Exclusive: Interview w/ Principled Technologies on Intel Testing (9900K)
Exclusive: Interview w/ Principled Technologies on Intel Testing (9900K)
how about we're never afford to so yeah
we go set up upstairs okay sure
I'm Steve good to meet you good to meet
you hit agree with you oh that's why
we're here we're not cutting any of that
interview there are times when I asked
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okay we're not cutting at all before
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description below everyone so I am here
at principal technologies and their
local to us and I'm joined by Bill
Catchings co-founder at principal
technologies we're gonna be talking
about the hot topic of the the Intel
benchmarks heartburn box posted some
content recently we posted a follow-up
to his and we just got back from the
Intel 9900 K launch event so bill I'm
not even I don't know if you want to
start or if I should start because I
know you I think you should store it
unless you ask me a specific question
that guy I'm sure so I guess let's let's
get the the housekeeping out of the way
for viewers then clearly Intel
commissioned the testing right and think
it's like the first day happens to work
close to the top of the report and and
we don't have any problem with that
we're fine with people commissioning
testing because a third-party validation
is also what we do so it's it's just a
different different field if I review
instead of a private test house so
Commission testing by Intel do you know
I mean when when you first started
working on this project did you guys
already have a test plan laid out or did
Intel work with you on developing a test
plan um I actually I'll be honest I'm
not exactly sure on that I mean I know
Intel came to us and said hey we want to
test these particular things on games
and so that was
exactly how we negotiated the list or
whatever I'm not positive on that all
right I think you can look at the list
of games I don't think there any
surprises no not particularly
yeah there are 19 games and I believe
they included see they included ashes of
the singularity common benchmark total
war Warhammer common benchmark as well
csgo GTA 5 so forth so did you just just
so I understand what your role was were
you working on were you hands-on with
testing or C my role is somebody you're
showing up on my doorstep you have to
talk about this yeah I'm prepared to do
that I didn't want to grab some of my
people and put them in front of a camera
right and that's why I'm a well on some
of the questions have to say I'll get
back to you with an answer on that I'm
not trying to hide anything but some
things I just don't know chance all sort
of as you're fairly well has happened
fairly suddenly yeah yes yes so okay and
so on on testing we had a few a winners
to get through some of the technical
questions I guess please do and as I
said I remember these Natasha will make
sure that me write them down and I will
get you the responses okay in a few
hours then one other thing I probably
should say ahead of time is you you're
not the only person talking about this
and you're getting emails and and all
sorts of stuff you just happen to live
closer right you're here and we felt the
turning you at the door would not work
out well for anyone so we're trying to
respond a real-time to all this but
there are way more of you than there are
of us and right so I'm sorry if things
were a little delayed but we are really
trying to understand and we spoke with
Intel as well yesterday actually and at
the event in person so Intel was was
scrambling to get answers to and they
didn't provide us with a statement which
we published and it was they've left a
lot to be desired the statement said
have you seen the statement already from
them or I have no idea so the statement
says we are deeply appreciative of the
work of the reviewer community and
expect that over the coming weeks of
additional testing they'll continue to
show that the 9900 K is the world's best
gaming processor principal technologies
conducted this testing using systems
running in spec
figured to show CP performance and has
published the configuration used the
data is consistent with what we've seen
in our labs and we look forward to
seeing results from additional third
parties it's not really a lot there but
but they did provide a statement and
they've been aware of this since
yesterday so I guess the from the
reviewer standpoint there are two
concerns one was data accuracy I know
you guys obviously disagree with a lot
of those premises we can talk about why
yeah I mean I don't write in in wit
large I mean to be specific yep and then
the other point was more on I don't know
if it was Intel or principal
technologies that decided to publish
effectively a review yesterday I believe
or I don't know who is responsible for
the publication of it but well we could
be responsible to the publication right
obviously who sends a piece that's the
date I guess well you were in an event
yesterday so I think you could surmise
why don't know why the date was then
right we do work unlike just a magazine
where they well you think I'm Dargo ass
right now you have some you also have
some imperatives you don't have me the
last person to the party all right
talking about this but but obviously
they set the date for what yeah and that
