HW News - 7nm Production, Another GTX 1050 Announced (3GB)
HW News - 7nm Production, Another GTX 1050 Announced (3GB)
welcome back to another hardware news
recap for this week we're kind of
recapping again the NVIDIA MDA
discussion that we posted previously on
the channel I'm joined by senior AMD
correspondent snowflake who I don't know
if she has anything to add this episode
but we'll also be talking about micron
ramping their JD dr6 production the GTX
1053 gigabyte card that has arrived
officially by the way and tsmc ramping 7
nanometer production before that this
video is brought to you by our limited
edition of foil anniversary shirt this
shirt commemorates our ten-year
anniversary design and is available in
foil on a high quality cotton shirt
completely custom designed for GN we're
making a limited amount of these and
then we'll never make them again so get
your pre-order in now to ensure you get
yours go to store like Aaron's Nexus net
to grab the giana foil teardown
anniversary shirt now ok ok she's not a
fan of the Nvidia news items for killing
the claim Nvidia NDA discussion and the
GTX 1050 discussion he done thank you so
first one is Gianna LT acts we're gonna
be or I'm going to be specifically at
minuses Expo on July 14th I think it is
so at Elte X I think they're doing a lot
of stuff like case tosses I think
they're doing deleting instructional
guidance and stuff like that I've
offered to assist with some kind of
booth there's an event or something like
that so anyway I'll be there if you show
up come say hi
we bring a mod mat or something like
that I'd be happy to sign it so first
first real news item and videos NDA
discussion this is just ok really you're
gonna destroy my paper and then leave
this is just further clarifying on some
comments we did that video where I
brought on a lawyer and talked about the
Nvidia NDA that got kind of big news out
of almost really seemingly nowhere so
one more point on that a lot of things I
saw the comments I saw in that video
some of them
we're about well but this NDA will
prevent GPP too from getting out in the
future if there's a GTV to the that
specific sentiment which seemed pretty
common on Reddit and elsewhere is very
incorrect because the thing is an NDA
doesn't just like it's not like it just
stops information and video would have
to give us the information
confidentially and then say this is
under NDA
so a couple of things here about GBP GBP
the original and as far as we know the
only version it wasn't briefed to the
press and so it would not be covered
under confidential information it was
not information provided by in video was
found through third parties specifically
by hard OCP and later we and others
talked to other third parties about it
so none of that would be considered
confidential information which is
defined in the NDA document it's in the
first sentence so if you have concerns
about what is confidential information
read the first sentence and then read
what apply is the whole thing as one
page and then there's a second page of
signatures so I would encourage you to
actually read the document if you're
concerned about something like that the
other thing is if there were something
truly evil like a GPB to and video
wouldn't brief us on it anyway
so even confidentially so if you're
worried about something super evil not
getting out because the press are under
NDA that's kind of a false premise more
likely it wouldn't get out because the
press wouldn't be told and maybe
eventually a third party tells us or
someone figures out something evils
going on whatever that's not covered
under confidential information
separately and I said this in the video
but I want to reiterate it here
information has a way of getting out so
if there's something really bad going on
I'm sure that it will find a way out
somehow so I wouldn't be worried about
that either
also if there was something legitimately
illegal going on there are protections
for exposing those types of pratik
practices so all this is just to say the
comments about well this NDA is going to
prevent a GP p2 from happening
no because GPP was not confidential
information it would
not be covered under an NDA it was from
a third party hopefully I've made that
clear now so that specific concern is
invalid but anyway it just honestly
seems like a lot of people didn't read
the document they just read the comments
and in comment sections on reddit and
then parotid them so seriously if you
have not read it it's a very simple NDA
it is one-page I think it's like five or
six actual paragraphs it takes a few
minutes it's not that complicated it's
not like it's not shrouded in legalese
or anything like that it's very plain
language if you've ever seen it NDA
before it shouldn't be that shocking so
I would encourage you to read it if you
have concerns next one next news item
