everyone welcome back to a hardware news
video for the last week where we're
mostly focusing on deceitful and/or
confusing GPU naming from both Nvidia
and AMD like the new GT 1030 that uses
ddr4 memory and has slower clock speeds
so really spending a lot of time talking
about that one
an alleged AMD rx 500x which is not that
Elijah because they did accidentally
post it on their unofficial website and
some stuff about microns at new fabs
before that this video is brought to you
by the EVGA z10 mechanical keyboard the
EVGA z10 includes a small display
readout top and center capable of
providing hardware monitoring
information and EVGA precision
statistics the board ships with either
MX brown or MX blue switches offers a
column of programmable macro keys a
volume slider a dimmer and a detachable
wrist rest
learn more at the link in the
description below so this first news
item is about the GT 10:30 with ddr4
we've railed against Andy and NVIDIA
both in the past for this most recently
from each company AMD had their rx 560
that had fewer compute units than the
actual rx 560 that everyone reviewed at
they basically well no they literally
rebranded in our x4 60 as a 560 with
fewer ciues Nvidia had the GTX 1063
gigabyte card which is fine if it were
just three gigabytes but in actuality it
also cut 10% of its simultaneous multi
processors so we've talked about this
before but it's time to talk about it
again unfortunately just to remind
previously with the GTX 1063 gigabyte
card we had this to say about it in the
review we said it's just not a gtx 1060
it's a different product and videos
choice to name the card as such will
confuse buyers into thinking that it's
just a 1060 with half the vram which is
plainly false this is a gtx 10:50 TI a
quick side note this is before 1050 TI's
came out and NVIDIA decided not to call
it that it's a marketing play that
doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad
thing all these companies make marketing
plays but this isn't one that we can
brush aside as harmless because users
will inevitably make the incorrect
assumption that only
vram is a difference well it's happening
again this time the GT 1030 is the
subject and for this one they've made
quite a few changes one of them is
moving from gddr5 to ddr4 another one is
the clock change in base and boost clock
so couple things here it's still BGA
modules soldered to the board we're not
talking ddr4 so-dimm sticks or something
like that it's actually it's just
soldered to the board the only
difference is not gddr5 this is of
course significantly slower than gddr5
it has different Layton sees worse
latency is the new GT 1030 also has
lower clocks
it's 1151 megahertz as the new base and
1379 to 1430 as the new boost previously
these clocks were twelve twenty seven
for base and fourteen sixty eight to
fifteen eighteen megahertz for boost
pretty big difference and couple things
here you could argue that the memory
change going to ddr4 from gddr5 on a
card which is inherently restricted by
the core not necessarily the memory is
not a big deal you could argue that and
you might even be right maybe it's not a
big deal we haven't actually tested it
what's less arguable are two other
things one the clock speed change will
impact performance and two it's
irrelevant whether you can argue that
the change isn't a big deal anyway
because the product is different it
doesn't matter how that difference is
realized in performance it's not the
same product and that impacts everybody
that impacts buyers particularly at the
low end which are likely to be newcomers
to the market who look up reviews from
people like us see a GT 1030 see
performance metrics by a GT 1030
not knowing that has ddr4 and slower
clock speeds and get worse performance
that reflects poorly on us it reflects
poorly on NVIDIA it confuses the buyers
and you end up with an ecosystem that is
just really unnecessarily confusing and
potentially unintentionally or
intentionally deceitful that's a lot of
chillies in one sentence but either way
you get the point so Nvidia here and
let's let's take their GPB boats if they
value let's take that blog post face
nothing weirds going on the hard osep
story never came out we're in a universe
where GPP went up on Nvidia's blog it
was ignored because it was a company
blog and everyone really didn't know any
better well okay so if we take an videos
at version of GPP at face value and we
ignore all the extra information around
it then what we're left with is a
program which claims to clarify the
market for buyers it claims to make it
easier for a buyer to understand what
they're getting well then that's pretty
contradictory to launching a GT 1030
that has a completely different memory
subsystem it has completely different
memory it has different clock speeds the
only thing that's not different is the
core couch or the vector can--it as it
were so this is something that is
complete and utter and we find
wholly unacceptable it was unacceptable
when AMD did it with the RX 560 it was
unacceptable when nvidia did it with a
GTX 1060 3 gigabytes I had 10 percent
fewer SMS and it's unacceptable now with
the GT 1030 this is a problem it
reflects poorly on everybody in the
industry the only person who really
loses is at the face of it going to be
the consumer who buys it expecting a
different card and even if the
performance is equivalent let's just
pretend it's exactly the same it's
irrelevant the product is not the same
product so it doesn't get the same name
this is a GT 1020 not a GT 1030 it is
inherently a cheaper product to build
and should be branded as a different
product line that is cheaper to buy so
very unhappy with the GT 1030 and this
is getting to a boiling point where
we've got both AM D and Nvidia
rebranding cards into things that they
are not and they're selling them to
people who don't understand what's going
on so that's a problem that's not
something that we can accept it's not
something that we will stand by watch
it's complete and just to be
clear here again
a 100 megahertz clock swing is
measurable I can measure that difference
in performance and we will as soon as we
can find the cards and buy them so very
it's very strange behavior by Nvidia
they're in a dominating position they
don't need to do this they could launch
this product as a DT 1020 if they wanted
to and it'd still be it'd be fine I
would have ignored it completely never
hear about it from me but we also
wouldn't be bashing it because it
wouldn't be inherently deceitful whether
or not Nvidia means for it to be so
Nvidia and AMD because if any AMD
employees are watching and laughing at
your opposition getting slammed right
now I'd like to remind you that you've
done the same thing just please stop the
RX 560 using rebranded arch 4 60s with
fewer C use then were announced when the
AMD product page at launch had a
