Hades Canyon VRM Analysis + Tutorial on Buildzoid's Videos
Hades Canyon VRM Analysis + Tutorial on Buildzoid's Videos
hey guys builds lloyd from actually
hardcore overclocking here and today
we're gonna be taking a look at the
Intel nook the Hades Canyon one so this
has the KB like CPU and the Vega M GPU
along with one stack of HP m2 it does
technically support overclocking it's
not particularly overclockable because
it's horrific Lee thermally limited and
just really the this is basically a
laptop without a screen and keyboard
more than a sort of desktop PC and it's
also over lit like really complicated in
terms of how much power circuitry is on
here so instead of doing the usual PCB
breakdown where we talk about the
various power capabilities of the
various regulators on here and if that's
good enough for overclocking or not
which is in this scenario completely
irrelevant we're just gonna be taking a
look at well I'm just gonna sort of walk
you through the kind of process that I
go through for doing a PCB breakdown
video before that this video is brought
to you by thermal takes view 37 case the
view 37 focuses on highlighting custom
PC builds with its full panoramic window
and tinted front acrylic and our thermal
testing the view 37 performed reasonably
well when considering its looks focused
build which is partly thanks to the
airflow design and the removal of a
bottom power supply shroud for a balance
of looks and performance check the link
in the description below for the view 37
so here the first thing we got to do is
identify sort of the different voltages
that this thing needs to run and that's
not very difficult so we have a KB like
CPU on here and we have a Vega GPU I
only have an HP m2 stack and we have
some ddr4 and we have a chipset and
these are these are like the big power
hog devices obviously there's more stuff
on here than that and actually we're not
even gonna list all of the like the the
KB like CPU and the Vega and even the HB
m2 and the ddr4 like all of these have
more voltages than what I'm gonna list
but all of the ones that I'm not listing
are very very low power rails that
like the device won't work without it
they're not super mission-critical and
they don't really affect overclocking
that much cutting costs on those doesn't
really make sense when you have a lot of
other stuff that could be like that
that's more expensive to do anyway so
let's go over the different voltages
that these need the KB like CPU needs a
v core and it needs a V GPU which we'll
call VG t cuz that's what Intel calls it
there's gonna be a VC CSA for the system
agent so that's things like the PCIe and
the DMI link and actually the DMI has
its own voltage but again that one's on
a not a buck converter that like the
link itself has its own voltage the
system agent has another voltage as well
and then you have the i/o which is kind
of the like the memory controller and
part of the system agent as well like
these these two are kinda these are very
very heavily connected the both of them
have an impact on memory overclocking
again kinda relevant here but they do
get their own buck converters generally
speaking now the Vega GPU that has a v
core and it has a VDD CI and it doesn't
actually well there's some more rails
but those are all like very very minor
so we're not gonna go over those HBM -
you've got a VH BM so the actual voltage
that the HBM runs on and we're like it's
not actually referred to as vh BM like
there's a different term for it but it's
easier to keep track of here so we'll
just call it V H BM and then it's got a
VPP rail and this may or may not be on a
buck converter or at least may or may
not be on a buck converter we can
actually find I'm not sure like this
this thing is very low-power even
compared to like the actual main like
this is the main rail and this this
thing is even smaller than that the ddr4
is gonna have a V DD v DD q rail so
that's that's what a lot of motherboards
would call memory
or VD RAM or VDD R or V damn you know
lots and lots of names but the official
term is VDD Q and actually you know what
I prefer V dim or VDD are that just
makes more sense like it's just neither
easier to keep track of and then that
also has a VPP except this one sits at
2.5 volts whereas the one for HP m sit
in two sits at 1.8 volts so you do
actually the intended kated voltage
regulators for each of those and the PCH
I've cleverly put over the okay we're
just going to move that PCH will have V
PCH and that should just be 1.0 5 volts
and actually it might not right 4 KB
like it actually might be 1 volt I might
be remembering an older Intel chipset
for 1.05 X 99 is 1.05 and its
predecessor too so yeah that KB like I'm
not sure I've not checked with the
chipset voltages on those but it should
be around 1 volts as well so yeah and
that'll be on a buck converter as well
because that's actually a pretty pretty
significant amount of current that that
