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GNCast 1: Exploiting FPS Player Psychology

Avery 1 i'm steve from gamers nexus donĂ­t and i am joined by linda and this is new for us we're gonna do kind of a always podcast style yeah just talking about something we've been talking about off-camera lately which is the exploitation of player psychology fun stuff once the ass so if you like if you end up liking this discussion please leave a comment below let us know if you liked it or if you didn't and we'll work on doing more of these in the future you have topic ideas let us now or if you just want to contribute to what we're talking about him will read them also absolutely so lately about we've both done planes on the new games yes black ops there's battlefront yes it's been a little bit of time with black ops not as much with battlefront that is that is on my plate he's on my plate but spend a little bit of time with those yeah so with with battlefront you're playing at the other day on one of our bench ray yes I was and that's that's one of those games where I think you were on maybe it was an end or I was on an indoor plant Walker assault right which was a new new boat for me is very interesting it's it's almost like a it's a very very busy modo mode that I can find myself enjoying a little bit which actually is very very different when you start talking about ecology because there isn't a mode on black ops or on a call to detail that I can recall that requires you to protect something but also disable around get access to certain points on the way while also again also like fending off an entire team do a la position I can't think of a mode and called you that does that but that was a lot of fun yeah well as supremacy is really good too and the the one point I think I remember you mentioning was players who continually take the same path even though on Endor you've got you have million trees he can run through yes and yeah like even you and I are definitely I was sitting there noticing like why am I going through the same place every time so on yeah when I still dying yes now again two totally different games with 2 totally I think different approaches depending on which map you are on obviously black ops it's always been an entertaining for me and this is coming from from a mediocre black cause you to player i I'm hovering around the the one point okay right now but that being said I think everybody has that game where they go 22 and 25 I think sometimes the mistake people make is after a couple games like that they go okay that thing works I'm gonna stick to that and I think that's where some of the average players like myself can take advantage of it because I think people sometimes get stuck in their ways there's a cover it a little bit yeah counter-strike is the one that i play mostly these days and it's the same thing where with counter-strike it's a little different because you have a set strategy that your team is probably I'm cute in and depend which team you're on the ground cts the counter-terrorist you pretty much know we need this many people i beez many people a day you gotta admit if you run dust too and so the other team knows you're going to be in those positions yep but I think maybe the reason it works in that kind of game versus black ops black ops you repeat the same thing over you just get killed yes but i guess in counter-strike maybe it's a little slower paced or there's more like peeking on the corner it's much more methodical and it's it's something that often times especially if i switch from a game that is squad-based to or a game that is centered around a strategy to a game where if you're just jump in if like if you don't play with a clan if you don't play with a regular group of friends it can be frustrating it away because there is an asthma that methodical operation to you know achieving your goal whereas we were talking about this the other day you can take advantage of somebody who's stuck in their ways or is on a team that is that with people they don't normally play with because and i'll give you example i think one of the things i brought up was a map called standoff on black ops 2 had to be one of my favorite favorite maps because that was the map every time the loading screen for standoff will come up I knew I'd be able to take advantage as MP would just get there's really only three routes you can take on that map right and moat in a lot of maps are like this where it's a you got you got an option you left right and go min and i'm black ops 2 that was one of the mats where i would take advantage of the people who are stuck in their ways people come around the corner and like I'm a sniper okay that's I love that's what I love doing that's one thing that I am consistently Narron teams got that good and I am that guy I am the guy and if for those of you out there you should you struggle with this you've been caught out for this listen imma clarify it now if you have a weapon and it has a scope on it you can't be accused of camping there's no such thing there's no such thing what thing is if you had a scope weapon and you are in a window or at any kind of vantage point you're not camping and if somebody comes around the corner and gets killed by you five times it's not your fault in that place there yeah but it's funny because I think a lot of times people do they have those three options and they have a game where they do very very well where they have a couple games that you very