specified C account which was later
changed silently to have a an or in
there C use X or Y that's not okay it's
not okay that the GT 1030 exists either
and I want to keep doing this until it
stops which is going to be never so
expect to see this again but yeah in
other news Nvidia announced a new GT
1020 with ddr4 memory and if you'd like
to buy one we suggest that you don't
next news item AMD is preparing new GPUs
just have this discussion there's got
new GPUs this is the RX 500 x-series in
fairness putting an axe at the end is at
least a different letter
leave it they've added a character to
the name so there's some differentiation
between a and B here but earlier this
week Andy accidentally posted a new
Radeon rx 500 X category on their
official website before it's prompts
removal by the way the rx 500 x-series
is rumored to be a refresh
unsurprisingly on Polaris the rx 500
series which was a refresh on Polaris
the RX 400h and so it's a it's a refresh
and that as a refresher of history of
refresh is the RX 585 70 and so forth
we're basically pre overclocked 400
series cards with a more mature process
they could handle slightly higher
frequencies they were also given lifted
voltage limits in overclocking tools so
as an overclocker you could increase the
voltage on the card so you could
overclock past the pre overclock so at
the end of the day you ended up with
actually a pretty decent product
although very power hungry for something
like an RX 580 even compared to an arts
for 8 the nature of drawing or pushing
more clocks at a higher voltage is that
it draws more power but it was pretty
competitive so now what it looks like is
happening there's an rx 500 X which is a
refresh and that's probably going to be
shaping up similarly we're expecting a 5
to 6 percent improvement in performance
over all tweak Townsend Anthony Gore
ephah has indicated that sources have
told him 5 to 6 percent which was
consistent with what we would expect
from a pre overclocked rx 580 which is a
pre overclocked rx 480 so it's it's a
pre over overclock basically and that
number makes sense 5 to 6 percent if it
comes out which it probably will power
consumption almost certainly will be
higher as you'd expect and the only
other change maybe they go with 9
gigabit per second gddr5 because it does
but at the memory prices today doesn't
make a lot of sense so we'd expect gddr5
at 8 gigabits per second max for these
cards and no other major changes except
for the clocks and the 500 T's does a
partner only launch so it's reasonable
to suspect that the 500x series is
probably a partner only launch and no
reference cards will be made but we'll
see probably no reference cards should
be made because if they're overclocking
the pre overclocked card it's gonna be a
bit much for that reference cooler to
handle so yeah in the very least there's
a letter on the end so I'm not gonna get
as mad as with the GT 1030 but it's
still kind of silly next one micron is
building that new 3d NAND fabs for 2020
so there's a news item I don't have to
be enraged that micron has broken
found on the expansion of their
Singapore campus and this is with the
intent of mass production of 3d net
which is used for things like SSDs so
known as phase three because the campus
has already begun the expansion process
previously twice actually construction
is scheduled to be completed by quarter
2 of 2019 not far from now actually and
wafers are coming off the lines in
quarter 4 of 2019 as well so volume and
mass production expected on tap for 2020
maybe the memory prices will change at
that time we'll see next n core v1 as a
Kickstarter page now direct I cooling
for LGA 1151 on this thing the N core
view on is a somewhat unique water block
designed for deleted LGA 1151 socket
CPUs interestingly the N core v1 excuse
the IHS and drops in on top of the die
without a frame in the past a frame has
been required to mitigate the risk of
cracking the die under the stress of
mounting pressure in the absence of an
IHS for non-believers there's a version
of the M core v1 that comes with a
floating frame offering a more
traditional mounting experience
additionally the N core v1 is available
with a d-lighting tool compatible with
LGA 1151 socket based chips the N core
v1 also touts adjustable water flow with
water flowing up to 20 times closer to
the CPU package based on their
Kickstarter page and kickstart videos
things like that I don't know if we'll
review this one we do have their Bowers
direct diaphragm which is a different
product but we'll get around to that
once we have a production version of it
right now just pre-production might
visit this one if there's enough
interest in it and then finally the next
major news item here Apple plans to
replace Intel CPUs with their own ships
in 2020 this is a recent report from
Bloomberg which suggests that Apple is
intending to unload Intel as their cpu
provider for Mac computers and
suggesting that they will be going with
an in-house design within the next 2
Apple sought a partnership with Intel
back in 2006 however Apple has been
making moves to shed outside providers
completely in what is ostensibly an
ambition to control every single aspect
of their device
aces and Happel also dumped both
Qualcomm and imagination technologies
who are now struggling quite a bit to
design and implement their own silicon
for iPhones perhaps it was only a matter
of time before Apple wanted custom
solutions for all of their products and
according to Bloomberg Apple represents
roughly 5% of Intel's annual revenue and
Intel stock prices fell 9.2 percent once
the report broke
I've presents a big chunk of revenue so
if they lose out on that it's going to
be a big deal it remains to be seen
whether Andy will have some sort of semi
custom solution as they've been
marketing to a lot of vendors lately
including Intel for future Apple
products but the rumors indicate that
Apple wants to take control of this and
do it in the house so I think that's it
for this week's news recap any
additional items would be bad for blood
pressure so we'll cap it there but I do
really want to leave you with the GT
1030 and other rebranded products
stories like the previous 560 that we
talked about or 550 whatever it was if
we could just not buy those that'd be
good I think that would pretty much send
the message that I want to be sent so if
you see them hard pass that's it for
this time makes for watching subscribe
for more go to patreon.com/scishow
selling because I keep making
manufacturers mad so you can go there
and help us out go to store that gamers
nexus net to pick up one of our new mod
mats which has the new matte black
background and we realized also it's got
some more traction to it as a result so
pretty cool for modding stuff thanks for
watching I'll see you all next time
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