needs so that covers the various
voltages this this board needs to
somehow produce because without those
voltages this this isn't even turning on
so let's look at this the first thing I
see is controllers and then this thing
is like I have no idea but we'll get
well initially this is a big question
mark so I already know what's on this
board but so I'm kind of cheating the
first thing is the voltage controllers
now these are super convenient this is
an international rectifier 35 67 and how
do I know that well if you look at the
chip it says IR which is that's
international rectifier now Infineon
that's their logo and then it says three
five six seven B so that that's the chip
work that that's the chip we're looking
for here and this is a six plus two
phase voltage controller very very
popular on AMD GPUs in fact I'm 99%
certain that well no this chip it
actually entirely exists for AMD GPUs
there's a three five six seven
a which is basically a three five six
seven B except it has a different power
management standard implemented for it
so yeah this thing this thing is AMD GPU
specific it's never been used for
anything else so how much you want to
bet that this makes beat core for Vega
so that's probably V chord G which did I
do that let's just put a G on there for
convenience because we have a different
vehicle for the CPU as well so that's
gonna be our V chord G there and that is
a six plus two and well it's actually
kind of easy to see that's kind of what
it's doing so we have one two three four
five inductors here that are all the
same then we have this inductor over
here but this one's not hanging off of
the three five six seven be because this
chip behind it is a that looks well
that's a I know that logo that's an Peck
electronics which means that's an a
that's a P that's a W and I know that
because that's a series of chips they
make so that's an AP W and I'd say well
that I don't know that looks like either
an eight or a six seven one four so
we're just gonna say six or eight seven
one four and this is a integrated buck
converter of some kind so this is gonna
be a high side wall so at low side
MOSFET driver and control circuitry all
in one chip
AMD likes using these but here it might
actually be powering the chipset because
this this is like I like you can use it
for a lot of things like the it's not
until it's not particularly intelligent
it's generally used for fixed voltage
rails so it'd be perfect for doing
something like powering the chipset or
providing VPP so you know it can sort of
do those too it's going to be doing one
of those and
well it could also because don't forget
the Vega core has VD DCI it could also
be may be doing VD DCI though generally
speaking v VL I don't know about HBM
cards so don't measured it so can't rule
out that it's VD DCI and we get this
inductor up here which is also different
but this one is actually hooked up to
the three five six seven B and we know
that because of this chip right here you
see these right all of these look a lot
like a well very specific driver chip
these look a lot like that looks a lot
like eight five ten on there I mean that
last number looks kind of like a nine
but I'm not aware of a eight five not
eight five one nine so I'm just gonna
for now for now I'm gonna go with this
being an eight five ten and that is a
CHL chip and CHL is a sub-brand or well
sub company of international rectifier
so that is controlled by that so is this
and so is that and since this chip looks
exactly the same as all of these well
that too is gonna be hanging off of the
three five six seven B so that means
what we're looking at here is a 1 2 3 4
5 plus one cuz yeah so the core plus
something cuz I don't know what that
actually is it could be that this is
either gonna be V HBM or it's gonna be
the HBM or it's gonna be VDD see out one
of those two it can't be like it's
definitely not VPP because this is way
too big for the VPP rail but it could be
either V HBM or VD DCI since those might
be just about the same current output
both so yeah that does make that one
kind of difficult and I don't know which
one it is but that's a 5 plus 1 phase
configuration right there because that's
a single phase and this is 5 and the IR
3 5 6 7 B has
problems supporting that so that still
leaves the question of well what's this
and that and if I had the board in hand
then that would literally just be a
matter of measuring stuff with a
multimeter and that would very quickly
while it's running and I would very
quickly clear up any you know questions
about what which of these actually does
what now the MOSFETs used well I think
you can read that I'm not sure how it'll
deal with YouTube's compression but well
there's this same chip elsewhere on this
board and it looks much neater so this
one right here you can clearly see
that's a six that's a nine that's a nine
that's a two and then there's this
lovely scribble next to that and that
scribble is supposed to be an A which