well and they get locked in this thing was like okay that's the thing that's going to work and I come in or the average player come in again you know I'm just going to take advantage of the people who think they can do the same thing over and over again and get this all so why do players repeat the same movement it's like we were talking to uh type of games about this with heat maps and I what's up with you as well Activision does it epic game says these companies that they produce heat maps it's actually really cool you look it up it's fascinating yeah so it shows like any other sort of topography map shows like red blue orange based on how popular spot is yeah and so Activision has a whole game Science Division devoted to this Patrick stone for a website wrote a pretty extensive article about it and all it does is talks about how we collect all this data we be an Activision collect all this data on the weapon to use yep where you throw your grenades how long you hold them yo family what past you take on the maps and so obviously they've got their whole scientifically backed thought process on how do we get people to use this whole map space but from our perspective as players what is it you think make someone say I'm going to keep going that way I don't care about the dude in the window who's camping yep what why why oh man I've as I've gotten older I think as my brain develops funny you come at games from a different angle you do that when you were 14 15 especially shooters obviously it depends on the mode like I'm a team team deathmatch hardcore guy where I think what happens in modes were just the objective is to take out the other team the temptation is to just get out into the fray as quickly as possible and don't do a ton of thinking until you have to aim down this ape down your sights I think that's one of them I think honestly I think we do i think when we find something that quote unquote works we tend to stick to it and right then there because there's a learning curve that's involved with trying something new and it's crazy i'd be having this conversation in an association of with video games but it can like if you're playing it with call duty mats or not that big even though they've got a bigger / / past has titles they're really not that big and your options even though you have more are still not quite to the level of again we talked earlier about indoor which is literally you spawn and you might have to travel a bit before your eyes see somebody like need a title field yes exactly and again something that dice prides itself in especially on the pc version oh yeah where strategy is much more involved because of the amount of space in it map I think people get locked into their ways because the options are limited and if they find again if they've got one of three or four even five and they find one that works even fifty percent of the time I think it's something that people are just gonna go you know I'm gonna do that instead of learning how to do something else yeah that's an interesting point with the bigger games too cuz with battlefield and battlefront the maps so big it's almost like you want to get your value out of that spawn yes because next time you spawn you I have to travel for 30 seconds yes a game is eternity yeah absolutely that's that's an interesting way to look at it too is getting your value but we were talking about stubbornness as well yeah pure yeah screw that guy yeah yeah I'm gonna get him yes relos is my favorite like something's gonna go wrong his my favorite mean I had to I had to humble myself I hey um and that was I think that was when I got okay that she's because it you know there was a time when I was terrible at them and when i upgrade from terrible to okay was when i was actually willing to put my pride aside because one of the things that can be the most frustrating for those of you out there who play FPS games is coming around the corner and that person knows you're coming and you get blasted right out and right out the bat i think for a lot of you all the temptations want to go i'm gonna go to the same spot and i'm going to be faster yeah i'm going to be better than that I'm understand jumped and I'm gonna crowd yes I'm gonna do whatever and I'm the guy in the window just like you can do whatever you want to do as a matter of fact it's great I wanted this thing that is I didn't really think about it so I got older but if I was staying in the window I would take a shot and if I would get one killer may be too and I was literally through the scope I'll just move like a foot to the rider with the left and it changed everything up and it's I think sometimes you just got to put your pride aside and be like you know what I've already been killed by Saint got the same spot three times maybe I should think about doing something ass well it sounds silly to but the same thing for me was with cs go I sort of graduated in in levels in that game by just stopping and thinking about like what am I trying to accomplish this and can I do it a different way yeah and I think once you're sort of sucked into the game and focused on getting killed or on killings increase your score like as soon as you focus on your score just like in school as soon as you focus on your grade you start losing sight of the bigger picture yes actually learning about the experience yes I find it to be especially frustrating because and I'll think purest is even the right word I am a competitive person would it be with sports