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Fallout 4 Texture Quality Comparison: Why?

hey everyone I'm Steve from gamers Nexis dotnet and this is a pullout for texture comparison which is kind of a loose word as you'll find throughout this video so fallout 4 like most modern games has a settings drop-down to change the texture quality when you go into the options menu this has three options medium high and ultra and using Ultra will consume more vram on the video card so do you keep that in mind Bethesda actually recommends a three gigabyte minimum vram for the GPUs allocation for texturing at Ultra now in our testing we found that the game consumes about 2.6 to 2.9 gigabytes of vram at 1080 Ultra and in theory textures would contribute a large part to this so then what you're about to look at is a couple of screenshots these were taken at 4k and then we have dialed in on certain parts of the screenshots to try and really highlight different textures in the game like signs and things like that these are not scaled they are cropped so there's no scaling going on here the screenshots as you can see show basically no difference if we took away the word telling you which setting was used for the screenshot you would probably not be able to identify them and that's because there is actually no difference between the textures on medium or ultra or high and we have found exactly two differences the two differences are in one screenshot there's a plant in the bottom left there the the focus of the screenshot was the wall the brick wall but there's no difference there so we look in the bottom left and you see a plant that plant is slightly different in ultra versus low or medium and the difference is actually not anything to do with textures at all it has to do with fallout fours procedural generation of plant life and foliage and ground coverage so that's not even related to textures basically the next light difference we saw was in this screenshot of a trash can so again the focus was the trash can I was hoping based on a lot of past experience with texture comparisons that the word on the and that some of the finer details would be more blurry or downsampled on the lower texture resolutions but in the screenshots it's the same thing you look in the back right corner we can zoom in over there and you'll see that the letters s and a look slightly different in the in one of the screenshots than the other one so looking at this fallen sign in the background you can see some difference in the texture in the rust for example and in the s and the a on the sort of tapestry hanging down you can see there's less clarity around the borders of the letters and this is the only real example in diamond city that we could find of a texture quality change and even that took quite a bit of digging and looking to locate so that is the texture screenshot comparison of fallout fours texture resolutions there is effectively zero performance impact going from medium to ultra there's a bit a VRAM consumption that's the the one thing we can measure but there's no FPS difference so I'm not I'm not really sure I understand why the textures are this way this is certainly not normal we just did a huge texture quality comparison in our blackops graphics optimization guide on the website and you can see major differences there as far as fallout 4 though the difference is is basically non-existent and you can just run a lower texture setting if you wanted to to consume a little bit less of Ihram or something like that so that's all for this video check the link in the description below for more information hit the article for that kind of stuff and subscribe as always check out the patreon page and post your video if you like this kind of content and I'll see you all next time
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