this is a pretty good hardware news
recap for the last week and videos got a
new GTX 1060 sort of Ti coming out it's
actually the fourth iteration of a 1060
might be missing one in there
there have been a lot and there's
another one now and not to be outdone
AMD is really refreshing its Polaris
lion - I guess compete with Nvidia's
need to re re re re refresh its Pascal
line memory prices are expected to fall
even further so that's good news for
everyone and then Z 390 of course has
arrived so we have some information on
that Silicon Lottery has released its
bidding statistics and Backblaze has
more hard drive failure rate analysis
before that this video is brought to you
by the be quiet dark rock 4 and dark
rock Pro for CPU coolers these high-end
coolers to focus on a smarter approach
to air cooling by adding a mini fin
stack on top of the direct contact cold
plate adding small bumps to the fins for
increased service area and by using
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custom-built for high performance
cooling without too much noise the pro
is a dual Tower cooler rated for 250
watt TDP while the dark rock 4 is built
for 200 watt TDP 's learn more at the
link of the description below
so first up quick GN news item you can
go to store that gamers Nexus dotnet to
pick up our new limited edition graph
foil shirt so the last limited edition
foil shirt we did sold out within a
couple of weeks we expect this one
probably will - we have the pre-sales up
so we can figure out the distribution of
sizes everyone wants and then once
they're sold through that's it we might
have a couple left over like last time
that we can open up later but if you
want one grab it on store dÃgame is exes
dotnet earlier because they are limited
and we're not gonna make anymore once
they're sold so first major news item
here memory prices are expected to fall
even further analysts at trend force
continued to aggressively adjust their
expectations for memory pricing downward
which is really good news that we
haven't heard in a while
especially for the last quarter of this
year and into early 2019 trend force is
typically acted in its price
calculations so this is a good place to
look for some real analysis of the
potential DRAM and SSD pricing going
forward DRAM prices could
or as much as 20% year-over-year in 2019
due to weak prices and a growing
oversupply problem at least for the
manufacturers of that memory also
affecting this is the slow smartphone
shipments and sluggish notebook
shipments the latter of which is largely
a result of Intel's problems keeping up
with 14 nanometers supply and the demand
obviously because they have a 40
nanometers shortage and haven't been
able to move to ten in any meaningful
fashion so these things all contribute
to falling prices of memory which is
great for all of us this would
effectively kill the lucrative growth
cycle that's been going on for nine
consecutive quarters in the memory world
NAND is also expected to see a 25 to 30
percent price reduction coming up likely
in 2019 and that's mostly resulting from
increased production capacity from
manufacturers along with again changes
in the demand of that supply if you
haven't looked too recently take a look
at some of our SSD sale links we'll post
in the description below SSDs are really
affordable right now if you felt bad
about RAM you know at least feel good
about the SSDs so we just bought five of
the Samsung 860 evos 250 gigabytes for
$55 just to give you an idea of where
prices have fallen lately which is huge
that's a big reduction and we picked up
a couple one terabyte SSD is at 150
bucks just to use as game drives so it's
all looking good again we'll link those
below but it seems like there's finally
some price relief in all areas of the
memory segment for the enthusiast buyer
next up NVIDIA recently published
official specifications this is not a
rumor this happened and video published
real specifications for a new GTX 1060
and it's not a joke either this
indicates a move to gddr5 X for the now
fourth skew of the GTX 1060 card the GTX
1066 gigabyte card now comes in two
modern versions but it's had three since
it came out there's the eight gigabit
per second gddr5 option that's pretty
much what you get today you buy six
gigabyte gtx 960 there's the three
that's a bit cheaper and half the memory
and 10% for your SMS by which I mean I
think it's one fewer SM and now there's
the gddr5 X version and previously if
you had forgotten there was also a GTX
1069 gigabit per second gddr5 option
which the differences really amounted to
basically margin of error in testing
from eight to nine gigabit per second
memory so kind of curious to see how
much 5x actually matters here but we
also don't know if the dye has changed
yet we have to open it up and see we
don't know if it's GP 104 106 what it is
but we'll see so the FPU count will
remain the same or if you prefer the
CUDA cores cores FPU count is the same
frequency is the same at least spec
reference we're left with primarily a
memory bandwidth change and we have to
question how much that actually matters
so it's it's interesting need to see if
anybody to change the dye but overall
it's looking like another gtx 1060 from
nvidia to try and keep things I don't
know brash or something
it's kind of asked it's like sprucing up
a corpse at this point with some flowers
it's been out for a long time and grungy
gr5 acts might not really do anything
AMD though doesn't want to be outdone
here they want to show that they are
also capable of re re refreshing their
Polaris line and they've done that now
silently by releasing an rx 580 the
problem with this one and this is a
bigger problem than the 1060 with g5x
the problem because it's kind of an
upgrade problem with the grx 580 is that
the new one is the RX 580 2048 that
number might sound like it's the same
streaming processor count as the RX 570
the reason it sounds the same is because
it is it's the same the RX 570 has 2048
FP use as well and the RX 580 has
somewhere along the lines of 256 more of
them so it's like
it's an rx 580 with fewer FPS that
equates the FPU count of an Rx 570
ergo is an Rx 570 named arc 5/8 I guess
Halloween's coming up maybe AMD just
dress up a five seven day as a 580 and
ship it there are some changes though so
if you felt like this thing didn't need
to exist you should know that it's going
to be 40 megahertz faster and that's all
I'm finding on this paper that's that's
the only change especially megahertz
increase in frequency and the names