the means this is an Alpha and Omega
semiconductor chip and I know that
because I've seen this logo before I
hate this logo it was like this took me
several hours to figure out who this
belongs to
because you can't like you can't even
Google reverse image you search this
thing it's really annoying because the
manufacturers like logo for their own
like company is actually very different
from what they put on their MOSFETs so
that's great isn't it
but we can like so it's made by Alpha
and Omega semiconductor it's a 69 92 and
I can also tell you that it's a dual end
FET and I can tell you it's a dual end
FET because I don't see any high like
there's no there's no two MOSFETs right
each of these phases requires a high
side and a low side MOSFET except we get
one big chip which means that chips
gotta have both both the high side law
and low side MOSFET in it because even
if we go to the other side of the board
we can see that there's not it like
there's not really that many MOSFETs
here because there are some boards out
there where they'll put like the high
side MOSFET on the front and then a low
side on the front and then another low
side on the back or one like high side
on the back or and then low side on the
front or just low side MOSFET gets the
heatsink because that one runs halt
but basically
a lot of boards like you might see that
they actually put the MOSFETs on
different sides but we can clearly see
that's not what's going on here and you
do only get one chip for each phase so
these chips have to be dual and fats so
that solves what those are and well at
this point it's I guess it's as good as
any point to tell you what kind of
current capabilities have these have so
I've looked up the datasheet for these
they are Alpha and Omega semiconductor
they do exist they are dual and FETs and
for 1.2 volts output and I don't know
how much power this means so I'm just
gonna fire off a few different like
current levels for 10 amps so 1.2 volts
output 10 volts drive 10 vgs which is
gate to source voltage 300 kilohertz
switching frequency cuz that's sort of
the happy medium for power efficiency
and regulator and ripples of and like
good ripple tolerance these are going to
be looking at 10 amps at 0.9 watts heat
output for the chip 20 amps at 2.7 watts
is kind of getting toasty 30 amps if you
have enough cooling you can still run
this totally but I'm kind of starting to
suspect like well we'll get to that
later and then 40 amps you're gonna be
looking at 9.2 watts
so basically past this point now that's
not gonna work but they would be viable
up to the 2025 amp mark if you have
enough cooling which let's address that
at this point you notice how this vrm is
kind of like it if you've noticed how
like mother normal motherboards and like
GPUs are usually laid out then you
should have noticed that normally the
inductor is closer to the thing the vrm
is powering than the mosfet and the
reason is really simple because you're
gonna have high voltage on this side
right and then the wire well the wiring
basically looks something like this
you're gonna have a high voltage there
and I don't know what voltage that
unlike a desktop computer it would
normally be 12 volts but this is a nook
it may well be 20 I have no idea oh and
I'm assuming that conversion is 12 volts
to 2 volts so yeah but anyway you're
gonna have a high voltage on one side
and then that's gonna go into the
inductor and that is how it would end up
float like that's your current flow for
the board layout we have here and the
reason Intel has gone with this because
obviously this this is suboptimal but
the reason why they've done this is
because the heatsink that is in the nook
covers all of these MOSFETs and actually
I think it goes roughly like I don't
have a pic like I don't have a picture
of the heatsink on its own so I can't
show you basically the heatsink covers
this entire area so these MOSFETs are
cooled by the same heatsink assembly
that cools the CPU and the GPU so that's
why this gets the funky layout because
if if the well if these were switched
around you'd have to have a heatsink
which has like a cutout for the for the
inductors and that like that makes the
heatsink more complex to manufacture
which makes it more expensive and well
nobody wants to do that is just cheaper
to do a oddball vrm layout and that's in
our in this scenario especially because
here it's like the this doesn't need to
be you know some super high performance
like the this vrm basically just needs
to not overheat and stay within
tolerances wear a cape be like quad-core
at basically stock settings so it's not
like they're concerned about building
the best voltage regulator ever they
just need a voltage regulator that fits
in here and is easy enough to cool so
that's why this gets them messed up
layout now then let's keep going so we
have more inductors over here we have
one two three four five but so this may
well be a five phase this inductor is