that was one of the concerns
particularly of her colleague Steve from
hard ground box was the the publication
of functionally review ahead of review
embargo undermines all the reviewers and
it's commissioned by Intel which is fair
but the concern of a Commission report
by Intel that's published ahead of
review embargo is that then the
consumers have only one piece of
information to read and it comes
basically from Intel and that might be
more on them than on PT to be fair
because I'm sure they set the date yes I
mean I don't want to throw them under
the Bunner but I don't have any control
of it right so yes so the reviewer
relations might be a bit of a faux pas
on Intel's part technical questions so
some of the concerns we had word I guess
let me for the GPU it was a GTX 10 ATT I
used do you know which model which like
specific units number one the specific
model of that and I may be able to get
some disaster for you okay sure it
should be in the the disclosure
if we must didn't have enough details
there them it just says gigabyte which
is a brand but there as you know they're
right 20 different skis so okay so that
would be good to know but do you know if
it was the same model for all 10 yes it
was okay so if it was like a gigabyte it
just pick one like horas came in
whatever it was it's very much the
emphasis of this was not to be testing
whatever the graphics card was this
right meant to be a processor test so we
don't want that to be the bottleneck
there this was looking at the processor
yes GPU can still have an impact there
obviously yeah and we've seen that so
one of the concerns we had was with
Pascal architecture which is Nvidia's
you know 10 series architecture the
Pascal boost clocks under boost 3.0 are
largely silicon quality dependent and
silicon quality various chip to chip so
if you have ten different cards and
we've done this to because we do CP
reviews and at some point we said hey we
have two of these identical cards when
we get to benches running and we found
out that in any scenario where you exit
a CPU constraint even for a second like
in gaming scenarios the boost clocks
between them dependent on silicon
quality can impact test results so we
have seen impacts upwards of 5 percent
so that was one of our main points of
concern as a few if you bounce load to
the GPU for a second to a 100 % GP load
momentarily to do a bunch of draw calls
on complex geometry or something then
the GP with the higher boost will
perform better so we had pairs of
machines here
you know come the numbers wouldn't be
just based on on one of those obviously
it's a totally fair point where all the
pieces of hardware identical there there
can be some level of variability I can't
I don't know whether that 5% is correct
or not but certainly there so but we
were tested with multiple units and we
were doing it across multiple runs so
this was not just one run and see what
happens I'm going to write really good
try to you say did you have you had a
sub pairs of machines
you have duplicates of each testbench
say it's 16 benches or yet 8 benches um
I believe right no no no it's so hard
being on camera because suddenly things
pop out your head should take your time
welcome back to all they don't yeah I
don't watch I feel like machines pretty
easily but there I believed it was
should be 16 with so but so definitely
eight but potentially duplicates
yeah in which case you would have based
on the document you would have six
pieces of data for each for each
configuration as opposed to three
because it says three test passes yeah
come on I was reading that I would have
to look we should have the numbers in
there but I any any particular reason
that the the PT decided to use the
median instead of average yeah I mean
I've been doing benchmarks for maybe
longer than you've been alive but the
the there are advantages to median and
mean that the advantage to median is the
you're actually quoting a real result
that happened
whereas mean you know you could be
between that right run didn't actually
happen and so I think median does better
it throws out a real high end result or
throws out a real low end result but it
also doesn't penalize you for high end
earlier I personally prefer medium but I
can argue persuasively for either okay
that's that's a fair answer I think our
concern for median was the point of
doing averages is and multiple passes is
to account for potential variants run to
run because there's I mean we run the
same tests a thousand times and you
might get a dozen different results even
if it's by 0.5 FPS and generally the
median works fine in that case where you
get in trouble is if you have two
maximums you're jumping between two
result right and I'm not sure that the
mean really helps there either because
it it depends well then then you're
relying on the technician to find
outliers and decide if they deserve to
be removed and or not right so that's a
reasonable answer for median I I think I
we still prefer average for a lot of
these things because
taking multiple passes I guess we're
doing to meet a median you can still get
some validation in case your first pass
is invalid for some reason but typically
we've we've just kind of seen averages
works better with multiple passes
because you end up with more data that
you can work with depending on the
length of the past as well I don't know