or eSports it doesn't even really matter I'm a competitive person I played a windy game and I do it with games like this I do care about score per second I care a little bit more or score per minute more accurately and do care about kill to death ratio right but ultimately for me and this is just me like I want to win the game at the end I want to be on the team that won the game and what frustrates me and this is this is again this is opinion this is all based on just like mine ticular play style but what frustrates me is when you're playing with the people who are just in the game to like level up weapons so you have the person that's running around the RPG and like go to and 16 over the course of that is like you're not helping anyone by this like your file feels like we're probably gonna lose because you wanted to die 16 times because you needed to get a couple extra kills you are at fiji drives me nuts but yeah that's it's funny that's just me but I play I play to win the game and depending on who you're playing with the cum the way that you play the game and the style of the gameplay can change even if you've been playing they're deaf as you can play domination of some of that it dude all really depends who you're playing with what their goals are and what game you're playing yeah i remember playing call of duty for which at the time was my favorite shooter of all time yes and that had for pc a mod called Pro Mod yes was used in the competitive scene basically turned called ed into more of a counter-strike style game and as that was a lot of fun i played with a group of guys they're all costa rican guys we had a language barrier and so is basically every every round is they be on me like Steve follow that was all i got for instruction SI the whole session was just observing what are these guys doing yeah and because i can't communicate with them how can i contribute in a way that you know actually doesn't make me look like the idiot American I think how could I actually contribute to this thing yes as that was kind of an eye-opening thing to like how how much can just observing the battlefield actually teach you that way your desk absolutely amazing how much it can I played with a group of guys for black ops 2 that made me look like a child and because of the sound gosh all right so and yo you hear me Reverend like on these if we continue to do these special shoes you hit me reference black ops 2 again personally one of my favorites at least in the context of multiplayer i play with a group of guys that I played with consistently on the PlayStation 3 and we came across a map called Yemen which was gold because after the dlc came out nobody ever wanted to play that Matt could that was a sharp shooters dream when we get to that map and I hear one of the guys go hey we're going to try something I was like what are we gonna do he said we've never held a team under 10 points now if you know these games they go to 75 the team deathmatch games go to 75 and so we've never held a team under 10 and I was like and my first thought was you held a team to 10 my god that's absolutely insane it was my first lesson in line of sight or map coverage because it actually taught me how like if a person goes one direction you don't need to go in the same direction they do because they're literally whether they die or not whether they're going to dare not there their line of sight is literally covering the entire site reddit section of the map but each one of these team members and I believe we were on a team of six so each one of these team members was covering a specific point that mat facing in a different direction so when I looked at Yemen from the top down after this game was over I realized that roughly eight percent of this map visually was covered the only spot the only spot that wasn't covered obviously was the area in which they the other team spawned to wreck ray um long story short I screwed up because the team figured out that we have the entire map covered I asked for permission to go out this is like 72 29 seconds yeah seconds left it's 72 29 at this point and I asked for mrs. I hey can I go out and find him they go yes don't die I died we beat him 75 to 10 but that was my first lesson in in map coverage is absolutely incredible again your gameplay will change completely based on who you're playing with what you're doing all that stuff well that's a when you were talking about learning that it doesn't matter if they die or not they're kind of covering that area yeah that's something I learned with counter-strike as well as when you've got a guy covering a or whatever and you're over at be that guy dies it doesn't necessarily mean it's time to just abandon your post yes run over there absolutely because it may be the case that there is a kind of one-off Rainer or either way your dude was sitting there he had a good line of sight on everything like let them communicate what he saw before you just rotate yeah and that's something that it's funny how all these things that you're saying when i was playing these counter strike source for kind of shake 1.64 condition 0 yeah 10 or 15 years ago these things that don't occur to me yes yes that's it's learning how to are getting better at the process of getting better at games yeah it's funny man um and it can be you can look at it from the perspective of this brain development like most of us have been gaming since since we were we were kidding or even though gamers that are that are order