also you can watch our discussion with a
lawyer if you're curious about his take
on it micron is rampion GDD are six
production so this is pretty big news
micron has announced that they are
commencing production of the GDD r6
memory following their g5 acts memory
they're the only vendor who made g5 X
and that means that micron becomes the
last of the big three to announce their
mass production for DDR six hynix has
been in mass production for a little bit
now Samsung as well micron will
initially be rolling out a few different
eight gigabit chips for graphics for
self-driving or automotive applications
and for networking and micron also has
plans in the future for faster 16
gigabit per second chips for reference
gddr5 runs at between 6 & 8 gigabits per
second 8 on the high end 7 on these sort
of gtx 1050 class cards and also for
reference gt-r 5x or g5 x runs between
10 and 11 gigabits per second on average
mostly on the high end and video well
entirely on the high end nvidia cards
and micron also noted that first round
of chips will be 10 12 14 gigabit per
second modules at eight gigabit for the
individual units and gd-r six will
supersede the decade-old now gddr5
memory format for graphics and also the
more recent g5x going to be better than
the new memory will offer a density
improvement up to 32 gigabytes capacity
the memory also should have a lower
operating voltage between 1.25 and 1.3 5
volts which is a
production from the g5 and g5x voltage
of 1.5 to 1.6 sometimes a bit lower
depending on the application GD r6 also
stands to offer improvements in data
rate overall and micron has successfully
overclocked one of its gta6 chips
prototypes to 20 gigabits per second
showing some range not really I probably
not stable or they chip it at that but
it's possible to overclock them pretty
high so a big improvement over gddr5
we've previously discussed pricing of GD
r 6 and we spoke with supplier sources
as close to SK Hynix
who told us at the time that we should
expect approximately a 20% increase in
BOM or bill of materials price over GG r
5 with plans to lower that to closer to
10% later so if a module costs $8
typically for one add 20% and that's G
DDR 6 next news item gtx 1053 gigabyte
cards have arrived if you needed more
graphics cards so the new graphics card
that centered the channel is still on
Pascal it's nothing new it's the GTX
hundred the 3 gigabyte which increases
coup de coeur count from 640 on the
original 1050 to 768 which is actually
exactly what the 1050 Ti uses for core
count CUDA cores if you were to call
them that we have a video on whether
that's correct nomenclature elsewhere
and that puts it closer to attendant DTI
inspects it also the boost clock is
increasing out of 1518 megahertz
recommended from Nvidia up from 1455 on
the original 1050 and significantly
higher than the 1050 TI's base and boost
although manufacturers can change those
memory speed remains 7 gigabits per
second so the only major downside or
downgrade to the 1053 gigabyte is a drop
to a 96 bit memory interface bus width
from 128 and that brings down the memory
bandwidth to 84 gigabytes per second
from 112 on both the 1050 and the 1050
Ti and there's also obviously one extra
gigabyte of memory on there up from 2 on
the original 1053 gigabyte cards are
expected to ship around $160 which is
around the original 1050 Ti aftermarket
card price which we actually did not
recommend in 1050 TI's at that price
originally but the market has changed
substantially since then cards aren't as
affordable as they should be the EVGA SC
model will be around 170
and again considering videocard price
for the last few months it's really
difficult to gauge value these days
prices change every day if everything
we're MSRP that wouldn't be a good deal
but that's not really always the case
right now so I guess look around at
other cards the 570 would be a
significant improvement over the 1050 or
TI but it's hard to find one so
alternately a low-intensity would be a
decent choice as well tsmc is next in
the news TSMC has begun producing 7
nanometre products commercially and
hopes to make 5 nanometer in 2019 or
2020 the company's technology symposium
in Taiwan directly refuted claims that 7
nanometre yield was poor leading to
higher prices and lower volume as
speculated instead TSM's he stated that
it's actually emboldened in its way for
output by 9% for 7 nanometer the company
is working on 50 taped out designs by
end of year 2018 including major design
focus on GPU AI and cryptocurrency a 6
Apple's upcoming a12 processor will also
impact TSMC 7 nanometers focus the
foundry already has a wait list of 20
customers for 7 nanometre including AMD
Nvidia bit main and Qualcomm next up
Nvidia and IBM in collaboration with
numerous other partners have helped the
u.s. usurped China as a owner of the
world's fastest supercomputer the