how long you guys tested I think there's
kind of variable depending on the game
but the length of the pass plus like the
first load in a lot of instances as
you're pulling in all the textures and
assets and meshes and resources that
first load can sometimes dip below the
average in a significant way and then
you know you might see a performance
climb depending on how many passes
you've done how hot the video card is as
I said I can think I can argue
persuasively for either charge but I
don't if that's all you want to fight
with me about I think we're good ok well
let's pick another topic then so
thermals yeah the the testing was done
in a thermal take suppressor and for the
case and that's a fairly closed off
front panel case the CPU cooler was a
knock to Nhu 14s for all intel parts was
that used for the thread ripper part as
well you know I believe so same one at
all so that that cooler is not
compatible with thread Ripper there's a
tr4 model of it but it's it's pretty
different it has a larger cold plate
the and the 2700 acts used the stock box
cooler any particular reason the PT
decided to use the Box cooler versus
home again I remember what the the
rationale was there we do one of the
things one of our overriding goals here
was try to make the playing field is
level spun yeah that's exactly what you
deal with all the time how do we what do
we change to make it fair and what are
we not changed to make it fair and so as
much as possible we were trying to keep
things exactly identical and but again
on this particular one so could you just
write down the exactly why we chose
andrew has your audio on okay
shotgun mics okay for that
just think about that okay so coolers
sounds like we might get an answer later
yeah sure I mean I get most of these I
hopefully can send you the answer in the
next few hours but okay will depends who
who's knocking on my door next right
right not anyone from Australia so
you're there for another couple days
it's what about fan speeds do you know
where those how are the fan speeds
configured um I believe on all this we
went with the defaults unless it was a
specific reason okay so I would assume
that but I don't know okay my my
argument would be towards max fan speeds
because if you're thermally constrained
and I and these processors behave more
like GPUs these days we're boost is
thermal and voltage dependent as well so
if your temperature dependent and you're
allowing auto especially with cool and
quiet and the operation it might end
especially with a thermal take
suppressor which is a restricted front
panel case it doesn't have much air flow
coming in and then you have a box cooler
my concern would be that the
temperatures are uncharacteristically
fair I mean the thing that what we try
to do in all these things is just
obviously not an out-of-the-box thing
because you can't just buy these out of
the box but very much what we want to do
is try to do what we think typical
person is now a typical gamer is not the
same as a typical person at gamers don't
put way more time into trying to
optimize our system but you know there
are game version there are gamers and so
what we've tried to do as much as
possible is go for that not the absolute
top guys but what are the so I guess the
question is what is the what's the goal
what's the objective of the test what
are you what are you trying to
accomplish with your test and the goal
is level playing field as that was the
right thing but is out of the box as you
can level playing field and see what we
do well out of out of the box for in
town this instance would be no cooler
because it doesn't come with one so then
why doesn't I'll get an aftermarket
cooler but Andy doesn't so I believe we
said all of them have coolers correct
all of them have cooler
but out of the box the Intel units
specifically in the PT document were and
this is correct were noted as not having
a stock cooler and that's because Intel
stop stripping stock colors their case
keys actually no and that's my that's
that's my point
well that's why I'm saying we go with
out of the bottle and we can but you
can't do something good just makes no
sense I mean so that you see though you
see though how it's leaning towards
benefiting Intel or I mean is that
because you're putting a a significantly
objectively better cooler on the intel
part and you're using the stock part on
AMD where the stock part with Intel
would be nothing believe we use the same
cooler on all of them so the document
the document yeah knock to us the brand
and the document is States let see
Stockman says CPU cooler brand knock to
Nhu 14s exception the risin 7 2,700 X
use the included anti-racism cooler the
other sea views did not come with CPU
coolers okay
so I mean I guess we we couldn't run him
without a cooler yes correct so we chose
that one so okay so you're maintaining
the fairer to put that if we did not to
put that same cooler on that right and I
speaking with you more as a peer for a
second protesting my my argument from a
stance of scientific methodology would
be your goal is to show CPU performance
not cooling performance and so we're
trying to show gaming performance than
all other variables should be equal I
tend to agree in general but at some
level you know we could be putting
another whole level of crazy
listen let's operate these overclocked
with now I'm Terry's you know and and so