different this looks like it's going to
be a China region thing so you probably
won't see a pop up in western markets
but if you do just when you buy five 80s
from now on be careful about the FPU
count especially if it's used or rebind
from like Alibaba Aliexpress or
something like that it might be a
reduced core count product and that
would be unfortunate it's also really
weird time because there's 580 and Vega
56 or actually fairly competitive and
pricing these days now that the mining
stuff has died down so it's unfortunate
that Andy's doing this when those
products should be getting kind of hot
again for gamers the releasing one that
could be very confusing depending on
who's buying it the principal technology
stories kind of is dead at this point
that that story is is well reported on
we're back to the sprucing up a corpse
theme that I said a moment ago but AMD
responded with their own best practices
for benchmarking Rison they called it
best practices went out to some media we
got a copy of it and this document
primarily echoes the same complaints we
had so Andy's got the same issues here
of PT is testing the only reason this is
news is because it's coming from AMD
this time and AM the lists among other
things questionable memory
configurations uncontrolled thermal
testing questionable or unclear C states
and multi-core enhancement or MCE
configurations and unaddressed
motherboard settings the company also
released this information on the same
day that Intel lifted its embargo for
the 9000 series processors and likely
not by accident let's get one of those
slides up on the screen so AMD also
listed with the second version of the
Intel performance reports some more
issues citing the following items
unclear MCE settings on g3 90 suspect
memory configurations unaddressed
thermal environment disparities on
address GP assortment and performance
deltas unaddressed sample size
collection and selection methodologies
and under SZ 370 C state configuration
and this is where we we pretty much
agree with all these things so that is
specifically for the second version of
the PT report not the first one
basically again same stuff we've been
saying but it's coming from AMD noun so
that makes it a bit interesting MSI has
spoken a bit about us-china tariffs
recently with the RT X 20 series Chinese
publication pc online interviewed some
representative at msi and dug into
topics like the us-china tariff war and
RT X 20 series video cards PC online
inquired as to whether recent tariffs
will impact manufacturing cause for CPUs
and GPS in an adverse way li away deputy
general manager of msi global multimedia
business unit stated that he believed
the prices for Nvidia's RT x 20 series
cards were remain consistent as the
majority of the cards are constructed
outside of china speaking to
availability way stated that shipments
on our TX cards were tight mostly due to
production challenges the turning dye is
significantly larger and more
complicated and tsmc has reportedly had
yield issues additionally all of the RT
x cards used well over 2000 components
to produce compared to the gtx 1080 Ti
is 1,600 components according to this
msi representative silicon lottery the
famed website known for binned chips and
offering deleting services released
their history of betting success dating
back to Devil's Canyon these statistics
are especially illuminating if you are
looking to overclock you see view on the
list as it contains a voltage applied
instruction sets used during testing and
what percentage of chips are able to
obtain a certain frequency for instance
according to Silicon Lottery only 4% of
Intel's i7 87 hundred KS can hit 5.3
while 83% can achieve 5 gigahertz
98% of a.m. these 1800 X CPUs can hit
3.9 gigahertz but that number shrinks to
4.1 gigahertz there are a couple of
caveats to the list intel skylake xkb
lake and coffee lake cpus were deleted
and many more CPUs that were excluded
from the list due to low sample size for
testing and we'll link that report in
our show notes in the article in the
description below if you want to read
more about that Backblaze up next
Backblaze is an online backup service
they regularly publish failure rates and
failure data for the thousands of hard
drives that they purchase and they've
released their newest quarterly report
on hard drive failures with now ninety
seven thousand six hundred two hard
drives monitored making up the full data
in the report
according to Backblaze data growth is
expected to continue pretty much
uninterrupted here with most of that
data being stored in the cloud if we're
going to call it that and use that word
the bulk of data is still expected to
remain on spinning drives especially for
large archival data and so either
density must continue to increase or
data centres have to be built out with
something like a hundred thousand drives
for example so three terabyte and six
terabyte drives are being supplanted by
twelve terabyte hard drives as
manufacturers continue to up their
densities this is in back lasers report
and back lays also reports that the
larger drives still have a very low AFR
annualized failure rate of one point two
one percent while the overall failure
rate for quarter three is 1.71 percent
this is the lowest ever achieved or at
least monitored by Backblaze in their
reports and the checkout rates for
specific models and manufacturers you
can find the article again in our show
notes below and that's got information
on individual drives so if you're
thinking of buying one you're not really
sure how reliable it is we'll have data
and the in the description linked below
finally hardware sales for this week so
again SSDs are on crazy sales lately
actually it's time to sale it's actually
just kind of the new price at this point
so we picked up 860 Evo's and I think
850 Evo's for at 250 gigabytes for 50 to
$60 and we'll link one of those below
the one terabyte drives are also cheaper
now MSI's RX 570 armored 8 gigabyte card
at time of filming is about 160 bucks
which is pretty damn good including free
games we'll see if that laughs
and if it doesn't maybe you can buy the
RX 580 that's actually an RX v 7a
instead because apparently that's the
thing now so that's it for this one as
always subscribe for more are going to
store that game is next Annette to pick
our limited-edition Graf logo shirt
thank you to all those who have so far
and go to and exit
stop that directly thank you for
watching I'll see you all next time
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