not part of that group because that r-47
means this is a 40 like that or forty
seven tells you that the inductance so
all of these are a hundred and fifty
nano Henry's
while this one is 479 Oh Henry's and you
don't like technically speaking it would
probably be physical to design a buck
converter that can run mixed mixed
inductor like mixed inductances but
generally speaking if you want something
like you know off-the-shelf and normally
functional all of your inductors in a in
a multi-phase setup are going to be the
same value so this is its own little
single-phase here and we have a voltage
controller right here and this one's
really again easy enough to read so this
is a inter sale as it says Intersil on
that's an ISL chip and that's gonna be a
nine five eight to nine and so initially
if you didn't have a datasheet for this
you you can tell this is a single phase
and this looks like a five phase but
that causes some issues of well okay so
so recore is like this this is big this
is like medium and this is small and
this is smaller in terms of pad like in
terms of current draw requirements and
well if this is if this is a five plus
one then well that would have to be GPU
power and then but that doesn't really
like the layout stops kind of making
sense because you'd have VCC i/o and VCC
si somewhere in this area which is kind
of far away I did find it on 2g key and
digi-key lists this as a three plus two
plus one so yeah I still don't know how
that's actually split up like it could
be like that it could be like this I
don't think they'd put the phases in
between each other just because that
would make routing the power planes a
nightmare so but I'm not sure how this
is split into the 3 + 2 + 1
configuration but because we know that
like 3 + 2 so that's gonna be you know
vgt that's gonna be the GPU portion
that's going to be your V core
and this right here is gonna be almost
certainly which I've run out of space
that plus one is gonna be system agent
let's just put VSA under it there that's
that's gonna be your system agent
voltage so that plus one is this thing
right here and how do we know it's this
thing well look at these driver chips
they're all the same and so naturally
that means all of these drivers are
gonna be hooked up to the same well okay
now if you had two voltage controllers
from the same brand on the same PCB than
that this would be a terrible assumption
to make but there's no other inter-cell
multi-phase like you know PWM based PWM
output voltage regulator on here so it's
safe to assume that since all of these
are the same driver they all belong to
the same chip so that's why the so this
is gonna be system agent and then some
combination of this is gonna be like VCC
is going to be the GPU power and the V
Corps so yeah this does have a three
phase V core and considering the current
capabilities of these MOSFETs that's not
really great is it
well considering the stock like you know
if you replace the cooling system on
this then shared though then then it's a
problem but stock you can barely cool
anything over like if the CPU starts
kicking off much more than like a
hundred watts is gonna be uncool Abul so
I don't really find the three-phase a
big problem because the CPU is gonna
overheat before the MOSFETs start
getting into serious issues so yeah now
if you did swap out the cooling system
and just completely defeated the entire
purpose of the Knux form factor this vrm
is in is inadequate you the problem like
you would probably end up overloading it
if you really really pushed it unless
you put like some giant heatsink on it
and a lot of airflow
anyway moving on now we're stuck in this
area of the board and we've pretty much
so we've covered V core we've covered in
GPU we've covered the road
si si si we've covered that voltage and
we've not covered the the chipset which
I have a sneaking suspicion the chipset
power might be this thing right here
which I don't know like this kinda looks
like it could be an act like that kinda
looks like it could be from alpha anyway
this might be chipset power it is far
away but there's the problem is anything
near the GPU should like I think the GPU
would take priority for anything near it
and there is actually something kinda in
this area like you have this voltage
regulator up here which we can see
that's the same an Peck chip as before
so that's another one of those AP W and
actually this one looks like that is
actually a straight ups eight and I know
for a fact that it is an eight so that's
an eight seven one four because I've
already tried to look it up it's not a
six seven one four but just you know
illustrating the issue of like I don't
even sometimes know the specific model
number until I try to go look it up and
one of them doesn't exist and if both of
them exist then I have a problem that's
when I go tell Steve that I need more
photos closer up of various things but
that that's that's another one of these