that's the always the trade-off how do
we get is out of the box mean again
wrong phrase here but as normal as
possible without doing something stupid
right and you were also talking about
how a gamer might tune their system more
than the average user
but then there are 19 games tested in
this benchmark and I don't see any
mainstream workloads tested so I gave
that management working PC markers I'm
Paul of course but this was very much
game for you I mean right this was not
meant to be an overall thing very much
about game right so then I guess I would
point back to the the note that gamers
would be more likely to tune their
system for something like thermals like
you were saying and counter that this is
a gaming benchmark for case Q CPUs so
gamers are probably going to be the
audience yeah so if you're building if
you're building the test for them then I
would I would build it with that aspect
of you know equalized coolers that are
fairly high end in mind or fairly low
I'm yeah in your estimation is the AMD
core bad one yes I would say I would say
I wouldn't say it's a bad cooler
standalone just as a blanket statement I
would say that in this particular
circumstance it is an
uncharacteristically worst cooler than
the knock to and that's that's
definitely provable fact I can go home
and do it in my lab and then also that
the concern is it's a downdraft cooler
and it's in a case the thermaltake
suppressor which has a blocked-off front
panel it's got ventilation on the sides
and so you're pushing I don't know how
many fans are in that case one or two
120 is probably pushing air in from the
front through side ventilation where
you're losing 30% pressure on every 90
degree angle and then it's going into a
downdraft cooler so you may get another
turn down so you have a thermally
constrained case and a thermally
constrained cooler versus one which is
significantly more optimized for that
air path on Intel okay obviously yes
okay so let's move on then I guess
beyond the thermal notes we talked about
there are moles we talked about BIOS a
bit server BIOS settings do you want to
walk me through should I I mean are you
are you close enough to the testing to
know what you all used or no I mean
again I think what we did is we
hmm did what we would consider rational
updates I mean I okay anything you get
if you go is let you got from a month
ago you're gonna do some level of
updating but I don't think right again
it should say in our disclosure and if
not we screwed up there
exactly what it does it does yep he did
well to specify the BIOS version better
than most reviewers yes no I mean
definitely the details are there and I
know personally from getting called out
in a similar fashion that giving a large
amount of details is something that of
course you want to take pride in and do
because right because of science well it
also roads here right but but in all
services and it's part of the reason why
I'm willing to talk with you here is we
do want to do the right thing do you
want to do good science and right do you
want to be as transparent as we can that
doesn't mean I mean we are human it
doesn't mean we got everything right
back I actually believe it's impossible
to do something of a certain size and
get everything absolutely I agree with
or at least we get to argue over what
right is I I agree with you on your so
we really do want to do the right thing
as right as is reasonable for the memory
I saw Intel was configured to 26 66
megahertz and either 29 33 and a KITT
spec for 3000 Hertz was used any reason
for for manually choosing those
frequencies I believe those are the
specified ones but I don't know where
exactly where we got those no that's the
yeah that's the jet expects
specification for the chipset
compatibility and for the CPU
compatibility actually not chipset so
yes that I mean I guess I guess depends
maybe partly on audience because I don't
think I've ever seen anyone other than a
novice builder intentionally down clock
there memory so like it's it's the spec
of the processor insofar as jeddak and
Intel and AMD has specified that this
minimum of 20 666 or 29 33 is compatible
but if you're running ax I'm Peter do CP
on AMD then you can still achieve the
frequency the kit aspects for unless
it's unreasonable like 4000 megahertz or
something so
so I guess I'm a little confused as to
why the frequency would be manually down
stepped but the profile would be enabled
and so you get some of the timings but
not the frequency and is there I get
what's what's your response yeah I guess
and again I would have to get exact
details there again the way we try to
approach things is we got to see what's
written by the manufacturers whether
they recommend and then beyond that if
there's anything we're aware of this
like oh well maybe work them in that but
obviously don't do this or that but
again even gamers they some gamers won't
play games they don't want to spend
their whole life overclocking their
system and doing all this there are
others who do they actually don't ever
get around to playing games and I do I
run a website called the hammers now as
you say once upon a time I have to play
games and then I got slow but now huh
but but again I had what we've tried to
do as much as possible is conform to
what manufacturers are specifying and
that sort of thing so again okay yeah
