GN BTS #4: Piecemeal Render Rig (Multi-GPU for Blender)
GN BTS #4: Piecemeal Render Rig (Multi-GPU for Blender)
everyone this is a patreon
behind-the-scenes video but we're gonna
be releasing it to the main channel I
don't know a week or two later so what
we're looking at today for those of you
who have early access is a completed
version of the system that I built for
Andrew our main video guy does most of
the editing and film work so Andrew also
does all kinds of blender 3d animation
stuff working in Unreal Engine which are
all things that require a pretty
decently powerful computer we have
another video where I built the system
this is basically the completed system
after we finished the air flow
arrangement and all of that stuff added
a second video card of an older
generation because blender doesn't care
about SLI it cares about individual work
units present each one being a video
card and they can work independently of
each other pretty well so this is the
finalized build we just finished putting
it together I want to point out what we
ended up doing for everything so for for
explaining how this type of rig works
and yours on a pretty bad laptop right
now that's gonna change though if it's
650 M and an old i7 and what we have
here is an r7 1700 I really want to
overclock this to 4 gigahertz but we
can't because the motherboard was a
gaming 5 X 370 board has a severe issue
where it seems to be pushing the voltage
to 1.5 v no matter what which is insane
and will kill the CPU so for now we're
not overclocked until I can figure out
why that's happening I've notified
gigabyte and then other than that we're
not really using the CPU to render any
way we're using GPUs because they're
just better at this particular type of
rendering and although it's nice to have
the back of if we need it so we have a
1070 Ti going for the primary and then
another GP here this is just a 960 that
I had and don't need anymore it's a 2
gigabyte 960 so adding this card reduced
our render time in the test by about 22%
which is pretty damn good especially for
an older architecture so 20% faster we
are on a scale of of minutes versus
dozens of minutes for the old laptop so
it's a huge improvement in terms of the
airflow we thought this through pretty
pretty well so basically this is an
case power supplies up here the power
supply is helping pull air out from the
video cards after they get heated
they're technically in conflicts for air
however the power supply is really just
pulling out like warmed air exhausts you
know so that's good it's not under a ton
of load anyway so it doesn't really need
to worry about getting too hot we have
fan down here just an extra one I had
120 that's pushing air over the VRMs and
into the back plate of the GPU which is
helping out the rear fan for exhaust and
then another front fan here so this fans
entire life is to push air up in front
of the 140 millimeter fan on the front
over here so that that fan can have
extra access to air and push it through
the video cards even in spite of the
dead zone from the hub so the Cooling's
actually worked out really well in this
case this card when both are running
rendering like they are right now with
the door closed this card gets something
like 62 degrees under Auto fan settings
and we're not controlling for it cuz
it's not really relevant and then this
one's like 52 so temperatures are
actually very good in here for memory we
have to 16 gigabytes tix 32 gigabytes
total 3200 megahertz of memory Corsair
lpx stuff and that's like a gold mine
right now as is this video card sadly
but that's the nature of the industry so
that's most the build we did swap out
the power supply for a thermal take one
and and we end up going with this air
cooler for the cooler but I think that
now pretty much wraps the build so
overall very happy with how it came out
it should be a beast for rendering
especially relative to what he had going
on there are things we could improve in
the future but for blender primarily
those are all going to be adding more
GPUs of higher power class so given the
state of the market right now we're not
going to do that because I need my cards
for testing but that's a good start so
for the future maybe that's something to
look into if cards ever come down in
price a but for now either way adding a
960 was 22% faster than just the 1070 TI
so that's something that is surprisingly
helpful for an older car that's not
worth a whole lot anymore except for the
mining thing going on
that's it though the case is a 600 see
if you curious a couple years old
reviewed it ages ago and liked it a lot
actually and yeah if you do not have
early access to this video if you're
watching it on the main gamers Nexus
channel then you can get early access
next time by going to and access the $5
and up tier gets access to the
behind-the-scenes vlogs not all of them
go public only a couple of them do some
remain private to only patreon backers
some of them go public on a side channel
where you won't be notified about it
unless you're subscribed there so but
everyone on patreon gets it for five and
up basically so that's the deal anyway
subscribe for more as always and slash gamers Nexus tell us
that directly I'll see you all next time
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