended setting you're just risking destroying the item but you know sometimes maybe you have to destroy a couple items and you now get that rare item that can go plus 30 percent I think may generate more heat but you may have a bill that you've set up where you know you'll just do a little more damage for each one of your ship so but I definitely would see the ouvea there'll be sort of a market inside the game where someone like actually goes and collects these things overclock some and builds bills and then sells them for you know you know you know say twice as much as the base ship would cost but then you know you've got that little bit of edge yeah totally absolutely yeah you know like you know with whoever the best over caught you know digital storm whoever it would be origin PC you know they they can get that extra yeah they're there they'll definitely I think they'll be like boutique ship people out there actually the question in terms of players sign items are you handling that through some kind of auction house system well we're going to let people yeah we're going to basically sort of have a Craigslist sort of set up inside the game so people will be able to sell for game currency inside the inside the game there probably will be a sales tax they'll be on that just in general there's everything that we've got has like when you land there's a certain amount of like it's like transferring title to something right if you sell so on a car you got to pay your title fee it will all be in-game currency I think I mean so that's so it's not there'll be a small amount of that but it won't be don't think of this like an RPG where like the mechanic is you kill a bunch of orgs and they drop blue and then you take the loop back and you sell it for whatever and then upgrade an armor and stuff so it's not so much like there won't be as much loop drop like so normally if there's a combat and you blow a ship up like most of the stuff like the parts or it won't be salvageable man if you if you take over capture the ship then yeah you could basically strip off the parts of sell the parts so most of the time if you were going after a ship and shooting it it's more about like getting it to give you its cargo because the cargo would spill out and you could tractor that it so the thing is that them because there's a bit of controversy because people look at the video no it's not right but the actual physical simulation of the ship and how the thrust is assimilated is 100% correct you know it generates an impulse of thrust to start it turning an impulsive thrust to stop it turning there's no resistance in space but the visual representation that say in that video is really a representation of what the velocity what the angle of velocity is and not where the impulses from the thrust only because in space it doesn't actually require much impulse to start you rotating so if you actually visually showed what was really happening basically you would see the thrust ago and then it would go back to neutral and and fire that way so I sort of I had it doing it the correct way originally it just looked buggy so I changed it so you could just sort of see the thrust of facts it's kind of cool to see the thruster articulate and fire but the actual physical simulation underneath it is a hundred percent correct I'm actually I have I haven't had time it's one of the programming things that I'd like to go and play with you know because it's been some discussion on the forums I realize not that's not correct and I've try to explain to them that you know it's actually simulated correctly it's just the visuals are not matching up to what's actually happening in the simulation just because of the visual glitch aspect of it but I you know I think probably I will change it so you'll see it fire and then as it's starting to you start to slow down you'll see articulate and far in the opposite direction to slow you which still won't be a hundred percent correct because you actually are only firing a small burst each way and will obviously keep it longer but I'll do it I think is that well I think will address some of the the complaints people have and I think will make it a bit clearer so that will be maybe a better blend between the visual realism and and what I call sort of the sci-fi cool side of it right which is we have that constant struggle it's like you know yeah there's no there's no sound in space but you know you've seen Star Wars you like to hear to to know and yeah and also generally if you think about futuristic dogfighting odds are it's not going to be humans piloting it it would become it'll be computers because they can you know the the ship itself could take a huge lot more forces like when its maneuvering speeds were probably much greater than we currently allow you to do because we sort of keep it sort of in the Star Wars realm where it's essentially world war ii dogfighting in space well that's kind of fun I mean it's like even in today's world dogfighting isn't what it used to be forty years ago I mean most of us beyond visual range of here on a Monday jet fighter you know the you know most of the Jets and especially the US ones are all set they're all really for beyond visual range engagement which you know is in the real world kind of nice and safe what's not safe but it's it's a it's it's less dirty than getting up close and it's definitely safer if you're of the America that has the best technology against someone else but in a game sense it's not nearly as much fun as getting on someone's tail and seeing them and that tight turning place so so we always we always have to go the you know the there's a boundary between realism and coolness and fun well not really I mean I think that you