XMP and the OCP I don't think are
considered overclocking by know anyone
right do you know if you had any control
for tertiary or secondary timings for
the memory okay there's some we've seen
motherboard variants board the board
where tertiary might and kit to kit for
memory some of your tertiary timings
could change so like TR FC or TR i if i
refresh interval and refresh cycle and
those can potentially have large impact
on performance we've seen as much as 30
percent going from onesie 370 board to
another in fairness you use the same zi
370 board I believe for all C 370 parts
just I think it was a different specific
unit but the same model from what this
week again right trying to keep things
yeah yeah I know so that's good I don't
know the a C's prime I don't know how
much if there's any variance it might be
pulling from a profile and be accurate
every time in which case this would be a
non-issue we have also seen that memory
will repro file itself on boot cycles so
you can end up with different tertiary
timings and
versus another and that's that's
potentially concerned for performance
and these a bit more sensitive to
timings than Intel not that much more
but so that was one of our points of
concern as well is to what level of
control you know what will up with
control of their was there over the
timings so that's that's those we have
most of the we've got thermals and power
supply is completely fine of course
monitored not really relevant 512
gigabyte nvme - I'm that - SSC nvme am
the - SSD that's fine as well 64
gigabytes of memory any any reason for
choosing that for the desktop platforms
I don't seem like a normal amount don't
you use but I don't I don't actually
have it now data that says 94% right it
seemed like people the amount of you do
we know we have an actual rationale but
I do Corsair Vengeance RGB so Corsair
Corsair Vengeance RGB 64 gigabytes an
8x8 which is a bit different but is
almost seven six hundred twenty dollars
the no definitely not but I don't think
that at $600 for the RAM it's something
that a normal person would use 64
gigabytes on a 2700 X or an 8700 K I
mean if magazine room whoever set up the
test I could see them potentially
thinking I don't want to be constrained
by memory that seems like a dumb thing
to be constrained by pentesting CPUs so
only get 64 gigabytes make sure there's
no constraint but also as you increase
the capacity it gets more difficult to
to keep the same frequencies and timings
okay and your house your house your
light on us are we visible or we sell oh
okay oh that's pretty good cool
audios okay sorry
cameras got audio from the chocolate oh
yeah so we're talking about how a memory
capacity can impact frequency and time
and performance yeah I mean part of the
thing there is definitely we're trying
to make a local playing field and so
while some of the lower end parts might
normally be sold with lower amounts of
RAM obviously because you know 16 on
this and 64 on that yeah you could do 32
pretty safely on everything and still
have four sticks for the attt platforms
and I guess like it comes down to
I'll be I'll be an internet commenter
and pitch you what they're gonna be
writing on the comments so that you have
an opportunity to respond to because I
deal with these people all day all day
right and the people watching this are
50% terrible you're welcome
uh-huh but the so I see I like you he's
the wonder hey I'm the bad guy so I'll
do the service of pre-empting some of
these so you have a chance to respond I
think what I would I would be concerned
about is if you're talking about a
normal user is probably using an auntie
stock cooler and not buying an
aftermarket cooler if they have one
stock you can't also say normally users
behind 64 gigabytes of RAM for a 2700 X
because it's a $300 part and that's
seven hundred six hundred dollars of
memory so I think there's like a
disconnect there between what is a
normal person buying and configuring for
their system I don't have a particular
response to that okay again
unfortunately we really can't go out
there and say what's a typical
configuration for some of these systems
that are just not that old yet right
right okay so yeah I mean well move on
from that topic ashes of a singularity
we saw the core I $9.99 hundred K 50 7.3
FPS the 2700 X 38.3 fps Delta or at not
Delta but a percent improvement of forty
nine point six for Intel
ashes is a game it's one of the only
games it's more of a benchmark really
one of the only games or benchmarks
where Andy can do well and and I don't
disagree with your data that the
oriental the suggestions of the 9900 kay
is probably the chart topper it's
probably the best it has the highest
frequency it's at Corinth read parody
with Andy now so they're probably better
so I don't disagree with that the 50%
gap though performs lead for Intel in a
game the only game which Andy does
decently in would be a number that I
would question so I I would be curious
to see the data or see it tested again I
guess on that one well and the one thing
I do want to say is you know obviously
you other people have said one day
warning what's going on here part of the
reason why I'm not having my testers
here I we're off running more tests
trying to make sure all right well what
if we change this did we didn't really
miss something we really we're trying to