you know fully integrated buck
converters and that honestly looks like
again it's just going to the GPU portion
here or I'm yeah it does look like it's
going to the GPU portion because you do
have like that inductor seems to be
dumping like seems to be connected into
this power plane yeah I'm gonna go with
this power plane and well that that's
probably the GPU on the other side of
all of these bypass capacitors so this
is probably for the GPU which means they
can't power the chipset and that would
leave the chips out of hanging off of
this because this is definitely not
going to be pushing power all the way
over there
but yeah I'm not entirely sure this
could also be for powering something
completely different without the board
it's actually kind of impossible to tell
so that this one this one annoys me but
yeah the the best I can do in the with
what I have here and moving on to this
area now this area is a mess so first of
all this chip right here is big it's
easily legible and that is a TP s six
five zero eight three zero TPS that is a
Texas Instruments model like that's a
Texas Instruments prefix for a model
number let's call it that and so I did
actually manage to look this thing up
it's not hard to look up you just go to
Texas Instruments website and you throw
the model number into their search bar
and this thing is crazy okay but before
we get into that we do have what looks
like one like we do seem to have a
single phase right here
another single phase right here and
another single phase right here and
another single phase right here and
based on how these are all laid out I'm
gonna work with the assump I'm gonna you
know assume that this thing is a one
plus one plus one plus one and turns out
that's actually correct this thing is a
crazy super integrated voltage regulator
extraordinaire it's meant for old
trouble book and like mobile like ultra
mobile applications so fitting for it
for it to be found in a nook and it does
ink it does in it integrates for buck
converter drives so actually you'll
notice that there's no like like say the
ISL nine five eight to nine right you
have these drive chips and the three
five six seven B has these drive chips
well we don't have any of those chips
here right like there's nothing before
these MOSFETs and but what you will
notice if you look at the PCB and this
doesn't always work because sometimes
you can't even see the traces but these
traces going from that chip to these
fad like real like this is really fat if
this was just a pwm line it would not
need to be that thick so these are
actually straight-up drive lines which
is correct
so this directly drives all of its own
MOSFETs but it also integrates you see
this cute little inductor over here that
thing is there there's an integrated
buck converter in this but wait there's
more there's also three low dropout
regulators in it so yeah this thing just
does so many voltages and it just yeah
it's really mental ultra ultra portable
applications which we're you know any
amount of like the more you integrate
stuff into one chip the less space it
takes up so the better
so yeah this thing is this thing really
surprised me that that thing's
impressive and we do have this loose
MOSFET right here but I'm not entirely
sure what that's for
it kind of looks like it goes to ground
and I'm basing that off of the fact that
these capacitors are hooked into what I
assume is a power plane because these
capacitors are you know - there's + here
there's probably + there and that means
that's probably ground this MOSFET is
going from plus to ground I'm not really
sure what's like what that the purpose
of that is it might be - well no because
if they wanted to just discharge the
capacitors they could have a bleed
resistor hmm ya know 100 percent certain
why that's necessary and up here we have
- well we have two of those buck
converters for that and yeah that pretty
much covers it and actually the only
thing I haven't covered is what is this
little MOSFET which is used a lot it's
also up here as well as in you know all
of these and all right I forgot - well
okay so the this TPS six five zero eight
three zero right with its four four
full-size block converters and one
little one well I know for a fact that
this little one can't
possibly do vc cio because vc cio by
intel specification maxes out of 5.5
amps and this mini buck converter
respect at a maximum of two so this is
just not gonna work so I think one of
these bigger ones is gonna be VC cio and
it's probably this one because it's
closer to the CPU it just doesn't make
sense to pull power all the way like
that when you could just pull the power
like that right
this I'm gonna suspect is VDD Q while
VDD R so that's probably the the main
power line for the memory sticks this
looks like a stupid amount of overkill
for that because ddr4 memory really
doesn't pull that much power but it does
pull more power than VC well it can it