than us they even gave it some say it says they were kids but it's important to remember that our brains are in a completely different place now than they were when we were 12 13 14 when we were when we had a lot more time right yeah one of the things that Stephen Stephen I talked about was this this weird place of my enthusiasm for games has not gone down but the time that I have to do has gone down compared right when you get to a Friday but your ability to get better as gone on yes exactly your brain can literally handle more things than it did five six seven years ago all right it's been it's been interesting to kind of to grow up in video game I know it has been it's been odd little things like if I again we talked about earlier if somebody goes left do I really need to go left and put four eyes on this area and sacrifice like the fact that we don't know what's going on over here or do we split off right things at a 13 year old is not gonna think about it let me just get in there let me just get in there yeah yeah there's like competitive fainty I think specifically to that point yeah I I think I probably used to compete a little more with my own team and necessary you know you're really sometimes you don't really care if you're winning or you just assume that has a high product of you doing well your team will yes like I just want to be at the top of my scoreboard yes I don't care what their scoreboard look totally different outlook and I remember what that was yeah I remember what those so no it was it I think shooters changed from me big time again as I realized my breaking handle more things but and I talked earlier about setting aside your pride and wonder I that we talked about a little while back was if I can just be the especially for me as a sniper if I can just be the guy to make the team think twice about going mid then I have done my part because the rest of the team can do their thing like it right and if you know and especially in fast-paced games like team deathmatch um causing somebody think twice in the first person shooter is significant that's like thinking twice about anything that could in any game i can cause you some kind of harm it's now you suddenly hesitated yep it's time yeah so that's when your your teammates on my right at the left or whatever chance to strike him yeah I love it it's it's something it again you go back you think about it and I was you go to sporting events especially when you're at out of high school and use like man I wish I could known this like I was my brain could have been this one up with stupid middle schoolers early in high school but now it's fun it's fun to be able to get better no matter what it is if it's College EV is battlefront battlefield it's fun to be able to go man I can do these things right yeah i think that's that's probably for me even most addictive part about any kind of games or biking or whatever it is I'm actively trying to do is is the process of you can see the progression of getting better and there's always at least that for me with games there's always a ceiling like you don't get pretty darn good yeah but you're not going to be as good as the dude who's got either way more time and more experienced yes or is a prodigy Korean bonds rose to whatever yes like is there's a ceiling but I'm not playing professionally so no I really care yeah and there's and there's a again you talk about sealing I think that's a legit that's a legit thing you know when I get on a play to win it's like pay right it's you no pickup basketball pickup soccer pick up call of duty last as this just this is how it is that's how I am um but there's always going to be a part of me that looks like that one point 0 1 KD and Saigon we'll work on that today let's go about 1.2 yeah that's the struggle especially early on in the game have not having a game for a while you got a 1.5 and you're like yes I've had a great string of games and then you can spend another hour and bring it all the way back down to one which is why tonight which is what happened to me easily so i didn't get depends on who you're playing with depends on what their goals are fun stuff yeah that's a whole other topic to is fatigue over oh yeah i like is my first game back with counter-strike I'll take months off and go back and dominate three or four to one like you know man why'd I ever stop playing this exactly oh my goodness an hour later you're like I remember why I stopped playing yeah oh it's funny man I work I work with kids and you have to watch your language around them all the time and call it duty we just thought of them is me and and some eighth grade guys we're just talking about what games call this the curse out loud and I and not necessary blogs what call duty multiplayer was that one for me because I am so competitive yeah the counter strikes always been it for me CSS especially uh-huh you meet some very colorfully language oh yeah using people and fanta fanta entertaining entertaining definitely entertaining which is the point of it all so that's I think that's pretty good opener for the first time in his things if you guys like it you guys are girls found this content interesting leave a comment below the patreon link virtual video to support the site and mostly just I think for this kind of video just contributing the discussion yeah absolutely will help us go with more ideas so thanks for watching we'll see you all next time thanks guys
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