do our best here and uh you know the but
I'm sure you deal with the same sort of
thing yes do still have to publish some
day because ultimate science takes
forever yes and so somehow you know what
what can I get out there and our goal is
to tell the right story you have to tell
the truth to be as honest open and
trying and actually the thing you'll
probably cut this part out the thing
we're not going to examine the thing
that has bothered me most about is is
the level of attacks I mean you know we
know III agree we've been doing this for
a long time and could we have screwed up
yeah sure but it's like hey we've done
some horrible thing and we were trying
to hurt everybody no we're trying to you
know we're trying to get the data out
I love having rational conversations
about it I just don't hear a lot of
ration conversations yeah yeah well I
mean that's that's the internet and I've
dealt with it too so you know on a
personal level if I'm to relate to you I
posted an 1800 X review a year ago when
I came out I got death threats for it
right so that's just the Internet so I
totally get it and I agree with you that
attacks and I mean of course the
unfortunate implication of doing paid
work even though it's I think it's
completely fine if you're not
reviewer which PT isn't as far as I can
tell you're doing that as we're career
sure sure but not not presently it's not
like you're publishing this data as a
media outlet right so so I I don't
personally and I hope the audience would
generally agree think that this is an
instance of a bias against Andy I think
it's more likely a disagreement in the
correct way to test the parts so I just
to be clear I don't think you guys are
trying to show the 2,700 X is an awful
part because Intel paid you which is
what I think probably a lot of those
people think well I've seen one or two
right yeah of course and that's just I
mean we got those all day so I get it I
think it's more likely a disagreement in
how it should be tested
certainly we thought some of it was just
incorrectly tested and and I know that
your team likely disagrees but that's
why we're talking through it so ashes
though I would like to see that tested
again a 50 percent game just seems like
an awful lot versus the 2,700 X and I
and I don't think so I'll say this too I
think it's possible you'll get the same
data a second time and I think it's
possible that the data is correct and so
far as the machines that it was
collected on but it could be things like
the thermal concern is timing concerns
GPU variance again people are writing it
down right we're recording this as well
so we can go back and look at these
things you know we're totally willing to
we want to do the right thing to get the
right data out there but even if I ran
right out and did everything and change
the their handlers and did all this it
takes time
yeah so we're definitely trying to do
what we can right
okay so we've gone through some of the
game numbers with Ash's most the others
it's I will give you a warning I'm
getting a little tired so we could just
pick the main things to go through here
because I sure
so BIOS configuration we got that we got
frequencies I saw that game mode was
enabled for AMD are you aware that that
disables a CC x1 this one
on the thread rippers we debt we
actually looked and saw what are the
results like we learned without it and
we definitely receiving better results
right with the game mode on you know so
depending on the game typically but at
least on the thread rippers we saw it
better across the board okay and I've
never like I say across the board maybe
there were one or two members we're not
we're right now investigating with the
2700 there seems to be more variable
kind of above and below and and I guess
that's one of the things and you might
know the gamer community better than I
do but you know to change back and forth
to MIT meiner say he's got a reaping yes
typically you do not change and so you
know that's one of the challenges you
know if you only play this game well
then you don't ever have to do this but
if I'm switching between that game in
this game I don't know what people do I
mean I now know typically for 2,700 X I
would imagine most people don't install
rise and master don't even change it out
of the box especially if you're going
for out-of-the-box performance testing a
thread Ripper it's not really meant to
play games if you have a 32 16 core
parts something like that you'll
definitely run into PSO days or black
screens or just it won't work in some
games of that many quarter they don't
know what to do with the course so in
those instances you're probably enabling
game a and tossing out the courses right
and it actually will improve performance
like you're suggesting I think it's the
the 2700 accent was do you know if that
was tweaked at all with rise master or
what yeah that's the point so that was
moved game mode okay that's one of the
things right now and I people have
brought this on this that's the wrong
thing to do as I say we saw results both
directions okay we tried to say level
playing field let's enable it for all of
them that may have been the wrong thing
to do and that's what we're trying to do
right now is get some get the results
here and maybe we'll have to publish one
this is with right without a game mode
and see what's there there okay I don't