really shouldn't in this like in the
Nook it really shouldn't use more than
a VC C IO but it could so I'm not gonna
rule it out again kind of like which one
which one is which I'm not entirely sure
one of these is good has got to be the
VPP for the ddr4 actually this the mini
integrated one could do that I guess it
could also do vega's VDD CI or the VPP
for the HBM or actually HP empower the
thing is like all of these are like far
away from all of the big power-hungry
components so it makes these an absolute
pain to place in terms of what they do
but you know with all of these right
here everything is basically covered the
main problem is I still don't know which
which vrm does what and I did mention
that I would point out this MOSFET right
here that is a you can actually read it
off of the packaging that is AZ 340 and
don't ask me how but apparently some
time in the past I've seen a PCB where
there was a chip with a Z something
something something
name and it turns out that I remember
that those belong to vishay that's a
vishay part number because if you throw
this into google it might just come up
with a car though I don't yeah it might
really won't come up with a MOSFET you'd
probably have to go like you know Z 340
dual and fat and we know this is another
one of these dual and FETs because well
there's one of these chips in each phase
so but my life is even easier because I
already know that this belongs to vishay
on the basis that it has a Z in its name
and these are like well the these are
obviously less power than these because
they're smaller and they're also used
for all the really look like lower power
rails here so these for the same you
know same configuration as the AOS 6992
these have completely different current
handling capabilities so for 10 amps
well actually now let's start at 5 so 5
amps it'll produce about 0.4 watts of
heat 10 amps it'll produce about 1.25
watts of heat at 15 amps it produces 2.5
5 watts of heat and at 20 amps it'll
produce about 4.3 watts of heat these
are like these are small there is no
ATLA there's not really there's gonna be
air flow over them but not really any
active cooling these are probably only
good in the Nook I'm gonna assume that
they're probably they're probably loaded
between 5 and 10 amps output and
realistically I think you wouldn't
really want to push them much past the
10 amps because if you go past that they
they get very hot very quick but yeah I
don't know like I don't think they're
inadequate because again you can't
really overclock this that much so that
covers the Nook and kinda the the
process I go through for PCB oh right
there's this MOSFET that I don't know
what it's like
same situation as that other one you
know this one down here which
incidentally I do know who these belong
to that that part number that's RA 18
and if I'm not mistaken that's vishay
again because that's it yeah that is
vishay that's vishay again so yeah and
that's a Sarah 18 MOSFET and you can
just go to their site and it'll come up
with that but I have no idea what these
are for cuz again the well actually I
can't even tell what this one is wired
up to or how so yeah but that other one
looks like it just pulls a voltage to
ground which is kinda like I've seen
that done on boards but I'm not sure
what the the purpose is for it I don't
think it's used for just discharging
capacitors because they I you could just
use a resistor for that I think unless
there's some critical timings that you
like requirement for something or it
needs to be done very quickly anyway
that does cover everything on the NOC I
don't know it if to tell you that this
is a great PCV or not a great PC because
honestly I don't know how much power you
can push into this before
it just completely becomes uncool Abul
but this is kind of the process I go
through for ID everything on a board I
basically just look at things uh-huh and
then and then google them so is really
not that like you know rocket science II
but well there are some equations that I
like there's equations that you can use
to calculate all the the heat
dissipation for different current levels
for the MOSFETs but other than that it's
it's very much just start with a very
high resolution image and look at all
the part numbers so yeah I ideally I'd
have the damn thing in hand and then
actually be able to measure things but
you know for GPUs that I don't have the
problem of there's five different
there's four different voltage
regulators here of the same sort of
power level
which unlike a GPU there's gonna be like
one of like there's gonna be one of any
given power capability so I don't really
need to wonder about why there's four of
the same thing and what each of those
four does so yeah anyway that's it for
the video thank you for watching like
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that's it for the video thanks for
watching and good bye
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