machine dubbed Summit has helped propel
the u.s. back to the forefront of
supercomputing and bested china's sunway
thai who light machine
Samet belong to the Department of
Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory
and consumes 5,600 square feet of space
Summit scored 120 2.3 petaflop sub
compute performance on HP L the
benchmark that top 500 uses to score
supercomputers Samet consists of 40 356
nodes or compute servers interconnected
each equipped with a pair of 22 core IBM
power 9 CPUs 6 Nvidia Tesla V 1 100 GPUs
and it consumes 15 megawatts of power
where one megawatt equals 1,000
kilowatts so 15 megawatts would put you
at 15 million watts Sierra is another
IBM built machine
represents the US and claims the number
three slot Sierra's design is similar to
that of summits overall the u.s. claims
124 of the top 500 supercomputers coming
in behind China with 206 total systems
some was conceived to research the
fields of human disease astrophysics
fusion energy and climate change and
video notes that summit is capable of 3x
ops of deep learning operations overall
not a bad way to spend 200 billion
dollars this next one's kind of
interesting Corsair has acquired al gato
the streaming cash card company courser
recently got windfall from a venture
capital firm and as such it seems like
they've expanded their budget quite a
bit so rather than make their own
streaming device and compete they just
decided to acquire al gato and they are
now widening that their focus to include
game streamers now as with most
acquisitions of course our promises that
al Qaeda will continue to operate
largely independently without much
influence or oversight from Corsair
although that never really turns out to
be the case as long as its overall
positive though having more money is
probably a good thing for the folks at
El Gato of course I didn't disclose many
details regarding the purchase such as
the price or any potential staffing
changes but they are looking to expand
al Gatos reach in terms of products for
streaming nanda prices should continue
to decline into second half of 2018 for
the next news item this is a report from
dram exchange and trend force which
suggests that the contract prices of
nande used on SSDs will continue to
decline for the second half of the year
amidst improved yield rates of current
gen and coupled with an and market
research or reaching rather a balance
between supply and demand and prices
have been descending for two consecutive
quarters now opposite of the ramp prices
almost and suppliers are expected to
postpone capacity expansion plans an
attempt to moderate the price decline
demand is expected to remain weak due to
slow growth in notebooks a lack of
specification upgrades in smartphones
and less replacement demand overall
however a looming iPhone release this
fall could influence the nan market
heavily next up gigabyte reiterated the
gpo shipment decline coming up so in
last week's Harvard news we mentioned
reports that suggest
today steep GPU decline in shipments
overall due to mining demands wreckage
and we had previous reports from JP are
on the same subject this week gigabyte
basically confirmed that the GPU market
is preparing for steep declines ahead
for the second half of 2018 with Pascal
primarily gigabyte expects their GPUs
shipments to fall 20% and second half
with ASP or average selling price to
drop by about 10 percent gigabyte and
like the other AIB partners will be
shifting focus back to the gaming market
which should be a good thing for prices
and some of that is reflected already so
speaking of that hardware sales for the
week GPU prices have actually been in
returning someone to MSRP will link a
couple of the better deals below in the
description if you want one thread
Ripper is more permanently dropped now
the 1950 X is at $750 original price was
a thousand it's a good deal just note
that thread refer to is coming out in
August and if there's a reason they're
dropping the price so much we haven't
tested thread referred to yet I don't
have it but given the improvements and
rise into or rise in plus if you prefer
over the thread rip or over the original
launch we could expect that similar
improvements would be made for thread
over to so either way though 750 is not
a bad deal if you really need one and
need a cheaper a Seuss's zenith extreme
is also down to $500 following this and
we'll link all of those on the
description below so as always thank you
for watching if you want to pick up our
limited edition shirt that I'm wearing
right now we have it on pre-order on
store doc gamers Nexus net you can grab
one there once they're all sold out
that's it we're not making any more and
go to patreon.com/scishow stops out
directly that you're watching subscribe
for more I'll see you all next time
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