want to deal with that do you know if
Numa or my memory was used for threader
per okay there's an impact there from
latency on some games as well
Ash's particularly since there's home
games care more about latency
some care about unified access to memory
but most of them are latency intensive
so that's also a question I think for
thread Ripper and I can't recall the
out-of-the-box specification for that
I'll know this I don't really have a
question for you here unless you want to
comment but Final Fantasy 15 the
standalone benchmark we actually we
broke the story on this one a few months
ago but it constantly renders geometry
in the background so it's it's it
doesn't call properly and because it's
not : geometry properly you end up with
largely a GP bound scenario which i
think is what you're seeing in your
results as you're seeing differences
that are 0.4% point 1 percent max 6.7
percent and a 6.7% dealt with it just in
the benchmark of the games the benchmark
specifically so if you wanna if you want
to validate it yeah I wouldn't suggest I
would suggest checking the game as well
the problem is it's constantly drawing
geometry outside of the view frustum I
know what it would mean what yeah there
I just right right good right and it
also has LED scaling issues that was a
it's not a benchmark we particularly
recommend GTA 5 so in the testing
methodology you guys specified whenever
you went to presets like ultra high or
whatever GTA v doesn't have a preset so
you manually go through it but identity
specified what settings were used you
and that's that also changes with a
hardware change so it's that's why I was
asking sometimes it can change the
settings you had let me ask you did you
do you want to address you know I'm
happy to give you a platform do you want
to address anything you've seen anything
other than what we've gone through that
you really want to respond to no I don't
I don't really think so I'm gonna let up
a little bit earlier but sharing
basically just this is my company I'm
right one of the two people that founded
it when people attack and say we're
horribly uniting I get it you know and
and as you say it is the Internet I you
know right but it still it's still not
acceptable so don't do that and so III
think we've already talked about that
I think the thing you know I just read
earlier I said but you know we really do
pride ourselves on I mean we picked the
name principle technologies both of
those names matter to us hmm
I'm a geek I'm a technology guy I mean I
Drive an electric eye on multiple
electric car I just love which is just
the most expensive iPhone accessory
around but um you know I want all the
leis tech we just love tech here that's
why it's technologies but it's the first
word is principle and we really really
try to live by that and one of the
things I've said to many of our folks is
you know assume that one day the New
York Times is so you get to be the New
York Times extra fee is asking you about
what you did you got to be comfortable
standing upright and answering it
doesn't mean you'll agree with them or
whatever and I don't know that I have
more than that to say I really do want
to do the right thing I do you and I
will say in your in your defense you
have been very rational in your
questions you've asked me I'm trying to
make the answer to you've brought up a
few things we're like okay we need to go
consider that and so I do appreciate
well I mean look I've I've been there I
feel like the difference is my New York
Times equivalent is viewers right and so
we have to answer to them if we mess
something up and we have in the past
redacted some testing like with Gears of
War 4 for example when we tested one
group of cards the wrong settings so I
totally get it
obviously try to mitigate that as much
as possible right and again it's so much
easier to get it all right yes first
it's way easier yeah way he is here and
and and again I don't know I mean
obviously you disagree with some of the
things you did I don't know that I think
yet we did anything wrong mm but that's
what we're scrambling Tara do you have
time do you mind if we see the test
systems at least um thanks for some
probably gladly do that I don't want the
camera going to the lab one of the
things I just have to say we have other
people's stuff going on in here right
and I I don't think I have anything
right there are some things we test that
actually just seeing it you know yeah
beforehand would be it would be a bad
thing but I'm glad to walk you in there
but I'd rather okay okay
understood okay well thank you for your
time you may hate it we'll see you all
next time
it's really wasn't expecting that it
wasn't expecting the opportunity to sit
down with them I really appreciate that
they let us do that I was trying to of
course establish that we're trying to
have a rational conversation get answers
and not be adversarial unnecessarily so
I get what he's saying about you know is
his company it's his life so you gotta
respect that of course it's going to be
jarring to have any of this happen that
doesn't mean that I agree with their
testing methodology I still all the
issues I raised in the video I still
pretty much stick to those issues I
still think they're a problem thermals
are a problem memories a bit weird GPU
variance is a problem even if it's
largely CPU constrained so I still have