will not be able to reload your sort of external amount of missiles unless you've landed in your rearm and refuel it should be like real life so I mean part of part of one of the goals and other one of the nuances of the combat is you know management of your ammo right so your energy guns don't run out of ammo they generally power from your power plant power plants you know are things like fission fusion antimatter they don't run out of power but your engines your thrusters expel matter to push you forward so you actually have to collect the matter to go forward so like hydrogen will be like you know one one kind of matter you could be expelling so basically the power plant creates basically the the the you know helps fuel the the energy transmission where you're pushing out this manner which will propel you forward so you so you have to manage things like your fuel levels which is basically the matter using two for propulsion but also ammo so now yes we have energy weapons but we also have a traditional projectile weapons so one would be obviously missiles but other ones will be things like you know real like uranium depleted rounds or something and the idea is that shields like shields are much better at like absorbing an energy weapon like a laser but then maybe not so good at like absorbing a projectile weapon like a like a bullet from her like an hour person Gatling gun or something but of course your projectile weapons will have limited amounts of ammo because you can't have an infinite amount where the energy do so I actually would see there'll be strategy of players depending on which gun loadouts and which guns they switch depending on what situation like if you're on someone and you kind of want to do some damage and he's got full shields and you got some you got some hard ammunition then that may be a way you would want to use your mass drive account instead of using your laser gun or something and so the management of your ammo is important which would include missiles and so partly the game is about you know you know where how you would resupply where you would go that's one of the reasons why we talked about having like an asteroid base is one of the features that like a pirate's find an asteroid base and take it over that would be a place they could keep missiles and ammo and fuel close to the trade lane and we make it much more effective for them raiding then someone it doesn't and you know we also have you know a star fire which is another ship which is a ship mostly for transporting fuel gas around so we'll definitely have that whole there'll be some level of sort of supply so I would see a bigger group of people say maybe operating as a squadron or as a guild you know there will be logistics for having sort of combat operations on a larger scale just like you would in real life which I think could be pretty cool yeah well we're working on the Hornet so right now we're working because you know that the only Hornet we've shown is the military version you're flying squadron 42 so we're working on the civilian and the variants the different parts you can interchange and stuff so our plan is to sort of reveal that before the hangar module and then roll into the hangar module so we're busily working on on that I think hopefully people were actually we're actually you know I thought the Hornet was cool but you know now we're going back in and adding more detail and parts so it's going to be cool any final clouds for fans and Packers well no other than say thank you I mean it's amazing I mean we're getting to build you know we're getting to build this game at a level that you normally would only get to do if you're doing it at a major publisher but with complete sort of creative freedom without having the marketing department you know sitting over your shoulder going oh you need to broaden it out so we get the casual player players in and do this and this game sold well so let's do that and we need you in this quarter so we can really just concentrate on making a great game in the only and and we have no it we have no other goal than that and as a game maker that's like amazing it's it's you know it's like the artists dream and that wouldn't happen without the support of the community in the community you know really you know we're excited by the game and there is excited by the game as much as we are which is you know basically building the game we want to play and this is the game I think the community wants to play and they're enabling and I think it's an I think it's an amazing sound it's just it's something is happening that I think will you know I'm not saying it's changing everything but it definitely adds a new element to the landscape of gaming where you know gamers can have their voice heard and make certain things happen that maybe one have happened in a bigger corporate situation I think there's that sort of the people empowerment that the internet sort of has opened up I mean you know you can see it on you know this is on the game side but you know you so you see it in like yeah whatever I mean whether the air whether the Arab Spring turned out well or badly you know a lot of it was because of the direct connection the people talking to each other and connecting that way and I think that same mechanic is enabling things to happen my crowdfunding of games and other things and I think it's really great I mean I think it's great because it sort of it lets the voice of the people or in this case the game is be heard more so that's fantastic and and they you know take everyone that's really back to us cuz you know it's it's it's a privilege and honor to do that and I thank you all for letting us do that
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