those concerns I of course would ask
that you don't go crazy and attack them
personally but it is absolutely fair to
question the validity of the data and
we've done that from the get-go and I
will continue to do that so you know
it's a mix it's I'm just saying this for
anyone who's like Stevie went too easy
on him I don't think I did I kind of she
cornered a few of the answers so I think
I think it went pretty well
on our side especially I think we got
what we needed I think we saw that there
needs to be some more information from
some of their team apparently by the way
it was 16 total systems we found out
later so you get there
so it was 16 total systems but anyway I
think it was a pretty difficult
interview for him I respect that they
agreed to it I still disagree with a lot
of the answers or the methodology anyway
and I think they took some information
from what I was saying that might be
able to look into it further and see if
they can find different results sounds
like the 2700 x had some variants where
they weren't expecting it with for
example the the c CX and game mode
questions that I had
so things that I I pushed in the
interview and I'll go back to now that I
thought were problematic there was a
disconnect between we're trying to do
what a normal person would do in this
case that was apparently setting up with
the stock cool or not and not going
installing a an aftermarket cooler which
is not that crazy and I mean if you're
gonna do it for Intel that's I guess
that's a normal thing to do so you
should do it for an AMG as well still
believe that then I pushed that when I
was talking to him and it seems like he
he considered the possibility that they
might be worth revisiting that like
trucks doors ooh okay it's another point
of consideration another thing I pushed
him on was the memory and I think you
all will see this in the interview where
I disagreed that yeah if if you're gonna
say we're doing what a normal person
would do which apparently is open the
box install the stock cooler you can't
then also say a normal person by 64
gigabytes of memory and I don't think it
was malicious when he said he thinks
that people generally build the 64
gigabytes of memory or whatever his
exact phrasing was he didn't say that
exactly but he said he think that's he
thinks that's normal or a reasonable
amount I don't think he's trying to be
evil here at all just to preempt those
cons I think it's just that there's a
disconnect of what is reality and people
building threaded for sure HED t99 ATX
t-shirt maybe legitimate use case
workstation you have probably 64
gigabytes but a 2,700 X 9900 k no that's
not that's not even close to normal
you're paying two times plus as much for
the RAM as you're for the processor and
I don't know I firmly disagree
the idea that 64 gigabytes is normal and
I think there is a disconnect between
the company what they're doing now the
question is doesn't matter it doesn't
matter if it's 64 gigabytes and whether
or not as normal are we just playing
semantics and I think it does matter
because the amount of memory will impact
the ability to achieve those higher
clocks and better time in tighter
timings significantly in some instances
and although it is possible to run 3,200
on rise in these days where 3200 was
very difficult on rising 1 especially
with a lot of memory it is possible and
Intel as well it's you still have to
question did they drop the frequencies
because there was too much memory and
because the the frequency stability or
timing stability wasn't there with the
proper with the actual out-of-the-box
frequencies with XMP or
or what or was it actually just
intentional and we asked why the
frequencies and we didn't have an answer
they might get back to us later he
actually doesn't have my email list I
don't know how
but I'll email them or something so yeah
I think from our end the interview went
well I take issue still with pretty much
everything I took issue with before it
didn't really answer many questions for
the median versus average thing is the
one that I'll give him as a bit of a
whatever not a big deal ice I don't like
testing that way for reasons I described
in the first video but also it doesn't
matter that much compared to all the
other stuff like the thermals so I know
those are most my thoughts on it I think
there are plenty of areas where I kind
of provoked an answer that we might not
have gotten for most other people and I
like having those answers even if I
don't agree with the answer so
rationally it was a good discussion now
we just need to wait and see what they
do what's their follow-up if there is
one and maybe we'll start validating in
our own lab at this point so anyway stay
tuned for more we might have a follow-up
from them if I can give them my email so
that's it for this one though like I
said start our gamers exit on a table
directly you can go to
patreon.com/scishow and access if you
like this kind of work and would like to
support it
I think it's a pretty unique angle we're
very fortunate they were close and of
course even though I still disagree with
a lot of the answers we are fortunate to
that they did agree to go on camera
and we really can't do anything more
than that so I think that's about all we
got but that's all for now thanks for
watching I'll see you all next time
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